School Dazed

Story by BlackWolfe on SoFurry

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#3 of Erotic Friction

Mashara makes a spectacle of hirself at Lady Harmony's School of Nymphomancy AUTHOR'S NOTE: Part three of Erotic Friction, which began with "Rousing the Beast" and continued in "Paying Tribute". Contains: - Two hermaphrodite main characters

  • More growth

  • Mental domination

  • Some sexual-type stuff got in here somehow, too. Weird, huh? * * * "The important thing to understand," Sahara's professor of elemental magic was droning on, "is that all of the elements have a relationship to each other that goes far deeper than the 'paper, scissors, stone' metaphor that a lot of people want to apply to them." We'd gotten to her school, just barely, by means of a sort of sexual suppression field that Zephyr taught me to weave and a quick transposition - a kind of air elemental teleportation. It's mind-numbingly complicated, believe me. I made the mistake of asking the elemental to explain it to me. "Sahara," I muttered - no, let's be honest, I whined - "my skin's too tight!" Sahara had taken a moment to wrap both of us in a minor shapeshift spell to reduce the two of us to more normal proportions. For hir own part, shi'd kept hir... ah... gender enhancements, to a degree. Shi was still emphatically dual-gendered, with a larger bust than shi'd had before, but not quite the erotic display shi'd been the night before. For me, shi'd had to go a bit further. I was still taller than shi was, but now was "only" an imposing six foot seven as opposed to the nearly twenty feet tall I'd been the previous night. My sheath ground teasingly against the too-tight pants, and threatened to unleash the nineteen or so inches it concealed. I was sure my pants couldn't take that. And to add to my discomfort... "They're all thinking sex thoughts," I moaned. "Every one of them, lewd, uninhibited thoughts directed at her." I nodded towards the professor, who was going on about the relationships between the five elemental kingdoms... Something struck me as odd about that statement, but it was harder than usual to concentrate. "Oh, yeah," Sahara said. "It's kind of a game... we all try to make her cum while she lectures us. So there's empathic broadcasting, and telepathic suggestions, and some rather blatant air manipulation, all of it trying to make her break her concentration." I blinked. I could feel the spell binding my form down shudder under the pressure. With all this energy in the air from the collective libidos of the students, my body was desperately trying to outgrow the spell's ability to contain it. "Why?" I was whining again - this really was too much for me to bear. "Some kind of a curse," Sahara muttered, taking notes while the professor droned on about ancient treaties and ongoing struggles and seemed to be stoically ignoring all of the efforts directed at her. "If she's not cumming," shi said with a lewd grin, "she just passes right out." "You could break it," a voice whispered in my ear. Zephyr, nearly invisible, nearly intangible, perched on my shoulder unnoticed by anyone but myself and Sahara, leaned in to explain the process to me. "With our bond, you've got a mastery of air unmatched by anyone outside my kingdom. Without even touching on your own powers, you could make her cum so hard the spell would overload and shut down. Do it enough times before it's back up again, and it would break." "So could she," I pointed out. I knew both by instinct and from our experiments over the last weekend that a mortal mind could only withstand so much intense pleasure before it risked permanent damage. "How would I know I'd done enough, but not too much?" "Drop it, you two," Sahara bit off at us before turning hir attention back to the professor. Zephyr gasped, scandalized that my "priestess" had spoken to hir "goddess" like that. For my part, I took it in stride - shi knew more about this situation than I did, after all. When Zephyr had taken a moment to smooth her ruffled fur a bit, the luscious calico continued. "She's a sex addict," shi said. "Only really happy when she's cumming. Apparently, she went to some kind of dark nymphomancer - all the reputable ones would have tried to cure her instead - and got him to put a spell on her so that she'd be climaxing every waking moment." I blinked. That sounded... dangerous. "And...?" I grunted. The button on my fly had just popped open, and the slight release of pressure felt like a miniature orgasm. If this didn't stop soon, I was going to make a huge scene - likely a sticky, messy one that would take up the entire lecture hall - and that wasn't even taking into account all of the students in the room. "Well, the nymphomancer refused - if he did that, she'd never be able to sleep, and eventually she'd go mad and he'd be hunted down and held responsible for anything she did. Since sleep deprivation often leads to suicide, that'd be a murder charge. She insisted, started bullying him in the hopes that what he wouldn't do for payment, he'd do in self defense. He cast this spell as both a curse and a compromise. She got what she wanted - she's cumming every waking moment - but in such a way that she still gets sleep every night." "That's... pretty fucked," I moaned. "Dammit, I can't take this. Either her spell breaks or yours does, and if yours breaks, it'll tear the room apart." I winced, wanting to take that last part back, as the thought of me being that large sent a shudder of pleasure through hir, battering harder at the spell containing me. I tried not to think about the rather prominent bulge in Sahara's jeans, and glanced at Zephyr out of the corner of my eye. "What do I do?" "Make her cum," the elemental said matter-of-factly. "Well, how?" "Command it." I blinked. It couldn't be that simple. "Command her to cum. The air will carry the command to her, and she will have no choice but to obey." I looked down at the professor, trying to shield myself from the onslaught of energy pouring at her - and, I realized, out of her as well. "Cum," I whispered. She didn't even bat an eye. "Cum," I said more forcefully. She blinked, paused in mid-step, and continued. "Cum for me," I commanded, still keeping my voice down. To my right, I could hear Sahara's breath getting deeper, faster, and this time, the professor stopped, her words breaking off into a surprised sort of hiccup. She looked around the room, eyes flicking back and forth rapidly. "Harder," I whispered, and smiled when I saw her knees wobble. The moment she made eye contact with me, she knew. Her eyes widened as I whispered one more time, "Cum for me," and she let out a scream of pleasure that I was sure would bring the entire school running and fell to her knees. It was right about then that I realized I had made a colossal mistake. The energy that had been roiling around the room was nothing compared to what she released at that point. It hit me like a tidal wave, and the room lost focus. I was vaguely aware of my erection shoving its way roughly past the zipper of my jeans, felt something hot hit me in the face... Spunk, I realized - my own spunk. Someone - Zephyr and Sahara swear it was me - screamed out in pleasure, the scream mixed with words I couldn't understand. I felt incredibly confined, like some kind of bondage scene done to extremes, then the feeling vanished and was replaced with a rush of power and pleasure. It was a mixture of power and pleasure and humiliation at doing so in public, combined with some odd physical sensations that, all combined, made me feel like I'd just had a screaming orgasm in the ball pit at an amusement park. Turns out I wasn't far wrong. I lay there for something like a billion years, gasping, listening to screams of terror and wondering if any of them were my own. A commanding voice - one I wished was mine, to be honest - called for silence and got it. "Is everyone okay?" It took me a moment to recognize the voice. Though no longer the breathy words she'd been speaking before, it was the professor speaking. There was an immediate uproar. "Yes, well, apart from that," she said, cutting everyone off. I needed to learn how to do that with something other than an orgasmic scream. "Mistress, are you all right?" Zephyr's voice danced in my ear, making me twitch it involuntarily. It felt almost like twitching off a fly, and I heard a grunt. "She's all right," the air elemental said groggily from some distance away. I still couldn't open my eyes. "Right," the professor said. "Nobody's hurt, everyone got a hell of a show, and you guys have definitely earned the traditional reward." There was a cheer at this. "So, you're dismissed for the day. Go get cleaned up, and I'll see you at Charlie's on Friday night." I heard the general murmur of people filing out of the room. "Oh," she called after them. "Homework! The first one other than Sahara and your new classmate here," I felt something tiny on my shoulder, like someone poking me lightly with a toothpick, "who can tell me exactly what happened here gets a full case of Mindblow." Soon the clamor had gone, and I lay there, the afterglow slowly fading, taking with it blissful ignorance of the extreme discomfort my position was putting me in. I felt like I was laying naked in a gravel pit. The professor's voice, from somewhere near my ear, said, "How are you feeling?" "I'm afraid to open my eyes," I muttered. I did so, however, just a tiny bit. My nose nearly brushed against the high ceiling. "Shit," I muttered. "How big?" "Eleven meters, twenty seven centimeters," Zephyr replied. That sounded like a lot. "What is that in feet?" "Thirty-seven," the professor replied. "Succubus, I take it?" I nodded, then winced at the grinding sound of metal chairs being scraped against concrete. "Fairly new, as well?" "Just a few days," I admitted. "Still," the professor said, "what the hell happened to you? I can see where the power rush would have been something else, and the screaming orgasm was, frankly, to be expected. Why did you feel the need to turn my room into a... sticky wasteland?" I lifted my head a little so that I could look at her. "It wasn't deliberate," I said. I had no idea how to begin explaining, though. "Mashara has a sort of imbalance," Sahara said. "Instead of just storing energy, her body sort of... converts it to mass..." The professor's eyebrows went up. "Fairly efficient conversion," she said. "Actually, it looks like you got more out of it than was actually in the air..." "Not really," Sahara said. "See, she kind of... well, she was about eighteen feet tall when I brought her in this morning." The professor laughed. "I may have been distracted," she said, "but I think I'd've noticed that." "S'true," I muttered. "Shapeshift spell kept me down, but it kind of overloaded." She nodded. "I see. And the... rather impressive display of control you gave beforehand. I suppose it had a reason?" "I couldn't take it any more, ma'am. The shrink spell was about to break, and I figured if I could overload yours, the... it...." She laughed. "Oh, all those thoughts, yes, must have been trying on you. Well," she said, "no harm done." "Everyone's all right?" "Yes, thanks to your quick thinking and Miss Constantine's commendable reaction time, everyone is more than all right... they're downright ecstatic." She turned to the door. "You two," she barked crisply, "get in here and show miss... Mashara was it?" I nodded gently - there was barely a hint of scraping metal this time. "Show hir you're all right." Grinning, two does came into the room. I'd noticed them earlier, as they were so similar I thought they might be twins. Now, however, seeing them standing side by side, I realized they couldn't be. One was a good foot and a half taller than the other and exceptionally athletic. The other was every bit as curved as Sahara. Their faces, though, and what I could see of the patterning of their fur, were identical. It was peculiar. "Well, Haley and Maria," the professor said with a grin. "Please tell Mashara what happened." The short, voluptuous one spoke up first. "Well," she said, "it looked like you used an elemental whisper combined with some sort of command spell to make Professor Marshalls have the most intense, screaming orgasm I've seen - well, apart from yours. Then, probably all that pent up sex energy she released got absorbed by you and overloaded the shapeshift spell Sahara'd put on you. Then you started cumming all over the place, and you said something about protecting something--" Sahara interrupted briefly. "What you said was 'forget me, protect them.'" When shi said it, I got an image of my near-instant growth crushing the students in their seats, and I realized shi'd received that image from me. The tall, muscular - though only slightly less busty than her counterpart, I noticed - doe continued. "Right, so Sahara put shield spells on all of us right before the spell on you shattered. Then it was kind of like being in a pinball machine during multiball play, except with cum going everywhere." She chuckled lewdly. "And I told Haley we'd have to try that again some time." "Right," Professor Marshalls said, "well, personal commentary aside, that's, um... that's..." She collapsed. "Oh, fuck," the tall doe - Maria - said, "her spell kicked back in again." "Dammit, and I really wanted that Mindblow, Maria," the shorter one grumbled. "I'd really like to get off the floor," I said, looking pointedly at Sahara. "Y'know, without further renovating the place?" Shi laughed. "Sure, no problem. Haley, Maria, you might want to close your eyes." She looked at me. "Make light," she said. "What now?" "Make light. Your body converts energy to mass, so it should work the other way around. Just burn off all of that energy by making light. A lot of light. Tons of it." Shi closed her own eyes and covered them. Haley and Maria followed suit. Okay, fine. Light. I could do light, I was sure of it. All I had to do was... I don't know, think light thoughts? I had no clue. But I tried it, and sure enough it started to get brighter in the room. "More," Sahara said firmly, eyes still covered. "Brighter." I clenched my eyes shut, concentrating as hard as I could on making light, and soon, even with them shut, I realized that I was seeing more than pitch darkness. The glow intensified, building until even with my eyes closed, it was almost painful. I held it there for what felt like an eternity, until Zephyr interrupted. "That should be good, Mistress," she said, and I relaxed. It took a moment for the glow to actually fade, and in it, I saw more than just physical features. The two does, I realized, were identical twins - or had been. Something had changed them. I wasn't really ready for more revelations, however. "Okay," I said, "you can look." Immediately I regretted it. "'Look' does not mean 'stare,'" I complained, as the four of them - Sahara, Haley, Maria, and Zephyr - looked at me with a kind of intense sexual hunger that I understood only too well. "Oh, my," Haley murmurred appreciatively. "Sahara, can you and your friend come home with us today? We need to talk." She looked back at me, grinning. "Among other things." On the plus side, I told myself as the three of them helped me up and Zephyr perched invisibly on my shoulder, I would definitely not starve to death.