Harpy ~ The Chase

Story by Fellick on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales From a Love Spring

Garrett felt foolish now, he shouldn't have let the men in the village taunt him into this. He also knew that he shouldn't have drank so much last night. His head was pounding and he felt dehydrated. Of course he had taken their challenge, they had affronted his manhood. So here he was deep in the woods after a hard night of drinking searching for a harpy. A foolish idea in a normal frame of mind and a recipe for disaster for someone with as big a headache as he did. There are three things everyone knows about harpies: they are dirty, loud, and crass. His challenge was to pluck a tail-feather from one of the ornery beasts. He should just give up, head back to the village, pay his bar tab and... be shamed out of town? Some of the resolve he had the previous bolstered him. He couldn't let these yokels have one up on him.

Garrett turned his attention back to the scene in front of him. He had encountered one of the birds earlier in the day, he had heard the shrill screech off in the distance and simply followed the sound. The harpy had been sitting in a dirty pile of garbage and sticks, that Garrett assumed was what it considered a home. The half-human was facing away from him, attempting to sing a song. Garrett couldn't tell what about since it consisted of nothing he recognized as words. She was slightly shorter than what Garrett would consider normal female height, however that could be due to the curvature of the bird legs. He was having a hard time deciding both what color her skin and feathers were. The feathers were a generic gray. Her upper, human, torso was bare and splattered with mud and worse. Instead of arms she had wings consisting of the same gray feathers. She had long unwashed hair that strung greasily down her back. While Garrett crouched there he saw the harpy defecate into the nest. Stifling back a gag reflex, Garrett attempted to move forward towards the nest. He wasn't sure how he was going to get the feather, from here he could see the wicked looking claws on the end of her feet. Not only were they long and jagged, but who knew what diseases they carried.

Abruptly the harpy stopped singing and Garrett slowed to a standstill. He was still hidden by the underbrush, so he knew she couldn't have seen him yet, but he was concerned that even with a human head the creature might have bird-like hearing. Without any warning the bird-creature took to wing and started to fly off deeper into the woods. Garrett had to hurry to keep up with the harpy. It appeared to be looking for something, it would fly for a little while and then rest on a convenient branch for a bit, intent on something. This seemed to work in the his favor, if she had just flown on he wouldn't have been able to keep up with her, let alone be sneaky about it.

This game of cat and mouse continued on for some time, until the harpy broke out of the woods into a clearing and settled down next to a pond. The clearing was fairly large with most of the trees pushed back from the edge of the spring. The water's edge looked to be clearcut, but Garrett saw that there were no stumps or signs that anyone had ever set foot here. The pond consisted of two rocks, where the water was bubbling up and a roughly circular shape. The water itself was crystal clear and apart from the small ripples that the underwater fountain made on the surface it was utterly clean of any imperfections. Not even a single leaf marred it's surface. From his hiding position Garrett could see that it was deep enough that he couldn't see the bottom from this angle.

Garrett was considering his options when the harpy took a deep breath and uttered the longest stream of curses he had ever heard. Apparently the beast could speak his language. The harpy obviously knew he was there, when she had figured it out, Garrett was unsure. Feeling the pressure to act, before the bird decides to just off and leave, Garrett picked up a small stone. Taking careful aim, Garrett stepped out from his hiding spot behind a tree and threw the stone. It struck true, apparently the harpy had better hearing than sight, because it started dumbly at the projectile with no attempt to dodge. The stone struck her with a loud crack and the bird plunge forward, head over heels, into the water. Garrett's pleasure at a well tossed missile slowly turned to dismay, the bird wasn't emerging from the water. He had hoped that a quick dunking would loosen up the necessary feather and then scare the bird off. That didn't appear to be the case. Cursing his luck, Garrett stripped off his clothes as he ran to the edge of the pond and dove in after the creature. He might be an idiot and a drunk at times, but he was no murderer... if you could murder beasts such as this.

The water felt cold on his skin, but not unpleasantly so. He swam after the harpy as it drifted down to the bottom of the lake in a cloud of murky dirt, bubbles slowly emerging from her lips. He reached her just as she hit the bottom, he was having trouble seeing her through all the mud in the water, but there appeared to be no more bubbles. He had to hurry. He grabbed her by the armpits and swam for the surface. Garrett could feel his own lungs beginning to burst, he wasn't the best of swimmers and this was the first time he had tried to carry anyone else. With scant feet to go his lungs couldn't take anymore and he took a big gulp of water. Now choking, Garrett broke the surface with the harpy in tow. It was all he could do to get to an edge of the water before he collapsed in a fit of coughing. Hacking up water that had gone down the wrong pipe.

As soon as he had most of his coughing under control he hauled himself and the bird out of the water. From what he could see she wasn't breathing. He lay her on her back and tilted her head to the side and pressed on her stomach. In an almost comical manner, the water dibbled from her mouth and soon she was coughing on her own.

Garrett sat back, urgency abated. The harpy was still unconscious, but breathing now, so he wasn't worried. Now that he was closer, he could get a much better look at the creature. The dip in the water had done wonders for it. It's feathers were an off-white color, which at her waist transformed into a dusky dark skin color, further darkened by a lifetime in the sun. In a fit of modesty his eyes skipped her torso and he took in her face. It wasn't that homely of a face at that, now that the dirt and scum was gone. More shocking was the creature's hair, which wasn't hair at all, but more off-white feathers, these ones were much longer and thinner than the ones on the wings or legs.

Garrett went to the water's edge and had a drink, surprisingly little of the water he had choked on earlier had made it into his stomach and he was still quite thirsty. This abated he returned and sat there for a while drying, watching the sky in an attempt to avoid what he secretly wanted to see. He rationalized with himself, it wasn't like it was a real girl anyway, but some beast from the forest. He glanced down at the harpy's breasts and immediately felt himself harden. The creature had surprisingly large breasts, with the most intriguing brown nipples. No novice to the bedroom, the areolas on the harpy were easily the largest he had ever seen as well, almost twice the size of some of the girls he had previously had. He simply couldn't resist and reached out a hand to cup one of the harpy's breasts. It was a soft and warm as any true woman and responded to his touch. Slowly the nipples poked themselves erect. Garrett was further amazed as each nipple was now at least an inch long, rock hard.

Thoroughly aroused now and with an unresisting subject, Garrett decided to try his luck and answer an age old question of "how it worked." He knelt between the legs of the harpy and spread them wide. From this vantage all he could see were layers of the white feathers. He reached his hands in. The feathers were soft to the touch and marginally greasy, he assumed this was from the previous grime that had coated the creature, with only a single bath, of course there would be some remaining filth. It was at a manageable level and he continued. He pushed aside the outer layer of feathers and found a second layer, a darker black color consisting of the same size feathers the "hair" was made from. Undeterred, Garrett quested deeper he found was he was looking for, underneath all the other feathers was a slit in the skin, he pulled the slit and open and was rewarded with the pink insides he was used to. The only difference, apart from the feathers was an enormous clitoris, protruding far from it's hood it resembled the erect nipples further up. Unable to stop himself, Garrett flicked the knob and the Harpy gave a gasp and immediately Garrett felt juices flowing around his hand. He was entranced by the orifice to the point he didn't notice the bird give a groggy sigh and open it's eyes. She looked down at the sensation in her crotch and gave a birdlike squawk, Garrett jumped up and the harpy took to the sky. It flew over to the rocks, were it had perched earlier, wary. Garrett assumed it was looking for more rocks that felled it earlier before it tried to escape.

Without taking her eyes off of him the harpy hopped down off the rock and leaned down to the water to take a drink. It was thirsty, she had thrown up a fair amount of fluid earlier when he pumped her belly and now she drank her fill. It stood up, wings spread, ready to take flight when it seemed to notice Garrett's continuing erection for the first time. Her eyes widened and she took an unconscious hop forward, almost falling back into the water. He remembered that the harpy seemed to have bad eyesight and this confirmed it as she leaned over the edge of the water trying to see better. Garrett noticed that her nipples, which had flattened out and she had flown away were starting to harden back up. She seemed intrigued in spite of herself. Throwing caution to the wind, the bird flew back over the water towards Garrett. He took a step back, but she landed a few feet away from him and made no more moves.

Throwing caution to the wind Garrett took a step forward and the harpy copied him. He continued until they were only a single foot away from each other. They stared at each other for a moment before Garrett reached out and grasped one of her firm orbs in his hand. She leaned into it, it was an unfamiliar sensation, she didn't have hands, but it was nice. Pulling the stupidest move in recorded history Garrett removed his hand and pulled the harpy in close. The creature was light and didn't resist. He leaned down and kissed it. The harpy was shocked at this, but didn't pulled away. They stood there for a long moment without breaking the kiss. The Garrett, acting purely on a strange instinct, lifted the bird like he had while swimming and using his member, searched for the hole he had found earlier. He found the large clit and from there slid inside the beast easily. The bird shuddered and closed her wings around him in a semblance of an embrace.

Staying inside her, he kneeled and then lay her on the ground. In an easier position Garrett began to thrust. He had to be careful, on the first thrust he hit the wall at the back of her vagina and the harpy gave a crow of displeasure. Using less deep thrusts than he would have preferred he brought the harpy to climax. She gave a head-piercing screech as she cummed. This broke the seeming spell over Garrett and he suddenly realized he was having sex with the dirtiest creature on the planet. This thought was gone in a moment when the harpy's channel clamped down on his cock trying to drain it of any fluid that might be there. Garrett was having trouble getting off though, this wasn't due to his previous thought. That had flown away, but simply because he wasn't getting deep enough for a proper thrust.

He was getting frustrated, but the harpy was enjoying herself immensely, every few moments the bird would clamp down and give any, this time softer, cry of joy. Unable to take the unintentional tease anymore, Garrett pulled out, the bird, while strong was unable to stop his lust fueled strength. He picked her up by the waist and flipped her onto her stomach. Sure enough, just like in the front, underneath all the feathers were the familiar features he was used to. He reached down and collected some of the slick juices the harpy was dripping and lubed up his shaft. The harpy confused as to what he was doing stayed in the position he had put her, with her head against the ground and her butt in the air.

All prepared Garrett guided his shaft to the entrance and the harpy had only a split second to notice that it wasn't the one she was expecting before he shoved it in. The harpy's cum had been enough and his cock slid into her ass easily. The harpy squawked and pissed itself in shock and pleasure. Now able to thrust deeply, Garrett began again earnestly. This time his own pleasure mounting, he reached down and using a couple of fingers stroked the bird's clit as he would his own penis. The bird cooed with delight. All too quickly Garrett felt himself reaching his max and, with a massive thrust, came deeply inside the harpy, she came again herself.

Garrett fell backwards onto his rear. The harpy stood up, realizing that the play was over. Garrett could see the mixture of her cum and urine staining her feathers, a couple of the black, what he assumed were pubic, feathers were showing through. The bird stood there for a moment before itself reached behind it and when it brought it's wing forward Garrett saw it had a glob of Garrett's cum on it. She brought her wingtip to her mouth and tasted it, looking thoughtful. Garrett let the feather he had hidden behind his back fall into the pond. It slowly sank downward and Garrett grinned.

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