Freebies Vol. 48: Long Distance Edition: Darwen

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#30 of Archived Livestream Stories Pre-2018

Jordan the otter is inducted into the army of Terran Rex, the worlds' greatest supervillain.

"You have arrived at your destination."

Jordan glanced at his car's GPS navigation unit. He was at the address he'd plugged in, but it couldn't be right. This was the middle of nowhere, the industrial section of town. Lots of big warehouses used to store shipping containers and whatever else.

Jordan pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and put the car into park. Scrolling through his instant messages, he found the one from "earthdino" and checked the address he'd been sent versus the one displayed on the GPS unit. They were the same.

Jordan typed in a message to earthdino. He was so engrossed with the typing he didn't notice a pair of huge, shadowy figures creep up on the car from either side.

The next thing he knew, the sound of tearing metal echoed through the silent night. Cold air rushed into the car as one of the figures bodily tore the door from its hinges and tossed it aside. Jordan tried to shout, but a massive paw covered his mouth. The river otter wiggled as he heard the seat belt snap off its holder. Someone wrapped it around his neck, holding his chin back, and jabbed a needle through the fabric.

"Target is secure."

Jordan's eyes rolled into the back of his head as the stars faded. He felt paws grasp him, pulling him out of the car, as the drugs knocked him out. Blackness overcame him, but not before he saw a pair of faces - otters, like him, but huge.

"The boss is going to love this one," one of the giant males said, smiling broadly.

"C'mon - you ditch the car, I'll take him in and prep him. Boss will be here in fifteen minutes."

When Jordan swam back to consciousness, he was strapped down on a long table. High overhead, he saw steel girders and industrial lights. To the sides, shipping containers. He was in a warehouse of some kind. Straps held his wrists and ankles down to the floor. A larger belt wrapped around his chest, pinning him down securely.

He felt a cold breeze on his nethers and struggled, realizing he was naked as well.

A huge brown paw reached out and patted the side of his face. One of the big otters from earlier leaned over him, smiling.

"Chill out, Jordan. It's gonna be okay."

"Who are you? Where am I? What are you doing with me?" Jordan asked, voice rising in fright.

"Oh, yes, he is perfect," a deep, bass voice said, breaking through Jordan's questions.

The otter standing near Jordan's head snapped to attention. Jordan looked up, eyes wide. A huge orca walked towards him. Dark green gloves and dark green boots... yellow mask over his eyes... yellow and green sleeveless one-piece stretching across a massive, muscular chest... it was... it was...

"Terran Rex," the orca said, stopping at the side of the table. He smiled down at Jordan, lips spreading into a fierce grin. "Pleasure to meet you, Jordan, in the flesh for the first time. I've enjoyed talking with you online and decided I just had to have you for myself."

"What... you're... earthdino?"

"Not the most creative moniker, I know," Terran Rex said, sliding a finger down Jordan's fluffy, beige chest fur. He looked over at the otter behind Jordan's head. "Are we ready?"

"Yes, sir."


Jordan gaped as the orca turned away from him. Everyone knew Terran Rex, supervillain extraordinaire. Infamous around the world as much for his brilliant acts of villainy as he was for his rumored addiction to... otters.

The other big otter returned. "Fifo, get the serum. I'll mark the injection locations."

"Got it, Seino."

The one called Seino leaned over Jordan. He was massive and ripped, far larger than any other otter Jordan had seen. He was naked but for a blue pouched jockstrap. His biceps were bigger than Jordan's head by far. He had long blonde hair pulled back in a pony-tail, with a small red band at the base to hold it together. He grinned down at Jordan and winked as he used a black marker to place dots along Jordan's dark brown fur.

Fifo returned a few minutes later. He looked more stern than Fifo, but had a similar body type - massive, ripped, and powerful, several feet taller than Jordan. Both of them had thick torsos and short legs, with oversized arms that Jordan knew from experience could rip a car door right from the body. Fifo wore a similar but black pouched jock, stuffed full with just as much male cock as Seino's.

No wonder Terran Rex liked his otters so much, Jordan thought. He burst out laughing, the hilarity brought on by fear more than anything else.

"You okay, little guy?" Fifo asked, leaning over. His hair was cut sharp, angular, like a pale gray wedge on top of his head. A decidedly militaristic cut, as opposed to Seino's surfer-style.

"Oh, I'm fine, I've just been kidnapped by the world's greatest villain and you're about to inject me with something and otherwise things are just dandy, thanks for asking!"

Fifo cast a glance at Seino, who shrugged and continued to mark the otter's body with the marker. Jordan lifted his head and saw Terran Rex standing a dozen or so feet away, arms crossed across his burly chest. His green uniform bulged with muscle and power - he was bigger than the two otters by far.

Letting his head fall back to the table, Jordan sucked in a few breaths and tried not to hyperventilate as he felt the prick of needles in his arms. Seino depressed each plunger over the dots left by Fifo, a few dozen in all.

"You know, I've been looking for a long time, trying to find the proper otter to test this serum on," Terran Rex said, sounding far too conversational for Jordan's liking. "Stole it from the Army a few months back. Has all sorts of possibilities, but of course, you can't just stick it into a random otter and expect results."

Jordan winced as he felt more needles, this time going into his chest and belly.

"You, though... smart, creative, single, and very cute... how could I resist? You'll make a fine super soldier in my army."

"Your army?" Jordan shouted. "I'll never work for you!"

"We'll see..."

"Almost finished, sir," Fifo said, dabbing the marker a few last times on Jordan's legs.

"Same here. Give me a hand, Fifo."

Both otters used the syringes, more than three dozen in all, targeting all of Jordan's muscle groups. The otter grunted as he felt the pricks in his groin, thighs, and calves. Both of the otters disappeared under the table and he felt more jabs from underneath - apparently the table had holes in it to allow just this.

"Finished," Fifo said, reappearing with Seino.

"How long until it takes effect?" Terran Rex asked, coming closer.

Jordan closed his eyes as the words grew hazy. His hearing felt... muffled. His arms and legs felt strange, like they were heavier than usual. Like he was swimming underwater with weights tied around him. An overwhelming tide of panic grew on him as he felt like he was drowning. His eyes shot open, having a hard time adjusting.

A black and white hand reached out for him and covered his eyes and forehead. It was cool, soothing the frayed nerves he hadn't realized were burning like fire all throughout his body. The hand was welcome and he moaned as the fire turned to pleasure. His brain dissolved into mush, unable to think through the incredible sensations.

Terran Rex smiled down at the little otter as he watched the skinny male wriggle against his restraints. He moved his palm up, revealing Jordan's eyes. They stared up at him, wide and unfocused. Leaning close, the orca peered back into them, working his powers to influence the changing otter's mind as the serum went work.

"Think he'll be as hot as us?" Seino asked, reaching a paw down the front of Fifo's bulging jock.

The light brown haired otter rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as Seino pulled his cock out and began to play with it.

"Is sex all that matters to you?" he asked, even as his cock grew thick and stiff, as thick as his wrist and long enough to reach nearly to his pecs.

"No, but it sure is important," Seino said, leaning in and smirking at the other otter. He planted a quick kiss on Fifo's cheek before turning to watch as Terran Rex inducted the growing Jordan into the fold.

Jordan had been a typical river otter. Long torso, short legs, broad, blunt muzzle, rich mahogany fur, with creamy beige on his chest and belly and between his thighs. Now, though, the serum was changing him. His body spasmed and rippled as the drugs, targeted at his muscles, inflated them, growing them thicker and bigger. His bones grew in length, a painful but necessary process to encompass all of his new mass.

His belly, at first smooth and slightly rotund, hardened rapidly. Despite his thick pelt, the ridges of a full eight-pack were soon visible. His tail lengthened, thickening as it did. Soon he was much taller than before. His hips expanded, giving him less of a lean look and more of a squat appearance. His pecs enlarged, forming a deep valley between the two sides. His neck strained, veins popping even through the fur, as he continued to wriggle and shudder.

Most impressive of all was his cock. Before, he'd had an average package with a nice pink cock. Now, his cock was slowly growing, draped over a pair of swelling balls. It throbbed and grew as the pleasure the otter felt increased, enhanced by Terran Rex's mind-altering powers.

Inside the otter's mind Terran Rex's powers went to work. Adjusting loyalties, memories. Giving the otter higher levels of pleasure as he took control of each part in an almost Pavlovian manner.

The serum worked quickly. As the transformation slowed, Jordan arched in pleasure as a massive orgasm wracked his body, his load covering a wall behind the table. Within an hour, the transformation was complete and Terran Rex leaned up, rubbing his temples.

Fifo and Seino approached, looking at the enlarged Jordan with obvious delight. Both of their cocks were hanging from their jocks, fat and half-hard. Seino kept a paw on the base of Fifo's shaft the whole while, teasing it and occasionally cupping the heavy balls still wrapped in fabric.

Jordan wasn't as big as Terran Rex's otter generals, but he came close. Muscles packed his frame from head to toe. No longer sleek and slim, he was now bulky and powerful. His biceps flexed against the restraints and he kicked his ankles, groaning and shuddering. His cock had grown to his knees. It lifted into the air and flopped back onto his chest; the head landed with a deep thud between his pecs. His balls put cantaloupes to shame. His thighs strained, hamstrings pushing out against his fur, and he let out a massive moan.

Jordan's eyes snapped open and he curled his lips over his teeth, whiskers waggling as he sniffed the air.

Terran Rex stroked a few fingers down the otters chest, admiring his handiwork. He'd tweaked the drug, of course, to ensure the maximum effect, and it appears his tinkering had paid off. Pulling his other glove off, he stroked Jordan's chest with both paws, enjoying the sounds the otter made in response.

"You know who I am?" Terran Rex asked.

Jordan nodded. His neck was nearly non-existent now, so his chin bumped against his chest.

"I do, sir." His voice was deeper than before, several octaves lower.

"I am your Master?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good," Terran Rex said, turning and walking away. "Fifo, Seino, get him up and test him out."

The two generals grinned at each other, erections growing thicker and fatter as they approached the bound Jordan. The muscular male grinned up at them and licked his lips, his own huge erection hard already.

Fifo got the straps off Jordan's arm and immediately the otter reached out, took Fifo's cock, and pulled it into his muzzle. Fifo grunted in surprise as he felt fingers curl into his rump, to the side of his tail, and pull him forward. He moaned as he felt a tongue slide along the underside of his erection, swallowing it deeper and deeper.

Not to be left out, Seino quickly got the straps off Jordan's legs. The newly-enlarged male spread his legs, turning onto his side. Seino draped the proffered leg over his shoulder and stepped in close, thick cock tip rubbing against Jordan's huge new balls. They were nearly as big as Fifo's.

Without waiting, Seino used his paw to guide himself into Jordan's rump. The general let out a shocked groan of pleasure as he felt Jordan clench down immediately.

"Oh... yes..."

Fifo and Seino went to town, taking advantage of Terran Rex's order and following it to the letter. With Jordan on his side, Fifo used both paws to grip his head and pull him forward, sliding his meat back and forth between those willing lips. Grunts and gurgles echoed through the air as thick pre-cum squirted from the corners of Jordan's muzzle.

At the other end, Seino had one arm around Jordan's leg, the other on Jordan's cock. As he ground his dick in harder, faster, he stroked the new soldier's erection. Thick pre-cum soon covered the table, dripping through the holes onto the floor below.

"Let's get him on the floor," Fifo gasped, hunching over Jordan's head.

Seino nodded, tongue hanging out. Working together with a teamwork born of years of fighting together for Terran Rex, the two lifted and dropped Jordan onto the ground without needing to pull out. Twisting him onto all fours, they resumed their rapid, deep thrusts within moments.

Nearby, Terran Rex watched and smiled. His cock stirred in his costume, crawling out over the hard roundness of his belly, until the visibly bulging head was somewhere between his massive pecs. He caressed himself as he watched Seino's cock, thick and pink and hard, disappear inside Jordan's tight, flexing rump.

Pulling the stretchy fabric of his yellow and green costume to the side, Rex used his other hand to grip his cock and pull it free. His balls, tightly squeezed between his thighs, protested for release as he massaged the head of his cock with both hands, then worked his fingers down to the base, never once taking his eyes off Jordan or his two generals.

Fifo's body went taut as he shoved forward, hips out, grinding so deep his belly pushed against Jordan's broad black nose. Seino leaned forward and took his paws off Jordan's rump, instead reaching out for Fifo. The two large otters met above Jordan's smaller body and they kissed passionately, tongues out, paws groping.

Between them, Jordan held himself off the floor with one arm locked straight. The other was on his cock, roughly stroking the massive length, encouraging more and more pre-cum out of the broad, fat tip. His throat stretched around Fifo's fat length as the bigger otter humped his face roughly. He didn't mind the rough treatment - Fifo and Seino were his superiors, after all, and it was his duty to serve them, as well as Terran Rex.

Wrapping his tail around Seino's side, Jordan ground back against the other otter's thrusts, clenching his ass all over again. He squeezed down powerfully, wrapping his tight walls around the massive shaft plunging between his taut, round cheeks.

Terran Rex watched all this, panting through clenched teeth as he imagined impaling Jordan on his own thick cock. The long black shaft ended in a white head. The orca teased the glans and stroked the urethra, shuddering as streams of white pre-cum drizzled out of the tip. He used the copious seed to lube the length, massaging the thick, rubbery flesh more firmly.

Fifo came first. Jordan's throat was just too tight, too hot, and that tongue, splaying against the underside, pushing up against his urethra, it was all... too...


Fifo arched back, breaking the kiss with Seino as he came. He humped forward, until his nuts swung up and hit Jordan under the jaw. Thick white cum flooded the smaller otter's muzzle, though most of it was pumped directly into his belly. Cum drizzled out of the corners of his muzzle, occasionally splurting back onto Fifo's crotch, as the bigger male used his considerable strength to stuff every last millimeter of his dick into Jordan's maw.

Seino followed suit a few minutes later, though as he came, he pulled out, eliciting an excited wriggle from Jordan as the tip flexed out of his hungry, spasming hole.

Thick ropes of seed splattered along Jordan's backside and Fifo's chest. Seino grabbed his cock and arched his back, jutting his hips out as he frantically groped himself, working out more and more of the thick otter jizz.

Between the two cumming generals, Jordan reached his climax as well. Throat swallowing rapidly around Fifo's massive erection, Jordan could feel the rain of seed as Seino came on his backside. He squeezed his cock with his paw and closed his eyes as the most blissful orgasm he'd ever experienced swept across him. Every muscle in his body went tense, increasing his total size by a large amount. His belly sucked in as a spray of cum hit the floor beneath him like a fire hydrant popped open.

The sound of a deep, familiar voice moaning with lust echoed through the air. Terran Rex had seen enough. The huge orca gripped his cock in both hands. His arms squeezed against his sides and rock-hard belly, pushing it out against the wrinkled fabric of his uniform. With one last grunt, the orca came. Standing about six feet from the three otters, they were all too close and were soon covered in a mess of hot orca seed. Fifo opened his muzzle, tipped his head back, and let the salty, sticky essence of his master run down the back of his throat, luxuriating in the taste and scent. Seino did the same, even leaning over to lick Terran Rex's sticky cum from Jordan's backside.

Jordan, for his part, felt the additional loads hit him and knew immediately his master was pleased. That gave him even more pleasure and he roared as he came a third time, sending a wave of white otter cum crashing across the cement floor.

Unfortunately, the four-way orgasm ended all too quickly. Fifo pulled his thick, still-hard cock from Jordan's muzzle and let the new recruit lick it mostly clean before making a half-hearted attempt to stuff it back into his jock. Seino pulled on his cock a few times, shivering as it twitched in his grasp, already eager for a second go. Instead, he followed Fifo's lead and tried to push the length back into his jock.

Terran Rex made no attempt at modesty and let his huge thickness hang out into the air in front of him, still drizzling a good amount of seed. He smiled at his two cum-soaked generals as they helped Jordan to his feet. The new recruit was shorter than the other two by half a foot, but proportionally he was nearly as muscular. Being a smaller size made him appear strangely cute, despite the thick musculature stretching his cum-soaked pelt.

"Good work, boys," Terran Rex said, hands on his hips. "Get him back to the base and clean him up, then take him to my quarters. I think Lailo and I are going to have a guest in bed tonight..."