bladepew short story (vore)
its my first Vore story
be nice ^.^;
The story you are about to read is a fur fetish story. It contains wiling and unwilling vore, Soft vore to be exact. Reader discretion is advised.
This story is based on real life. The vore is not
Now let the belly stuffing begin...
It all began in grade seven on the day that all grad seven's go to high school for the day.
I was running late when this guy on a scooter pulled up next to me. I said "hi". he stopped and looked at me and said "hi my names Simon" he smiled and got off his scooter. I replayed "hello Simon I'm Blade paw." I held out my paw and he shook it. On that day me and Simon became friends.
Three and a half months later
I padded into the school. I was early for my first day, I saw Simon hanging out with some of his friends I trotted over and greeted him. By now you've probably guessed I'm not human. In that cake your correct. I am a furry, and anthropomorphic animal. A Wolftuar, I am one of the phew who underwent gene therapy as a baby. Because the gene therapy uses animal DNA I asked for wolf. I would have bean turned into a regular anthro wolf but i required so much time in it I turn into a Wolftuar. Imagine an anthro wolfs torso attached to a wolfs body. Simon on the other hand is a human with nothing particularly intrusting about him. After a while of idal chit chat the bell went for us to get to class. The day was relatively uneventful, once the bell the signalled the end of the day bell rang I met Simon in front of the school by chance. I asked if he could come to my house. I phoned my perants and he called his. It turned out he was able to come over to my house. I picked him up , looked at him and saied " it will be faster to get to my house this way." He looked at me confused I opened my mouth and put his face onto my mouth and licked him. He screams and asked" what are you doing? I pushed him in a little more his arms being pinned to his sides. Simons screamed and squirmed as i slowly worked him into my mouth. I could feel his hands try to grab onto my gullet as I starts swallowing him down. I rubbed my upper belly as he slid into it. I starts trotting home with Simon slowly calming down in my belly. I walk into my gated apartment and spit him back out. He dusts himself off and I start to walk him to my home. We played for hours soon he had to go home. I walked him to the curb were his grandparents were waiting. I walking back inside and laid down thinking of all the things that happened that day.