Good King Karteros

Story by Kros on SoFurry

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Here is the translated version of my previous French story. I hope you'll enjoy it and that it won't sound too French syntaxwise ! Also, I'd like to thank Sadgeo who helped me with a few construction problems and who suggested a pretty nice line.

Good King Karteros

The great kingdom of Orexis had the reputation of being governed by a king who was admired by his subjects for his matchless strength and out-of-this-world charisma. Indeed, the commanding lion Karteros, blessed with a mane so thick it could only belong to one of royal blood, was considered everywhere in the world as the perfect example of what a good king should be : good toward his people, good toward other kingdoms, good in diplomacy ; shortly put, the ideal king. Nevertheless, even though most, if not all, of the decisions he made were judicious and for the good of his kingdom, he judgement was sometimes lacking, as is with all kings, good or bad. But a vile rumour was spreading among the Orexians. A few even dared to assert, whispering, that this so-called good king was holding a dreadful punishment for whoever opposed him, rightfully or not. It was said that his pride was boundless, and his justice, merciless. This is why the admiration the Orexians had toward their king was a subtle mix of gratitude and awe.

One day, however, a young male hyena by the name of Maki recklessly ventured his black-spotted yellow fur in the luxurious cavern of the king, his heart burning with fear and rage: he wanted to be heard and things had to change! The way he was living had become unbearable! In fact, since the recent royal decrees, a part of his territory had been granted to the panthers and such an insult to his tribe could simply not be tolerated.

Hastily, he headed to the colossal rock where the palace was. As he approached, the rumours were echoing in his mind: it was true that some citizens never came back from there. And considering the screams that slipped from the royal suites, if only a few times, this fear that lived within his guts was nothing less than justified. He gathered up his courage and crossed the throne room's threshold, secretly hoping that the gossips weren't grounded. The two rhinoceroses guarding the entrance with their massive builds sketched a smile when they saw the small hyena frame that showed up for the grievances' session: they knew that this day was suddenly about to become less monotonous. Seeing that same frail frame, king Karteros, peacefully flopped into his throne, raised his eyebrows in surprise and took his time to slowly, and fully, consider the young male who was troubling his quiet afternoon. His piercing gaze was delighted at the sight of the feverish movements of his subject, who was clearly fighting fiercely against the urge to run for his life. His wise eyes also caught the irregular palpitations throbbing on the mammal's aorta and, as he was gathering the other clues that betrayed Maki's anxiety, he half-opened his powerful jaws and let shine, for everyone to see, a large smile of satisfaction.

  • What brings you here? inquired the king with a detached tone, perfectly hiding his growing interest.

The hyena was feeling more and more oppressed: if the gazelles he killed could have one last image printed in their memory, it would surely be the one of an unavoidable and merciless glance, similar to the one the king was pressing unto him at this very moment. Maki was struck by a heat surge, choking, crushed. His height for a hyena was average, but everything in the throne room was taller than normal: massive guards, big, raw rock slabs, long hangings on dizzy walls; even the candles that provided dim-light to the room were almost three-feet tall !

He slowly pulled himself together and tried to focus on the sole small dormer window as though the vultures pecking at his insides could be banished beyond it. But, instead of simply answering the king, explaining that a precious territory had been taken from his pack, he threw out his chest.

  • You-lacked-judgement! he said, in one breath.

As soon as the words came out, regrets pressed on his throat. A glacial cold spreaded down his spine and a heavy silence collapsed in the air.

Behind him, the two rhinos exchanged knowing looks and began to eye up the tetanised Adonis's derrière. They both put their spear against the wall and undertook to sturdily massage the pike of desire that was dawning under their loincloth. This situation didn't seem to be alien to them and, obviously, they very well knew that it was going to be delightful. The hoarse and authoritative voice of the lion broke the frozen atmosphere.

  • Really?, he said, amused.

  • Yes, you should have nev-

  • Silence! My guests only speak when they are sitting, out of politeness to me.

The lion's voice was unshakable. Each of his words sounded like an order from which nobody could slope off. Maki understood that he wasn't strong enough to face him and lowered his ears and tail to show his resignation. In order to comply with the king's order, he scanned the sumptuous throne room, but saw nothing remotely looking like a seat, not even a cheap cushion. A few seconds passed, and, under the amused eyes of the king, he found a hairy zebra pelt located near the throne. As he was making the first steps toward what would be his improvised seat, Karteros stopped him in his boost.

  • Don't even think about it.

There was a sort of spark in Karteros's eyes, a sort of bright light: without the shadow of a doubt, he was playing with his prey as a cat would with a mouse.

  • We will see if your problem is really worth my time. Let's see... Gentlemen ?

Near the entrance, one of the two guards took a small golden coin and tossed it in the air with a flick. When it landed back in his hand, he trumpeted his joy while the other was labouring to hide his disappointment. They both closed the throne room door and barred it with their spear. The victorious then lightly walked toward the hyena, followed by the loser who headed toward a bucket in the back of the room.

  • Let me introduce you to Echo, one of my two loyal, royal guards. He is going to be your seat.

Turning on himself to face his "seat", Maki was even more intimidated by the gaping smile of the rhinoceros than he was by the frightening perpendicular angle that stretched his long loincloth. Echo sat cross-legged and removed the piece of cloth that was obstructing the imposing masterpiece that erected from between his powerful thighs. Maki, yet again, turned around, displaying a puzzled face to the lion, who was delighted by the scene.

  • What's the meaning of this?

  • You need a seat. Here is one.

  • Are you out of your m-

  • If your request isn't worth it, be gone!

The lion's tone suddenly shifted; fun time was over. However, Maki could not allow himself to go back to his tribe without a positive result, else he would certainly fall into disfavour. He had to admit though that this kind of seat, normally, was a perfect fit for him, but the excessive length of the armchair and the idea to submit both his body and mind, here, in front of the king, was a humiliation he wasn't ready to surpass. While he was soliloquizing, the other rhinoceros came back with the bucket he sought. A strong odour of game emanated from it and made both carnivores salivate. He then spilled the content on Echo's crotch: a thick and lumpy matter flew out in long adipose filaments. The pseudo-liquid spreaded everywhere, covering the lower body parts of Echo, as well as a few paving stones, with a layer of grease.

  • Thank you Béren. So? said the king, expecting an answer from his guest.

Maki approached Echo. Even though one was standing up and the other one sitting down, they were both face to face. The ointments-covered mountain rising before him was giving off perfumes that could not go unnoticed. His tail softly began to wag again and he finally decided to abandon himself on the leaky piece of meat offered to him. As soon as he turned around to sit, Echo grabbed him, clasped his torso, lifted him effortlessly and brutally impaled him on his impatient limb ; despite the grease, Echo needed three jolts to fully penetrate the young hyena, hence supplying him with a seat of exception, a seat a few people secretly dream about during long and boring meetings. Against his will, Maki perpetuated the sinister rumour fluttering around the king: he let out a deafening scream, so powerful that a zebra and a meerkat walking nearby the palace were struck by dread, birds left the surrounding trees and a few denizens even claim, perhaps to amplify the gossips, that the river itself was troubled with ripples caused by the shout.

A few seconds later, exhausted by such a display of energy, Maki was leaning against the firm torso of the rhinoceros whose tongue was softly licking his neck, probably to congratulate him for overcoming this challenge, or perhaps to cheer him for the incoming ones. When he knew the hyena was comfortable, he began to satisfy his hunger with slow movements to and fro deep in his new guest's innards. Maki was loudly catching for his breath, and the pleasure he had now was betrayed by the rising of his throbbing cock, which seemed to wake up from a deep slumber. Strangely, coiled up and trapped between two strong arms, immobilized on a stake, Maki felt safe. He began to slightly relax despite the bright pain that was slowly losing in power. Between the intense breaths and the little grease lapping, no other sound came to disrupt this painting of utter serenity.

Karteros finally stood up, his cock standing to attention. A few steps later, it was laying down on Maki's muzzle like a delivered package on a welcome carpet, brought by a greedy and thirsty smile.

  • Let's negotiate, shall we? I'm listening.

A strong and sweet odour instantly electrified Maki's mind; all of his senses were disorientated and an intense heat took over his body: a drop of precum had just landed on his nose. He then understood the scale of the ditch between him and his king. He understood what a royal blood was. He understood the privilege he had been given. He understood he was wasting his time to understand. With a twist of his tongue, he drank the pure nectar to savour all of its richness. Everything was clear now: his duty was to honour his king. He seized the royal penis with his mouth and began to greedily suck to the rhythm of the other penis that was opening his ass.

  • Good negotiator, I see.

The king's words only served to motivate the hyena. However, to decently honour it, he had to take every inch of it. Progressively, his mouth was filled with a stream of saliva and the typical sounds of a good blowjob joined the resonant background. Charmed by such considerate thought, Karteros took Maki's skull between his paws and buried his whole gift in his throat, followed by a « good puppy » that muffled the hyena's slight groan of surprise. Maki's nose was now swimming through a silky forest sweating manhood. Even if his muzzle was invaded by a venturing root, his gluttonous tongue managed to break free to caress and moisten the two jewels hanging before him, overflowing with sweet seeds: they were the umpteenth testimony of the lion's masculine supremacy over his subjects. Forced to breathe by the nose, every new bowl of hot air he took intoxicated him, was numbing his mind, made him forget the inerasable stain on his pride, made him ask for more, again, and always. The lion's rate got faster. The hyena's throat was somewhat becoming painful under the assault it suffered, and his fragile muzzle was crashing quicker and quicker against the hairy crotch.

Watching the scene with an unhidden gaiety, Béren was vigorously massaging his probing limb, patiently waiting for his turn to come, if it ever would! To prove that he was a good sport, or maybe out of pity, or even by sheer lust, Echo loosened his grip over Maki and grasped the other rhinoceros's cock. He then started to kiss it, then to suck it with the same passion he was thrusting the young mammal.

After he made sure the mouth of his subject would remember its passing through the palace for a few days, Karteros pulled himself out of it, leaned forward and licked the head he was still clenching in the vise of his two paws.

  • Gentlemen?, he said, straightening up.

Echo and Béren yet again exchanged knowing looks, as if they knew a sort of routine, and got a move on. Unaware of what was happening, Maki ended up on the ground, free from his delightful torture seat, and then started to be manipulated around by a swarm of hands and arms. The players had switched position: Maki, on all fours, was now offering his dismantled and abundantly lubricated rump to the king himself who lost no time to shove his cock in it. Though the king instantly loses any length or girth competition with his phallic predecessor, he was determined to compensate his deficiency by his power superiority: the hyena would taste something else than a few clumsy jolts. As for Béren, he intended to participate this time: he kneeled down before Maki to serve his cock up to him, but was forced to fall on his fours over the smaller mammal by Echo, who wanted to treat himself with the loosening of a second flesh ring. The cock quartet soon began to rumble, each desiring to be satisfied unto - and into - the other.

A bestial atmosphere, thick and moist, was now hovering in the luxurious room. It enveloped each of its denizens in a halo of oozing manhood, comforting them in their debauchery.

The two rhinos were having the time of their lives. Echo was fucking his mate with fervour and punctuated his mechanical rhythm sometimes with a well-felt nipple pinch, sometimes with a firm massage or a resounding slap on the cheeks. Their testicles were a like four metallic bowls crashing into each other like a hammer on an anvil. They were incarnating the very spectacle of animal masculinity: two masses of muscles sweating male aromas, and violent, unrestrained gestures.

Karteros liked to be feared and respected. He was particularly fond of his king status that put him above constraints, above laws. It's this same kind of freedom that allowed him, for instance, to chose citizens with important and strategic functions - or citizens he simply liked -, and force them to come to his palace to complain, and end up here, their tail imprisoned in is paw and their body devoid of any remaining dignity. The feeling of omnipotence surged through his backbone. His claws sprung from his paws and took root in the hyena's flanks. His thrusting rate soon became faster than the frenzied heartbeats of his victim. Beside the lion's hold on him, the only thing that kept Maki from moving a meter forward after each thrust was the massive cock he had in his mouth that hit the back of his throat. Karteros's piercing glare seemed to get lost afar, mesmerized by the ass he was using as a sheath: he began to bombard the hyena as if there were no tomorrows. The hyena screamed as much as he could: the grease that was once abundant around his ass was getting more and more scarce as if it, too, feared the mighty assaults of the feline.

After unending minutes lost in this infernal chain, Maki was the first to open the dance with a powerful orgasm that splashed Béren's balls with a stream of sperm. To thank him back, the rhinoceros filled his throat with a good pint of unskimmed milk, though half of it flew out of its bottle and splashed the floor. It was then Echo's turn to let loose his charge in his long-time partner, a charge accompanied with soft and tender kisses. Finally, in an ecstatic roar, Karteros spat his seed in the depths of his subject, deep enough so that a trace of his passage would forever be carved inside of him. When he pulled out of the hyena's gapping hole, he grabbed him by the skin of his neck and brutally turned him around and shoved his sticky dick in his mouth so that he could taste - and wash - his bittersweet humiliation.

  • I think we will be able to come down to an agreement, little boy. However, you'll need to come back next week: my memory is terrible.