Keep Fighting

Story by EvanGray8 on SoFurry

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Something I made up when I was in a bad mood, really, really bad... and I made this to put it out of my heart and soul and into something else, posting because it may help someone else..

Keep Fighting

By Dominicus

Keep Fighting, don't let go.

Don't let the sickness take hold!

Can't let it! No, Don't!!!

I can feel the hunger taking in, the bloodlust..

No Hope, No Life..

Only Undead Remain now..

I can't join them, I wont!! I have to keep fighting!!

No Hope, No Life..

No Hope, No Life..

Shuttup! I can't, I won't!!

I have to fight it..

I can't give up hope..

Smile, your not alone..

There is Hope, There is Life.

Friends, Family, and... Him.

Death all Around still, odds overwhelimg..

Dying myself... not much time.

I must try.

I have to try, I have to try.

No matter what happens,I love you all.

Thank you.