The Gun Bunny Chronicles - 3: Shoot to Thrill

"Come on GB, we are going to be late, and it's your damn ceremony!" Marcus crossed his arms over his broad chest, eyebrow quirking as he stared down his muzzle at Elise. Sellers stood off to the side with simon, who had a large camera hung around his...

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The Gun Bunny Chronicles - 2: All I Want for Christmas...

I just want you for my own, More than you could ever know. Make my wish come true, All I want for Christmas is you... -------------------------------------------------- December 24, 1930 Hours. FOB Anvil, Afghanistan. "Brr...It's cold.." Such...

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The Gun Bunny Chronicles - 1: Welcome to the Jungle

1530, 25 Miles east of Kabul, Afghanistan. Beneath the fading desert sun, a group of soldiers, Marines and Army, went about the task of passing out school supplies with the usual light hearted banter that befit those who had shared their lives...

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