The Warrior's Dove Ch: 17

Story by Hato San on SoFurry

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#19 of The Warrior's Dove.

Huzzah! Chapter Seventeen has been posted! Enjoy it! Or this pup may just have to find you and huggle you until you do!!! :P

Chapter 17: Meeting Old Friends

The mornings light shattered through the clouds that had guided wind through the night. Though the winds died down, the world was still froze; snow and ice covered the trees like summer mist and the skies above shone through, touching the earth beneath with light. A sluggish and silent morning, though the night before woke most; silence still grasped the mountain within its claws. The blanket of cold brought a burning feeling as it struck against his fur as the clothes he was given couldn't stand any chance against the cold. the figure walked behind, the pace quick enough to cause a stumble when crossing the soft, surrounding snow. All around was the faint waver of smoke from fire and the snow below held footprints that wore down to the earth. Every step stung, and the sun's light pierced into the world that was enshrouded with darkness. Everything spawned around, the snow starting to silently fall once more; the rough voice behind speaking once more.

"Hurry up pup, my patience is nothing more than a pittance." After the next few minutes of cold winds, sounds seemed to finally shuffle within the silence. Quick shadows urged their way through other tents, the movements too swift for even a hawks eyes to catch onto. Shortly later the snow was struck against his knees, the suns light shining down as a voice came fourth.

"Hato!" A blur of white led to the familiar sense of warmth running through him. Her eyes blue as the skies above; her concern catching within the moment, and everything pelting Hato's mind all at once. The sounds of an annoyed grunt came from behind, the figure still waiting as Hato turned to face him.

"Hurry up, you'll 'ave some to talk with 'er later. For now, you best be movin on; our... Leader would like to 'ave a word with yea." Being hoisted upwards, Hato's feet wobbled against his own weight. He felt weak, lightheaded, and in need of water; though it didn't stop the figure from telling him to move. Their words struck walls, or it seemed as Hato stumbled further into the settlement; more sights of people sprang up, the white wolf tagged along but from a far distance. Her almost ripped and worn-down clothing made him worry; she shivered whenever the winds picked up, though she hadn't and wouldn't stop following the two. Yawning, the cold winds made quick work of the warmth that was brought out, ripping the fog before it came to view. A tent was placed in front of Hato, the sight of the creature before standing impatiently within the darkness. Their eyes scanned the skies from an unsewn and open panel.

"Come in." The voice quiet, Hato hardly heard it over the light whistle of air that came from the clearing. Stepping into the dark, scents of herbs came and went. The scents were familiar; he felt the room as if he'd been there before. In front of Hato, the sight of a dark, wooden building spanned around. The winters wind howling as snow fell heavily; and the crackle of fire came near. It was during that time a voice came from the direction of flame. Her words soft, a light gentle breath that was strong enough to stop the sound of the winds and the falling of snow. Hato couldn't move as if frozen within a tired daze.

"I... I know you're not awake Hato." A sudden stop made his heart sharp, the beating almost skipping to her voice. 'I- I overheard them saying that they won't wake you. Not until they know you've found what there searching for." It sounded like sobs, the true feeling of her touch came onto his forehead. "Y- you could be dead by then. I need you back here... I... I miss you." A soft rub came onto the side of his muzzle, the feeling of her breath softly pushing against fur. "Please wake back up, we all can't keep running; Kisheviria and his men are getting closer.... And I need to know why you wanted to help me." The softness brushed against the cold and frozen night; Kiyoko, it was her; her voice that preached out. A waft of another scent came bye, and he opened his eyes to the face of an odd figure.

"My name is Livrythi, a final surviving member of the Coalhean Tribe; that and my apprentice Karisif.

"Karisif?" Realizing that the old pain no longer existed, everything became clear; a natural view surrounded the world around.

"Yes. Now pup." By now the outside light breached into the darkness, and Hato was stunned by the figure that came to view. A wolverine stood ahead as sounds of voices came from the outside world. Turning to the sudden noises, Hato stared into a face that stopped everything.

"Ah. Serviath my lad, Are you feeling better?" Serviath stood above Hato, though he wasn't much taller or older. His muzzle was short, and his eyes a dull brown (Though they seemed sharp once they saw Hato.) His face was a perfect blend of blaze and white; a strip of white touched his nose, and stopped halfway on his head. The ears folded down entirely, orange in color along with most of his pelt. Serviath wore a simple white cloth and a thick woollen overcoat that fell halfway to his legs, which were covered with a leather material. With a smile, Serviath shook off the snow that had fallen upon him.

"Livrythi." He shivered out, and looked at Hato once more. "Hey pup... I've been missing you." Serviaths words were soft, and as he passed a chuckle; Hato realized he was blushing from them. "It seems like you've missed me too." His laughter was soft, and only helped fuel the blaze of red that came across.

"Now now." Interrupted Livrythi. "Serviath bring Hato over to get some food and water, he'll need it."

"Yes sir." He spoke with a small pride, and took Hato into the cold, snowy world. Snow fell oddly lightly for the mountains, the cold; dry air dug into the mountain. To combat it, Serviath brought his overcoat and wrapped it around him more. An odd feeling came from within Hato, his body held a heat that never feigned or ended. With the exception of voices and the occasional passer-by, no sound came from here; even with the makeshift settlement being as large as it was. Shortly after, the scents of food came into the air and Hato greedily breathed inwards; the faint scent of bread reached him.

"Oh god damnit!" Serviath growled in bitterness.

"What?" Hato's first reaction, the words came quick and naturally.

"Our cook's not supposed to be cooking anything that wouldn't be found here in the mountains."

"Is this a problem?" He sounded youthful and foolish.

"Of course it is!" Serviath exclaimed. "If any of Kisheviria's scouts catch onto that scent, we could be in trouble. Let's go" Serviath suddenly urged him to move faster through the snow. It wasn't long before the slight appearance of smoke came from ahead. "Wait." Serviath spoke, watching the smoke in the distance. "That's coming from beyond our settlement." Hato's eyes scanned the smoke rise, white nearly invisible streams poured upwards; touching the skies with hardly a crackle from the flame.

"Let's go back, we'll get a Ranger to check this out." Serviath's paw grabbed onto Hato's and pulled him back; pointing in the direction of a large hide-like structure. "Go over there, you'll be able to get some food and water. I'll go back and talk to Livrthyi." With Hato being urged to move over there, he began walking back; staring towards the smoke every now and then. A branch cracked, causing his eyes to dart right. Trees came into view about a couple hundred feet away; but it was the sight of white fur that Hato saw hiding behind one of the tents only a few metres from him that truly caught his eye.

"Hey again." Hato spoke with a smile, something that brought confusion to him. 'Why do I sound so young?' He thought extensively before she fully revealed herself. Her tattered clothes still made concern.

"Hi." A nervous sound made Hato's ear twitch. A calling of a name came faintly from the distance.

"Oh I have to go." She was swift, almost bolting off in the direction of the structure Serviath told him to go to. Following shortly behind, the large tent was almost empty; the exception of a few forms that lingered inside; speaking about anything of importance. Though the silence brought peace, it wasn't long before the hoarse sound of yelling came through. Her voice was shaken in the next room, the yelling a foolish thing to start in the beginning. Stepping into the room, the sight of a much larger figure stood in front of her.

"Did you ever even think that I would care about some worthless bitch of a slave!? You amount to nothing! I could hardly sell you for a pence; hell not even a brothel would accept some stupid little whore like yourself! I don't need to waste my time to feed you; find your own god damn time to get food!" She had tears in her eyes, her tail had dropped and her ears were flattened against her skull.


"Just shut the fuck up!" Their paw swung across, striking the side of her face hard enough to cause their claws to cut through. Hato didn't hold back, and bolted forward. With the form turning to the sounds of his footsteps; their face met with his fist and that put them on the ground. She stood frozen in place, the sounds of a distressed sob came from her.

"Are you okay?" His voice came by in a soft tone and she responded by slightly nodding her head.

"Fucker." Their harsh tone came, and Hato saw them brace against a small table to help them up. He also saw their paw take something form the table, and from a flash of steel came the swinging force of a meat cleaver. It came thrashing downwards, and both of them moved to evade the steel from cutting into them. "I always knew that you! Mutt would try to fuck with me." They swung the cleaver wildly from the left, a good duck was enough to evade their attack.

"Of course I would. I'd be happy to drop some ludicrous prick." The blade shot at him once more; this time he simply stepped right, and the cleaver struck into the wooden table. Hato drove his clawed paw into their face, cutting into their cheek before landing another fist upon them. Putting them on the ground once more, they kicked him off; and the blade darted forward. Narrowly missing it, Hato shoved the larger figure off, his eyes catching onto the glitter of a metal knife not too far off. Reaching for it; his paws grasped it's handle, and slashed the knife upwards just in time to meet theirs. A sound came into the room; and all Hato could catch onto was the sight of a green and gold tunic before the cold ground was the only thing that was clearly evident.

"Break this up!" A voice hissed at the two of them. From the darkened corner she came in from the shadows. The figure turned quickly to meet straight with her eyes.

"What happened here girl?"

"Whatever she says is worthl-" Their voice was choked out as a figure brought their face closer to the ground. Hato tried to look up, but all that he could see was that green hooded tunic and a voice that told him to drop the blade. Doing what he was told, Hato was shortly let up before Serviath came into the room asking for answers. She backed up, sudden fear in her eyes as she stared at Serviath.

"Kiyoko!" The name was harshly spoken, as it caught Hato's attention. Serviath stared at her state for a moment, than to Hato. "What happened here, we all have enough bloody problems and frankly I don't want to be asked to clean some wankers body off this floor."

"This prick struck her." Hato snarled out, causing Serviath to stare at him oddly.

"Hato... She is a slave." Serviath spoke in a soft and curious tone.

"You think I give a fuck!" Hato's fist struck down onto the wooden table, the force strong enough to make it snap clean in half. This caused some around him to back away; others had their interests peak up.

"Holy sh-"

"What!?" Hato turned to face the form behind him.

"That is solid.. How did you break through that?" Hato's eyes stared at the wood, it was at least an inch thick along the top.

"Not the point." Serviath spoke. "Why did you strike her?" Staring as the form stood, he coldly stared at all of them.

"She disobeyed me." He barked out.

"I only asked for food." Kiyoko's words slipped from her tongue, the mistake was enough to make her ears flatten. This caused Serviath to eye her.

"Well I can't control that, it's her masters decision whether or not to feed her." His words forced a snarl from Hato. It was a short lick of thought that arose with the silence before conversation started once more.

"How much do you want for her?" Hato spoke quickly.


"You heard me; you stated she's hardly worth a pence. How about I pay you two shillings." He scoffed, staring dead into Hato's eyes.

"And where will you get that?" He laughed out, causing Hato to think. A rupture of memories; images flashed, all leading to a leather satchel.

"My satchel, I have the amount needed there." The figure sighed, staring at Kiyoko in annoyance.

"Ya know, I'd love to get that worthless thing from my care. I'll take your offer, get me the payment by noon today, and she's yours. Hell, I'll even throw in a meal."

"Good. Meet me in the middle of the settlement." Hato turned to leave. "Oh, if I find a single scratch on her at noon; I'll take your cleaver and shove it up your ass." Not another word was spoken as all of them left out into the snow (Except for Kiyoko and her 'Master' who both stayed behind.)

"Why the hell" Serviath started up once they all were from earshot. "Would you even think about wasting your money on her!?"

"Because. Once I was put to that sleep, those visions told me a lot. One thing is that I will need her before Kishevira realizes he does." Serviath stopped solid, staring at him in confusion. Hato kept pushing forward through the snow that began to pick up.

"You actually saw something!?"

"More than I wanted; all I truly know is that she is important."

"Why her?" Silence crept up, it's eerie presence pounded into Hato's skull.

"I don't know; I'll explain all I can at noon." Hato stumbled suddenly, the urgent problem was enough to make Serviath bolt to his side.

"Are you okay!?" His concern was enough to make Hato's heart skip.

"Yes, I.. I'm a little lightheaded."

"You haven't had any water yet have you?" Serviath came to realize.

"I got distracted, now I need to find that damned satchel of mine." Serviath stared into Hato's eyes with concern.

"I think you should get some water first."

"No. I can't waste any time right now.. Do you know where this satchel of mine is?"

"Yes, It should be back in the tent you woke up in. You should head back there, I'll work on getting some water for you."

"Okay." Serviath went off, and Hato walked forward; an uneasy feeling coming over. The sun began piercing through the clouds above, its warming rays touched against Hato's fur; the golden strands on his forearms seemed to glow from the light. From the distance came a form, their hooded green and golden cloak was almost difficult to notice from the tents that were pitched up.

"Hey pup." Their voice was too familiar.

"You're the person who pinned me."

"Right you are."

"What may you need?" Hato said, keeping his original course. They shortly followed, tagging behind.

"Not much, I'm just surprised you held your own fighting that brute." The voice suddenly changed pitch; they removed their hood, the cloth crumpling back to reveal the face of a white, and blazed feline figure.

'The cat from the visions.' the sight of her face made a shock of sight; the images from the vision pounding from the back of Hato's mind.

"I'm Kieai, recruitment Ranger for lord Shakshira." She reached a paw out, and Hato met his paw with hers.

"A pleasure. I'm Se-.. Sorry, I'm Hato." She passed an odd glare before supposedly ignoring it.

"As before, I'm Kieai. Before I subdued you, I paid some attention to the fight. You have some talent friend." Hato passed a light, dry cough; the sight of the tent came from above a small slant.

"I wouldn't say that."

"Why not? I saw the way you were able to make someone his size, begin to cower." Hato passed a small chuckle with her words.

"A lucky hit." The tent was standing in front of him now; Hato spent no time waiting, and stepped inside. The small, heavily covered tent still let the mountain air howl within the small, makeshift room. On the left was a small bed; a basic tight wool blanket covered the top of the platform. The ground beside of it had a sheathed blade; it's simplistic bamboo sheath was attached to a belt, and within it was Hato's blade. Underneath was the satchel; its weight heavier than that of the sword itself. Hato tied the satchel onto the belt and put it on; the sword weighing down on the left of him.

"Never did understand why you use a companion sword; but I guess with it's length, that is what you favor?" The blade itself was closer to a Katana than a Tanto; though its length was still short, the curve of its blade could still do what any other sword could.

"My blade is closer to me and better used in my paws; I can trust it with my life."

"Hmmm... You've never been trained with the use of a Katana?"

"Hardly been trained with the use of this blade." She seemed a bit intrigued to Hato's words. After checking the satchel, he was lucky indeed to find the amount he needed to purchase Kiyoko.

"Why did you ask him to meet you in the middle of the settlement? At noon that's when rations are given out."

"That's the point, he wouldn't think about doing anything stupid." With the quick patter of footsteps, a familiar figure came into the tent.

"I found a canteen. It took me long enough." Serviath quickly handed the metal carrier over. Taking a long needed drink, Hato coughed from the amount he drowned and shortly made his way back through the snow; the sun still shining strong. It's point had almost hit midday once he saw all the people in the center. The very light scent of food came around; mainly covered by the smell of the forests and it's snow covered landscape. Within the busy, though surprisingly quiet hustle, the sight of her fur came accompanied by the much larger dog.

"Alright pup; You have my payment?" Throwing the satchel over, the dog caught it; and opened the straps to reveal the amount.

"These are not in English coins. These are Hovishiran."


"I'm going nowhere near Kishiveria's kingdom; I will not accept this."

'Shit.' It came to mind as he gave a small snarl.

"You couldn't afford the bitch; the deals o-"

"Wait." It wasn't Hato's voice that preached their words, instead it was Serviath himself who perked up.


"Well." He shot Hato what seemed to be a lustful glare. The sight was enough to make a blaze of red come across Hato's face in the sudden heat of confusion.

"With my ally's... Companionship factors; I'll be more than happy to invest in such a purchase." Revealing a smaller bag tied at the top; Serviath tossed that over to him, the figure opened it only to show satisfaction.

"Well.. Uh." A whisper came after that, Hato's sensitive ears twitched and picked up only the light sounds of cussing.

"Fine; she's yours. I'll go get that meal I promised to throw in."

After the noontimes rations passed, Kiyoko spent her time looking around uneasily as Hato spent his time in silence. Shortly came along the sound of Serviath's voice from behind of Hato.

"Hey pup."

"Yes?" Serviath shot that look again, something that made Hato go blank; the mixture of thoughts made his blush start.

"You owe me one." A soft, seductive sound teased Hato's ears; without him even feeling it, Hato's tail began wagging left and right as his face became a blaze of rose.

"Looks like you like that idea. I'll be seeing you later tonight pup." Without warning Serviath passed a lick on the side of Hato's muzzle; his face burning from the soft feel of his tongue pressing against him. From a distance, the face of Kieai caught onto the sight; a small chuckle came from her.

"Didn't think you two are that close together." She giggled out; something that made Hato's ears flatten a bit. "Don't worry about it pup; I won't tell anyone important."

"You best not be tellin noone; anyone who tries to hurt my pup has to go through me first." She laughed out causing a bitter growl to come from Serviath.

"Sorry if I offended you... How old are you anyways?"

"About Nineteen."

"How old is your 'pup'?" She whispered out as the sight of people began passing bye.

"Eighteen." He whispered back.

"He's hardly old enough to be traveling with this group of people." Kieai spoke a little louder once the people were out of sight.

"He was traveling alone before... Well with that s-" He turned to Hato who was eyeing him before he cleared his throat. "He was traveling with Kiyoko before they passed through London's streets." Kiyoko perked up to the sound of her name; staring at the group of furs before paying attention to the woods, the soft winds howled through the snow reaching all their ears with its light moaning. A ring of gold came from the heavens above, rays of amber dispersing the clouds away. A small ring echoed signaling dusk's arrival was to be followed earlier on that day. Words spread like wildfire, a message that was directed to both Kieai and Serviath; who quickly rushed to Livrthyi's tent. Curiosity was what brought Hato to tag along yet since Hato left, Kiyoko followed right behind. Soon brought the arousal of an argument, hushed as the sight of a smaller figure came into sight. Hato's eyes dropped, the sleek short black fur caught his eye in a heartbeat. Her young face and sharpened eyes came along only to tell him their name.

'Jivera? How did she get here?' Thought's came into mind, the sight of a cobblestone street with the scent of smog came into the air. The illusionistic past echoed into existence; Jivera's quick young voice was something surprising for the state she stood in. Only the rags she wore indicated the filth of coal, smoke, and the wet street's filth that shot up whenever carriages passed bye.

"Him." Hato noticed that Jivera was pointing to his direction. "My mother fell dreadfully ill working in the factories day after day. A doctor said it was a problem with her breathing. I spent my time working on helping to keep the factories coal-fed. But once she fell ill, I would need to have worked in the mines; that would've killed me it would. I had no other choice but to follow him here."

"Did you even think when you followed him? You don't know who he could've been." A Ranger spoke, the sight of a dagger's sheath was evident; their paw on it's handle with an anxious movement.

"Don't care; he was my only shot at leaving. There must be something I can do here; I'd rather be taking my chances at being killed in a battle than spend my time in some poisonous mine." An eager face showed up, Livrythi stood; the younger figure behind him. A fox, his fur the familiar midnight black crossed with the odd layer of darkened monkshood shade which transversed with the sleek black fur.

"Karisif." Livrythi spent no moment with him standing behind him. "Shouldn't you be studying those books on Tishkian language? We'll both be headed to Tishkia kingdom shortly you know this."

"Sorry sir." Karisif's response was quick; his movements just as quick as he disappeared back into the larger tent.

"I don't think some little Black Cat should be coming along with us Livrythi."

"I have a name prick. Let alone don't call me by some nickname, I'm a Fisher."

"Quite the mouth on you." The Ranger passed a chuckle, the sight of Jivera's paws shaken in a tight fist found them some amusement.

"Disregard his words little one. I don't mind having another coming along with us; we could use the help." Jivera's paws released, a small smile arose.

"Thank you, I promise you won't regret it." Livrythi gave a warming laugh; his older age was something that made it seemed strange for one to do such a thing. Yet from his appearance and kindness, the previous tensions fled; a warming and welcoming feeling came along when Jivera appeared to seem welcomed here. Housing was not the largest problem; covering her tracks was what was most important. Almost believing what Livrythi chose was a foolish choice, Hato did realize how things seemed to fall into place. Livrythi knew something, Hato was sure of it. Thoughts didn't last long as the sun passed with the final rations starting up before night-time arose. Serviath speaking previously to Kieai made it possible of Kiyoko to have a place to stay for the nights that all of them were traveling with the Rangers. Hato (being eager to try and remember anything he could about all that has happened) spoke with most of the members during the final rations were handed out. Apparently, the Rangers were the Royal and elite troops for Lord Shakshira. They spoke highly of him, most of what and why he deserved both the thrones of the land. They spoke as England as not being a part of the border. England it seemed to be a kingdom of its own, mainly standing within the development once the steam engine started into play. Very shortly after industries took over the majority of England's land, London (being the largest city at the time) had its population increase tenfold. The production of London sped up; but it's people and country never seemed to mean harm. Hovishira was previously ruled by lord Galiril; Kishiveria's father, who passed on due to sickness. Once Kishiveria fell into the lands control; taxes increased, and right decreased. He held no care of the people within his land, he (As they described) told Hato that the young lord was blinded by power. Not even the nobles of his land could uptake the costs from him. None could rebel, the Rangers spoke of a power; a form of casting that Galiril upheld to protect his people, land, and the family he loved so dear. Galiril knights. As the Rangers spoke about them, Hato could notice that they fear the name itself. The legend they told spoke of soldiers forever lost in the sands, huge in size and created from the very essence of a life itself; a material called Cirieliam. Words spoke of the material to be like blood, except it seemed to glow depending on how it's harvested or naturally made. The knights were made out of hardened rock, the markings placed on their rock armor glowed with the power of Cirieliam that flowed through each symbol. These soldiers are eternally noble, honorable. But it was whoever controlled such a power to create how they were; how they acted. Unfortunately the power was passed down by blood, and it seemed by blood alone. Howls indicated the rise of the night; the stars arose from the quickly faded sun, and the group stated that Hato should get some rest. A quick step brought him through the darkness to the sight of his tent. The howls grew stronger, as if the mountains itself was unaware of their passing from the past couple days. Silence quickly grasped the camp, and hardly a torch was lit through the windy and cold night.

With the stories and passing day, Hato forgot all about Serviath's words; they hardly arose until the light sounds of footsteps came through the snow. No words were spoken as he stepped into the tent, a heavy cover of clothes on him; the snow covering Serviath's body with white. Giving a little shiver, the chatter of his fangs were heard.

"Cold tonight, isn't it pup?"

"Uh." Hato couldn't reply, the curve of his face brought him into silence as he stared from his bed. Serviath's smile rounded softly across his muzzle; the small, innocent gleam came into his eyes, causing Hato to burn up. His face blazing red from the sight, as Serviath took the first couple shells of his clothing off. The woolen jacket went first, the heavy and wet jacket crumpled on the ground with hardly a sound. A small laugh came as Serviath's brown eyes stared into Hato's as he rose his body up to an angle just enough to have the blanket reveal his bare chest.

"Heh, cute pup." The words made Hato heat up again, his heart began pounding against his chest as he came closer to him. "Well, with it being so cold; you wouldn't mind if I stayed with you. Do you?" A stammered reply came, no definite words arose from Hato; only the deeper blush that came when Serviath stripped down further. Serviath was broad chested, his abs more defined than Hato's were; both down to nothing more than their fur itself, Hato rose up a bit more; his blush burning from the thoughts that arose next. His eyes scanned Serviath's body slowly, from his chest; down to his sheath, the tip of his reddy piece visibly eager. His size was much larger than Hato's, the blush on Hato's face mimicked what Serviath showed. Without a thought Hato allowed Serviath into the bed, the coldness of his body shocked through the blankets. The feel of his body though drove heat from Hato's chest; Serviath's sheath was pushed up against his backside, it's slick feel almost riding up him. Pants started to be clearly sounded within the tent, the winds oddly calm from the moment. Feeling a nuzzle against the top of his head, Hato felt Serviath pass a playful nibble and tug against his ear. The light pull forced Hato's face towards his. Meeting eye to eye; nose to nose, Serviath passed a light nudge against Hato's cheek. The want - the need came deeply from within Hato as he stared into Serviath's somewhat begging look before locking his muzzle around his; daring his tongue to push inwards. Hato breathed in, praying to further experience every bit of his presence. The scent was powerful, causing the sounds of two hearts to be heard. Both tongues eagerly wrapped around one another tasting inwards, the moisture between them enough to stick by the strands when they broke free. A paw, cold pressed downwards; feeling against Hato's chest and lowering quickly. A lick under his muzzle, Hato tasted around it, felt all of his structure as the oddly soft paw pressed up against his sheath. A yelp of surprise came bye, the cold shocked down inside him as Serviaths pawpad felt against his tip. Blushing harder, the burn replaced the feel of the cold, his own paws drop down against Serviath's body, the feel of the stronger shell drove Hato into lust. More, all he wanted to feel even as he couldn't think or know why. Hato's paws felt against Serviath's large, somewhat erect member that pulsed with heat; feeling slick in Hato's paws, he believed it wasn't quite there yet. Removing the majority of the covers, Hato couldn't stop before wrapping his tongue so willingly against his companion's member.

"Ooh." Hato felt Serviath's body tense to the sudden upraise of intimacy before he relaxed once more, watching as the pup eagerly used slicked up his dick. Before long, Hato felt a paw on the back of his head, holding him as he brought his muzzle in deeper, wrapping further around the hardened shaft with nothing more but a rose blush across his cheeks. A second paw found its way to Hato's tail, lightly massaging his rump before slipping a moist digit underneath his tail and into his tight hole. Nothing more than Serviath's spaniel; his tool that he could use in any way, and Hato liked the idea. Suddenly the shot of a bitter heat came into his muzzle, his mouth was stretched over the large dogs knot as he swallowed, feeling it wiggle within his stomach. Taking off of his knot, Hato passed a cute look; giving wide pup-like eyes upwards to his companion. Serviath panted, a light blush forming from him before he spoke some simple words. "You could either bend over, or you ride on top." Pressing Serviath's back against the bed, Hato put all fours above him, the feeling of Serviath's pulsed member at his entrance. Serviath lightly rolled his hips, a nudge pushed against Hato's tailhole. "You ready?" Nodding yes with a pant; the feeling of his piece pushed against the tight, wet spot before slowly slipping in. Gasping to a shock of pain from penetration, it slipped in; the familiar wave of heat drove through Hato's lower body. Passing a small slide down, he put it through, inch by inch; the pressure building inwards as he fell into a rhythm. Slow at first, the fog of both their breathing came through the air; A wave of peaceful memories arose inside Hato's mind as he sped up, bringing more meat inwards. The throbbing feel of his member came outwards, Hardly knowing how hard or erect he was himself; soft paws grabbed the sensitive piece Hato had and began thrusts. Digging himself in deeper; the large knot revealed and stuck at the base, the pressure inside increasing as the slicker; warm feeling of Serviath's pre came into him. Rolling his hips, it forced more of Serviath's throbbing dick into him; the thrusts Serviath gave made his own piece to begin gushing pre out. Pants sped up between the two as Hato felt another shock of pain that almost made him cry outwards. Pierced on Serviath's knot, the warm shot of his liquids gushed inwards. Feeling inwards, Hato felt his own ecstasy overwhelm him as he cummed himself, the strain of seed going up onto Serviath's chest and covering his fisted paw. Serviath's member throbbed inside Hato; the much larger and fully erect member held Hato down onto him, with only more seed shooting inwards. Both their faces were deep red, both panting as they felt only what was right to both of them. Leaning forward, Hato locked lips once more, his tongue burrowing into Serviath's muzzle as he brought his arms around Hato's neck.

"We're gonna be here a while." Hato spoke, a blush still burning.

"Yeah, just means I get to spend more time with you." Serviath passed a small lick underneath Hato's chin, Hato couldn't know what Serviath thought or felt. But in Hato's mind; his beating heart, he knew that he had fallen long ago for Serviath. Beats pounded against both their chests, Hato spent his time; face burrowed and fur snugged up into Serviath as Serviath held him close to him, before the untimely grasps of sleep took both of them into a restful night.