Its Called New Love

Story by Kimouru on SoFurry

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"I-I'm sorry..." Chimiko stuttered, a tear sliding down the soft fur of her cheek. She ran off, leaving Shiro all alone in the snow. He felt like running but some incredible weight held him there, his tears crashing to the earth. He just stood there, the darkness closing in on him as people bustled about, hardly noticing the crying fox in the middle of the park, a bouquet of roses clutched in his hand. He fell to his knees and only cried harder as he felt like someone was punishing him. He realized someone had offered him a hand. He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and grabbed it as the stranger helped him up. It was an arctic wolf, around five feet six inches, and probably his age. Shiro glanced into the wolf's bright blue eyes and looked away, blushing. He mumbled a thank you and looked down at his feet. The wolf decided to be the one to break the silence.

"My name's Kyo. " He grinned, showing off his sharp canines.

"I'm... Sh-Shiro.." He locked eyes with Kyo once more and stumbled into the wolf's warm arms.

Kyo caught him and patted his back, comforting him some. The only sound Shiro made was a soft sobbing as Kyo rubbed his back. As soon as Shiro stopped crying, Kyo wrapped his arm around the fox's waist and smiled as they walked together. Shiro had no idea where they were going or what Kyo had planned for him. The small fox's face got hot as he pressed himself against the wolf's side. Kyo laid his head on Shiro's as a reply. Losing himself in the moment, Shiro let out a soft murring sound. He quickly realized this and blushed all the more. Shiro wasnt even paying attention to where they were going, he was more concentrated on the feel of the soft, white fur on his face.

When Kyo stopped suddenly Shiro almost kept walking. He realized they were in front of a huge gate. His jaw almost dropped as Kyo pressed a button on a small intercom and said, "Dad, I'm home! Oh, and I brought a friend with me." cheerfully into it. The gates opened sluggishly and they stepped onto a vast plot of land. There was a cobblestone path that led up to a giant mansion. They ran up to it and Kyo opened one of the vast double-doors. Hugging close to his new friend's side they slowly stepped inside. Far behind them Chimiko stood in front of the gate. She was awe-struck when she saw Shiro snuggled up to that unfamiliar wolf's side. Chimiko knew she had dumped him maybe a half an hour prior but jealousy wormed its way into the deep crevasses of her mind. Her face flushed and she spun away, thinking angrily to herself. How could he? And with that-that stuck-up rich-boy too! A dark cloud seemed to hang over her as she growled and huffed off.

Inside the mansion was warm, obviously in comparison to the cold winter air outside, and inviting. The room they were in was a vast hall. not the kind thats a small, narrow pathway, but a large foyer. Kyo held Shiro close and led him up a large pair of stairs, choosing a large door, the first on the left, right side of the hall. Kyo peeked in, looking towards a desk.

"Hi dad.. erm..I'll, be in my room."

"Wait a sec, I want to meet this friend of yours."

"Oh.. okay." Kyo blushed and pushed open the door, reavealing hundreds of shelves. And the books! There must have been millions! Shiro gasped as he stepped in. At the far end there was a window from the floor to the ceiling. In front of that one wall was a wooden desk. It seemed fit for he president of a company. In fact, he had no idea what his friend's father did for a living. He felt his heart pumping as he slowly entered the room, standing next to Kyo in front of the desk. He didn't look up and couldnt see what the man looked like, though he had a gentle voice. He bowed silently and stumbled for words. "H-Hi.. I-I'm Shir-shiro..."

"Well, nice to meet you Shiro."

He looked up and saw who had been talking. He was a gray wolf, though his eyes were hard to see through the glare on his reading glasses. He blushed and hurried out the door as the somewhat-large man waved. "But remember, dinner at six!" The voice echoed through the hall as they went five,maybe six, doors down from there. Kyo pulled out a key and unlocked the door. He patted Shiro's butt and pushed him in. He stumbled and fell forward, his rump in the air. He tried to get up but a strong arm held his head down. He looked back as best he could and saw the locked door. Kyo unbuttoned Shiro's pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. When his rump hit the cool air he murred but stopped. He realized his tail was wagging. Thoughts flew around in his head, making him lose control and murr again. He felt Kyo put his hand on his ass and a thick thumb rubbed his tailhole.

He groaned as the thick digit pressed into his virgin tailhole. The fox realized he had never done anything like this before. He whined as the thumb pulled out but yelped in surprise as the wolf's cockhead shoved its way in. It hurt, a lot, but the pleasure merely dwarfed the pain. He clawed at the ground as the nine inch member slid its way through his insides. He himself spurted pre on the floor as he felt pressure on his prostate. A white paw gently wrapped around his cock and rubbed it slowly. It went in time with the thrusts into him. He panted and pushed back against it, feeling a knot force its way in and get stuck. The hand pulled on his knot at the same time as the wolf's own. Feeling the thick liquid force its way deep into him he collapsed and fell into the puddle he had made, struggling to not fall asleep.

"You okay there?" Shiro nodded, and forced the words out of his dry throat, "Why did you do that?"

"I decided to take a chance. You seemed the type, what with all the hugging.

"Oh, I see.." Shiro mumbled, not sure what to do knowing he liked guys. It wasnt the first time no... he liked boys for a long time before. But Kyo? He was in love.

"We better get cleaned up before dinner... lessee... its five o' clock... we have plenty of time."



"I love you."

"I love you too cutie."