The Mark Callaway Story Chapter 1

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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The Mark Callaway Story Chapter 1 -- Maybe It Runs in the Family...

"Here it-" A ringing bell interrupted the sentence, "-comes! Thank god!" The young raccoon jumped up from his desk and ran for the door, through and around his classmates to try and be the first one out of it. Mark Callaway was one of the few raccoons at his school. He was also just a freshman, and just recently moved from the east coast, so he was new on all accounts. Being gay, though, and not knowing anyone else who was, gave him more reason to feel anxious than the lack of other raccoons, or his status as a relative unknown. Granted, his preferences weren't common knowledge, but they still served to make the skittish little raccoon all the more timid in his new surroundings.

He made it down the stairs and out to the front of the school, and, just like every day, recently was joined by the three friends he'd made since moving here. One, with a classroom closer to the front of the building, was already there by the time he stepped out. The jet-black Panther stood a full foot taller that Mark, which just so happened to be one of the reasons he found the big cat, Daniel Adams, to be quite convenient eye candy. Not that HE ever needed to know, but the Panther had been on his mind a lot lately.

"Danny!" Mark dropped his bag by his friend, "Test go well?"

Danny shrugged lightly, "I'll just say this...when I go to college I'm looking into a degree that doesn't require any math."

"That bad?"

"Let's hope I'm just being pessimistic."

Danny flinched backward. And that was Mark's only warning before an arm trailing behind a sprinting fox caught his shoulders and the back of his neck. It didn't knock him off his paws, but it did startle him enough to set his fur on end. The arm belonged to Adrian White and not far behind him, joining the group was Nick "Boomer" Rice. Adrian and Nick were both built well enough, Adrian with one of those swimmer bodies, and Nick a bit stockier, but they hadn't yet occupied Mark's thoughts like Danny had. Not that they didn't make their appearances of course.

"Hey Dri...hey Boomer..." Mark extended his usual greetings, before noticing the look on Nick's face. "What's wrong?"

"You have to ask?" Nick set his own bag on the sidewalk, before and setting down on it.

Another five days of school had come and gone, and like most highschoolers, especially freshmen, it couldn't have ended soon enough for these four. Mark himself had been quite preoccupied for the past few weeks over his sexuality and whether he should tell his new friends...especially seeing as it went so "well" at his other school. As for the rest, Nick got dropped from soccer recently for reasons he'd refused to share, and, to be there for his best friend, Adrian quit soccer as well. He kept telling everyone it's better that way anyway, though, so he could focus on swimming. And, of course, Danny's algebra class could have been going a lot better, even though he tried to keep a good attitude, and smile through it.

After the standard condolences and well wishes were given to Boomer by his three friends, Mark heard a familiar voice, one that he hadn't heard in a almost a year, calling out his name from the school's parking lot.


Mark's eyes widened, "TODD!!" He grabbed his things and waved almost dismissively at his friends as he sprinted away, "See you guys later!" He ran out through the parking lot, darting between the many parked and slowly moving cars, before finally making it to the old yellow bug that the big hippy had driven for years, and sticking his head in through the window. "Todd!"

"Hey kiddo! Surprised to see me?" Just across the cab of the bug sat Mark's older brother Todd, not a very big raccoon himself, but it didn't take much to be bigger than Mark. "C'mon, get in!"

"Mom and dad said that you'd be going on the trip with us," Mark swung open the door and climbed into the car, throwing his bag into the back, "But I still expected them to pick me up!"

"I got here early and they told me to do it." Todd shifted the car into gear and began the arduous task of navigating the parking lot, "They tell me you've seemed a little upset lately and that a visit from your big brother might cheer you up..." Todd smiled, raised an eyebrow, and continued a bit uncomfortably, "So uhhh...what's gotten you upset?"

"I,'s nothing: stupid high school stuff. Don't worry about it." Mark just smiled at his brother, who was content enough to leave the conversation there, especially since the littler 'coon seemed plenty happy for the moment.

This was it! The weekend Mark had been planning for...if only his stomach weren't knotted up. It should be so much easier than this to come out, right? Maybe not to his dad, but especially to Todd. He did have the whole weekend ahead of him, at least...

The drive home remained quiet, save for the radio playing some horrible country music by that female trio, the ones whose name Todd and Mark would like to say they don't remember. Mark kept going over and over in his head, exactly how he planned to come out to the family without ruining everyone's vacation...or at least his.

And Todd, same quiet Todd, just stared forward, watching the road, and trying not to pay too much mind to his little brother's frequent glances and smiles. Eventually, still in silence, they made it home and piled out of the car and into the house.

They found their parents inside with everything packed, waiting for them, and as Todd walked into the living room to talk to them, Mark bounded up the stairs, a lot livelier than lately, and into his room.

Mark dumped his books out of his bag and began digging through his clothes and stuffing as much as he could into it. Then, after looking around nervously, he picked up a second bag, more of a briefcase, and opened it up before bending down, pulling a cardboard box out from under his bed, and removing its lid. He pulled out a small notebook with the word 'Diary' badly etched into its front, and a random assortment of printout porn pics from his computer, then laid them into the breifcase.

Just as he'd gotten everything closed up he heard footsteps coming through his door. He whipped around to face whoever it might be, without looking too startled.

"C'mon Bro..." Todd, with his own bags, just grinned at him through the door, "Are you ready?"


They were headed, for the first time in years, up north to one of their favorite little woodland retreats, technically their underused summer house, and the former house of Mark's grandparents. The drive, which was actually shorter than Mark remembered, took the rest of their Friday and it was already pitch black dark outside by the time they arrived. They unloaded out of the car, each headed to their respective rooms, and dropped their things on the floor, before returning to the kitchen.

"Ok children!" Their mother took time to make a point of looking directly at her husband, a joke that she felt could never grow old, "Children...supper will be done when I'm good and ready to have it done, so in the meantime why don't you three find something better to do than standing around here staring at me like you're starved?"

Chattering with each other, Todd & his father walked off into the den, but Mark stayed behind.

"Mom?" He stepped up to his mother, who'd turned away.

"That doesn't sound like leaving," She chirped playfully while busying herself at the kitchen counter.

"The water's turned on, right?"

"Couldn't make supper without it." She turned, and smiled a toothy grin.

"Thanks Mom!" He kissed her on the cheek, "I'm gonna' go take a shower." He turned and walked on through the living room, where his father and Todd were watching the news, and into what was his and Todd's room for the weekend. Grabbing a pair of underwear, a shirt, and a pair of pants from his bag, he dashed back to the living room. "Shower!" He called to his father and Todd as he disappeared into the bathroom.

Todd smiled as he watched the door close behind his brother. This would be the perfect time to see what the hell that was that Marky was hiding in that little briefcase earlier. He stood up, "I think I'm gonna' head off to our room until supper's ready, ok?"

"Yep!" His father continuing to watch TV, Todd made his way to his and Mark's room, and with the door closed behind him, and went about his search for the breifcase.

Not on the bed. Not under the bed. The other bed? No. Not under Mark's school bag, or under the Desk. Maybe on the nightstand? Of course not.

Ah! The closet!

Finally he found the thing, shoved off into the corner of the little closet. "Not good at hiding stuff are we?" Todd slapped the briefcase down on the bed, "Or maybe we just wanted it to be found?"

He popped it open, and right on top he saw that old notebook with the word 'diary' etched into its cover. This, he remembered, but he was surprised the kid still had it. Nosey, he picked it up to read a bit, but instead, what was underneath caught his eye.

"HOLY SHIT!!" Todd almost screamed when he saw what else his brother had brought, completely unprepared to be greeted by the sight of a knotted cock invading a rabbit's tailhole.

Realizing how loud he was, he stowed everything back in its place, and jammed the briefcase back into its spot in the closet. After a while spent nervously fidgeting, no one had come to the room. This satisfied him enough that no one had heard him, and so he made brought the briefcase back out onto the bed.

Picture after picture were tucked away under the diary. Most of them were panthers or raccoons, but there was no shortage of various canines, and even an otter and the already discovered bunny rabbit. There were nude posses, oral sex, anal sex, and threesomes: everything except more risqué kinks. Todd was speechless, and he just stacked the pictures back into the briefcase.

He closed it and put it back in its spot in the closet, but when he turned to leave the room he found he'd left the 'Diary' laying out on the floor.

"Oh! Good thing I found you. Wouldn't want Marky finding you laying out." He snatched it up, and sat on the bed, flipping arbitrarily to one of the more recent pages.

Dear Diary... I had that dream again last night! I think it gets better everytime! Man, I hope my subconscience isn't...overestimating the size of anything.

"Someone needs to work on their spelling..." Todd began turning the pages back, scanning for the word dream.

Dear Diary Ive never had a dream like last night! I didn't even think 'wet' dreams were really "wet." It was about Danny, and I HAVE to write this down so I don't forget it. I was taking a shower and someone came in to the room and for some reason I was scared at first, but then he pulled the curtain back and it was Danny! He pinned me to the wall and made me suck him off and fucked me against the wall and I don't think its posable IRL but we walked out of the bathroom and all the way to a bed with him still inside me and he fucked me there too. And near the end, I kindof got the feeling we weren't alone but when I woke up...well I did say it was a wet dream.

Todd's eyebrow rose, " quite the run-on sentence..."

I've never even fantisised about being fucked let alone a dream. I can't get it off my mind now. These feelings about Danny would be a lot easier to deal with if we weren't such good friends. God this is gonna make it harder to tell him that I'm gay...straight guys just love to think all gay guys want to fuck them but its gotta be worse when its true. But god god god I just can't get that pretty kitty off my mind.

"Pretty Kitty? Bet it's that panther I saw him with..." Todd flipped back toward the front, eventually coming across a very recent page. It wasn't what it said that caught his eye so much as the rips in the paper. They looked like they were made with a pen.

Dear Diary... Things arnt going that great right now. I"m really worried a lot. I'm more and more attracted to Danny day the day...and I thought it was a crush. I thought he was just hot. but how can I tell if maybe Im like...falling in love? And him, Dri, and Boomer are like my only friends...and I want to tell them all when they talk about girls but I don't want them to hate me and especially not Danny. Hed never look at me the same if he knew what I think about him. And I want to ask mom and Dad what to do...but I dont know how they'll react either and I'm just so scared! And I just

From there, Todd could only make out a word or two, here and there: God, understand, sin...or maybe sinning? Then something about the trip, and what looked like Todd's name, but everything else was too covered in ink, or torn apart by the rips.

"Well, I guess that explains what Mom & Dad were talking about..."

Meanwhile, in the old house's bathroom, humming the tune to one of his favorie songs, Mark stuck his nose into the jetting water of the shower as he rinsed away the last of the shampoo from his fur. The water cascaded down his already soaked fur, making it hang heavier than usual and stick close to his skin. He hadn't needed the shower, he just wanted one: thought the hot water would feel nice.

After a few hummed renditions of his song, and singing the only parts he could remember more than once, he reached out, turning off just the hot water. The jet weakened and cooled quickly, feeling almost freezing after how hot it had been before, and sent a quick, invigorating shiver through his body before he turned the cold water as well.

He pulled back the curtain, and walked along the, for some short-sighted reason, carpeted floor and over to the mirror. He dried and fluffed himself with his towel, standing there quietly, and wishing the reflection staring back at him was different. He wasn't fat, and he wasn't exactly scrawny, but he was a lot closer to either of those adjectives than he was defined or muscular.

Could Danny even find him attractive? Wouldn't he need to look a lot nicer than this? What was he thinking? He'd need a lot bigger breasts and a lot fewer male genitals before that was even a question.

He rolled his balls in his paw while he thought. His mind was elsewhere, but, even years after they'd dropped, he was still fascinated with how low they hung now. Did Danny's hang so low? They were probably a lot lower.

God, this would be a lot easier if he just had someone to talk to. The sooner he could get this out in the open, the better. He let go of himself and went back to his drying. His family loved him: they would help him figure this out. No one would disown him, or hate him, or cry, or be embarrassed to admit to their friends that the little queer was his little brother, or...

He sniffled slightly, and wiped away a tear he didn't feel like dealing with. With a breath, he shook his head a bit to get rid of the thoughts and finished up by drying his big, fluffy tail.

Satisfied, he threw the towel over his shoulder and turned to pick up his underwear, but as he made the rotation, he found Todd standing in the doorway, with a smile stretching all the way across his muzzle.

"Shit!" He stammered and paused, not sure what to do. How long had he been standing there? Did he see Mark crying? He was still naked! He jerked his towel off his shoulder and quickly wrapped it around his waist, as he felt himself blushing so hot, he was sure that it was showing through his fur.

Todd just smiled, wondering if his brother would like the roles here to be reversed. "Just wanted to let you know supper's ready, kiddo. Get dressed or no, but it's time to eat!"

"Yeah..." Mark, thoroughly embarrassed, looked away as his brother left, then quickly got dressed, and headed on to the kitchen for dinner. Dinner went by just as fine as could be expected. Todd joked about how cute and embarrassed his naked little brother looked, but didn't say anything about what he'd seen in their room; and Mark tried desperately to find the perfect window in the conversation for him to bring up the subject of his sexuality, but it was to no avail.

After dinner, the old rotary phone rang, and Mark ran for the phone, without bothering to say anything to his family about why anyone would be calling.

"Hello?" Mark answered the phone, "Danny? Yeah, I got here fine." Todd, nearby, noticed the big smile on his little brother's face and chuckled as he left the room, sticking just close enough by to listen in.

"Thanks for the call. I'm a bit surprised that you called already, especially this late!"


"No, nothing's bothering me."

"I can TOO hide my emotions! I'm stone faced!"

"OK-OK; maybe I haven't been in the greatest of moods lately, but there's no reason for you to worry."

"Yeah, no. I really do appreciate it. Thanks."

"Yeah. Always nice to have a friend. Especially being the new kid..."

"Sure. OK! Well have a good night's sleep and I guess we'll talk tomorrow?"


"Hey Mark!" Todd popped his head around the corner as his little brother hung up the phone, "Don't forget, I'm waking you up early tomorrow for our little hiking trip, so don't stay up to late, ok?


Todd couldn't help but notice the smile still hadn't left his brother's face. Danny wasted no time with the call, and it was just to check up on Mark? Todd chuckled as he walked away. And Mark is so sure his feelings are one-sided. His little brother could be a little dense.


The next day, after a nice, filling breakfast, Mark and Todd grabbed their few things -- water, some food, and, when Mom's eyes were averted, a small flask of rum Todd had brought -- packed it all into an empty bag, and headed out for their hike.

The Callaway brothers "hiked," per se, for well over an hour with only the most casual of conversation, mostly about their surroundings as they wandered around through the trees and briar. Eventually though, Todd tired of the meaningless chatter, and decided to spark up something heavier.

"So Marky, now that you're my captive audience are things going at school?"

"Ok, I guess," Mark started, "I've made three great new friends! There's Nick, but we call him 'Boomer.' He's a dog, but I'm not quite sure what breed. He was in soccer when I met him, but something got him kicked out. He's been really messed up by it. Then there's Boomer's best friend Adrian -- 'Dree' -- a fox. He was in soccer too, but he quit after Boomer got kicked support him, I think. He still swims though."

"Poor guys..."

"Yeah..." Mark jogged forward for a second to catch up with Todd, "Then...well then there's Danny." The second Danny's name left his lips he started thinking of all the ways this could be the time to finally broach the subject, if he could just figure out how. Small maybe? Talk about Danny a lot, make it sound like he likes him more than a straight boy should? Then maybe Todd will just ask.

"He's the panther right?"

"Hmm?" Mark stopped, "Yeah. How'd you know?"

"I, uh..." Todd stopped too and turned around, " was after school yesterday, I saw you with three guys: a fox, a pup, and a panther. Process of elimination."

"Yeah." Mark and Todd continue on, "Well anyway, there's Danny. He was my first friend at the school: first person to talk to me, at all really. He's a big guy, seems plenty popular, but he hangs around with me a lot. He kinda' makes me feel..." He paused for too long, trying to pick the right word. Loved? Special? Important? " I actually belong at the school, y'know?"

"Yeah. Makes you feel less like the 'new kid,' right?"

"Exactly!" Mark pointed at his brother, to emphasize his agreement. "He's a great guy. Even called me last night to check on me and make sure I made it here ok. He's always there for me, like that if I need him. It's nice." Oh God: that all sounded a little too gay. "Nice...n-nice to have, like, a best friend, y'know? This quick?"

"I can imagine..." Todd and Mark soon found the silence creep back up on them as their conversation tapered to an end, both wanting to talk about the subject on their minds, but neither knowing how. Finally, Todd took the first step, "So, little bro?"


"When exactly are you planning on coming...coming clean with me about what's been bothering you lately? You used to be so peppy and hyper, but you really haven't seemed your normal self since I got here. Even Mom and Dad told me that something was bothering you."


"And then last night...last night, Mark, I saw you crying in the bathroom." Todd stopped and turned around to his little brother, "C'mon Mark, you've gotta' talk to me about this! You know that you can tell me anything. I'm your brother, right? I know I'm here for you too, yeah? Like Danny?"

"It' I told you yesterday Todd: just...just don't worry about it, ok?" Mark tried, as best he could, to fight past his knotted stomach and his fear, but he just couldn't bring himself to say it out loud.

" really don't have anything to hide from me."

"I'm..." I'm gay. Two words was all it would take, and it would all be off his shoulders. "I'm...just really not in the mood to talk about it, right now, ok?"

"Yeah..." Todd looked away, dejected, and continued on, just letting it go.

The two continued their hike through the woods for a good half an hour longer before they came to a bit of a clearing in the trees, around a small pond. Todd dropped their bags and stopped to stretch, as Mark caught up with him.

"Look kiddo! A tank!"

"Is this it? Is this where we were headed?"

"Oh no. This is a puddle in comparison." Todd popped his neck and walks toward the water, while undoing his belt, "But it does remind me that I've gotta' pee..."

"You do?" Mark leaned forward, paws on his knees, "Good...that means I can rest my damn paws for a second.

"Mark? What about you?" Todd, still facing away from his brother, unbuttons and unzipped his jeans, "You need to go?"

"Hmm?" Mark looked up at his brother, as the older coon turned to face is face him.

"I said, do YOU need to go?" Todd cocks his head to the side after asking his quetsion.

"Uhhh..." Mark's eyes, almost of their own accord, traveled down to his brother's ample crotch. He couldn't see much; Todd's package was still nestled tightly in his boxer-briefs. Mark stared at his brother's bulge, though, and let himself wonder, not for the first time, just what his brother looked like underneath. He stopped himself from thinking about it and pulled his eyes away, but unfortunately for him though, that look was all it took, and he began to feel a bit of stirring and tightening in his sheath.

"HEY MARK!!" Todd speaks up, getting his brother's attention away from his crotch, "Do YOU need to go?"

"I I'll be fine." Mark felt himself blush under his fur, even worse than last night. He just knew he'd been caught checking his brother. Problem was: he actually did need to go.

"If you say so..." Todd began to turn back around to the pond, but didn't wait to be turned completely before hoisting out his cock and balls, just long enough for Mark to 'inadvertently' catch an 'accidental' glance before he's turned completely.

Mark's eyes just widened, and he was sure the stirring had progressed, now, to a more visible problem.

Todd finished peeing, but couldn't turn back to Mark yet...not until he could control the giant smile on his face. He'd never had so much fun fucking with someone before. Mark was just so easy to tease.

Once he'd composed himself and picked their bag back up, he and Mark continued on their way, Mark following much closer to his older brother this time, and glancing, every few seconds, at Todd's tail and ass, and thinking about how much he wanted an even better view of what he'd just seen.

God...Mark had never been so close before. It was right there: another guy's dick out for him to see. A few yards and he would have been close enough to touch it. Maybe he'd let him? Was there any chance? Maybe his brother experimented in college, and would be willing to help Mark...experiment too.

Maybe he should just tell Todd it was gay. That's the first step, right? He was gonna' do it anyway, so why not now? Maybe nothing fun would come of it, but he could hope, right? It was just him and Todd: no one was around to hear. Besides, maybe he already knows. And having his big brother on his side would have to help with Mom and Dad.

"Hey," Mark spoke up, "Uhm, Todd?"

"What is it little bro?"

"I..uh..." Mark stares down at his footpaws, disgusted with himself for being so spineless, "I need to pee now. Give me a second, ok?" Without looking at his brother, he made his way to a tree, wondering how hard it would be to literally, physically kick himself.


"Here it is little Bro!" Less than an hour after their last pit stop, the Callaway brothers finally arrived at their destination, "This! This is what I wanted you to see..."

Todd moved to the side, and the view of the new clearing came flush into Mark's sight. Stretched out before him, surrounded in the greenest untrimmed grass, was a huge, crystal-clear pond. The afternoon sun sparkled on the barely moving water, and Mark could swear he see right to the very bottom, even though it was way deeper than he was tall.

"Wow, Todd. This...this is beautiful." Mark walked to the bank of the pond, "I've never seen anything, it's like something out of a movie."

"Yeah, but you can't touch it when it's just on the big screen...and you can't smell it on TV." Todd stretched a bit and then stripped off his shirt, "You can't swim through a picture."

Mark watched, in wrapped suspense, as his brother unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and sat down. For some reason, the pond didn't seem like such a beautiful sight anymore.

"We..." Mark stammered, "We came out here to swim?" Mark said the first thing that came to his mind to try and make his staring less obvious.

"Yeag!" Todd untied his shoes and began slipping them off. "Me and Anton...wait, you remember Anton right?"

"Yeah, your old best friend...the otter?"

"Yeah. Me and him used to come out here all of the time when we still lived around here." Once his shoes and socks were off, Todd stood back up and let his pants drop down to his ankles, "Hell, even after that. He was the only one of my friends that Mom and Dad ever let come on these trips with us." He adjusted his underwear, and kicked his pants off of his paws, and over to his shirt, his shoes, their bags...

...and the now empty flask.

"Me and Anton came out here to swim almost every day of the vacations!"

Mark looked his almost nude brother up and down; even through Todd's thick fur, Mark could make out his body. He wasn't exactly a model or body builder himself, but Mark hoped he looked the same when he got a few years older. "That's um...yeah, cool." Mark, even though he tried to hold it back, felt himself stirring and growing within his sheath again.

Todd didn't respond to his brother in anyway; he simply walked up a small hill by the pond and dived off into one of its deeper areas. He arched his back and points his paws right forward, slicing into the once calm water and sending a series of ripples and waves out across the surface. Anton taught him to dive.

After a few long moments, Mark watched as Todd burst back up from the water, a good way away from where he had dived in. His fur was wet, and clinging to every inch of his body. "C'mon, Mark! You just gonna' stand there? Trust me, this will make EVERYTHING better!" He swam backwards a foot or so, "Whatever's been bothering you, trust me: this will make it all better." Todd dipped his head under, then popped back up, "C'mon, get your clothes off and get in here, Marky."

"I...erumuh..." Mark hesitated for a moment but realizes that it would look more suspicious if he didn't get in, "Ok, hold on..."

He turned around, quietly cursing himself for still being aroused, and pulled off his shirt. If he stayed turned around, then maybe Todd wouldn't notice that he was getting exited. He dropped his shirt on the ground and pushed his shoes off with his footpaws, instead of worrying with untying them. He hooks his socks with his toes and pulled them off as well, and then, with no belt to unbuckle, he simply unbuttoned and pulls down his pants. As he dropped them down to his mid thigh, he sighs to himself at how great it felt to finally get his growing sheath out of his damn tight pants. He pulled them the rest of the way off, adjusts himself, more noticeably than he realized, underneath his undies, and shook nervously before turning his head, but not the rest of his body.

"Here I come!"

Mark turned, and ran up the small hill as quickly as he could, hoping that the quicker he got into the water, the less likely he'd be caught with his growing erection. The very instant he gots to the top of the hill, he jumped off into the water. He tried to mirror his brother's dive, but couldn't quite match up -- hitting the water harder and making a much bigger splash.

After a few moments he burst back up from the water's surface, and, already relaxed by the calm scene and the pond, and losing his erection, he laid back, floating in the water.

"It really is nice out here, isn't it, Mark?" Todd dunked his head back under the water for a moment to finish soaking his hair, and then pops back up, looking at his brother's now-almost-see-through briefs.

"Yeah...really relaxing too..." Mark closed his eyes and crossed his arms behind his head, kicking his legs just enough to stay afloat.

"Mark?" Mark heard a bit of splashing in the water, and felt the water moving, "You wanna' know what else is relaxing?" Todd's voice was closer than before, and Mark openned his eyes, only to find Todd's face right beside his.

"What's that?" Mark sets up, so to speak, and brought himself back into a vertical position, nearly nose-to-nose with the older 'coon.

Mark suddenly founds his older brother's paws on either side of his face and his head held tight, and he felt brother's warm, wet lips up against his own. Mark closed his eyes, and both Raccoons began pushing at the water with one arm, as the other affixed itself to their brother's waist, swimming as fast as they could manage, until Mark's back was pressed against one of the pond's banks.

As he felt his back pressed hard against the dirt and grass of the pond's bank, Mark felt the unmistakable sensation of his brother's tongue pressing its way between his lips. His eyes still closed, he parted his lips, not a thought in his mind thinking to stop it, and allowed his brother's tongue inside.

After what seemed like minutes of feeling the foreign tongue slipping about in his muzzle, Mark's eyes slowly began to open, and he saw his brother's face. It was only then that he actually started to realize exactly what was going on and, ignoring his now almost fully erect raccoon-hood, Mark pulled his muzzle away from his brother's and pushes his paws into Todd's chest. He didn't exactly dislike what was going on...but it was just too much, and he had to figure out what was going on, before it continued, "Todd, Todd? Todd! Get off!"

"C'mon Marky, Shhhhh..." Todd forced his muzzle back onto his brother's for a small kiss, "We're way out here in the middle of nowhere!" He pins his brother's shoulders down into the dirt with a big, toothy grin, and forced yet another kiss on him, "No one can see us, there's nothing to be embarrassed by."

"Todd, please..." Mark turned his head aside and struggled against his brother's weight.

"Mark...why fight it? You know you want it...and you're not strong enough to stop me anyway. There's no use in struggling!" Todd clenched down on Mark shoulders and grinded their hips together, as kissed the younger raccoon's neck. "I saw your pictures, baby brother. I saw the way you've been looking at me!" Todd forcibly turned Mark's head and kissed him again, looking him right in the eyes, "Isn't this what you want?"

Todd squeezed down harder on his brother's shoulders and forced him into another French kiss. This time, unlike the first, though, he didn't feel his brother's tongue fighting against, or playing with his own in their muzzles. Instead he felt the slightest quivering in his brother's lips, and in the silence of the kiss he heard a distinct whimper from the smaller raccoon.

Todd broke away and stood up, his eyes wide.

"Oh my God...Mark..." Todd looks down on his little brother. He saw the little coon holding onto his shoulders and saw the tears in his eyes. "I-I-I...I'm sorry, I...I don't know what came over me! I shouldn't have had so much rum...I...I" He knelt down and put his paw on Mark's shoulder, but his brother just yelped and jerks away, "I'm so sorry Mark; here..."

Todd grabbed onto the boy in a soft, gentle hug and pulled him up onto his footpaws. He didn't say anything for a long while, just closed his eyes and stroked Mark's back until he finally felt his brother start to relax.

"I'm sorry Mark, I'm so sorry. I...I read your Diary last night...I thought this would be what you wanted; I never meant to hurt you. I'm just so stupid...and I was so horny, and..." Todd let go of his brother and backed away. "We...should just leave. I'm sure you'd rather not be out here with me any longer than you have to, a-after that." Todd put his paw on his forehead and shook his head, "What the fuck was I thinking? Just because you're gay doesn't mean you-"

Todd was cut off in mid-word as his muzzle was literally slammed into by his little brother's, whose tongue immediately invaded invaded again.

Todd pushed away, "Mark?"

"'s ok Todd. IS what I want. I-I...I've been wanting to tell you all day I'm gay. I've been wanting so bad for something like this...this just..." Mark's breathing grew rapid and he kissed Todd again, calming himself with his nose against the older 'coon's, "I just didn't expect it...and it was...was a bit rough."


"Yes. Very." Mark kissed Todd again and pressed his now throbbing crotch, still under his underwear, into Todd's thigh, "I want you...SO bad. Just...just...warn me next time?"

"Sure thing." Todd grabbed him tighter, "You're officially warned." As they kiss again, Todd leaned back a bit and the two of them fell into the thick grass. As their wet fur, their lips, and their underwear pressed against each other, they curled their tongues in and around each other's muzzles, exploring one another in ways they'd never thought they'd ever really be able.

Mark felt his groin almost burn as his cock continued growing inside its sheath. He'd never kissed anyone before...not like this. The feel of an extra tongue writhing around in his muzzle, the feel of someone else's fur against his own, the sound of another male's lust-filled breaths, the smell -- the musk -- of another male this close to him, and, on the small few occasions that his eyes peeked open, even the sight of his big brother's eyes staring back at was almost overwhelming...and made him want so much more.

Since last night, this has been all Todd could think about: feeling his little brother this way, being able to be inside of him, even this little bit. He'd been with other guys -- Anton, Derek, Allen, and the occasional one night stands -- but none of them were ever this soft, this fragile. None of them were so energetic, none of them so lost in the moment of discovery, exploration, and pure hormonal lust. None of them...none of them felt like they belonged to him when they were in his arms. As they continued to kiss he turned his brother over, putting himself on top of the smaller raccoon and dropped his legs on either side of him, almost wrapping himself around Mark, and grinding only a small bit into his little brother's crotch.

After the first few LONG minutes of Mark's first kiss, Todd, his left paw gripping the back of Mark's head, moved his right down to his little brother's thigh. He and ran it up onto the now very prominent bulge in his little brother's briefs, but his paw stayed there for only a split second, before he realized that he may be getting ahead of himself again, and jerked the paw away.

Mark pulled away from the kiss, "Todd?"

"What?" Todd pushed himself up to an incline, "Did I do something wrong?"

" moved your paw. Put it back." Mark smiled and leaned up for quick kiss on his brother's cheek. "Don't hold back. If...if it won't hurt me...don't hold back." Mark smiles as he felt his brother's right paw start to trace up his cock from outside his underwear. "I want all of you."

"All of me?" Todd squeezed Mark's cock and stroked it fully three times, eliciting four separate almost yelping moans out of his brother, before letting go, "Ok then..." He reached down to his own stomach, hooked the band of his underwear, and pulled it away from his stomach.

Mark looked down across his chest and stomach, and into his big bro's underwear, staring right at the tip of Todd's now-fully-erect, dull red cock, already hanging free of its sheath and dripping.

Todd closed his legs together and slowly worked his underwear down his thighs, past his knees and off his footpaws, but never let his eyes leave Mark's. "Now--we're gonna' start this lesson slow little buddy...this being your first time and all." Todd sat up, straddling his little brother's torso. "OK?"

"No. Not slow! Waited too long already, I-" Mark tried to sit up, but was pushed back down onto his back by his brother.

"You'll thank me, Mark. Trust me." Todd leaned in and kissed his brother, and then moved his body up Mark's torso, eventually stopping, sitting on the smaller raccoon's chest, his thighs on either side of his little brother's head. "Now if you want me -- if you really want me -- you can start with this!" He sat up a bit and pushed his cock down, brushing its tip against his brother's lips, and coating them, ever so slightly, with his precum.

Mark, without wasting a moment, took his brother's entire length, or what of it he could fit, into his muzzle. Todd leaned his head back as he felt the warmth and suction, a bit too much like any first-timer, on his cock. He closed his eyes as he felt his brother's tongue exploring his shaft...felt it run up the length, tracing over the veins, circling around the tip, and finding and violating every last millimeter of it.

"Best thing about the newbies lil bro...curiosity..." Todd laughed a bit and looked down at his dick lodged in the young teenager's muzzle.

His tongue acquainted with every tiny bit of his brother's throbbing member, Mark pushed his muzzle as far down onto it as he could, not yet ready to take in the entire girth or to touch his nose to his brother's belly, but trying. And then, suckling as best he could, pulled back off, leaving only the precum-soaked tip in his muzzle before pushing back down.

As he felt the soft warmth of Mark's muzzle running back and forth along his length, Todd stared down at him, almost in disbelief that it was actually his little brother's head slowly bobbing in front of him.

"God Mark...this is like a dream..." Todd leaned his head back again, "I never imagined that I'd look down one day to see YOU, of all people, doing this..."

Mark ignored the statement...assuming he even heard it. He moved his paws up the back of Todd's thighs, stopping just short of his ass, and began squeezing them and running his fingers through their fur. He, almost enjoying it more than Todd, sucked harder, almost too hard, and began bobbing his muzzle faster and faster along his brother's shaft.

For his first time, Todd couldn't help but notice how surprisingly good he was, but it was about time to move on, and he pried his brother's paws off of the backs of his legs, before backing away from the nursing muzzle.

"Ok little bro, enough of that..." Todd pulled his dick free of the coon's lips, and his brother chased it, craning his neck and licking at the tip. "Whoa now, Mark. I'll be in you again soon enough," Todd smiled at his choice of words, "But you need to have a turn."

"M..." Mark tries to catch his breath, "My turn?"

"Yeah..." Todd crawled backwards down his little brother's body, and stopped straddled over his thighs, "You didn't think I'd be having all the fun did you?"

" weren't! I..."

Mark's voice shakes and trails off as he feels his brother's paw running across the front of his underwear, again. He looked down across himself to see the larger raccoon's head lowering to his bulge. Todd, cupping his brother's balls in one paw and resting the other low on Mark's stomach, touched his nose to the bulge in his brother's briefs, and sniffed, breathing in and filling his lungs with the littler raccoon's scent. After nuzzling his brother's crotch for a moment, he bit down on the elastic band, and pulled it down over the end of his sheath, then let them go, and looked up.

"You ready for this, baby bro?"

Todd received a very enthusiastic nod from Mark and he hooked his finger beside his little brother's cock, under the band on the briefs. He pulled them down across his brother's thighs and calves as quick as he could, and jerked his head back to mark's crotch. Todd wedged his nose underneath his brother's balls and sniffed in again, just as deep this time as before, but this time, his eyes roll into his head and he lets out a soft moan, "God Mark, you smell so damn good..."

"You have no idea."

Todd let his tongue loll out of his muzzle and ran his nose up across his brother's tightened nuts, packed sheath, and the pink tip of his cock sticking out, licking the whole way. He then grabbed onto the base of his brother's cock in the sheath, and gave it a bit of a squeeze with one paw before pulling the sheath down with the other.

Mark gasped a bit as the cool afternoon air hit his hard cock's tender skin, and then gasped again, moaned, and set up as he felt warmth engulf its entire length. Holding himself up on his paws, he looked down again, to see that his brother has easily taken his entire cock into his muzzle. Mark leaned his head back and moaned again, louder this time, as he felt the deep suction around his shaft, and felt his brother's head sliding smoothly up and down his length. It was the greatest thing Mark could ever remember feeling in his life, and if he could've mustered the will enough to speak, he would have screamed.

Todd listened to his poor, tortured brother's breaths and moans, and knew that it was best he finished things off as soon as possible. Mark still a virgin, and wouldn't last long. He moved his paw down to his brother's balls and began to roll them in his paw. He even gave them a small squeeze, garnering a yelp and a moan from the littler 'coon.

He sucked down harder and ran his muzzle along his brother's length faster as he squeezed Mark's balls. Soon -- VERY soon -- his brother's breaths grew shorter and quicker and his cock began to twich in Todd's muzzle. Todd sucked as hard as he could, pulled his muzzle up and then slammed back down one last time, putting the tip in his throat. Todd squeezed Mark's nuts, and the boy screamed and emptied them into his brother's muzzle.

Todd took in his brother's cum. There was so much. He'd taken more, but it was so much more than Todd expected from a fourteen-year-old. Gotta' be from all the excitement of his first time. Its taste was a bit sweeter than, and not as strong as Todd remembered from the others...but then again his brother was younger than them. After a bit more milking, Todd lets Mark's still rigid cock slide out of his muzzle and looked at the small, spent raccoon before him...laying back onto the ground, his chest heaving and every breath coming out as a small moan.

"That..." Mark tried to talk but couldn't quite catch enough breath, "That was..."

"Amazing?" Todd crawled back on top of his brother and kisses him on the side of the muzzle, "It's always best the first time...especially if the person getting you off has some experience in the matter."

"Todd?" After a long few moments, Mark finally caught his breath enough to talk, and looked up at his brother, "Todd, who was your first?"

"You won't say anything to anyone?"

"No, why would I?"

"The summer after my freshman year in high school...right here where we're at right now..." Todd kisses him on the side of the muzzle again, "Uncle James..."

"Uncle James? Isn't he in his twenties?" Mark absent mindedly kissed his brother on the side of the neck, pulling himself up and burying himself in the bigger raccoon's fur.

Todd smiled and held the boy there, "Well, now he is...but then he was nineteen. He's only five years older than me."

"So, Todd?" Mark pulled his nose out of his big bro's neck fur, but kept himself pressed against him, "I've had my fun...but what about yours?"

"Still up for more?"

"Still hard."

"Oh, well good. Cause, we're not near done yet..." Todd licked Mark's neck, and Mark felt his leg being lifted, "I was just giving you a chance to rest..."

"T-Todd?" Mark's eyes widened, and he backed away enough to looked up into his big brother's eyes, as he felt his ass being lifted off the ground. "Todd?"

"Shh...Shhh, little bro." Todd puts Mark back on his back, and pushes his legs up and back, "You wanted all of me, and you're gonna' get it. Just like I did from James..."

Mark closed his eyes as he feels the first bit of pressure against his tail hole. Todd pressed onward, harder, too horny to think to ask his brother if he was ready, and pushes his brother's ring open just a tiny bit.

"Todd...?" Mark opened his eyes back up, looked at his brother...smiling. "I...this is..."

"I know, Mark." Todd leaned in, almost laying down on top of his brother, "Don't talk...just enjoy it."

Mark felt a sharp pain as his tailhole was forced open like this for the very first time, "Will...will it bleed?"

"Don't worry. I'll be a lot gentler than James was with me."

"I know. I don't want you to stop...I just..."

Todd leaned in completely and slipped his tongue into his little brother's muzzle while it's still open, shushing him. While he had his brother distracted in the kiss, he pushed Mark's legs farther and grinded his hips in, pushing the smaller raccoon's tailhole open farther, until the tip of his dick finally forced its way in. Just as Todd felt his shaft start to slip into his brother, Mark yelped and pulled away from the kiss.

"Todd...ow." Mark started to tear up a bit, "I think it may be bleeding."

" happens. No permanent damage, I promise." There was no stopping him now. Todd felt the warm tightness begin to engulf his entire length, and he threw his head back with a grunt as he thrust a bit to push himself in farther...causing Mark to yelp again, louder this time. "My God, Marky! I've never been with anyone this tight before! I-I know this must hurt...but...but..." The older raccoon gained as much control of himself as he could. "Stop me now if you're-"

"Shut up, Todd!" Mark, still tearing up, grits his teeth and breathed more heavily, "Deeper. Go deeper ...I've wanted to feel this for so long. I'm not going to let it stop yet!"

That's all Todd needed to hear, and he thrust his hips again driving his dick all the way in, his balls slapping against the younger raccoon's furry ass. "That's as far as we go, are you handling it?"

"Sh-shit!" Mark felt the pressure build and a new sensation, not entirely good, but definitely not bad, crept up through his stomach and to the tip of his yet-to-soften cock. Wanting more, he pushed against the older raccoon, forcing his brother the last even farther in.

"Whoa little guy! You're gonna' hurt yourself! Calm down"

"N-no. No, barely hurts anymore. Not compared how fucking great this feels!"

Todd sat up and took a deep breath, "You ready then?"

"Ready?" Mark looked up, "More...?"

"Are you ready?"

"I..." Mark blinked, "Yes! Do it!"

Todd slowly pulled himself back out, almost letting Mark's tailhole slip off the end of his dick, and then pushed back in, driving himself back to the hilt. He looked down and watched as Mark gritted his teeth, dug his claws into the ground, and turned his head with a glaze in his eyes, and a soft moan on his lips. He was ready. Todd pulled back out, slowly again, and then thrust back in, harder this time, as he clutched his paws down with all of his force onto his brother's raised ankles, and repeated the process again and again.

Slowly, he began to thrust faster and harder, each time hilting in the smaller raccoon with just a bit more force than before. Finally, after a few of the longest minutes of his little brother's life, he sped his thrusts into a steady rythm.

Todd couldn't believe he was really inside of his brother, and Mark couldn't believe how great it all felt. As the younger raccoon was rocked, there in the grass, their eyes met, and they each saw the disbelief in the other's, and smiled.

Todd continued fucking his brother, stretching out his tight ring, and bludgeoning his insides. It was truly the tightest he'd ever been in, and he could hardly believe it was happening, but it felt like it wouldn't be happening for much longer. Todd usually didn't have much trouble with stamina, but his brother, the setting, and the tight little hole...he didn't think he'd be able to last near as long as usual! He thrust faster and faster, deeper and deeper, until it felt like he was almost ripping Mark open.

Mark, by this point, was screaming, but Todd couldn't hear him. His moans had raised in pitch and volume with every thrust, as he begged for more: begged his brother to go hard, faster, and deeper. Even once, screaming out, "Rape me, Todd!" And soon, he felt like he was being ripped apart, as his brother jackhammered into him.

And then it was over. Mark's cock twitched harder than it ever had before, rope after rope of cum striping his belly. As he came and clenched down, he and Mark both felt Todd's dick quivering in the bowels of the younger raccoon, and Mark's insides were suddenly filled up, almost to bursting, with Todd's thick seed.

After a few more hard thrusts, Todd was emptied out completely. He pulled out and nearly fell, laying heavily on his little brother as their breathing began to slowly hum back to normal. Long, long minutes passed in nothing but silence and gentle licks and nips on one another's necks, before finally, someone spoke.

"One day, little bro." Todd cooed, "One day, you're gonna' make a certain Panther very lucky."


There we go! The Mark Callaway Story kicked off anew.

I originally wrote this when I was only 17, so it was a little rough. I spent a couple of days going through it and editing it, and fixing all kinds of typos, and anatomical errors, and...well...mistakes a 17-year-old virgin might make writing porn!

I aplogize if there are ANY tense problems remaining in this final product. I tried to fix that, but the entire original was in present I might have missed something here or there while converting it to past tense.

Interesting side note: in the original, their uncle's name was Tom. Apparently, when I was 17, I had NO idea what "Uncle Tom" meant. I caught it this time and fixed it... >.>

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at [email protected] I'll also be getting myself a twitter and a facebook dedicated to Borealis soon.

See you for chapter 2! ^_^

The Mark Callaway Story Chapter 2

The Mark Callaway Story Chapter 2 -- Collision Course... This day marked the end of their junior year. Just a short while ago they'd heard the final bell of their 11th grade school year. They walked out of their classes and down the halls slower...

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