Carnival Demon's Harem - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Sylver leaned forward, her hand falling from Damien's neck as she rose up to her hands and knees, almost as if she was presenting herself to him. Since Terrus hadn't said anything to her about having to wear clothes around the house, she was naked, her tiny slit dripping slightly. Her eyes were glued on the scene inside the room, and the copious cum that was leaking from her mother.

Inside the room, Syn collapsed on top of Terrus, her breath catching as she came down from her orgasm. She was too blissful from feeling her wicked demonic lover inside her again, his cum filling her tight snatch and shooting deep into her womb. "Mmm, then I guess I'm going to be getting pregnant again, Terrus," she whispered, nuzzling into his neck and snuggling closer to him, his shaft still buried inside her tight walls.

Damien was no stupid animal for sure. Hellhounds spawned from a lust demon the rank of Terrus, and an anthro hound bitch were nearly as smart, if not as smart as any other demon. It was just that in their feral forms, they couldn't speak. Only rarely had Damien ever been in his Anthro form, since he was birthed in, and was more comfortable with his present state. This form though had its urges and instincts, one of which was kicking in now with him being so close to a young, hot, wet, cunt like Sylver's. He panted and whined softly, his tongue licking around his lips and teeth, before he jumped to his feet and ran around behind her. The small half-demon child didn't even see him as he came up behind her and sniffed at her snatch, proceeding nearly instantly to jump upon her back.

Terrus was too caught up in his after-orgasm bliss to respond to his lover for several moments. When he did, it was with a soft chuckle and a kiss to her cheek as she nuzzled into him, "Wait until Sylver sees you all bloated up with her brother or least you won't have to worry about satisfying me when you're not feeling up to it during the pregnancy... and if it's a girl, I do want her as long as Sylver says it's okay." He chuckled again, "Gods I love you Syn..."

Sylver gasped as she felt something cold against her slit, a heated puff of air caressing her damp flesh. Looking back over her shoulder the young girl saw Damien suddenly mounting her and she gave him a curious look, wondering why the puppy had climbed on her back. She couldn't see much with him on top of her, so she dropped her head, looking under her body, and her violet eyes widened as she saw his pulsing, thick, red cock dripping with a clear fluid. Looking back at him, she remained still, not wanting to get him angry with her for moving away from him while he was on top of her. Her body was dwarfed by his larger frame, almost as if he was in 'protect her' mode.

Syn smiled and stretched against Terrus, her head turning to brush her own lips against his. Her soft full lips met his harder firm lips as she kissed him, pouring her love for him into the kiss. Hearing Sylver's gasp, she pulled back from the kiss a bit, turning to look over her shoulder to see what had caused the young girl to make a sound like that.

Damien had fallen for his young mistress as soon as he had seen her. The large hellhound puppy thought she was beautiful, and if Terrus wanted him to protect her, he would. But he also couldn't stop himself from mounting her. He licked his lips, his cock rigid and pulsing, ready to impale the young thing and fuck her for all she was worth. He scooted over her, panting with lust and pushed his cock expertly at the tiny fuckhole that was her cunt. He heard her gasp out loud as he began to shove himself inside and buck to get his cock hilted.

Terrus smiled at Syn as she kissed him, and he licked her lips, and then sighed as she pulled back. His attention was also turned to Sylver, and when he saw what was happening, his mouth fell agape. Damien was just beginning to rut away into his daughter, sating his own lust on her body. He wasn't sure whether to be angry or turned on, though his cock did throb a bit inside Syn.

Sylver cried out as Damien stretched her tight little cunt around his thick canine meat, his hips moving fast as he bucked into her. Her hands curled on the floor as if she was grasping for something to hold onto as Damien claimed her as his personal little bitch to breed. The young half-demoness child arched under the larger hellhound puppy and the sound of his cock drilling into her wet snatch was easily heard in both the hallway and the bedroom. Silver hair cascaded forward, obscuring her face from Terrus' view, but the next sound from her told him she was fine, as she moaned and pushed back towards Damien, her walls tight around his massive doggy-meat as he ploughed into her.

Syn felt Terrus' cock throbbing inside her, and the twitching, pulsing meat made her moan in unison with her daughter. An idea formed in her mind, and she slowly pulled herself off Terrus, moving into a similar position to her daughter, facing Sylver and Damien. "Why don't you take that throbbing prick of yours and mount me, like Damien is doing to Sylver? Claim me as your personal... bitch to breed?"

Damien let out a long series of soft whimpering noises as he felt her soaking wet tunnel suck over his cock and squeeze at him. He was in heaven, little Sylver's cunt was tighter than anything he had fucked before, and he looked down to lick at her face as his hips worked like a machine into her little cunt. He felt her wetness surrounding him, and her movements back against him, letting him know she was enjoying this as well.

Terrus groaned when Syn pulled off of his cock, her cunt dribbling their combined juices over the bed as she got down onto the floor, facing her daughter on all fours. He grinned widely, somewhat because he knew she wasn't angry at what Damien was doing, and also because he couldn't resist such an invitation, "You are my bitch Syn... and always will be..." he said softly as he got off the bed as well. His demonic energy had returned full force, and he was ready for another round. His cock was just as hard as before, throbbing and much more red than any normal human's cock. It would also be hotter the more turned on he became. The head of his cock pulsed with life. He got down behind his love and put his hands on her hips, not giving her a moment's warning as he slammed his entire length home.

Sylver groaned as she felt Damien thrusting into her and turned her face up to meet his licks and gave him some light kisses back against his lips as he fucked her. She wiggled against him, her bare ass rubbing against his groin as his thick canine dick pounded away at her tight little tunnel. Eagerly, she took his cock into her repeatedly as her hand moved to push the door open further as she watched as Terrus fucked her mother through her curtain of silver toned locks.

Syn arched her back, screaming out in pleasure as Terrus slammed home into her, his cock stretching her cunt around his thick prick. The long, lean line of her body trembled as Terrus started pounding into her in this position, and her head tossed back and forth, sending her long red hair flying around her, sometimes obscuring her from Sylver's view, and other times revealing her body to her daughter. Both mother and daughter were enjoying what was happening, the feel of the cocks stretching their cunts around them and ploughing into the deepest, wettest depths the two had.

Damien started to cum almost instantly after hilting himself. His cock was leaking pre in copious amounts, and his fertile fluid began to flow in a thick stream, though he hadn't reached his peak yet. He continued to rut her rather violently, picking up the pace as his knot began to form and he desperately tried to get it inside her cunt. Even as he did so, something changed about him. Nothing you could put your finger on, but something about the bone structure of his face and body had changed. He seemed to be stretching a bit and growing larger. It was several moments of continued fucking before he stopped, looking like an anthro form of himself hunched over the girl, perhaps a young hellhound anthro of twelve or thirteen in age.

Terrus growled deeply in his throat as Syn fucked back at him and he felt her cunt squeeze him tightly. He was rutting into her like a feral beast, just like Damien was to their daughter. He reached down and his hands grabbed her tits, pulling on them hard as he slammed his entire hot length deep within her, willing her to feel the heat from his member on every bit of her inner walls and tunnel. He hissed out a choice demon word or two and whispered in her ear, "My cunt... you love watching your daughter rutted by the dog, don't you..."

Sylver moaned and arched as Damien kept rutting into her, feeling something wider pushing against her tight little opening, slowly stretching her enough for it to fill her along with his cock. A primal scream ripped from her as his knot forced her cunt wider, stretching her painfully thin, before popping inside her, locking her to him. Creamy white girl juice escaped her before his knot sealed them together, as the pain drove her into a wild, furiously thrashing orgasm. Her body bucked under Damien's and she turned her head to look at him, long, silver hair flying around her head, and saw that he wasn't feral anymore. "Damien?" She queried as her cunt spasmed around his cock and knot, wanting his cum to fill her like her father had earlier.

Syn felt the heat in her lover's cock, the heat spreading from her cunt through her body, though it was slightly uncomfortable in her pussy. The heat felt like it was searing her cunt walls. "You know I like it, darling, and you know I'd love to see you fucking your daughter. She and I are both sluts for your cock, as well as your... pet's." She kept her hips moving against his, bucking hard to take him deeper into her body, "And when you cum, let's not waste a drop. I want to make sure I get knocked up again by you, my love."

The young anthro male, now buried deep within the young girl's cunt, was indeed Damien. His hellhound blood made it possible for him to turn from Feral to Anthro at will, and he enjoyed the ability to have hands as much as he did the ability to run on all fours. His lips curled back in a grin and he gave a short nod, then leaned down to press a lick to the side of her face, down her neck and over onto her back, "Yes Sylver...It's Damien..." he said softly, gripping her hips with his paw-hands now, and giving her an extra hard jerk of his own hips against hers, "Can you feel my cum in you?"

Terrus sucked in a deep breath as he continued to pound his lover, his Mate, his Syn, and fill her with his cum. He agreed with her, he wouldn't waste a drop; he wouldn't let a bit fall from her cunt and land on the floor. Smiling he gripped her hips harder, buried himself to the hilt in her and held her that way for several long moments as his cock throbbed. He was so close, so very close. The pulsing of her cunt was going to drive him over the edge any moment, "Damien will have plenty of chances with you later on Syn...You are mine now."

Sylver gave a low yelp as she felt Damien's cock hitting deep inside her, his thrust shorter, but more forceful than the full length thrusts from earlier. Her body was still thrumming from her earlier orgasm as she moaned softly, "Yes, Damien... I can feel it... More... please give me more, Damien..." Her body shook with the build-up of yet another orgasm, "Make me scream again for you, Damien."

Syn cried out as the rough pounding Terrus was giving her sent her over the edge and her walls suddenly spasmed around his cock as her fluids gushed from her, coating his cock. The already warm juices coming from her sizzled as they met his heated shaft and her insides felt as if she was boiling. Her back arched upwards, her red hair flying back and strands catching on the sweat coating his chest, "Do it, Terrus. Give me your baby. Fill my womb up with your cum."

Damien was more than willing to give her more of what he had; she didn't have to ask twice. True, his thrusts were shorter, but that was okay, because they were even more powerful than before, even rougher, and would ensure that his seed went deep into her, and stayed there while they were locked together. He let out a soft groan as his fingertips tightened into her skin and he humped her hard three or four times, feeling his wave of cum rising higher and higher. What was already in her had simply leaked out; this was going to come out like a torrent. He loved to make the young thing squeak and moan under him. She was technically his sister.

Terrus let out a long moan. He could feel her juices boiling on the inside of her cunt, as they contacted his heated rod. It was like he was stuffing her with a branding iron and fucking her with it, but not. He whispered some words, to let her feel the heat, but never to let it harm her, or Syl. His cock throbbed, swelled in size and then pulsed, and a jet of powerful demon cum filled her. It came flooding and flowing into her in an unending stream as he groaned out and his hands moved up to her breasts to squeeze hard. His cum was warm, hotter than a dog's, and sticky, extra sticky and fertile, "Take my cum, my slut...take my baby..."

Sylver didn't realize that Damien was her brother, and even if she had, the feel of him inside her was too delicious. It was almost like having her father in her. She didn't know that fathers weren't supposed to fuck their daughters, nor brothers their sisters. All she knew was that what was happening felt so good. Her body bucked against Damien's, pleasure flooding through her tiny frame, and another primal scream ripped from her as her tight cunt tightened even more as she came, her young juices coating his cock.

Syn screamed as her own pleasure exploded in her as Terrus filled her with his heated, thick, and sticky cum, her body bucking and trembling under his. Whereas his dirty talk would turn off most women, she revelled in being called his slut, for she was and always would be. Her nipples hardened as her breasts swung forward and back as Terrus pounded into her, making her feel, with each thrust of his cock into her cunt, with each sway of her breasts in rhythm with his thrusts, with every heated puff of air caressing her back, his full need, love and lust for her.

Damien was already falling for this young girl. She was his Mistress, in a way, and at the same time, her and her mother would be his sluts as much as they were Terrus'. He grunted and groaned out as she came hard around him, her cunt squeezing him so tightly that it felt like her muscles were trying to squeeze the life out of his cock, trying to suck his cum from him. They succeeded. Moments later he let out a howl as his cum bubbled up from his balls and rushed through his passages into her cunt, giving her her first taste of hellhound cum up her pussy. He held her hard against him, even going so far as to reach down, wrap his arms about her and lift her up a bit, so that she was more fully embedded on his cock.

Terrus knew how much Syn loved to hear his words to her as they fucked. Somehow he just knew it. Their first and only mating before this had let them know so much about each other; it was like they were able to pick back up where they left off seven years ago. He smiled and grunted, hilting her once more, ensuring that he was as deep as he could go as he filled her. His cock finally fell still, and he froze, his hands holding her tits, squeezing and releasing over and over, as both women were filled by their partners, to the brim and beyond.

Sylver squeaked as Damien lifted her, his cock firmly entrenched in her tight little cunt, her back against his furry chest as his cock throbbed inside her and she felt his hot, hellhound cum filling her. She turned her head slightly and looked up, meeting his eyes with hers. The look in her eyes was pure, innocent trust in him, the same trust she gave Terrus without reservation. She felt completely at ease around the two males, unlike the way she had felt before. Normally, trust did not come easily to her, but she trusted the both of them.

Syn groaned as her Mate and lover played with her breasts, the rhythmic squeezes in time with his pulsating shots of cum deep into her womb. Her eyes lifted and she watched Sylver getting filled by Damien's seed, the tiny girl's lower abdomen already starting to swell slightly from the sheer amount of cum filling her, just as Syn's was. A thought crossed through her mind as she watched, and she knew it wouldn't be a surprise if her daughter got pregnant right after her first cycle. Not with both Terrus and Damien using the little girl.

Damien groaned as he continued to remain solidly knotted to the young girl. He smiled a bit, his tongue hanging from the side of his mouth as his cock pulsed a few more times. He sighed softly then and his fingers began to softly play across the skin of her chest, up to her nipples and down to her hips, then back, " good," he hummed out, sighing a bit. It had been a long while since he had been able to sate himself on one so young and beautiful. He was glad too that Terrus had allowed him to do this, and that Sylver was so comfortable.

Terrus gently continued to play with Syn's tits, rubbing them with his fingers, squeezing and fondling them with his whole hands. "I love you, my darling Syn," he whispered into her ear, leaning over to kiss her neck and down her back. She was his whole world now, her and Syl, and he would do anything for them. Sighing softly, he felt his cock cease in its pulsing, leaving most of his cum deep in her womb to impregnate her. It was very possible that Syl would become pregnant after her first period, but that would be okay with him.

Sylver moaned softly as Damien's fingers caressed her chest, her tiny nipples hardening under his touch. Her arms slowly came up, sliding over his shoulders and hooking behind his head, her body completely open to his exploring paw-hands. She didn't want to stop him, not when it felt so good to have his cock buried in her tight little cunt and his fingers roaming over her body, "Can we do this in the bed next time, Damien?"

Syn nearly purred in pleasure at Terrus' words. He was everything to her. He and Syl...And Damien. Her body trembled as she felt his lips brushing over her skin as he kissed over her body. Life had taken a turn... this time, for the better for all of them. No longer would she and Sylver fear her former husband. No longer would she wonder what happened to her lover. No longer would Terrus and Damien be alone.

Damien smiled at Sylver's softly spoken words and nodded, "Sure Syl...We can do it in a bed...When I'm like this; I used to sleep in the room down the hall, so we can go there." He licked the top of her head, then slowly, carefully, got to his hind legs and held her against him. He gave a last look back at Terrus and Syn, and then walked down the hall and to his own bedroom.