The Club is a Dangerous Place (Part 1/7)

Story by DylanDragon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Club is a Dangerous Place

The Club is a Dangerous Place (Part 1/7)

Note: This is a continuation of Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him. I highly recommend (That means do it!) that you read that one first!

Note2: This is less of a yiff story and more of a romance one. If you would rather read about yiff, you should probably move on. Although, there is some later on! (Heh, that should keep y'all interested...)

Dylan looked at the horizon as the sun dropped below the rippling waters. He stood on the beach admiring the glowing pinks and oranges cascading across the gentle waves, filling his ears with a soft splashing, broken only by the occasional seagull cawing. He felt his mate Xavier wrap his paw around his own. The otter leaned his head into Dylan's neck, making the dragon smile. It was like a scene out of a romantic novel.

_ Dylan started getting tired of standing. He slowly sat down onto the towel spread out on the sand. Xavier followed suit. Dylan kicked his legs out, feeling the sand beneath his scaly legs. Xavier let go of Dylan's claw, and wrapped both his arms around the dragon, burying his head into his chest. The otter closed his eyes in happiness, nuzzling Dylan lovingly. The dragon turned to face Xavier, giving him a tight hug in return. Xavier gasped in surprise, and purred happily into the embrace. Dylan nudged the otter's head gently, making Xavier glance upward. Once Dylan had his attention, he dipped his head, touching their muzzles together. Xavier gasped softly again. The otter wrapped his arms tighter around the dragon's waist, bringing him in closer, pressing their muzzles tighter._

_ Xavier opened his mouth; Dylan copied. Taking the chance, Xavier gingerly poked his tongue inside the dragon's muzzle, feeling around for his mate's own. Dylan brought it out for the otter to find. They touched, and Xavier moaned slightly into the kiss. Dylan started lapping softly at the otter's tongue, making him melt into the dragon. Dylan started stroking his mate's fur, running his claws down the otter's sides. They pressed closer, feeling their passion escalate._

Dylan awoke to his alarm clock ringing. He slammed his fist down on it, almost breaking the plastic. "Stupid clock," he thought, "Ruining the perfect dream..."

Dylan cursed again. It was spring break. "Why was the clock ringing?" he asked himself. "Oh yeah, I forgot to turn it off last night." He mentally scolded himself for making himself wake up early on the first day of spring break.

His self-rebuke was interrupted by a soft moaning come from next to him. He looked over to his right, and saw the cutest otter wrapped up in his sheets, fidgeting in his sleep. "Who needs a dream, when you have the real thing?" he thought, smirking to himself.

Dylan ran a claw through Xavier's brown fur, stroking his stomach softly. Xavier purred in his sleep. The dragon smiled again, unbelieving of how adorable his mate was. He smiled again when he realized that they had the house to themselves for a week. His sister Danielle was celebrating spring break with her college friends, including her mate Liza. His mother Sandra was tending to her sick mother out of the country, and wouldn't be back for another two weeks. Just thinking about what they could do made Dylan excited. He looked back at his mate, who was still in slumber.

Dylan looked at his alarm clock again, realizing that he only pressed the snooze button. He quickly turned it off before it could ring again. He was amazed that Xavier was still sleeping soundly. He didn't feel sleepy anymore, so he left his otter to rest, but not before giving him a quick kiss on the forehead. Creeping out of the room, he quietly closed the door and headed into the kitchen. The tiles felt cold under his feet, but he became used to the touch after awhile. He opened the cupboard and started eating a bowl of cereal while reading a newspaper that happened to be opened on the table to an article on his favorite sports team.

Xavier stretched as far as he could go, feeling his muscles get ready for another day of work. He looked over to his side, but his mate wasn't there. The otter sat up quickly, scanning the room for any sign of his dragon. He shrugged when he didn't find any. Hopping down from the bed, he landed on the floor with the muffled thump. He opened the door and headed down the hall and into the kitchen.

Dylan was busy eating cereal and reading a magazine. Xavier walked up to him, behind his chair. "Dylan..." he said softly.

The dragon dropped what he was doing and turned around. He spotted his otter standing in his boxers. He stood up, and gave his mate a tight embrace. "Morning, Xavier..." he said quietly.

Xavier nuzzled into the dragon's neck, receiving another nuzzle in return. Dylan placed his arms around the otter's lower back, leaning against the table. Xavier rested his paws on Dylan's shoulders, still nuzzling his chest. "What should we do today?" he asked, slurring his words slightly from just waking up.

"Well, it's just the first day of spring break, so there's nothing I really have planned"

Xavier sighed comfortably, placing a kiss on Dylan's neck. "Well, didn't Danielle say that there was a new restaurant that opened up that she really wanted to go to?"

"Well, we could go there, but that's at night. What do you want to do in the meantime?"

Xavier purred again. "It doesn't matter. As long as I'm with my draggy, I'm happy"

Dylan smiled at these words, pulling the otter closer, and connecting their muzzles for a quick kiss. They broke apart, and Xavier yawned. "Are you still tired?" asked Dylan. He looked at his watch. "It is only seven in the morning..."

Xavier nodded. "I'm going back to sleep...d-do you want to come with me?" he asked, looking hopeful.

Dylan giggled. "Sure thing, Xavy," he said, following the otter back to their room. Xavier crawled back into the sheets, wrapping them around his body again, trying to escape from the cold. Dylan clambered in next to him. Xavier noticed the dragon and unfolded himself from his blankets, making space for them both. Dylan scooted into the sheets, as Xavier laid them over both their bodies. The otter quickly plastered himself to Dylan, pressing his body up against the dragon's green chest, nuzzling it softly. "I love you, Dylan..." he said sleepily.

Dylan used a claw to stroke the otter's cheek. "I love you too," he said quietly. Xavier sighed happily and pressed in tighter. Dylan rested one arm on the bed, draping the other one across the otter's body, pulling him as close as possible. Despite being wide awake a few moments ago, Xavier's exhaustion was contagious, and Dylan could feel sleep drifting him away from consciousness again.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with no regard to productivity. After waking up at noon, they had a quick lunch of tuna sandwiches. Soon, they decided to watch a movie. Dylan popped in a DVD of an action movie and they situated themselves on the couch. Xavier brought a blanket from the bed, and they lied together. The otter never left the embrace of Dylan. They didn't really watch the movie. They were too distracted with small kisses and nuzzles, interspersed throughout the film.

When the movie finally did end, they remained ignorant of its finale until the screen turned completely black. Xavier turned around onto his side so he was still lying down, but was facing Dylan. "Is it time for dinner yet?" he asked.

Dylan checked his watch. "Well, it's five thirty, so I would say so"

Xavier squeaked in excitement. "Oh, this is going to be the best date ever!"

"I thought our first date was the best date ever..." Dylan said, pretending to be insulted.

"Any date with you is the best date ever!" the otter stated happily.

Dylan giggled again. They got up, and headed into their room to change into something more public-appropriate.

Dylan and Xavier walked to the restaurant from the parking lot, holding paws. Another girl saw them on the way and made a heart sign with her claws. Xavier blushed profusely. As they entered the restaurant, they realized that they had a long wait. The waiting section was jammed with furs, and the hostess was busy scribbling down reservations and table requests. The lighting was quite dim for a restaurant. Purple tinted lamps casted a cone of weak illumination on the tiled floor. The waiting area was formidably large, and the rest of the establishment was out of sight, behind the front desk. The place was packed. Dylan groaned. "Do you want to eat here?"

Xavier paused. "Um...I-I kind of want to...if it's alright...I mean, i-if you don't want to, th-then w-we can go s-somewhere else," he whispered shyly, looking at the ground.

Dylan lifted the otter's head up with his claw, and looked him in the eyes. "It's okay. I want you to be happy. We'll stay," he said.

As Dylan gave his name and party number to the hostess, Xavier sighed dreamily. The otter couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such a caring and sensitive mate.

The minutes crawled by. Dylan sat in a chair, counting the tiles in the ceiling by multiplying the row and column. He counted them again one by one. He counted every other one to see if his total would be equal to all of them divided by two. He looked for imperfections in the squares. He counted all the flawed tiles. Xavier sat next to him with his head leaning on the dragon's neck. He was busy thinking of three-syllable words that started with each letter of the alphabet.

More minutes slipped past them, as their number came closer and closer. Dylan had started counting the floor tiles. It was considerably harder, since furs were walking around on them. Xavier had upgraded to four-syllable words. Suddenly, their number was called. Dylan stopped counting the row. Xavier had just thought of "Vacillation." They stood up, feeling a little sore from not moving for almost an hour.

Another hostess, a tiger, brought them to their table. Sitting at opposite ends, they looked through their menus. Dylan tapped his claws against the table as he flipped through the thin booklet, his eyes flitting over the pictures and skimming the words to find anything that caught his interest. Xavier read each entry carefully, factoring in desirability, price, and calorie count into his decision.

The waitress came over, introduced herself, and took their orders. Dylan ordered ravioli: a meal he forgot he had requested five minutes later. Xavier hesitated, and then asked for sautéed vegetables over rice.

When the waitress left, Dylan struck up a conversation. "So was your day?"

Xavier giggled softly. "You should know! You spent it with me!"

Dylan laughed. "Hey, you want to see a really cool trick?"

"Sure! What is it?"

"Okay. First, you need to not bump the table"

Xavier backed away from the wooden table, folding his paws into his lap. Dylan reached over and grabbed the salt-shaker. He unscrewed the top, and dumped a small pile of salt in the middle of the table. Xavier raised one eyebrow, looking skeptical.

Dylan closed the salt-shaker, tilting it onto one edge and placing it in the middle of the pile. He tapped the glass onto the table, making the salt inside of it settle. He tilted it left and right in the pile, trying to find the center of gravity.

Soon, his pushes became miniscule. Eventually, he stopped tilting it completely. It stayed by itself. Dylan took a deep breath and gently blew away the salt pile, leaving the shaker perfectly balanced in the center of the table.

Xavier clapped softly, careful not to disturb the balance. The table next to them took a picture. Dylan pumped his fist, but his elbow hit the table, shaking it. Xavier gritted his teeth together, feeling a sense of foreboding.

It fell.

As if the waitress had been waiting for that event, she came out immediately after the salt-shaker ordeal. Placing the two plates in front of them, she warned of their temperatures and then left.

Dylan stabbed his ravioli with his fork, and tore through them violently with his teeth. Xavier ate his meal one piece at a time, all the time while staring at the dragon lovingly.

After finishing his plate, Dylan traced his fork on the plate, realizing that he could draw lines in the remaining sauce. He took his unused knife and smoothed over the entire surface. Then, he inverted his fork and started scraping away at the glass. Xavier watched in fascination as the dragon drew all over his food's remains.

Finally, Dylan put down his fork, and turned the plate around to show Xavier. In a sea of red, clear lines through to the white background were drawn in the pattern of a large heart. In the middle, Dylan had inscribed their initials and a "Forever." Xavier's heart fluttered. He looked at Dylan who was smiling at him.

The moment was broken by the waitress, who handed them their check. Xavier paid it and they left the restaurant, going back through the waiting room that was even more populous. Dylan shuddered, just thinking about what would happen if they had arrived that late.

They held paws again, and started walking back to the car. Xavier stopped them when they reached the parking lot. "What's wrong?" asked Dylan.

"Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to thank you," Xavier said softly.

"For what?" asked the dragon, confused about what he had done.

"For taking me out tonight"

Dylan smiled. "Well, thank you"

"But I didn't do anything"

"You did. You let me spend the entire day with you"

Okay! So, this is the end of part 1.

Hopefully, my writing is getting better, so it's easier and more fun to read.

If this piece didn't make you say "D'AWW!" then I have failed!

Basically, this story is going to be super emotional and romantic, so don't read if you don't like that.

àMy friend accused me of only writing fapfics, so I decided to prove him wrong.

Thanks for reading, Rate/Review please!