7 Months Of Rain Ch 7

Story by Silverwolf117 on SoFurry

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Chapter 7

Lust and Love, two completely different things. Unfortunately, in society today, there is no difference to the younger genration. Love is the feeling of being complete with another and feeling completely safe with them. Lust is just mere sexual attraction and desire towards another. When people say that they have sex because they love each other, most of the time, that's not true. They usually do it because of outraging hormones and "fun". Sure sex can be fun, but it has to be meaningful also.

Some love, when it's distant, it can have many weird feelings and thoughts going through your head. If you have a crush on someone and they don't know, you may have butterflies in your stomach or your blood may be rushing rapidly just at the thought of that dreamy person.

As Austin walked down the sidewalk, he couldn't think straight. His smile would never seize, his heart wouldn't stop beating, his head wouldn't stop rushing and for once in his life, he felt nervous and excited at the same time. He heard what he wanted to hear but then realized the endeavors he still had to face in doing what he wanted to do.He knew he found Jake attractive, he knew that Jake was gay, all he needs to know now is if he is right for him.

With his mind clouded, Austin kept looking at the ground as he walked down the dirt road he crossed on to. He heard a girl talking and saw a woman talking on her cell phone by a bus stop.Austin didn't know the woman but he remembers seeing her with Jake quite a few times before.He wonders and walks over to the woman and taps her on the shoulder.

She gasped and blushed when she turned around and saw Austin's face. She turned her head away and covered her face with her hands."Ma'am? Do you mind I ask you a few questions about someone I think you know?" Austin said, tapping her shoulder again.She looked at her phone and said a shy and groggy "Sure.""Do you know Jake Henry?"The woman whipped her head around and stood up, "Yes, why?""He's a little bit of a friend of mine. Do you mind telling me a little about him?" He said, scratching his head, trying to keep his cool.The woman pandered around and touched her lips with her fingers multiple times."Well Jake...." She started "Is the sweetest, cutest and most considerate man I have ever known!" She jumped with enthusiasm. "He is probably the nicest guy you will ever meet. " She continued, "I know he is the sweetest I have ever met."

Austin showed no change in expression, even though he loved what he was hearing from the strange woman."How much of a friend is Jake to you?" She asked with beady eyes."Just a minor friend, if you assume I'm a friend to him in that way, I'm sorry, but you are mistaken, I love bisexual and homosexual people but I don't feel the same sexual attractions as they do." Austin said nonchalently, as if he has said something like that a million times before."Ok then." The woman said."By the way, what is your name? I've seen you a few times around school."The woman blushed at the thought of Austin actually noticing her in school. With difficulty and a cracked voice, she finally said, "D-d-Danielle. My name is Danielle.""Nice to meet you Danielle, I'm Austin." Austin said, lending out his hand to her.Danielle jumped at first, thinking Austin was going to attack her but then realized that it was just a handshake he was offering to her. She shook his hand and almost trembled at his unique and surprisingly soft touch."Nice to meet you too Austin." She said with cracks in her voice again.

As Austim walks away, he smiles again after he waves goodbye to Danielle. Herat racing once again, his thoughts clouded by an odd sensation and his stomach feeling nervous. Austin felt as strong as a warrior but as nervous as a man with butterflies in his stomach.


Jake drove slowly in his car down the backroads of Dimetown, his mind pandering from matter to matter. He had a guitar lesson to go to in 20 minutes, he was going to be late. He had alot of homeowrk to do tonight, he wasn't going to get a goodnight sleep. He had a crush that actually touched him, he wasn't going to be able to think straight for quite a while.

He brain racked around and slammed against his skull, his eyes took their gaze off the road due to a painful headache just a second prior. A car horn blazes and Jake slams onto the brakes, the car stops just before getting clipped by a UPS truck. His car tipped at the force of the delivery vehicle, spinning almost 120 degrees at the same time. Jake was hurt in his upside down car, not realizing the warm liquid running from his left hand onto his clothes. His eyes remained open for a second before they filled with darkness and the sounds he heard turned to static, then to nothing.