For Love of Love 17: The Journey Begins

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#17 of For Love of Love

Jes groaned sleepily and opened a single eye. Good. She was the first one awake; that was how she liked it. No one could surprise you if you were up before they were. On the other hand, it was a great thing to be able to surprise other people...she grinned as she looked at Oliver. They hadn't really done anything together yesterday, just walked around in town for a while. For some weird reason, she found herself thinking about what he had been doing with Lex for a while--it didn't turn her on any, obviously--actually, she found the idea of two males fucking really strange, but despite all of his protests against it, Jes thought that Oliver liked it.

She grinned a little, picturing Oliver getting guilted into getting anally penetrated by Lex, and not protesting because he either liked it, didn't want to hurt the emotionally insecure creatures' feeling. He'd be way too embarrassed to talk to her about that, not that she'd be really interested in that anyway.

Grinning inwardly, she slipped her paw down Oliver's spine into his shorts and curled her finger as she let it journey down along the crack of his ass, making a soft, artiticially stifled imitation of Lex's giggle. She almost burst out laughing as she raised the pitch slightly, pressing the tip of her claw against Oliver's asshole.

"Lex, I'm going to KILL--" Oliver whipped around, and Jes couldn't help herself anymore--she burst out laughing so hard that she had to grab her sides to keep herself from exploding.

"I'm sorry, Oliver, I didn't mean!--" Lex said worriedly from across the small separation between their two beds. Jes laughed even harder, almost knocking herself out of the bed. This was easily the funniest thing she had seen in her life...

* * * * * * * *

Angie was woken up by Lex's movement against her feathers. It was a nice way to wake up; it felt good, and it somehow made the rest of the day better knowing that the next morning you'd be woken up by someone brushing against the hundreds of little sensitive spots on your wings. It was almost enough to get her aroused...

Something was tickling her in the back of her throat, so she opened her mouth to cough and try to make it go away. The moment she did, she felt Lex's muzzle press against her lips. She giggled, coughed a little, then kissed him. He always looked so happy when he woke up...maybe it was something like what she was feeling, knowing that there was someone there who cared enough about you to spend so much time with you.

"Morning, Angie..." He said in between licking the side of her face, making her giggle even more.

"Morning, Lexie." Smiling happily, Angie looked at Lex and took in as much of his face as she could manage. She didn't know why she was the first one to get at him; he was handsome, nice...he was almost as cute as he was sexy. Rawr... she giggled a little, then rubbed the small series of plate-scale thingies on the top of his muzzle.

"Ooh, that feels good," Lex cooed quietly, rubbing his muzzle against her hand. Angie was all too happy to please him, and kept doing that for a while until he closed his eyes and looked like he was falling asleep again.

"Heehee...don't fall asleep." She kissed him again.

"I can't help it, that feels soothing..." Lex looked over at the other bed with Oliver and Jes in it; the two of them were making out. Angie watched, feeling both happiness and arousal at the same time. She was happy for Oliver, but she was a little more interested in what they were doing. Lex cooed quietly, then sat up and bounced down off of the bed.

"Lex," she whispered, "I think they're trying to have a moment together," she said, indicating how Oliver was holding Jes' hand lovingly. Neither one of them seemed to have any idea that Lex was getting near them; Angie giggled a little. What the hell...Jes probably wouldn't like this once she wasn't in heat anymore--she pictured her being even more unpleasant than she was before.

She got onto her stomach and flapped her wings a few times to get herself into the air and flew over to the other bed, grabbing Lex on the way and rolling over Oliver and Jes, who were just starting to escalate into feeling each other up as they got rolled over them.

"Agh--Lex, goddamnit!" Jes turned around and growled. Lex growled back--a much more fake, playful growl than the menacing scary thing that Jes produced from the bottom of her throat. That seemed to make Jes even angrier than before. "G-get away from me!" she growled even louder. It seemed to bother her even more once Lex started touching her and feeling up her sides. Angie cocked her head a little; she knew that Jes didn't really like Lex, but he seemed almost afraid of her. Lex didn't seem like he was picking up the social cues very much, so Angie pulled him away from the other two lovers and dragged him back under the covers, making a mental note to ask Jes why she seemed to dislike Lex even more than usual.

"What's wrong with Jes, Angie?" Lex whispered to her, pulling the covers over their heads so that Oliver and Jes wouldn't hear them.

"I don't know...maybe she's a little afraid of you after seeing what you and I did back at that place where we rescued Jean."

* * * * * *

Oliver didn't really get Jes, or anyone else for that matter--but he seemed to understand Jes even less. Something had changed since they got back...she liked Lex less than usual. Maybe he'd figure out how to ask her about it later.



"Love ya." He put his head on top of Jes' chest fur, which was a little sweaty. That didn't really bother him, though. The soft, soothing sound of her purr was worth the discomfort of Jes' slightly matted fur against his face.

"I can't get over that sound..." he commented, stroking her ears until they flattened themselves out.

"Good. It won't be going away anytime soon." He moved his hand down from the top of Jes' head to just underneath her muzzle, scratching her skin happily. Oliver had long ago given up trying understanding how Jes' body worked--she was something like a fox, but he was pretty sure that foxes didn't usually purr. Ah, well. He liked the sound that she made, and that was enough to make him happy.

"Oliver, where did you say you were from?," Jamie said from outside the door.

"Heeehee...." Jes giggled from her place on top of him. "He must have learned not to open the door and come in here."

"Heh...probably..." Oliver smiled at Jes and kissed her forehead before answering. "I'm from New York, why do you ask?"

"I'm getting my trip back home sorted. I can find flights for you if you want..."

"Oh..." Oliver stared blankly. Any thoughts he had about any of this ending had gone away when Jes had finally ended up on his Digivice. He knew that from then on, whatever happened to him, he would have Jes to be with him, keep him safe and keep him happy. "Alright..." He was going to miss being around other people who liked Digimon and had any idea what was going on when any of them did anything weird.

"What's with that look?"

"Well, I ..." Oliver got up from the bed, pet Jes a few times, then opened the door to talk to Oliver. "I just don't see any point in going back. It's not like my foster parents are going to miss me or anything. I don't know how supportive they'll be of having Jes in the apartment anyway..."

"Foster p-...oh..." Jamie gave him the same condescending, pathetic look that everyone else that he told this to gave him. He didn't like it, and he normally had a few harsh words with people that showed him sympathy about it, but he didn't want to ruin his friendship with Jamie. "Well, you could visit where I live for a mom runs a hotel, so it's not like you'd be taking up room anything."


"Where are we going?" Lex piped up, holding onto Oliver's legs.

"England!" Jamie pet Lex on the head as if he was a small animal. "Native home of fish and chips!"

"I like fish and chips!" Lex smiled happily and licked his hand.

"I like chips!" Angie pounced onto Lex and rolled around the floor with him.

"Um..which ones are chips again?"

"I forgot!" Angie giggled wildly, sticking her tongue out at Lex. Oliver watched them, wondering if they were always going to be like that.

"What's the weather like there?" Oliver asked Jamie.

"It's cold. And wet." Jes answered for him.

"You get cold? With this?" he ran his fingers through the fur on her chest, just barely brushing his fingers along her small, fuzzy breasts. "I don't believe it. It even keeps me warm."

"My fur is useless for warmth when it's wet," Jes flatstared at him, obviously not finding his ignorance at all funny.

"Good point..." he laughed nervously, taking his hand off of her chest. "I don't have any myself, so I wouldn't know."

"Oh, you..." Jes fake-clawed him--at that point, Jamie left the room--then pushed him onto the bed. "I don't know how I ended up with you."

"Me neither...but I love you anyway, Jes." He kissed her, then spent a few minutes petting her. "Have you ever flown before? You should get a few extra hours of sleep before you go on a flight because of the time zone change. It isn't very pleasant unless you--"

"Of course I've flown before, Oliver, I've been here for years. And that's what I'm trying to do..." she put her head down on his chest. "Why the sudden urge to get me asleep? Are you going to do naughty things to me while I'm not awake?" she grinned, licking his lips. "Because if you are, you might as well do them now while I'm up."

"Fine..." Oliver pretended to be indignant, which amused Jes, and started moving one of his hands down along her back. "Have it your way..." with an impish grin, he slipped his hand around her tail and pressed it against her tailhole.

"Mmm." He pressed a little harder, waiting for her to either complain about what he was doing or relax so his finger could get inside her. "You like that, don't you."

"Mmrr...yes, shouldn't I?"

"I don't know, I guess there's no reason not--AAH!" He had penetrated both her ass and her pussy in the middle of that sentence. Oliver smiled at the moan, content with his ability to satisfy women. Angie squeaked in alarm from the other side of the room, where she had been dozing with Lex.

"What's going on?" Lex asked sleepily.

"Nothing, Lex," Jes said quickly, flicking her tail.

* * * * * *

Angie watched what Oliver was doing to Jes. Didn't that hurt...? That wasn't exactly what that was meant for. Still, she seemed to like it, even though she couldn't really understand why. She watched, half-aroused, as Oliver used his two longest fingers to have sex with Jes both ways; there was no doubt about it, she was really enjoying that.

Lex seemed to be interested, too...did he want to do that to her? Some of the Digimon she had been around back when she was living in that city talked about doing this to a female in a conversation that she had been listening to; that was the first time she had ever thought about it. Lex seemed interested, though. For one thing, he was kneeling on top of her, which wasn't that unusual, but his tail was swishing from side to side slowly, and he only seemed to do that when he was aroused.

"Have you ever done that, Angie?" he whispered, his tail curling itself around her upper thigh.

"No..." She blushed, and he didn't answer. The two of them kept watching eagerly. Angie wondered what kind of feeling you had when something was stuck there...maybe it felt good, she didn't know. It was right next to her pussy, so maybe it would feel good just pressing against her insides that way...

"Do you want to try that?" she asked hesitantly, spreading her legs out for Lex.

"Huh? Oh ... heeheee ... I don't know, do you?"

"Sure, why not?" She giggled a little and pushed her hips up for better access, waiting for him to use his fingers on her the same way Oliver was on Jes. To add to the pleasure, she decided that maybe she should close her eyes.

"I'm one up on Oliver, though, Angie..." Lex giggled. She felt two things press against her, and neither of them were thumbs or fingers--she felt what had to be his dick press against her pussy and what had to be the tip of his tail moving in small circles around the other entrance. She hesitated for a moment with the thought that it wasn't the exact same thing as Jes was doing and something might go wrong, but then she told herself that it was Lex and he would stop as soon as she asked her to, and Jes really seemed to be enjoying this.

She bit her lip and nodded her head at Lex, who promptly thrust into her in both places. It was a little painful having something shoved up inside her butt like that, but the pleasure she had in her pussy from being squished between Lex's dick and tail far outweighed it.

"Ohhhhhhhhh," she lifted her knees up and leaned back, yearning for more of him inside her. "That feels so good...."

At first, the thrusts of his tail and dick matched, but as he started to speed up, they started to alternate, which she preferred more.

"Ahhh...Angie..." Angie moaned loudly as Lex said her name. His thrusting got almost wild, and her pleasure almost became unbearable. For a moment she felt a burning sensation, almost like she was going to pee, then promptly came. Through the haze of pleasure she could see that she had gotten Lex wet, but neither of them really cared.

"M-mooore..." she shivered and pressed herself against Lex. She couldn't help herself, she just wanted to feel more and more of his tail going inside her, as deep as it could go. Full was the only word that came to mind to describe the feeling, but it wasn't really enough.

"Y-yesss..." Lex's voice almost turned into a hiss as his thrusts grew quick and hard. His tail and his dick started moving at the same pace again, squishing her insides like they had been before. She changed her mind about which way she wanted it. She was now sweating profusely and moaning nearly constantly from the sensation. His long, hard, thick tail started wiggling around out of control, driving her to orgasm again.

"L-l-lex!" she moaned loudly, flapping her wings wildly, having completely lost control of her body. Her body tightened, then she twitched, tightened up again and sprayed Lex again with fluid. Her insides burned, but it felt so good...just when she thought she wasn't going to be able to handle any more and was about to explode, Lex came and collapsed on top of her, panting heavily.

"Mmm, Lex...that felt absolutely incredible..."

"Did it hurt?" he rubbed her stomach gently, seeming very curious about the whole thing. Heehee... she giggled to herself in her thoughts. Maybe he wants me to do it to him... that wouldn't be unlike Lex at all.

"No," she lied and smiled to him. It had hurt a little, but she didn't want to make him feel guilty or anything--besides, it was probably supposed to hurt a little bit at first anyway. When Lex had first gone inside her back in the Digital World, it had hurt like that for a few moments.

"I'm glad!" he hugged her tightly again and pressed the tip of his muzzle against her lips. Angie gladly kissed him and wrapped her wings around his back. Angie closed her eyes again to enjoy the moment. Moments like these made her want to be with Lex forever...

"Heehee...Angie, look..."

"Hmm?" Angie opened her eyes and looked over at Oliver and Jes. The two of them were doing the same thing that Lex and herself had been doing, only Jes was doing it to Oliver rather than the other way around. Lex's head perked up, confirming Angie's guess that Lex probably wanted someone to do that to him. She giggled and made plans for it.

"Ahh, Jes...I...ah...."

"I know, it feels good, doesn't it?"

Oliver seemed like he was too busy cumming onto Jes' other paw, which was wrapped tightly around his dick, to answer.

"Heehee...Lex, you know, he might actually let you do something to him this time," she giggled a little; it was really weird for her to think about two males doing the things that she did with Lex, but it was possible. The Magusmon immediately brightened up and jumped the distance across the bed, landing on top of Oliver and straddling him before he had a chance to say anything.

"What? No!!! NO!!" Oliver wiggled around underneath Lex, who giggled and held him down plafyfully for a few moments before he realized that Oliver wasn't joking around with him. After finally taking the cue from Oliver, Lex finally got off of his tamer and sat down next to him. "God, Lex, that's just weird...I can't even believe that you're thinking about that. Why don't you do something with Jes instead?" Angie grinned a little as Oliver covered his eyes and rubbed them exhaustively. He expected Jes to get mad and hit somebody.

"...Jes scares me," Lex said, edging away from the surprised-looking BlRemon. Both Angie and Jes cocked their heads and blinked.

"... I scare you?" Jes asked in amazement.

"Yeah...well, you are pretty scary, Jes. Not so much now, I guess, but you used to be really scary."

Jes' mouth hung open as she stared away from Lex. Did Jes really scary him? He had to be at least twice as strong as she was, judging by some of the things that she had seen him do. When Lex wanted to be, he could be really strong.

As Angie watched Jes' reaction, she noticed that since Lex had gotten on the bed, Jes had been edging away from him--not being completely obvious about it like she had been before, but she was still staying pretty much as far away from him as she could be without falling off of the bed.

"What's wrong, Jes?" Lex asked timidly.

"Nothing..." Jes said absentmindedly. She obviously wasn't completely paying attention to him. It must have been at least two minutes before anyone said anything to anyone else. That someone turned out to be Oliver.

"What's up with you two?"

"I'll admit it...he bloody terrifies me." Jes probably thought that only Oliver could hear her, but Angie could hear her from across the room, and judging from the surprised expression on Lex's face, he had heard her as well. As soon as Lex looked up at her from the point on the bed where he had been looking, Jes quickly zipped behind Oliver, moving as quickly as Angie had seen her move in a battle.

Angie got up and sat down next to Lex, expecting that he was going to need her to hug him in a few seconds if Jes said something that offended him.

"Why are you afraid of me, Jes? I'd never hurt you..."

"You're more powerful than me!?! OKAY?!!"

"I know that," Lex answered simply. "Why does that bother you?"

"I ... it just does. It scares me. It's been a while since I've had to worry about being weak, and after what we did at that place in the Digital World, I just...I'm scared to be around someone who's so much stronger than I am, okay?"

The lines in Lex's face contorted them into a sad frown, the kind that Lex got when there was something bothering him that he knew there was nothing he could do to fix. Angie quickly jumped onto his back and clung to him, giggling.

"You don't scare me, Lexie," she smiled and hugged him. "You're too cute to scare me," she giggled and put on her cutest face for him, wrapping her legs around his chest and clinging. Once she thought that he was going to calm down, she closed her eyes to rub Lex's shoulders, but before she could do that, he bit her.

"Eeeee!" she squealed and batted Lex's head playfully. Angie was happy that she could distract Lex from the things that made him sad and depressed by playing like this; he bit her side again and latched onto her stomach with his mouth, wiggling it around. Angie countered by rolling around and grappling with him until she ended up on top. Somehwere in the process, they rolled over Jes--Jes' mate had moved into safety over by the magical box that showed other humans and things far away.

"GFF-ACK!" Jes protested against being squished, but went largely ignored by both Lex and Angie. Lex tickled underneath her arms, making her laugh and loser her breath for a second. She felt him bite one of her wings and wiggle his hundred or so little teeth around in her feathers--that felt both ticklish and sensual at the same time, making her coo and giggle at the same time.

Suddenly, he jumped on top of her and pinned her to the ground, giggling and tickling her sides.

"I win!" Lex stopped tickling her after a few moments, then nuzzled her lower chest lovingly. Again, Angie closed her eyes to try and enjoy the moments Lex was happy. She felt sorry for him, really...she didn't think he wanted other people to feel sorry for him, but once you got to him, it was hard not to. She didn't even know the specifics of Lex's life yet, but just looking at his reactions to when other Digimon fought and how he was always so afraid of Vaccine Digimon, she could only imagine...

"ARRGH!" Angie's eyes snapped open again, then half-closed as she grinned at amusement at what she saw. Lex had just done the same thing that he had done to Angie to Jes, biting the side of her stomach and latching onto it, wiggling his head. "DON'T DO THAT, DAMNIT!" with what looked like more strength than Angie would ever want to have used on her, Jes literally threw Lex off of her. He landed with considerable force on the floor, wincing slightly and with a fearful look in his eyes.

"I-I was only p-playing!"

"Hmph." She angrily got up and stormed out of the room, followed closely by Oliver, who was shaking his head.

"I think she really is terrified of you, Lex...why don't you let her get to know you first?" she sat down on his lap and smiled reassuringly at him.

"I know she's afraid, I was just playing. I thought it might help..."

Angie rubbed Lex's shoulders and continued to smile at him. Maybe I should talk to Jes, she thought, moving her hands onto his neck and giving it a gentle rub. There was probably more to why she was really afraid of him than she was letting on.

"Do you want me to talk to her?"

"Only if you want to ... I just don't want her to hate me. Or at least tell me why."

"I don't think she hates you. I think she's just afraid of you."

"Because I'm stronger than she is?"

"I think that's a part of it...I'll go find out." She stuck her tongue out playfully at Lex, then pulled his muzzle up with a single finger. "You'd better not have run off when I get back," she said soothingly to him, running another finger along the little plates on top of his muzzle. He nodded and sat down in front of the magic box that Oliver had told them about.

Jes was standing just outside the door, whispering something very angry-sounding at Oliver, who looked like he didn't really know how to react to it. Angie walked over to them and interrupted.

"Jes...why are you scared of Lex?"

"I told you, he's stronger than I am! That scares me."

"Jean's stronger than you," she took as an example, "But you don't seem very afraid of her. The only difference is--"

"She's not a male."

"So, what does that--" Angie stopped mid-sentence, then frowned. Jes must not have had a very good start to life, either...just in a different way than Lex. "Oh..." she looked at Jes sadly.

"Yes. I was ... I was raped. More than once, if you must know, and by more than one Digimon, if you must know that as well. I hope you're happy now that you've dragged it out of me, because--"

"Oh, that's terrible!" Angie quickly hugged Jes to try to make her feel better the same way that she hugged Lex when she wanted to make him feel better. She wasn't expecting it, but she got the same reaction that she usually got from Lex: tears and a return hug.

* * * * * * * *

Jes would never admit it to anyone--even Oliver--but it was nice to be able to tell this to another girl. Even though she had told this to Oliver before, she didn't think he understood what it was like to have your body taken from you like that. He was a human, and that kind of thing didn't happen here as often as it did where she was from...and he was a male. If she ever wanted to talk to someone about it, she knew that she could go to Angie now, and that thought was...

Well, that thought was comforting.

"I'm sorry ... did Lex guilt you into coming out here and talking to me?"

"Something like that. He's afraid he's done something wrong that he can't do anything about, and things like that really bother him."

"I know it doesn't make sense, Angie, but I'd really rather not have him that close to me." She knew that Lex probably wouldn't hurt her. It was probably more likely that she was going to hurt him. The memories weren't going to go away anytime soon, though, and he did look like very much like some of the Digimon who had given her the first and worst of them.

"Jes, he'd never hurt you, you know that."

"I's just...I can't give him what he wants. He wants me to be like you, and I can't do that. It's not who I am."

"...." Angie was still looking her in the eyes. Jes stood there for another few seconds, waiting for her to say something, but she didn't. Sighing a little, she realized that Angie probably wasn't going to leave her alone until she at least apologized to Lex for yelling at him.

"I'll apologize to him. Is that good enough?"

"Thanks, Jes. I know it must be hard." Jes almost scowled a little. Somehow, she doubted that the Angewomon had ever known what anything hard was. She had probably grown up with a bunch of other Vaccines in a safe place protected from Digimon like Jes by stronger Vaccines.

"Lex?" she went back into the room and sat down as close as she safely felt going near him.

"Please don't hurt me--" Jes rolled her eyes and looked at him.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"It's okay. I just don't want you to hate me."

"I don't hate you. I'm just afraid of you. I was ... umm ..." Jes bit on her tongue. Could she really do this, and tell this to someone that looked almost just like that first Digimon that had taken advantage of her and promised to give her a safe place to stay for a while...she shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts. It was different when she could tell herself that she had to be stronger than him, that there was no way that something that stupidly cute and pathetic could ever overpower her and force her to do things that she didn't want to do, but now that she had seen the things that he could do if he wanted to... "Someone that looks like you forced me to do something that I didn't want to do..."

"Oh, Jes, I'm must have been hard to deal with and keep to yourself." How would he know? Jes almost started yelling at him again, and was ready to claw the side of his face when she saw something in his eye. It was probably just her going crazy from everything that had been going on these last few days, but he seemed like he did know something about holding something back from everyone else.

Jes nodded slightly, then braced herself for the hug that she knew was coming. Lex clamped onto her, and she felt an immediate urge to escape and run away to wherever she could get the farthest away from Lex, but she restrained herself, telling herself over and over again that it wasn't the same Digimon that had raped her. Similarity to him or not, he was still quite a bit stronger than she was, and now that she realized that, being so close to him made her extremely nervous.

"Thanks, Jes." He nuzzled her neck a few times, which was well beyond any physical contact she wanted with him, and almost threw him off her again. Thankfully, he didn't do it for very long, and stopped before she did anything to him.

"Jamie just got back with the tickets, and we have to leave in about half an hour to catch our flight," Oliver said, breaking the tension of the moment. He gave Jes a knowing smile, and she silently thanked him for breaking up this whole discussion. He picked up the remote and turned on the TV, which absolutely fascinated Lex and Angie. On it were a series of advertisements for some kind of cream to keep humans from looking like they were getting older.

"Ooooo...." Angie and Lex cooed almost at the same time.

"... you're all so weird."

"Can I have some of that, Oliver?"

"... ... what, face cream?"

"Yeah!" she giggled.

"That's ...?" Oliver just stared blankly. The fact that face cream would be useless to Angie obviously wasn't something he could communicate to her, so he just kind of stared at her for a few seconds. "I don't even think you can get wrinkles, Angie."


"In your skin. It happens as humans get older."

"Ohhhhh....I don't care about that, I just want my face to look like that."

"She's wearing more than just face cream, Angie. She's wearing blush, eyeliner...probably concealer."

"Oh." Oliver sighed in exasperation at Angie's disappointed 'oh'.

"Next time we're in town, I'll get you some makeup...and I'll get you some conditioner," he added, nudging Jes slightly.

"Cond...oh..." she remembered the stuff that he had used on her in the shower that had made her fur feel softer than it usually did for a while (and give off a very pungent, very annoying strong smell of fruit for about two hours afterward). She nodded a little then looked to the door where Jamie emerged.

"Jean and I are leaving for the airport, Oliver...I assume you guys are coming with us?"