Cat Bites part IV

Story by The Dark Trianni on SoFurry

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#4 of Cat Bites

Cat Bites part IV

by Dark Trianni

_ This story contains the following: _

BD : Bondage and/or discipline;

DS : Dominance and/or submission;

FF : Female/female sex;

FD : Female dominant;

MF : Male/female sex;

MD : Male dominant;

FT : Fetish (usually clothing);

FU : Furry;

GR : Growth/enlargement of bodies and parts (i.e. breast enlargement);

HM : Humiliation;

LA : Lactation;

MA : Masturbation;

MC : Mind control;

NC : Non-consensual.

Any of this doesn't appeal to you, don't read it.

The characters in this story are mine and mine alone; no one is to use them. If I find them used by anyone, then that is called 'stealing', and stealing is against the law. Please do not break the law. Every time you break the law, an angel loses its wings. Every time an angel loses its wings, God gets pissed. Every time God gets pissed, we as a whole feel his wrath. The dinosaurs broke laws, angels lost their wings, God got pissed, and God smote them as a whole. Get it? If not, let me put it bluntly; DO NOT USE THESE CHARACTERS!!

Chapter IV: Three's a Crowd

Ranki smirked as he pinned the helpless Haley against the wall. Once again, he eyed her, just as he had done when he and Sarah walked into the shop. "Oh yes, I definitely found my purchase," he said lowly, with a faint growl in his voice.

"Ranki!" Sarah cried out, grabbing his attention from the poor shop girl in his clutches. "Let her go, Ranki," she begged him, getting to her feet from her sitting position, "She has nothing to do with us at all. Please... Let her go..." Ranki scoffed at her and shook his head. "Ranki! I'm begging you! Let her go!"

With his tail, he swatted her across the face roughly. It was a very strong tail whip and it surprised her. "Sarah, I don't like your tone," he said simply as she rubbed her face. "Remember out little talk? Where you do as I say without question?" She looked away. She disobeyed him, and was likely to be punished now. "I don't need your approval for this shopping trip, yet you're trying to get me to change my mind? No-no-no, Sarah..." He looked her with a gleam in his eyes. "Just sit here like a good kitty and play with yourself," Ranki commanded.

Sarah's hair stood on end when he completed his sentence. "He wants me to do what!? In a public place!?" she thought. Before she realized it, she took a seat back down and spread her legs and her hand began to softly rub her thigh. "W-what?" Fighting against her own body, she tried to stop her hand from traveling further up to her crotch--of course, failing. A soft purr filled the dressing room as she stroked her thigh and crept up closer to her moist lips. "N-no! Don't listen to him!" she scolded herself mentally. However, her hands weren't paying attention to what she was thinking and pushed a few fingers into her waiting slit. She continued to purr louder as her fingers worked themselves in and out.

Haley and Ranki watched as Sarah pleasured herself right before their eyes. Ranki grinned, as to be expected, but Haley watched only in confusion. The saleswoman looked to Ranki, about to speak, but she kept her mouth closed as the dark Trianni turned back to look at her with one of his standard sinister grins. Swallowing loudly, she built up the courage to speak. "W-what did you do to her?" she asked.

Ranki responded with one of his standard sinister grins. "You'll find out soon enough, Haley." He pressed her up against the wall with his strong tail, freeing his arms from having to hold the girl up. Slowly, his hands reached for the base of her top and began to pull it off over her head.

Haley's blue eyes grew wide and fearful. She was about to be raped by this intimidating Trianni! "P-please! D-don't do this! I have a boyfriend!" she begged, tears threatening to stream forth.

With her top off, he had clear access to her shoulder. He licked his pearly white fangs as he hiked up her skirt, revealing a nice pair of lacey panties over her shaven mound. "Oh, what a shame. You won't be seeing him anymore," he said in an apathetic tone. She sobbed loudly and clamped her eyes shut as Ranki began to pull her panties off.

"At least I lost my virginity to someone that mattered to me," she thought as tears began to freely pour. She and her boyfriend had been going out for more than two full years, and they tried to wait until they were married to have sex, but temptation got the better of them. They promised to never regret what they have done. For this, Haley was grateful. But the thought of never seeing him again was unbearable. Was she going to be raped and then murdered? She didn't want to think of that. "Please... Let me go, sir... I won't say anything to the police or anyone; just don't do this to me--" Her begging ceased abruptly as Ranki had thrust into her with his full length. "A-AHH!! P-PLEASE!! NO!!" she screamed, hoping someone would come to her aid.

"Scream all you want, Haley!" Ranki grunted as he continued to violate his victim with his monstrous appendage, "No one will come!" He thrust into her rapidly like a wild animal in heat as she continued to cry out in pain. "Face it! You're fucked! Both figuratively and literally!" Ranki said with an evil cackle.

Sarah was still busy with her furious masturbating, and she had climaxed nearly four times since she started. She couldn't disobey Ranki--he never told her to stop--so she continued with this as the employee was being raped right before her eyes. Looking into Haley's face as it became distorted in pain, Sarah knew she had to help, but her body wouldn't allow it. It was as if her body was in complete control instead of her mind. "O-oh, Haley... I-I'm so s-sorry," she lamented to herself as she arched her back and drove her fingers further into herself. The seat was completely soaked in her juices.

Haley had never been taken like this. She and her boyfriend had done it a few times while standing, but this was so different. Of course, rape was rape, but she couldn't help but feel some pleasure from this. Ranki was at least twice the size of her boyfriend, and almost twice as skilled. She bit her lip tightly to prevent herself from screaming out and letting Ranki know she enjoyed it. "T-this is so wrong! But why does it feel so good!?" With a few more thrusts, she just couldn't take it. Her mouth opened wide as a long, loud moan came from her. "O-ooooh yes ~~~~!"

"That's it! Feel it!" Ranki growled as his rutting went to a feverish pace. His groaning only egged Haley on, as she continued to moan louder and louder, her hands moving up to caress her small breasts and perky nipples through her lacey bra. "Feel it as I fuck you harder than anyone else has!" Much like when he was raping Sarah the day before, his fangs began to sharpen as his blood boiled and he intensified his driving into Haley. "Almost there..."

His girth was now stimulating her clit. She began to wonder of her boyfriend even knew where her clit was. "O-oh god! Oh! Oh god! More!" Haley gasped repeatedly as her fingers pushed under the cups of her bra. She had begun to grind her crotch against him, and her legs wrapped around his waist. "This tail," she thought, realizing it was the tail that was holding her up against the wall! There Haley stood, practically hovering in the air as his thrusting became more primal and vicious, but she was just loving this! "H-harder! N-now!" she growled.

Ranki's mouth opened wide as a series of gasps and groans come from him. Haley looked his way at just the right moment to see his razor sharp fangs. Though frightened, she continued to grind against his manhood. The Trianni complied with her request to drive harder, and did it rapidly. He roared as this happened and clamped his fangs into her shoulder and flooded her sex with his semen explosively.

As she felt his load spurt into her, it sent Haley other the edge in ways she felt possible. She had achieved multiple orgasms, and was enjoying every second of it. The pleasure she felt was so incredible. She was so busy with her senses, she had no idea Ranki had bitten into her with his sharp fangs, even as the blood rushed to the surface and spilled down her back. "O-oh, my," was all she could say, followed by several heavy gasps.

Ranki pulled his fangs out of her shoulder and licked the blood off them with his tongue. "For someone with a boyfriend, you certainly enjoyed this." Haley looked away, completely ashamed. It was rare that her boyfriend would ever give her even one orgasm in all the times they've had sex, and this rapist brought her to her peak several times at once. She didn't want to admit it, but this was the best sex she's ever had. "Tell me you're a whore, Haley," he said with a grin. "Tell me you're a filthy whore."

Haley sobbed and looked away. "I'm a filthy, filthy whore!" she said as loud as she could.

"Good girl. I'll reward you with this..." Suddenly, Haley arched her back as her clit pulsed rapidly, causing her to moan loudly. Her hips were gyrating on their own as she rubbed at her clit fiercely. Her moaning continued for another few seconds as her sexual juices slid down her thighs, leaving her gasping for air. "If you do as I say without question, I'll give you a powerful orgasm, much like the one you just had."

"H-how... are you doing this?" the girl asked, almost shaking. This was so strange.

He grinned and looked to the still masturbating Sarah. "You may stop, Sarah," he commanded. Almost immediately, her fingers withdrew from her sex coated with a thick layer of her cum. "Come and show Haley your mark." She stood shakily--sitting with her legs spread for so long, she was a little sore--and approached Haley with her back to her. Ranki lifted the back of her shirt enough to show the shop girl the black tattoo-like marking on her shoulder blade. "This is my marking, Haley," he said, outlining the mark on Sarah's back, making the girl purr at the touch. "The mark shows everyone that the person bearing the mark is my property." He could tell she was confused, so he decided to clarify a bit more. "When I bit you, I left a mark on you, just like this one."

"S-so, I-I'm like a branded c-cow!?"

"Absolutely correct, my dear girl." He pulled Sarah's shirt back down and moved her beside him. "And with that mark, I have control over your body, your actions and your thoughts."

Haley began to shake. "Y-you're lying!" she spat. "It's impossible!"

Ranki laughed loudly at that comment. "If you don't believe me, I'll show you." He grinned at her as he looked her right in the eyes. "But not right now. First, we're going to go back to my place, and then we'll have some fun." The two girls looked to each other; Sarah scared half to death, and Haley still confused and more than a little frightened. "Get your shirt back on, but put your bra and panties in this bag," he said, lifting a store bag. Haley did as she was told and tossed her underwear into it. "Now, go around the store and buy as much sexy lingerie as you can. Make sure to grab a wide range of sizes."

Haley nodded slowly as her body shook. Taking the bag from him, she stepped out of the changing room and began to grab just about anything she could. But she wasn't understanding something: why was she doing as he said? It couldn't be because of the mark he said he placed on her, could it? She didn't believe in witchcraft or voodoo of any kind. But she was compelled to obey this man. She saw Ranki and Sarah as they made their way to the store entrance and waited. Sarah was looking straight at her and mouthed something to her. "I'm sorry?" Haley said to herself. Why was Sarah saying she was sorry? This wasn't making sense.

"Ooh, Haley, what's all this stuff for?" Haley's friend behind the counter asked cattily as she rang up everything Haley picked out.

Haley shuffled nervously. "M-my boyfriend's birthday is today," she lied. "I wanna do something 'special' for him."

"Wow, he sure is gonna like this present," she said with a wink. Haley looked away, with a mixture of shame and embarrassment. "The total is $516.95. With the 25% employee discount, that's $387.71." She reached into her pocket and pulled out her debit card. She was actually going to do this! Good thing she only has $400 in her account--he told her to buy as much as she could, and this was her limit. But exactly why was she even listening to him? She was still so confused. "Thank you, Haley," her friend said, handing her card back. "I hope he really enjoys this."

"T-thank you," she responded and took her purchases. "Can you cover for me?" she asked nervously. Her friend smiled and nodded at her. "T-thanks." With that, she turned and headed for the entrance.

"Very Good work, Haley," he said with his grin widening. "Now, let's get out of here and head home, shall we?" he said as he turned and left the store, heading for the elevator.

Sarah sighed, looking away as Haley nodded and began to follow. "I-is he crazy or something?" Haley asked Sarah as they both exited the shop.

"Y-yes, but he's telling the truth about that mark," she said, body quivering a little. "He made me what I am... I wasn't a Trianni until today... And my breasts weren't this big..."

Haley looked down at herself. Could Ranki possibly do that to her as well? She always wanted to be more curvacious; a pair of nice big breasts, a moderately slim waist that fans out into a beautiful pair of hips and a nice perfect posterior. Maybe this would be a good thing after all.

The trio road the elevator down to the bottom floor. The elevator was very quiet aside from the whirring of the motor. Sarah was fidgeting nervously. Would Ranki hit the stop button and try to have his way with her and Haley? The last time she was saved by the mother and her daughter, but now it was just her, Ranki and Haley. Ranki made his way for the panel, and Sarah held her breath. Maybe he wouldn't? She was certainly hoping he wouldn't...

Ding! went the elevator, and the doors opened. Apparently, he was heading for the door; not the panel. He looked back at the girls and smirked. "C'mon. Everyone off," he said. They obeyed and stepped off the elevator as other people walked in. Sarah could feel someone's eyes on her from the crowd herded in, but it didn't make her uncomfortable. She looked back and there stood a tall Trianni with kind eyes and a gentle smile aimed at her. She blushed and looked away shyly. "Something the matter, Sarah?" Ranki asked slyly, looking to her reaction.

"N-no, not at all, Ranki," she said, not looking to him. But she felt something while looking into that other Trianni's eyes. Exactly what, she couldn't place it. She was so focused on the way he looked at her, she didn't even realized that they had exited the mall and got into Ranki's car.

"Now, lets go have some... fun," he said dangerously, looking at his new toy, Haley. He started the engine, pulled out of the parking lot, and sped off down the road to his place.

Ranki lead the girls back inside his house and into his room. He had Haley drop the bag in the corner of the room, which she had obediently done quickly. "Well, you certainly learned fast, didn't you?" he commented at her, making her look away. "Now, what were we going to do?" he asked, smirking as he looked to his two playthings.

Haley shook as she felt his eyes her. But it wasn't out of fear. She felt herself becoming aroused as she thought about what Sarah was saying about how Ranki changed her. "T-this mark," she began and swallowed loudly, "w-what can it really do?"

"Anything I want," he answered. "Take a look at Sarah. She was a weak human much like yourself, Haley. But now..." He looked to Sarah. "Now she's a super sexy slut at my command." Sarah simply looked away.

"C-can you... do the same to me?"

Sarah looked to Haley with wide eyes. "H-Haley! You have no idea what you're saying!" she shouted, trying to reason with Haley.

"Sarah, shut up," Ranki commanded, crossing his arms and focusing on Haley. Suddenly, Sarah was unable to find her voice. She didn't want this kind of thing to happen to Haley, but it seems that what she wanted didn't matter in the least. "So, Haley... Since you've been such a good girl, I'll give you whatever you desire..."

Haley looked to Ranki and then looked down to herself. "I... I want my body to be sexy," she said nervously. "M-my boyfriend always made fun of me for being flat..." Just as she said that, something began to happen. Looking down, she saw that her top was rapidly filling out. Her breasts were swelling at an alarming rate, but Haley was loving it. Finally, she had breasts, and they were still growing. She arched back and jut her chest out, moaning as sensitivity increased. Cup after cup they grew, her shirt stretching out over her expanding mounds. She was well passed a double-D, but they continued to push outward faster and faster. More of her flesh was exposing itself as her shirt began to tear. Her nipples were growing just as fast as her breasts. Finally when her shirt snapped open, the fabric whipped her rock hard nipples, and caused her to shudder with increasing arousal. When they finally stopped, she guessed she was a double-G cup. "O-oh god... T-that was so hot..."

"Try watching it," Ranki said with a smirk. Haley took another look at her new chest and was thrilled to finally have a pair of great big breasts to flaunt about. "But there's still more in store for you." Her skirt suddenly felt tighter. Much much tighter, and it was still tightening. Her hands went to her sides and she felt them bulging out to meet her palms. It hit her that her hips were becoming wider and her backside more plump. This was like a dream come-true for Haley; she just couldn't believe this was happening to her.

She felt the skirt rip down the sides enough to allow movement, but her hips and backside continued to expand outward. "O-ooh," she moaned as her fingers went straight for her wet hot slit and pumped in and out in a frenzied attempt to orgasm. It didn't take too long, with her arousal swelling in tandem with her hips, and she came incredibly hard. She moaned as loud as she could as her face distorted in pure pleasure. As her juices dripped through her hands and onto her thighs, she continued to finger herself. She was also feeling herself becoming taller as her legs lengthened to balance her growth out. Orgasm after orgasm, she finally dropped to her hands and knees, breathless and with her new perfectly round bottom high up in the air. "O-oh... Oh yeah..."

Ranki was impressed with this one. She was actually getting off on all the changes he was making to her body. He didn't even have to alter her mind. She went from a small girl with a petite figure to a tall, beautiful amazoness reeking of sexuality. "You, Haley, are a work of art," he commented, looking over her. She mumbled something in response to him. "What was that? You'll have to speak up."

She shook violently and looked up at him with hungry eyes. "Give me more!" she growled at him. "I need more!" She sat up on her knees and jut her huge chest out. "Milk! Fill them with milk and lots of it!"

He crossed his arms and looked to her. "Why should I? This is supposed to be for my pleasure," he said with a smirk.

"I'll let you fuck my asshole," she responded quickly, but in a very sexy tone. And then it happened. Her breasts began to feel heavier; much heavier. "U-uhh! O-ooooh yessss!" she moaned as her nipples began to swell up and turn purple from the pressure. They rounded out some too as she felt her pulse send ripples of pleasure through her large round breasts. Instantly, her hands went to her nipples and began to pull them in a milking fashion. She felt the warm milk surge from her now-ultra-sensitive nipples as it dribbled down the slope of her huge breasts. More load moans filled the room as more milk ran down her chest, down her abdomen, and into her sex. "Yeah! Yeeaah," she repeated in a high-pitched voice as she humped the air. Within instants, she came to yet another orgasm and collapsed back onto her hands.

Ranki approached her from behind and spanked her upraised backside, making her yelp. "I'll take you up on that offer later, Haley."

Sarah watched on in surprise at what Haley wanted to be done to her. Just by seeing how she was at the Veronica's Secret, no one would have guessed that she was so kinky behind closed doors. If Ranki doesn't have to change anything in her mind, that's pretty sad," she thought, shaking her head at Haley. A chill suddenly ran down her spine. She instinctively looked to Ranki with a sense of fear. True to her intuition, Ranki was glaring at her with a suspicious smirk.

"Sarah, are you thirsty?" he asked with a touch of evil in his voice. She immediately shook her head quickly. She knew what he was planning. "Oh, come on. I know you are." His eye gleamed for a moment as she felt her lips dry up. Now she was really thirsty. Struggling, she shook her head no again. "Don't be silly, Sarah... Drink..."

She shook in defeat. Ranki's will was just too powerful for her. She looked to the incredibly curvacious Haley and crawled to her, eyes locked on her nipples. Without a word at all, she dove at the girl's left breast and began to suckle for all she's worth. The milk streamed down her throat and into her stomach and it tasted heavenly. Like a mixture of cream and vanilla. As she drank, a light heat raced through her body, particularly in her breasts and inner thighs. Sarah shuddered as her right hand cupped Haley's right breast, and her left hand climbed between her own legs to her dripping sex.

Haley moaned as she felt a pair of warm lips wrap around her nipple. Quickly, she pulled Sarah in closer, pushing more of her breast in the Trianni's girl's mouth. She felt her sharp fangs pierce her skin, and that only aroused her more. "R-right there," she gasped. "R-right there!" she repeated and pushed Sarah's right hand more against the breast, milk spurting out and getting all over her hand. In a few seconds, Haley pulled Sarah closer so Sarah's knee was pushing against her soaked vagina. "M-more... More!"

Sarah's breathing hastened as her fingering picked up. What was in this milk? It was making her horny. She ground her knee against the other girl's slit, causing a moan and jut her breasts out more, giving Sarah better access. Sarah sucked and sucked at her nipple and guzzled down the contents. Without even a prompt, she moved to the left and suckled in a frenzy. Her fingers moved in and out with greater speed as she felt herself near orgasm.

"Y-Yes! Yes yes yes!" Haley screamed out, grinding her crotch against Sarah's knee. "T-this feels better than sex!" she thought with a moan. She could feel the milk draining from her breast and Sarah's teeth biting and nibbling at her flesh and nipple. It was just an incredible feeling. "Harder! Suck harder!"

Sarah did as she was told and sucked harder at Haley's ever hardening nipple while putting more force against the drenched vagina at her knee. As soon as the milk ran out in the right breast, she climbed on top of Haley and locked lips with her hungrily. Her hands roamed the other girl's body and settled on her still wet slit. The fingers pumped in and out furiously, bringing loud moans to her mouth. Sarah's tongue snaked into Haley's mouth as she rubbed her breasts against Haley's giant mounds.

Haley responded to Sarah's passions with her own fierce kiss and feverish fingering. Both girls were crying out in ecstacy as orgasm rushed through them and they both climaxed at the same time. They lay together, resting in a puddle their own sweat and Haley's sweet milk. "Amazing," Haley gasped, fingers still in Sarah's sex, rubbing softly at her clit.

Ashamed of her loss of self control, Sarah climbed off Haley and rushed away from her. The wetness was sticking to her thighs and she felt disgusted. Ranki laughed at Sarah's reaction and shook his head. "I made the milk an instant aphrodisiac to anyone who drinks it... well, except for me. I wouldn't want to lose control, now would I girls?"

"No, Master," Haley said as she sat up.

"M-Master?!" Sarah exclaimed.

Before Sarah can say any more, there was a slow clapping. "Well done, Haley. You're certainly on the ball." Haley looked over her shoulder at Ranki and blushed bright red. "I'll reward you again later."

"Noooo, Master," Haley begged, turning to face him, huge breasts resting in her lap, "I want more..."

Ranki thought for a second and smirked devilishly. "I wonder; Haley, why did you want your tits to fill with milk?"

Haley licked her lips and smirked at him sexily. "I dunno; I guess I wanted to be a milk-cow."

"Milk-cow, eh?" He liked the idea. "Well, I don't see any harm in it," the dark Trianni said and looked to Haley fiercely.

With his eyes on her, Haley had a strange feeling in her throat. She wasn't sure what it was. Opening her mouth, she let out a loud, long moo. "A-ah? W-what was that?" she asked, followed by another moo. She got onto all fours and continued to moo loudly. Her ears were changing quickly--they became very long and floppy as her short brown hair lengthened to just over her backside. Her skin began to darken to a nice golden tan which darkened into a brown from her knees and elbows down, ending with black fingernails and toenails. She mooed more and arched her back as a long brown tail extended from her spine and ended with a nice little tuff of brown hair. "W-what's h-happening," she stammered and mooed again. With a throbbing pain in her head, she felt two small horns burst from her forehead just near her temples. Spots of brown appeared on her arms, legs, back and backside and her body began to ache. When it was all finished, she struggled to her feet.

"Welcome, Haley, the Cow-girl," Ranki said with a grin.

She turned and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror. She mooed with delight at how sexy she had become. Also, she noted that she had a little more muscle tone than before, and that only added to her exotic majesty. "This is so great!" she exclaimed and looked back to Ranki with a needy look in her eye. "M-Master," she said cutely, "I want to see how this new form can please you..." She approached him and pressed her enormous breasts against his chest. "Please allow me to pleasure you," Haley said, in a sexy, breathless tone.

Ranki grinned at her and slapped her backside, making her moo and push more against him. "Sure; why not. I haven't forgotten about our deal," he said as her groped at the fleshy cheek of her backside. "Get in the shower. It'll be more fun in there." Haley quickly got into the shower as if the offer would expire any moment. Ranki turned to look at Sarah in the corner and smirked. "Shower's big enough for three," he said, obviously extending the offer to her.

She huffed and looked away, almost childishly. "Three's a crowd, Ranki."

Ranki laughed at her remark and shook his head. "Do I sense a little jealousy?" Instead of answering, Sarah stood there motionless and looked away. "In any case, Haley and I will be showering. If you want to join--"

"Go to hell," Sarah interrupted.

"Been there, done that," he joked with a menacing smirk. "One of these days, Sarah, you'll come to accept your life as my sex slave just as Haley did." Silence. He turned on his heel and headed for the bathroom, discarding his clothes as he did so.

As soon as he shut the door, Sarah left the room and into the living room. "'Jealousy?' In his dreams," she said aloud to herself. "Why would I be jealous?" Sitting in a seat, she closed her eyes and sighed in frustration. In a moment, she heard the shower running and the mooing and moaning from Haley started. She sat up and listened for a second and shook her head quickly. "Maybe now he won't pick on me..." she said, perhaps a little hurt. She caught her tone and quickly slapped herself. "Stop it! You can't be jealous!" By now she was shaking. "O-oh no," she gasped. "I... am jealous!"

End of Chapter 4: Three's a Crowd

So ends another chapter, and it seems that Sarah doesn't like the fact that another is moving in on her territory. But why? Doesn't she hate Ranki for what he's done to her? Poor confused little Sarah. Perhaps we'll find out how she feels in chapter 5? I'll tell you when I figure it out! xD Laé, folks.

~The Dark Trianni

Contact me at [email protected] for any questions.