The Club is a Dangerous Place (Part 2/7)

Story by DylanDragon on SoFurry

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#2 of The Club is a Dangerous Place

The Club is a Dangerous Place (Part 2/7)

The sky was turning dark. There was no sunset of pinks and oranges like Dylan had hoped for. It simply turned a darker and darker shade of blue. Xavier opened the door to his car, and slid inside. Dylan got in from the other side.

Xavier started the car, and they began their drive home. On the ride, Dylan kept giving Xavier some sideways glances, hoping to catch his eye. The otter was too focused on the road. Dylan continued looking around.

Suddenly, a large building with flashing lights captured Dylan's interest. It was an enormous cubical structure. It was painted purple, and stood out completely from the rest of its neighbors. Large neon letters spelled out "The Fox Hole."

"Wow, what is that?" asked Dylan, pointing to the flashy building.

Xavier was currently stopped at a red light, and was able to look over. "Oh, that's 'The Fox Hole,' it's a new bar that opened up last week or something"

"That place looks really amazing!"

"Oh, do you want to go there?"

"Can we? I mean, if you want to go home, then I'll understand. We can always come later," Dylan said, a little disappointed.

"No, we can go. I mean, it's the least I can do..."

Dylan cheered, and gave his mate a hug from his own seat, managing to jab himself with the stick shift. As he yelped, Xavier giggled.

When the light turned green, Xavier turned right instead of heading straight to park the car.

Dylan and Xavier approached the club, almost overwhelmed by the flashing lights and crowds. Some furs were standing outside of the club, chatting. They made their way to the purple door. Dylan pushed it open for both of them.

Suddenly, a muscular arm blocked their entry. A large panther blocked their way. He had sunglasses on, despite it being nighttime. There was a small device in his ear, probably for communication. "ID?" he asked expectantly.

"Um..." Dylan hesitated. He thought about giving the bouncer his student ID card. "Nah, that's not going to work," he thought.

Xavier was already petrified. Dylan thought about it some more. "Eh, what can I lose?" he asked himself, as he pulled out his small card. By sheer luck, his school's colors were the same as an official state ID card. He handed it to the bouncer confidently.

The panther didn't even check the picture. He just copied down the name and placed it in his stack of cards. He waved them through without asking for Xavier's card.

"I can't believe that worked," Dylan whispered to Xavier, who was still slightly stiff.

"Um... is this legal...?" he asked.

"Probably not, but the worst they can do is throw us out," said Dylan, as if being thrown it is no big deal at all.

Xavier nodded. He looked around the club, trying to take in everything. Although the outside was purple, the inside was painted blue. Spinning lights cast beams of various colors onto the walls and floor. One section of the club was reserved for dancing. An amateur DJ, at least in Dylan's opinion, was playing music for the crowd. A bar stood at the other end to serve drinks.

"So what do you want to do?" Dylan asked.

"Um...I don't know..."

Dylan laughed, and pulled Xavier to the dance floor by his paw. The otter had no choice but to follow.

The floor was tiled, with dots of scatter light, broken up by the movement of dancing above it. The bass was thumping, and some electric notes zapped through the air from the speakers. No one took notice of the pair; they were too busy moving to the beat.

Dylan started nodding his head to the music, and then twisting his body with every rhythm. Xavier watched with interest, and started shuffling around on his feet.

Noticing that his mate wasn't really into dancing, the dragon clasped on his paws and pulled them together. Xavier suddenly felt more comfortable, and began moving with the rhythms with Dylan.

Soon, he had abandoned his shyness and was flashily moving around with Dylan. The song ended, but the DJ put in another, and the dance floor burst into movement again. As they danced, Xavier felt more and more comfortable with himself. He became bolder and bolder in his twists and steps. At one point, he placed his paw on Dylan's thigh, making the dragon shudder slightly.

Eventually, they both became exhausted from their constant dancing. When the song ended, they both headed to the bar. Since they were still too young to drink, they each asked for a soda. As the bartender fetched their drinks, they found two stools and sat down, relieving their muscles for awhile. Another otter was sitting next to them. She was almost the same color as Xavier. Next to her was a fox. He was orange with a white stomach and distinctive black streaks along his muzzle. They were talking, but would occasionally turn around to glance at Dylan and Xavier.

The bartender finished pouring their drinks into glasses, and slid them over. Dylan took a sip from his soda. The fox scoffed. "I knew it..." he said.

Dylan looked over. It looked as though the fox was directing that to him. But they didn't know each other. The otter smirked at them.

Dylan set down his glass. "Uh...can I help you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"How old are you?" asked the fox with a smile.

"Um...Twenty-one?" he said tentatively.

"Because a twenty-one year old would be ordering a soda at a bar, wearing a 'Class of 2013' shirt"

Dylan looked down. "Shoot," he said.

Xavier looked at Dylan worriedly, as if to say "Oh, I knew this was a bad idea!"

The otter laughed. "Relax, guys. We were your age just a few years ago, so don't act too surprised..."

Dylan breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm Dylan," he said, extending his claw out.

The otter shook it. "Tiff," she said matter-of-factly.

The fox nodded quickly, making a clicking noise with his tongue. "Klick," he said.

"I wonder why...?" Dylan thought to himself sarcastically.

Xavier turned his head. "Um...I'm Xavier," he said quietly. Tiff leaned in closer. Xavier repeated himself. "Xavier," he said, slightly louder.

"Xavier? Oh okay. Well, I'm Tiff and this is my boyfriend Klick"

Klick clicked his tongue again, acknowledging the otter's presence. "We'll be keeping an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything illegal," he said, narrowing his eyes.

Dylan leaned back slightly, clearly intimidated. The fox laughed. "So uh, what are you doing here?" Tiff asked.

"Um, well, we were on a date, and then we decided to check this place out," Dylan explained.

"Oh, you two are going out?" Tiff asked.

"Yeah, Xavier's my mate," the dragon stated happily.

Tiff sighed romantically. "D'awwww!" Klick rolled his eyes, and mouthed something to Dylan that looked a lot like "Girls..."

Xavier noticed, and he giggled. Klick downed the rest of his drink quickly. "Hey Tiff, it's almost ten. Did you want to get going?"

Tiff checked the clock on the wall. "Oh yeah, I did." She turned to Dylan and Xavier. "We're going for a walk in the park. Do you guys want to come with?"

Dylan checked his own watch. "Well, we've been here for almost two hours...Xavier, do you want to go?"

Xavier nodded. He stood up, pushing his card over to the bartender to pay for the drinks. Once the transaction was completed, they walked out the door. Again, the panther hardly noticed the ID's and just gave them back. Klick noticed the school ID. "Either you're really lucky, or that bouncer is really stupid," he said.

"I think it's a little bit of both," Dylan said.

"Um...which park are we going to?" Xavier asked, finally speaking up.

"Oh, so he talks!" exclaimed Tiff, acting surprised. "It's called Webster Park. Have you heard of it?"

"Webster Park?" asked Dylan. "Hey, we live just a couple of blocks from there!"

"Really? We do too!"

"Hey, I guess we're sort of neighbors..." the dragon mused.

"Well, we're driving there, but since you guys know where it is, I guess we can just meet up there?"

"Yeah! See you there!" Dylan said, taking Xavier's paw and leading them both to their car in the parking lot.

They got in, but Xavier didn't start the car immediately. Dylan leaned over, placing a claw on the otter's shoulder. "Xavier...what's wrong?"

"D-Dylan...I'm just...not sure we should go with them..."

"Why not? It's nice to make new friends"

"But we just met them! And I'm not really good at making friends anyway"

Dylan scooted closer, careful of the stick shift, and put his other claw on Xavier. "Xavy," he began, "It's okay. I'll be there, and we'll be together the whole time"

Xavier nodded. Dylan leaned forward even more, pushing his muzzle onto Xavier's. When they broke apart, Xavier smiled, and ignited the engine. They left the lot in silence.

Xavier held on to Dylan's claw tightly as they walked down the path. Tiff and Klick were walking next to them. Klick was busy checking his phone, refreshing every two seconds, anxious to receive an important email from his college. Xavier intertwined his arm with Dylan's, walking silently next to him. Dylan and Tiff started talking.

As it turns out, the four of them had some interesting stories to share. Actually, only Dylan and Tiff were really talking. Klick was too distracted and Xavier was too shy.

All of a sudden, Xavier tugged on Dylan's arm. The dragon turned to face him. "D-Dylan... I have to go to the bathroom"

Dylan nodded, pointing to the bathroom a couple of steps ahead. Xavier let go of Dylan's claw, and ran into the small wooden building. Tiff went in too, leaving Dylan and Klick outside.

Klick turned to Dylan. "Hey dude, do you know how to connect to the internet? I think I lost the connection"

Dylan took the phone, and tried to figure out what was happening, but the street lamp above them was giving off too much light and he couldn't see the screen clearly. "It's too bright. Want to go over there?" he asked, pointing to a small grove of trees, where there was no light.

Klick nodded, and followed him into the shade. He leaned against a tree, while Dylan faced him, trying to reconnect.

After a few seconds, he had succeeded, and handed the phone back to the fox. "Oh thanks, dude!" Klick said. Dylan nodded graciously.

Tiff came out of the bathroom, and spotted Klick and Dylan under a tree. She crept up behind them, eyes still adjusting to the darkness. The otter tapped on Klick's shoulder. He turned around. She pressed her muzzle onto his, and rested her arms on his chest. She felt him kiss back, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Oh, this is new," she thought.

Suddenly, she stopped. She ran her paw along Klick's chest. "Wait... are those...scales?!" She broke apart immediately. Squinting slightly, she could make out a confused dragon.

"Dylan..." she said, a little puzzled.

"Tiff..." the dragon chuckled. Klick's eyes widened. He scoffed, still leaning against the tree.

"Oh Dylan! Sorry! I thought you were Klick! It was so dark!" the otter giggled.

Dylan chuckled. "It's fine, I thought you were Xavier..."

All three of them were giggling, amazed that they could make a mistake like that. Dylan was still smiling. "Hey Tiff, have you seen Xavier?"

"No," she said, "When I came out, I think he was still in the bathroom"

Dylan nodded, and walked over to check up on his mate. There was no one in there. When he came out, he saw someone in the distance, running down the path leading away from them. He could have sworn he heard crying.

Okay, I hope this wasn't too cliché for you guys...

Also, this may have seemed a bit boring, but it had to be done!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!

Rate/Review please! Thanks for reading!