The Gun Bunny Chronicles - 3: Shoot to Thrill

Story by Gunner Romantic on SoFurry

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"Come on GB, we are going to be late, and it's your damn ceremony!" Marcus crossed his arms over his broad chest, eyebrow quirking as he stared down his muzzle at Elise. Sellers stood off to the side with simon, who had a large camera hung around his neck by the strap.

"I didn't want a ceremony, LT. I just wanted to get the damn pins and be done with it!" Elise shot back from her room. She was still in the process of finding a decent pair of pants to wear for the thing. She had told Cpt Hines that she didn't want anything big, but everyone else had insisted.

"Tough luck GB, It wasn't really my call." Marcus said slowly, a sigh escaping his lips, foot beginning to tap on the concrete.

"GB, You know you look good on camera, and the higher ups won't like it if you're late." Sellers said with his hands in his pockts, eyebrows raised. The usually easy going rabbit was making such a big fuss about all of this. It wouldn't take more than thirty minutes for the whole thing, but she had always hated ceremonies.

Elise came to the door, not really caring that she was just in a pair of camoflauged pants and boots, with nothing but a bra on up top, straining to hold in the large swells underneath. Simon blushed furiously underneath his fur, the white mouse turning a nice shade of red. Sellers eyes took on the size of dinner plates, which moved from the blue and white rabbits flat stomach, over the curve of hr breasts and up to her face. Marcus just averted his head. "If it's my ceremony, they can wait. I'm not getting promoted while looking like garbage." She huffed and turned back, grabbing a shirt and slinging it on over her lovely frame. How she hated this dog and pony crap. A promotion was cool and all, more pay, more bullshit and all the fun stuff to come with it, but why did it have to be this tedious?

"Yeah whatever, just throw on your top, quit making Sellers eyes pop out and lets go." Marcus walked over and stepped into the room, grabbing her MARPAT top and handing it to her. Right as she finished making sure everything was in order, he tossed her hat in her hand and walked out.

"Lets go, Sergeant." His tone said he wouldn't take stalling any longer, and she slid her sunglasses over her eyes as she exited the room, sliding her hat on her head. Sellers followed the Lieutenant, and Simon waited while she locked the room. When they walked off, she grabbed his hand tightly.

"Simon...I hate these things. Just snap some pics and lets try to hurry this along." Simon bushed as only someone like him could, and she released his hand as they made their way out into the company area, where everyone else was at.

As far as a company went, theirs was about average sized. The different platoons were aligned in a horseshoe type formation to accomodate the small space. Cpt Hines was standing there impatiently waiting for them to arrive. When Marcus stood in front of their platoon, he gave the call to attention.

"At ease everyone. Alright, now that our guest of honor has finally arrived..." He shot a glance at Elise, and the rest of the company shared a chuckle."...we can all get started. We are here to promote Sergeant Elise Reinhardt. This is the first time I have worked with Marines like this, and I gotta tell all of you, I don't know where you dug this one up from."

Anothr chuckle resounded, Marine and Soldier both knew it was a friendly jab. Hines continued after it died down."But I think we all agree that I'm glad someone did. She's unruly, brash and doesn't like authority too much, but she's a damn good Marine. I certainly enjoy working with her, I know you all do too. Company, Attention!"

The company snapped to attention in unison, and Cpt Hines looked around slightly. "Sgt. Reinhardt, front and center!" Elise jogged up slowly and stood beside him. Cpt Hines turned to The giant bear near the back. "Staff Sergeant Spivy."

At that command, the big bear lumbered up to the front, covering the distance by walking in the same time Elise did it in jogging. Hines nodded to the orderly room clerk who called an attention to Orders. As he sounded off the reasons why she was getting promoted, Spivy took the pins off of her collar and tossed them to the side. In spite of his large size, he was actually very deft at securing the Staff Sergeant pins on her collar. He leaned in slowly and smiled. "Congrats, Elise. You earned it." Then added, "This is the thing I like 'bout MARPAT over the Army stuff. Rank is still on the collar."

Her eyebrow quirked, then she realized that he still held the little metal damits that stopped the pins from poking her. She realized it too late though, as Marcus has come up behind her and pressed his shoulder into her back, just as Spivy brought his beefy hands down on her collarbones, shoving the sharp points into her skin, small welts of blood coming up and staining the shirt underneath her top.

"Fuck it all!" She said with a winced whisper, grimacing up at the big bear, a look of revenge in her eyes. "Oh, just wait, Papa, just wait."

Spivy laughed and hugged her tight, lifting her off the ground. The two had joined the Corps together, and had gone through Boot and A school as well. They were like brother and sister, thats why she chose him to pin her. "You're welcome to try any time, girly." He said with a grin as he set her back on to the ground. She smiled lopsidedly and nodded.

"Oh, i will. And thanks, papa." She shook his head as Marcus came around, digging the palm of his hand into her right collar as they shook hands. She winced in pain and tried to just smile. "Congrats, GB." he said simply and turned around to go back into the formation.

it had been another ten minutes of hand shakes and hands shoving little pins into ehr collar bone before she was afforded any peace, and she made her way back to her pod by herself. She sat on the steps, hands toying with her new rank, which was still embedded in her skin. She barely noticed Simon take a seat next to her. She looked up and over to him, smiling gently. He pulled her into a hug, careful not to continue the damage to her abused collar bones.

"Sorry, i'm not high ranked enough to give you more blood rank." he said with a smile while her fingers drew circles in the palm of his hand.

"No, but you can take them out of by bones. I'm too much of a sissy." She said with a chuckle and he nodded, leaning over. He grasped her collar and gave a sharp tug, yanking the pins from her skin. She winced and turned so he could get the other. he reached under and fastened the little metal damits he had gotten from Spivy to the ends of each pin. She undid her top and slid it off her shoulders, pulling her shirt up slightly so she could see the four spots of blood on it.

"Assholes...I just got this thing out of laundry, too." She slid her sunglasses up to the top of her head as Simon leaned over with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball he had yanked from the medics. She winced as the solution stung the little sores. He rently ran the fluffy ball across her collar bone, over her throat and to the other side.

"Got a little more than you should, hmm?" She qeued with a smirk as he cleaned the other two little holes.

"Nah, didn't get enough." he leaned in, kissing the side of her neck gently. "Congrats, by the way. Glad to see they recognized you."

"Shut up, Simon." He felt her hands caress his cheeks and tilt his head up. He blushed furiously, but didn't stop her when she leaned in and pressed their lips together. It was meant to be a small kiss, but it evolved into a much deeper one, lips parting, tongues sliding out to dance a sweet waltz with each other. It went on for a little while before they realized they were still outside. She stood up, grabbing her top in one hand and his in the other and dragged both into her room. Shutting and locking the door, they resumed their embrace, eyes sliding closed as they enjoyed the feel of each others body pressed up against each other.

Hands moved, pulled, unzipped, unbuttoned. An Army OCP top flew across the room, followed by two shirts. They stepped backwards, still kissing, the backs of Elise's knees hitting the bed. She allowed them to buckle and they fell back, Simon fitting nicely on top of her. She ran her hands over his bare chest, fingers curling in the soft fur, feeling the hard packed muscle underneath. he wasn't the most built of men, didn't have the largest frame, but he was in very good shape, as his lack of labored breathing told her. He pulled back just slightly and looked down at her, his newly promoted rabbit, chest heaving with each breath, eyes glazed. She was gorgeous. His hands slid up,moving her arms above her head as his own tilted down, kissing and nibbling at the pulse in her neck, making her squirm ever so slightly. He suckled on the spot for a little bit longer before making his journey downward, kissing along her collar, licking at the little holes her rank had made.

He left a trail of kisses leading down to the top of her left breast, his free hand sliding underneath her to pop the clasp on her bra. Instead of taking it off he just pushed it up, allowing the large globes of flesh and fur to bounce free, nipples hardening in the cooler air. "Jesus do you run with these?" He brought both hands up to cup each breast, gentle squeezes and soft kneading making her give soft whimpers of pleasure, along with a sharp cry as his lips found one and suckled, licked and played, his hand gently flicking the other nipple in turn. He kissed his way down the underside, licking slowly along the curve and back upward to the hardened peak, bloing cool air over it. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth to keep from making too much noise, the amount of trouble they could get into if caught was staggering, but that only added to the moment.

Soon he was resuming his way downward, kissing along her flat stomach, tongue swirling slowly in her cute little belly button. His hands went to work undoing her belt and pants. He peeled them down just fast enough to be ahead of his lips. Soon, he just peeled them down altogether, and made quick work on the laces of her boots. Soon the whole thing was off, leaving her just in a pair of non regulation lacy panties, which he didn't take off just yet. He kissed and nibbled the insides of her thighs, her hands tangling in his short hair as he got closer to her apex. His hand came up, pushing the center of her underwear aside, allowing him access to her already moist lips. His tongue went to work on her outer folds, licking gently in a slow circle, teasing and pressing against them, swiftly delving in further only to pull back in the same instant.

She felt like she was being tortured, her hips bucking with each pass he made, body squirming, urging him to keep going and go in further. He happily obliged, tongue nuzzling between her folds and above her entrance, swirling millimeters away from her little button. Gentle licks followed, and he continued to bat around her clit, sliding up one side, licking, then sliding his tongue down the other. His free hand pushed two fingers against her outer lips, gently spreading them open while his tongue continued its torturous movements.

She could blow a gasket just like this, but no, he had to go with the fingers, too! "F-fuck! Simon...I can't take it, I'm gonna scream if you keep this up!" That wasn't a threat, it was just what was going to happen if he kept going like this! Simon was undeterred though, and soon he gently slid his middle finger between her folds, loving the feeling of her soft tunnel enveloping it. Her walls felt like velvet, lava like heat from the juices coating it feeling absolutely wonderful.

Her orgasm came on slowly, a gentle tremor that wracked her body and sent spasms up and down her lovely frame. It intensified when her wrapped his lips around her clit, giving gentle suckles while playig ith it with his tongue. His middle finger hooked, rubbing against the roof of her tunnel, and she had to clamp both hands over her mouth to keep her scream of pure ecstacy from reaching siren levels. Her body convules and she shook, still riding the waves of her powerful orgasm, sending hier juices out to lubricate her even more, and coat the bottom part of his chin.

Simon leaned up, wiping his chin with his hands while he undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. he had shucked his boots earlier, so it was easy to kick them off. He moved back on top of the lovely rabbit and smiled down at her as her orgasm died off. Her hands slid to his cheeks, pulling his down, cradling his head in the crook of her neck. " God.." She panted, chest heaving. "Fuck.."

He grinned and kissed her neck. "I'm glad you liked it, I enjoyed giving it to you." he said softly, his voice taking on a slightly deeper tone. His hand slid down, pushing against the bed, his cock had been rock hard from the beginning, and now was the time to use it. He angled the tip against her entrance and pushed slowly, nuzzling the unusually large head against her sex, spreading her outer lips and stopping just at the entrance. he could already feel the inviting heat from her sex, and it was driving him wild.

"Simon..I.i'm gonna kill you if you keep teasing me like this.." She panted into his ear, making him chuckle deliciously. He was happy to fulfill her unsaid request and pushed forward, splitting her lips and sliding slowly into her, her luscious walls stretching to accomodate his girth. She tensed, only now realizing that she hadn't looked at what he was packing, but now she was feeling every vein and inch as it slid into her. Her nails raked down his back, making his hips buck and send more of his girthy shaft into her. She bit her lip and moaned softly in sweet pleasure as he hilted inside of her, the tip of his dick seeming to nuzzle right against her cervix.

"Simon..jesus, if I had seen it..I wouldn't think it would have fit.." He laughed softly and pushed himself up on his hands, hips rotating, driving that shaft just a little bit deeper into her. She squealed in delight, hands grippiing his forearms. After a little bit he slid back, slowly pulling his length out of her. he stopped with just a few inches still in and pushed back the other way, soon starting a slow pistoning movement then sent his shaft as deep as it could go, slowly moving her body on the bed up an inch or so.

His speed increased slightly, soft slaps heard each time their hips met, his fat cock driving into her with the force and consistency of an engine, making her squeal with each thrust. His entire body moved, a wonderful fluid undulation that took her with him on a wave of sweet, building pleasure. She soon found herself with his arms wrapped around her, her body lifting, soon to be sitting upright. His back against the wall, he pulled her down fully atop his cock, impaling her once more. His hands gripped her hips and helped to lift her up and pull her back down harder. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head right between her breasts, their bodies moving as one, gyrating together, both of them meeting the other with each push he made up inside of her.

He gripped her tight and tensed, grunting softly into her volumnous chest. "Simon..let it go, come for me.." Her husky voice came out, spurring him to an increased tempo that had her moaning aloud each time the head of his cock mashed against her cervix. His cock seemed to swell, stretching her pussy to its absolute limit. He let out a wonderful yell into her chest, his orgasm coming on in one swift instant, thick, roped cum spraying from the head of his cock, coating her insides, filling her womb and making its way down her tunnel, the seal that was created breaking and allowing the thick white goo to slide down his shaft and coat their loins together.

She felt him relax and she just held him, letting him rest back against the wall. She didn't try to move herself, it was too good of a feeling. He breathed heavy, heart rate accelerated, moving in time with hers as they sat, joined together in the afterglow of the amazing sex they just had. he let his head tilt back and she giggled softly, leaning in to place soft kisses against his lips. "Simon..that was abosultely wonderful.." Her soft voice sent butterflies fluttering in his stomach and he kissed her back.

"Yes it was..." He said sweetly, hand caressing her cheek. She pushed his hand against her shoulder, nuzzling it gently. He leaned in and set his head in the crook of her neck, letting his warm breath wash over her.

"I love you.." He said breathlessly.

Her eyes widened slowly and turned down to look at the top of his head. Her hands slid up and ran through his hair, and she hugged him close.

"I love you too, Simon."

It was dark by this time. They could see light go out in the base as the sun set over the mountain, twilight taking over right now. The two scouts looked one last time at the base and turned to head back down the trail. A Hyena and a Cat, the two moved swiftly but silently through the sparse brush, rocks and sand to the entrance to their cave. A swift parting of the bushes and they disappeared inside, moving through the tunnels to the main command chamber, where a brown furred Fox sat behind a small wood desk, a Qu'ran and and map on top, with a small cell phone on the holy book.

The two approached their turbaned leader and gave a greeting. "Honored Salil, the infidel are repeating their actions, just as you have said."

The fox nodded and looked behind them at something, then turned his attention back to the two. "Of course. No matter their firepower, Americans are habitual creatures. We will show them that their technology will not help them. Ready the rest, after the first prayer tomorrow, we will destroy them."

The Cat and Hyena nodded, turned and left. Salil looked down at his map, a large red circle drawn around FOB Anvil. He turned to his second in command. "I have ehard of these Americans before. They call themselves the Firelords. What do you know of them, Hamzai?"

The weasel standing to his left nodded slowly, thinking about his answer. "They don't move like normal Americans. They have been known to take risks, and they have made our operations suffer considerably. Their vehicles are heavily armored and armed, our machine guns can't penetrate them."

Salil nodded slowly. "Bring out our stock of RPG's. We will need them. Tell the rest to aim for the wheels, we cannot afford to have these vehicles come to bear upon us."

"But, Salil, Allah will not allow the Americans to win this battle. We are assured victory."

" is thinking like that that brought them here in the first place, and it is the reason they are still here. Allah is behind us, but if we are not prepared, he will let us learn our lesson. No, we will not rush blindly into this. Inform the commanders of our plan, and make sure everyone knows of it. If we move with Allah's purpose, these..Firelords...will have no fire with which to fight."

Hamzai nodded at his leaders wisdom. "Very well, Salil. I shall relay your orders."

Salil merely nodded, and Hamzai left him in silent contemplation. He sent a mental prayer to Allah to give them the strength they needed to accomplish what they were about to set out to do.


Sorry for the delay, real life doesn't always mesh sometimes! Hope this was better than the last, tell me what you think! Rants, raves, Flames, likes, loves. SF or on [email protected]