Voyage chapter 3

Story by Katronix on SoFurry

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#2 of Voyage

This is chapter 3 of Voyage


Aiden moaned as he started to wake up. He shook his head and slowly opened his eyes. "Where am I," he asked. "Shhh don't worry Aiden," Kusin replied wiping some drool away from his mouth with her paw. Aiden let out a small groan, "I had hoped this was only a bad dream." "No such luck Aiden. We are in the Council Chamber's Waiting room, I'm glad you woke up in time," Merlin replied. "In time, for what?" "You need to meet with the council so that they can decide what will happen to you," replied Merlin as he was watching the clock tick past the moments. "I grabbed you this, it should be a bit more appropriate to your way of thinking," Merlin replied opening a satchel and giving him a new tunic. "You can go and change over there," he said indicating a separator that was free standing. Aiden slowly got up to his legs, the floor was cold, which made the walking a bit difficult on his bare feet. After a couple of false starts he managed to walk to the seperator with out to much difficulity. With in a few moments he had made his way back to the cats wearing the new tunic which went down to his knees and holding the old one. Just as he got back to where they were standing, the door opened, and a neko stuck their head into the waiting room, "The councilors will see you now." They walked into the room, sitting in four spots above everyone else was were more felines. They had small signs in front of them, that Aiden was unable to read.

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"Merllin Krangle, what is the meaning of bringing a human from earth here with out permission of the council. You may be young, but you are old enough to know the laws on such matters are you not," asked an orange tabby. "Yes Madam Klipa I do. I did not mean to bring this human with me, we were connected via means of a leash, and I had assumed he would have let go, but obviously for one reason or another he did not." "Do you have a name young human," asked a siamese cat. "Yes, my name is Aiden Broxton," he replied a little shyly. "And young Aiden, why are you here and do you have any idea as to where you are," demanded a black cat. "I didn't mean to come here, and I really don't know where we are. However I would like to return home, my Father and Brother will be worried if I don't soon." The black cat clapped his paws, and a couple of large Neko's rushed in and made him sit in a chair and slipped a band over his head. "What is this," Aiden yelped. "We just need to make sure, your race is very violent we need to make sure your not here to figure out how your race can come here," mewed the black cat. Aiden couldn't see what was happening, with the two burly neko males making sure he didn't fidgit at all, he could just barely see the black cat moving his paws around. After a few moments, the black cat waved his paw and the nekos took the head band off of him and released him. "We know how you humans do like to be with your litter mates much longer than we do. Merlin, is this your human?" "No sir, my main human is actually his little brother." "You of course then have no need to actually help him, if you choose not to," replied a calico cat. "I would like to sir, he is not used to our ways and there have already been some who have shown interest in him as being a slave, which would prove rather difficult for him to get home, if the wrong group captured him." At this the council members mewed amongst themselves. Aiden and Merlin just glanced at each other, while Kusin sat on one of the benches in the back. After what seemed to be a really long time, the orange tabby looked up and said, "You, molly. Do you have any connections to either of these Toms?" Kusin nervously got up and walked to where the boys were standing. "I am friends with Merlin, I would like to be able to go with them, I have not seen much outside of Terencel." "And what would your family think of you going on any kind of trip, with a tom and a human," asked the black coated cat. "I would clear it with them of course, before we left." The council went back to their mewing in private for another extremely long amount of time. Eventually they did return to their seats. "Aiden Broxton, we will bend our normal rules and allow you to return back to Earth, as you did not mean to come here. However you will not be allowed use of our normal transportation utilities, you will need to walk across the Ausland. If your feline friends, decide to join you assuming it is alright with their families they may join you if they wish," announced the orange tabby.

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