The Divine University: Chapter 1

Story by Cathricorn on SoFurry

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#2 of Divine University

D.U Chapter 1: An Odd Welcome

Chapter 1 is finally here... and I am going to admit that I had a little bit of trouble writing it because of all the character introductions, personal decisions of what to reveal and what not to reveal... but it's finally here yet it's not 100% perfect and I'll have to go in and take a look at some areas still whether it's grammar or story details. But, enjoy for the most part :).

**Once again this is a M/M story so if it's not to you're liking you may not be into it, however there's no real sexual interaction within this specific selection.**

D.U Prologue:

An Odd Welcome

After the whole introduction phase inside the Divine Cathedral, or how the High Master had called it, Leander was sent to his campus, following a small group of humans. He shook off the attitude each of the Dominus or Masters had shown him earlier and realized it had just been a way to welcome new students. He sort of felt mislead in a way, but it did make him feel very important with the school.

His dorms were known as the High Master dorms, whatever that meant. It sounded somewhat important, but he had over heard that it was just the dorms for the humans. He along with several others humans were being toured through the campus and there first stop was at the Spirit Cathedral, his home. It was a huge looking Cathedral, mixed with small towers that he assumed were filled with luxurious rooms for the staying students. Again the outside of the Cathedral appeared dark, like hell infested and Leander questioned the look again to himself. He was curious to knowing more about the history of this school, he had never heard of it before, not until the letter he received a few weeks ago. Leander reached into his pocket and felt the smooth parchment between his fingers.

Then two great doors opened and an immense amount of light embraced him, blinding him for only a moment. After seconds of the strange daze the room began to clear. Within the grand hall, hung a massive chandelier, glowing with bright gold and silver, along with the interior that almost matched the Divine Cathedral. However, there was no large stage, instead replaced with an enormous table where yet another decorative chair for the power holding person who owned the school. Three huge mosaic windows sat behind the higher table stretching all the way up to the roof. They weren't in anyway understandable with the eyes unless of course you were the artist yourself. The piece was much too complicated, while your eyes attempted to make sense of one piece, it would quickly divert off onto a different color and new scenery. It did however draw Leander in only making him more curious of the school. Not even a couple hours had passed by and so many questions were forming in his head. He wanted answers soon or he felt his mind might cave in.

"Welcome to your dorms students." The guide announced breaking Leander of his mindset. "This is the High Master dormitory where the human students will stay for their first couple of nights. Some of you will remain here for many months to come, while others will join your companion over at their dorms. Yes, I see some of your faces. We do not support the use of desegregating our students. Humans will mix with the Anthros. In fact, we more than welcome it, highly encourage getting to know another species, their background, way of life. Though some of you will claim your own companion, and the others will be claimed... However we'll look into that later within the day. Come along please." The tour guide beckoned us with a hand and explained the uses of many things found inside. He refrained from any of the normal human household items though, confident enough that all or most of the students knew how the basic things worked.

Continuing on through the tour Leander and the group followed the guide upstairs which diverted off into two parts. Here the guide stopped and turned to the students, standing tall and proud, hands folded behind his back and chin raised high. "Now," He began. "This is the second part of the introduction for the humans of D.U. The High Master dorms are arranged into two quarters, the Magus and the Bellators or as some of you may be familiar with, the Mage and the Warrior. High Master Astrid will take over from here." The guide bowed, and from the Mage quarter the High Master stepped out.

His body looked so frail the way he walked in, but as soon as he stood before us, he showed the strength of a warrior, tall and proud. "Welcome again students to my dormitory. Recalling what your guide has spoken, this hall is broken up into two quarters. You will only know one side, once the side is chosen you are forbidden from entering the other. Disobeying these rules and we will confiscate your right to attending this school and you will be expelled without trial. Which also comes to the matter of carefully picking your mate. As a Magus, you will not be able to sleep with your Bellator unless you withdraw yourself from the dormitory and choose to stay within the Common Dorms. These are very basic but a handful of students enjoy living this way. But today, we will not be picking companions, there is a far more important situation to handle and that is your degree here at the school. These two will accompany me each of them masters of their own art. Dominus Arthur and Dominus Laurel please introduce yourselves." Out from either side of the hall stepped a figure, one dressed in long and thick drapery while the other was protected with plate armor. They were obviously the Masters of their quarter and came to stand beside the High Master. Several of the students nodded including Leander. "Now... I ask you each to come forth one at a time and I will decide."

Eyes shifted back and forth between everyone before someone made a stand to the High Master. The old man's eyes closed, and his hands came to the boy's temple only for a moment before declaring. "Magus." The boy seemed satisfied with a grin and took his spot next to Arthur. "Next." The High Master quickly said and the next person approached receiving "Bellator." Each student given their call seemed extremely satisfied, not one rejected Astrids decision as they took their post.

Eventually Leanders turn came and he approached the old man. Standing before him, some strange odor lingered about him, it wasn't horrid smelling, but wasn't pleasant either. It was slightly alluring, yet also pushed you away, all too confusing. The High Masters hands lowered to Leanders temple and both their eyes closed.

A rift of energy forced its way into his mind, an enormous dark red beam shooting straight into the blackness passing through old memories and entangling itself within his mind. Suddenly, another beam collided, this one filled with a rich dark emerald creating an explosion of energy as the two met. Leanders whole body felt like it was shaking, empowered with an intense feeling. Though this feeling wasn't unknown, he had felt it before, but nothing near this taste, it was much more diluted and its appearances were always random. Then he realized something. That the dark emerald beam, was his, the way it felt, the familiar presence, it was his beam, but then whom did the other belong to. Then everything clicked. The other beam belonged to the High Master. It made perfect sense; the old man was reading his thoughts, figuring out his personal life, his likes and dislikes. It also meant that this was how he figured out which side everyone would meet. Though strangely enough, Leander did not know which one he would be better at himself. The warrior side seemed promising, but the idea to use magic and to simply conjure things from thin air seemed amazing. He also couldn't figure out why his own beam collided with the High Masters. It almost felt like he was attacking him, protecting his own mind from an invader.

The High Master suddenly pulled himself out and both their eyes opened realizing that the length of time had only been but a few seconds. The old pair of eyes watched him with a slightly confused yet intrigued expression. "... How very interesting," He began. "I have never once seen someone so perfect for either side." His eyes averted Leander's. "Dominus Laurel," The woman stepped forward. "Please escort Mr. Leander to my room. Also, inform Dakota that I request his presence as soon as he returns."

Dakota? That bear some of the others were talking about earlier? _That bear the others were talking about in the main hall? What was wrong with being perfect for either side? _ Leander wanted to ask, but decided to wait until he was alone with the High Master. The woman took hold of his hand and gently tugged him to follow. Departing from the rest of the group, together they walked back down the hallway.

The woman was beautiful, not looking older than her thirties, long black hair that she allowed to hang half way down her back. Her face was thin and her nose was a little small, but it matched her fragile size. Large brown eyes complemented her small nose, adding a balance to her face along with her thick red lips. Her apparel was scarce, little bits of armor and white soft cloth covering her undersides she in no way appeared to be a warrior. Now thinking about it, Leander questioned her degree. She didn't seem like the warrior type... did the High Master mean warrior as, shield and sword or axe? What other kind of warrior was there?

"A fair warning to you Leander," Her voice changed every thought he had for her. The command and strength in it over confidently proved that she was a warrior. "I don't know what exactly Astrid has in store for you... but being presented before Dakota you certainly have taken his interest. If you have a disliking toward Ursus, please refrain from exploiting them to Dakota. He's appeared to become both notorious and famous for his contracts here at D.U. I don't know the bear myself... but do try to keep yourself at least neutral with him."

Leander nodded. "I've never met an Ursus before."

Her eyes dropped over to his. "I'm surprised, they're one of the largest in the community, where are you from?"

"I grew up with my Aunt and Uncle. They're home is out in Rington... they're not exactly people who enjoy diversity... The diversity between humans was enough for them."

"Rington, so very distant and isolated from the world... No wonder you were such a hard person to locate."


She smiled. "Astrid's been looking for you for quite some time you know... the perfect warrior for D.U. It does make more sense, the undead don't tend to dwell in the upper class districts. The D.U's enabled the government to keep it clean along with the high paying salaries that go around up there." She smiled a little bit. "It makes me wonder even more what Astrid see's in you... I'm sure you haven't managed to get engaged with an undead yet then hm?"

Leander shook his head. "I've seen them... one or two lingering around Rington, but the next night or a few hours later they would become disposed of. They never seemed to attack anyone."

"Yes, Rington has quiet the security, removing those that become infected before the stages take full effect. They're not like that here though," Her voice was grave. "Not at all like Rington... Here, they take lives. Rington is oblivious to the dangers of the world, the monsters that Hell cannot contain anymore. All around the world demons and spirits have slipped past the gates of hell and are mercilessly killing others to become more powerful. If Astrid partners you up with Dakota I hope he explains the status of the world. I knew it long ago, but now I remain on campus to protect the students if something gets out of hand."

Leander felt hesitant on asking his next question, especially to this person he had barely meant. Did the guide really mean to share a relationship with another as in physically and emotionally? For his entire life in Rington it had been frowned upon, the entire time he traveled with his Aunt and Uncle it had seem that his choice in sexuality was frowned on. He was homosexual but never let it out nor felt comfortable about letting it out, but now that the guide had mentioned it, it almost felt urgent that he spoke to someone about it. "Uhm... Dominus," She turned her head. "What... what did the tour guide mean about finding our companion... Did he really mean that we would fall in love with a certain one at this school? He left it very open and it just didn't seem to make sense that the one all of the students are searching for is here."

She smiled and took me to a stop. "Not everyone will find their mate here but most do. After all, being gifted and accepted into this school makes finding that special someone less hard. See, in a way, we're all connected toward one another, all share a unique aspect that the rest of the world doesn't. But it does alter and change; no one is the same here whether it is there personality, gift, or appearance. Yes, some students don't manage to partner up with anyone emotionally but they still have a partner to support them. Recently the number has been growing; years and years ago everyone was able to find that special someone just by entering this school. Proof of the different diversities that the school is welcoming in."

"So... did you have a mate?" She smiled and nodded proceeding to walk again.

"My mate was beautiful, a very brave lion, a little too brave. He threw himself at whatever challenge he could, even challenged himself to becoming my lover. It took him a few tries but he was relentless, never gave up until finally I opened up to him and that strong boasting self of his became sensitive." She frowned. "Unfortunately he is Dominus at another school, we rarely see each other now... but that doesn't dwindle our love, not for a moment and whenever we do have the time to meet one another, we make it last. Love is a powerful emotion perhaps stronger than our powers, and I find it ironic that even the humans have it, almost like making them just as strong."

"There's other schools?"

She smiled at the innocence of Leander. "You really haven't been out to even the slightest of dangerous places of the world have you?" He shook his head disappointed. "You didn't think that this school was the only one that had to help purge evil? With as big as the world is, it would be impossible to slim out the massive growth of undead."

Leander nodded and together they stopped at a large double door glowing with a gold aura. Decorative symbols rimmed the perimeter, with a lion shaped knocker on each door holding it's respective silver ring in its maw.

"Here is Astrid's chamber..." Pulling the rings Laurel revealed the inside of Astrid's chamber.

It looked more like a library than someone's chamber. The room was cylinder like and had two levels. The first level was covered with complex designs and instruments, braziers, cauldrons, tables with beakers and a steam powered machine that left off a faint steam cloud. The second level was lead to by two stairs that half spiraled up, one on either side of the room. From the first floor one was unable to see all that was there, but could reason that it was the floor were the High Master's studying went on. Book cases stretched up into a tower, being cut off by the roof of the first floor. Within the middle of the second floor was a table, making it more obvious that it was his study.

"By the way," Laurel began. "I wouldn't touch anything in here... I don't know what Astrid works on during his free time... none of us do... He's reached that age where insanity is a proposal of his status." She gave a wink. "Wait here for him to arrive and he'll inform you from there."

Leander nodded and watched the doors shut behind him, a loud lock clicking behind him. Returning to the disorder of the room, it made him smile. It really did make Astrid look like a crazed man not to mention his aged appearance. The only thing that kept him from looking like a complete lunatic was the organization. Everything was in place as far as he could tell, the book cases were lined accordingly and things on tables sat peacefully aligned with the other.

His eyes wandered around the room still intrigued by the chaos of it all. But something had managed to catch his eye. A strange faint glowing sphere, resting on the center table of the second floor; he kept Leander's words fresh in his mind though and withdrew from the item. Having to pull his entire body from the front, he resorted to the other parts of the room, walking around, analyzing the strange tools and instruments.

He frowned once he realized his footsteps had lead him to the base of the second floor and immediately his eyes shifted to the sphere once more. It had drawn him in now, somehow cleared his conscious of any worries and he took that first step up to the second floor, each following faster and faster till he was standing mere feet from the table. This had been the only part of the room that was cluttered with papers and books, odd sketches and drawings of the sphere itself. Wandering closer, the table pressed against his pelvis and his eyes watched like a thief as if preparing to steal it. Hand presuming forward, they were inches away when the latch of the door unhinged and the sphere itself seemed to push him away.

The door opening, Leander fell away from the sphere. In entered a rather large polar bear, his great turquoise eyes meeting with Leanders light brown as he froze. Silence invoked the room, an awkward sense filling in Leanders body. Only his eyes could move as they traveled down the handsome bear. Is this Dakota? Was all that rummaged through his entranced mind. He could barely describe the figure himself; only stare at the overall beauty. Beauty was mixed with several other traits, the menacing and strong look the bear carried as well as the gentle tone that his eyes revealed while they watched.

"I take it you're Leander?" The voice of a hero spoke, brave and almost echoing as if empowered by Heaven. Was he God himself, standing before him in a white robe, reflecting the odd colors of Astrid's room, appearing so strong and indestructible? Leander had fallen to his mercy and grace in mind, given complete vulnerability to this Titan.

"... Hello?" Leander awoke to his voice this time, blinking in realization that he had been standing there dumbfounded for several seconds.

"Huh... Uh yeah Leander, uh I'm Leander." He added a weak smile attempting to compensate for his stupidity.

The bear nodded and walked around to the stairs, stopping at the bottom. "You know students are forbidden from being up on Astrid's stage without his permission? It might be wise to get down before he gets here."

Muffling some confused words, Leander's eyes looked down to the sphere, its shape no longer glowing and nodded walking toward the white fluff. "I- I'm sorry... I didn't know."

The bear eyed him and gave a slow nod flaring his nostrils. "Might be wise to get use to some of the rules here at D.U. too... Remember this one, because he has reasons for it."

"Dakota?" Astrid's voice protruded from the hall, he entering shortly after. "Aw perfect you're just in time to meet." His eyes drifted over to me, and a warm smile appeared on the pale old face. "Oh... I see you've already made acquaintance with our new person."

Dakota bowed before Astrid and gave a look to Leander before responding with: "Sort of."

"Sort of... Please do make sure to accompany yourself better with him... After this he's you're new companion." Dakota's eyes shifted to Leander again and then back to Astrid.

"Yes High Master." The bear bowed nodded his head in a bow.

"Good... how did the contract in Shallow go?"

Dakota tensed a little. "The contract... managed to plunge back into Hell."

"You missed him?" Astrid turned. "That's not like you... what reason for it?"

Dakota gave a shrug nose flaring up again. "Runt and I immobilized him... but when we went to retrieve the body, the only thing that was left was the charred ring of the corpse. Gone almost instantaneously High Master."

Frowning, Astrid nodded. "Strange... but we'll discuss this later." Dakota bowed again. "Introducing you to Leander is more appropriate for the moment. He's like you, can go through both sides evenly and powerfully, another paladin." The bear's eyes found him once more. "But the boy comes from Rington... isolated from the darker side of the world. I'm sure he hasn't encountered anything like what we see daily, in which case I'm giving him to you, he's your responsibility until he can control himself... From there we will allow him to make his own companion choice." Dakota nodded and again flared his nose. "Show him around the Ursus campus, where he'll be staying."

Dakota grunted. "Yes High Master." The bear turned to Leander and eyed him up and down. "Ready-" Astrid cleared his throat.

"One more thing Dakota." The bear turned. "I know you don't like the scent of humans... but at least try and hide it. Stop flaring your snout, at least in my presence."

Dakota frowned and growled so only Leander could hear. "Forgive me High Master." He rumbled through his chest, teeth grinding against each other. Hinting for Leander to follow with his eyes and sway of the hand, the two left.

Following the bear out of the High Master dorms, he stayed close to the beast, slightly unsure of the others wandering around the campus. The first week of any school was always chaotic, even for a school such as D.U. Passing an enormous clock tower, it was already eleven, and the sun was reaching its peak, yet it still seemed eerie and dark. There was a thick smudged fog that remained over the school grounds keeping it sinister. Even the cobblestone ground was difficult to see, and from where Leander walked, the structures around him seemed creepy and very distant. Leander had to follow Dakota at a rapid walking pace as it seemed the bear was trying to desert him the way he quickly left the High Master dorms and school center.

But when the bear had slowed down or when the two were slowed by traffic, Leander didn't pay too much attention to the world; he was still lost on the bear, grinning every time one of his snow white ears would twitch to sound, or whenever he would grunt. Even his walk: a slight waddle with his strong build getting in the way, it almost made him look silly although definitely fitted the bear look. The great head looked back and showed what Leander thought was a grin but then his eyes caught the bridged sign that read Schola Ursi.

Passing underneath it, Dakota suddenly lunged for him, dragging him into a dark alley and growling over him. Fear fluttered Leander's stomach and he tried to pull away from the bear, but Dakota had none of it and instead shoved him downward against the wall. From below, he looked like a monster, the shadows covering the soft face he saw earlier and now his mind took over putting its own devilish appearance.

"Now that Astrid isn't at my back," He crouched and gave Leander a sniff, showing a large grin and white fangs. The claws dug into Leander and he panicked, trying to squirm free of the bear. "So you're another paladin huh?" He added a chuckle keeping Leander still. "There hasn't been a human paladin for a few centuries... always the animals... Something about you humans that the Heaven's don't like I suppose." The other paw touched his chest adding pressure to the center of his ribs.

"Stop!" Leander shouted taking hold of the bear's paw with his free hand.

Dakota bellowed in laughter. "Oh so you do have a brain, the way you mumbled in Astrid's office I mistook you for some of the other clueless humans."

Using all his energy to try and pull the paw away he found it useless, it only seemed to make things worse. "Why," He gasped breathless for a moment. "Why are you doing this to me?"

The pressure stopped and Dakota released him. "Because I'm curious of you... What makes you different than any of the other humans? It's certainly not your scent or your strength... the only thing you humans are different at is your intelligence." He knocked on his head. "What's in here that makes you a paladin? I don't see it yet... But I am curious to know what it is, so for now." He revealed his face from the shadow and offered out a hand. "I'll take you by my side... until you know enough that is."

Staring at the great white paw, Leander hesitated. This bear seemed mad... Everyone here seemed mad. Finding the turquoise eyes the bear added a grin and flicked his wrist for him to take. Or maybe it was me... after all they had sad I've been isolated from the world. Giving in to his questioning, he starred at the paw again and slowly reached for it, feeling the warm black bear pad as they locked around his hand and hoisted him up.

"Welcome... to D.U." Dakota darkly grinned.