The Warrior's Dove Ch:18

Story by Hato San on SoFurry

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#20 of The Warrior's Dove.

I'm still alive (Yay) And I'll try my best to catch up on anything. Hope you enjoy it ^^

It's been a long time, been caught up with work and life, haven't had the chance to do anything importent :P Enjoy ^^

Chapter 18: A Broken Key.

Night arose silence, unperceived and unbroken. Though within rest and warmth, Hato shivered the feeling spiking him without remorse or regret. Voices, the familiar damned sound shattered the darkness. All around him were halls of stone extravagant cloth hung across the large stone arches that overlooked a dark frozen, though warm world. Their sounds arose from deep within the barren walls, or so it had seemed before he turned. Hato's eyes met a creature of stone and in his mind he was simply intrigued. Standing above eight feet, the solid sandstone creature was embedded with deep grooves, all which would glow a deep blue pulsating color. The face matched a diamonds shape, sharply the center held a bright blue orb; the chest slightly cut outwards another larger orb pulsed the color that flowed through its shell. The form hardly moved a lance; double sided its front being much longer and thicker than that of the small spike under its handle and a large blade with a thin long hilt was sheathed on the knight's hip. Its sword reached from the hip down to its heel, the largest blade Hato had ever thought he'd lay his eyes upon. Voices interrupted Hato's attention and the light sound of footsteps made him catch onto a well hidden and cloaked figure. The cloak was an odd light pink slightly see through showing a midnight pelt, as if one for a maiden or even a servant of sorts was walking towards him. Hato followed the form; their face hidden well beyond measures and the shadows against the walls quickly engulfed them. Passing into the darkness of a larger hall tall wooden doors lay ahead a slight crack of wavered light stunned the both of them. From within the sounds of the crackling of flame, arose the voices hushed and as silent as the wavering flame. Their cloak cut in front of Hato's sight, he struggled to look past but only saw two silhouettes through the darker corners of the room. "Have you found this... Hato character?" Their voice was dark, their gaze glared at the flickering fire. A shadow stood in front of both Hato's and the stranger's view of Kishervira. "My lord Kishervira he is no character... Such things cannot be hustled; we shall be aware of his whereabouts in due time." Madness, his speech resembled much of a lunatic; slightly erratic but clearly understandable. It came to thought that Hato had seen him before, but from where he couldn't tell. "What about Serviath? Shakshira's Rangers? What have you and your master found!" Kishervira's tone sharpened, but he remained quiet simply giving the illusion that he was barking at the form. "We have discovered much; my master's magic's are stronger than that folly magician Livrythi. Once we knew that Livrythi used his spells to discover our future using that... Gift the boy has, we were able to disrupt most of what he learned, most of what he saw." "A bloody waste of time, your master is supposed to be opening this Kingdom Of The Heavens; not fucking around with some boy!" "Relax my lord." The violin stabbed demons into his skull, its polished wood flashed from the fire, resembling the shapes of demonic creatures and death's callings within its reflection dug deeper within. A shiver ran through when the sight of a black, tattered hooded cloak arose. "As long as Varien's struck bow rings, Hato will be further driven into insanity. He's slowly becoming mad soon my master can control him like some side-show man's puppet, same as he possessed that first girl." Girl!? It shocked Hato, was he speaking of Kiyoko? Suddenly Hato felt fearful for her worried beyond his memories beforehand. He kept an attentive ear, the stranger did the same. Their eyes slowly scanned hopelessly; though their face remained hidden within the light cloak. "And once he has Hato, he'll learn about where those gods lay." "Gods?" "You don't believe that Geshia is the only god, do you?" "Well I-" "Alas, such speech is for another time my lord; for now, that pauper boy have you sentenced the young lad yet?" "Clearly no evidence states he has committed any treason, but the public appears to be getting a bit... Out of my grasp, him being at my castle proved this... As it seems I'll be sentencing the boy to death once I resign back into my kingdom, a public hanging would be sufficient enough to keep my people in their place." "No." Her voice was dead silent, and she proceeded away from the light and into the hall. Her face, her eyes hit mine for the slightest of seconds. Jivera? How it occurred, how it seemed was unreal. Hato's thoughts kept going back into London's streets before he realized, it was the only time he'd ever seen her in his life. "Hanging? A bit cold, but that is why I'm not a ruler or king; just a simple servant to my almighty lord." His final sly words silently touched Hato's sensitive ears, Kishervira's reply was too silent after he'd passed the corner and followed Jivera away from the manor. Far off in the distance was the sight of a factory; torchlights emitted across the city further on the horizon, the sight mimicking the skies above. Black and star-filled was the night, the full moon largely glowed with a majestic white, all that shone upon the snowy world. Surprised at her silence as she stepped through the front of the manor, Hato notice her turn to face two figures walking through the darkness. Illuminated by the moonlight above, their steel breastplates shone brightly from them. Swords were slung, held low to their rights and both seemed deep in a quiet conversation. Jivera stopped reaching further to the bushes off the pathway, hidden well from even the moonlight above. "Yes I have heard about those inventions that dog has made" "No not the ones he and his partner have already made, what he is making now." "Which is?" "It's some sort of flying machine Shurvian says, he states that one day his airships will fill the skies above." Shurvian, the name brought a sting to Hato; something that almost made the world around be engulfed in white. By now the two guards had stopped in front of Jivera's hiding spot, the two almost didn't appear to be moving anytime soon. "A load of shit. A flying machine? Impossible." "People also stated that the flintlock pistol was impossible, from what I've heard ruler Shakshira has and uses the flintlock." "Rumors and blasphemy if you ask me, if such a weapon existed we all would have them by now." "Ah, our very own King Alfred purchased the young inventors for his own specific use once he heard of the proposed invention, once he noticed the power of such a weapon; he fears that it could be the very destruction of the kingdom itself." "A small tool like that? I doubt it." "The pistol lets even the lowest of peasants be able to kill the most experienced of soldiers; a pretty deadly tool if you ask me." They began walking away, the darkness took their forms, and the night's wind took their voices into the distance. Jivera pushed onwards, pass an oddly empty gate that blocked the manor from its serfs and down a hill to the sight of a smaller home past the gardens. In silence she drew near, sneaking into the front door of the larger and almost equally extravagant house. Compared to the serf's homes farther off, Jivera's home here was much larger proving to Hato that Jivera was one of a respected heritage and a royal servant to lord Kishervira. Within the two storied home was many other doors leading to other bedrooms, about twenty in all with the exception of other storage rooms and the dining hall. Jivera entered a room, cold and barren of all life. A simple bed lay tucked in, pillows to fill and make it appear as if she had been there the whole night. Moonlight flowed through a closed window, and a nightstand was beside the bed. Lighting a candle upon the small table, Jivera took out a quill and began writing. Silence stirred in the house as her scholar-like paw glided softer than the breeze that came through the curtains. Giving a glance, Hato could sense her concern how she yearned for him. How she loved him. As the letter began to be more and more heart-full, Hato noticed a tear; a single tear that hit the ground no quieter than that of the quill. The only words that brought Hato to realization were the last few alone. "Given the circumstances, I must find help. If I cannot I fear that the last I can see of you is your body, hung soulless to the mourning sunrise. Please, if you can; please send me a letter; my falcon Leicilia will know where to find me. Once I find Shakshira's troops I will send you another letter before I confront them formally. My entire world, my heart belongs to you and you alone. I pray that I can make it back to you in time. With all love, Jivera." From there Jivera folded the letter, stamping it with what appeared to be a royal insignia, rolled it up as tightly as she could and once again left the cold, dark room. Being further to the forests, Jivera let out a quiet whistle; surely enough the sight of an elegant and winged figure flew downwards, perching itself softly on her shoulder. Tenderly her finger brushed against the side of the falcons face before she took the letter and tied it on its leg, letting such an animal take flight on that cold and windy night. With sudden confusion, Hato took a look around. Everything was dream-like lost from deep within the shadows was a hum of voices coming from all directions. Nearly being impossible to listen in on one alone, Hato heard Kishervira and that servant. "You know of that maiden Jivera has fallen for the boy." "Of course, knowing her she'll do everything she can to help him." "This isn't about the people at all isn't it?" "No, just finding Shakshira." Final words ripped all air from the dream around him, Hato couldn't breathe; couldn't see as darkness further engulfed him and forced him awake.

Fire seemed to crack far off in the distance, a sound so faintly followed by the winds that it whispered through the cold and unforgiving wasteland they all rested within. The tent was exceptionally cold with the light blanket of frost virtually covering within it. Uncomfortably a tight wool blanket held whatever warmth both of them had. With light breathing the faint scent of sex still arose from between the two, Hato assuredly felt Serviath's chest pushed up against his back and his arm wrapped around as if holding him there. Serviath's scent, his touch still made Hato's heart race that simply signaled the smallest trail from straying away from the worries of the world before Hato felt that cold shock of reality. Within his tent he noticed the sheath of his blade. Clean clothes lay folded on the floor and with quick movements Hato noticed Serviath was watching him. Looking towards the window only to see the sun barely breaking the forests edge, a familiar look was shot through. "You saw something didn't you?" Serviath sat almost upright, the sheets barely doing much to conceal him (Not that the covers would help hide the size of him). "I saw enough." He was saying, having a small fight to quickly put his clothes on. "Jivera hasn't been honest with us." "Jivera!? The pauper girl? She has nothing to be involved with this; we met her back on the factories of London." "And only on those factories!" Hato sighed, slinging his sword on his side, tying it tightly around his waist from a simple leather belt. "She's closer to Kishervia than we all think." "What?" Serviath's last words touched Hato before he marched off into the snow. As odd as it seemed the Ranger's camp didn't seem to separate males from the females, Hato had remembered noticing how interacted they seemed even though forces such as the western lands and even London and Hovishira separated both of them. The memories and experience started to arise slowly back into reality; Instinct told Hato that this was a good thing. Kieai's tent was within the distance no other sound came except the sight of Kieai in the distance herself. "Hato? What are you doing here this early?" She quickly walked forward, meeting in the middle of his path. "Jivera, I need to speak with her." "I don't know where she is. She must have left earlier on." "Fuck!" Hato stopped for a moment. A small realization came over him, as he pressed back forward. "Y- You can't go in there; no one's even dressed yet!" "I need to find Jivera now! And somebody in there must of- Just fuck it!" Throwing off the heavy cloth-like material blocking the door, the sudden blare of howling wind also arose some startled cries from some people inside it. Most quickly covered themselves, and Hato took a quick glare around. "Where is Jivera!" Silence in the beginning, and from a farther corner of the room, no one really seemed to have noticed him. Footsteps touched his ears, enough to make them twitch. "Has anyone seen my dagger? It's the only weapon I got." Kiyoko was speaking at that moment. She hardly saw Hato until she walked into him, making her yelp for a split second when her eyes met his. She was slender, a slim curved and her height was about a couple inches smaller than him. "I - I uh." Her face almost went deep red from the sight of him. "Have you seen Jivera?" "I- Yes, she left earlier this morning, further west; talking about handling something I - I tried questioning her but she - uhh." "Thank you." Hato left back outside, Kieai had a single paw over her forehead. "You can't jus-" "Save it for someone who cares, get a search group out. Jivera is going to give out our position." "What!?... She's a traitor? A spy!?" "No, she's broken-hearted." Kieai in a deplored confusion did what he said, and Hato began searching west. The camp awoke faster than he anticipated; soon Hato could have sworn they were already within the shadows of the trees around him. Following, and searching like the predators they are trained to be. In the distance sounded a quiet call, a faint whistle that barely touched the skies and forced Hato to run towards its direction. Her figure, her face barely was in sight when a shiver rang through. Something was wrong, but there was no time to think, not when Hato came right behind her. With a quick and shaken hand a blade slit across, just barely paring the woolen shirt Hato was wearing. "St... Stay away." Jivera was shaking, the letter in hand and Kiyoko's dagger in another. The dagger was not what Hato had thought it to be, He figured it would have been an old rusted and almost blunt blade but no, this dagger looked like none other. The blade though double edged had a tip that almost seemed broken. A chip appeared to have been snapped off allowing the other side (The side pointed towards him) to look deviously sharp. Its handle was as if made by pearl, curving itself outwards in the middle with a splendid white and polished smoother than that of silk. Its guard was the shape of a crescent curving upright, almost glimmering from its golden and extravagant design allowing the sharp metal ties on both sides of the guard to be ended with the sights of a masterful art. The blade was no different, except made of whitened steel and the engraved lines centered around the middle of the blade, swirling out as if to represent the symbol of a fires wind; harmonically a balance between that what made the dagger seem holy and tainted, twisted and true. Wing beats touched the clouds, the quiet call of her hawk that darted down to its master more silent than the snow that fall the night before just quiet enough to hear the whistle that shot from the fields. Darting fourth a shaft struck deep into the earth almost hitting Hato with its sharpened steel tip. Another whistle shot into the air, a star preaching to the skies like an eagle's wing and striking with the strength of its talons. Forward it came, faster than the first and with a slowed reality Hato gripped his handle, and struck the arrow from the skies. Knocked aside both halves hit the soil, shadows began to further fall from the heavens. "Jivera MOVE!" He cried as the arrows began to pelt downwind stabbing into anything its eager, blood-thirsted steel could bite into and in the midst of the confusion; a single blade darted fourth. Whipping his paw across, the sparks lit between the face of him and another. (Cloaked in black and red much as the fashion of the Ranger but simply darker.) Their sword sliced upwards, forcing Hato to reel back just to get a taste of their blade. Jumping left from another strike, a sting of pain touched his cheek blood coming from the cut. His opponent darted the blade to stab and he deflected, countering them by sending both their swords right. Hato drove his hilt into their face, knocking them back with a stagger that allowed an opening. Swinging right metal struck metal once more, the sound endlessly seemed to echo as they locked their blades together. "Lil bitch is gonna burn back in Hovishira, but first we'll let her watch her lover die." A vicious blow to Hato's sword sent the vibration painfully through his paws before he knocked them back, darting with another swing that locked them once more. "You think you have a chance in taking her!?" Hato struck their blade again, more sparks danced liked the flames of the night; rising across and crackling with every strike. "Beyond one traitor!" Their right hand punched hitting Hato hard on the snout, blood reeled from his face as their sword clashed down sparks were thrown about once more as a shadow appeared from the forest. Something hard hit his heel and he feel back onto the snow, Hato watched as a large shadow appeared slamming a claymore upon their long sword the simple crack of a blade echoed across the mountains. Standing above Kishervira's solider was a form that Hato had just barely recognized them until they turned to face him and lend a paw out. Kiyoko's 'master' stood above him, a small sly smile upon his face. "Ya know pup, you got a pair. You stood up for that... girl, and you're standing up for this one. Who won't you try to protect?" Grasping his paw for support, Hato stood above the stranger who only passed a bitter growl as Hato stared at them with the slightest curiosity. "Quite the determination. You and I both know of Kisherviria, what makes me so different from you?" A sudden instinctive set of words arose from deep within him; he hadn't felt so oddly devious before. "Don't you dare try your tricks on me." "Tricks? No, you and I both know how Kishervira acts a bit... Tyrannical. Surely there must be something he is threatening you with. Your land? Your home?" A small pause started silence, Hato felt a bit confused with himself even when he got closer to the solider; an unnatural yet familiar act arose from within him. "Ah, it is much more than that." "Shut up! I will not answer to any of this foolishness." "Your family." With a startled sound, he passed a low growl that was vicious and cold, though it seemed to fade away shortly after. Passing a small innocent chuckle, Hato looked up to his savior who to his surprise looked almost empathetic; cold barren eyes filled Hato's heart for just that second before he finally spoke. "You should know me." His voice was silken, a form of cold wind seemed to shiver through all of them; Jivera, Hato, both their eyes suddenly touched for a second and then back to them. He helped him up, pulling him to his feet with a single fluid motion. "I am Goris, Leader of the royal guard." "Goris?" A laugh came fourth. "Goris is dead, you have no proof of su-" Within his almost chocked words, Goris retrieved a pendent from a necklace that hung across his neck. It was barely noticeable from any angle, the simple almost child-like woven necklace held a small golden pendent, Hato hardly saw its design, nor could he see the basic shape. Yet it was after that second that the solider fell to his knees and was within tears a couple seconds later. What Hato witnessed he never thought as being possible. After a while Goris aided him up once more helping him towards the camp. Taking Jivera in paw and guiding her back, Hato whispered to her. "Did you know of any of this? Was this an ambush?" "N- no I neede-" "To get a message out to a close friend of yours?" Any colder and the wind would have frozen solid. This made her dead silent. "If you're so damn smart than just figure it out yourself!" She struck back. "Don't you dare bark at me!" Hato snapped viciously, his own words and tone had surprised himself. his conscience was even further tested when Jivera appeared stricken by him, almost going into tears. Grief plagued over suddenly a stunning feeling that reminded how cold he could be. With a deep breath, everything calmed down. "I'm sorry, I've been confused for the past couple of days. I - I'm lost I hardly know where I am, what has been going on since I've woken up." She wasn't in the talking mood from there. Shortly after arriving back at camp, people from all over were busy and on the move. In a further confusion, Hato and Jivera got separated. Looking around to try and find anybody he recognized, eventually Livrythi and Kieai's voices arose and within the distance was a single tent still set up. Stepping within warmth a map was spread across a table, two large and heavily armored forms were standing behind Livrythi, Karisif and Serviath were opposite from the table to them, further away from the entrance. "- We can't just cut through the Hovishiran kingdom and across to the east is the mountains edge, the sea is all that rests from there! We don't have the time or the supplies to pass it!" "We can't go back Kieai, we have no time to do so. We must press beyond the Hovishiran kingdom." "To reach a kingdom that doesn't exist! Virrien is a myth and a myth alone!" "So is castings and magic's! How would you explain everything that's happened without that?" "Bloody good luck with a broken mule that's how I'll explain it!" With a small frustrated sigh, Livrythi stared at Hato. "There you are." The tents cover flew open, Goris and the solider walked in. "We're being tracked." "Goris? How do you know?" Goris passed a grin, and stared at the solider. "My father served lord Galiril with more pride and nobility than most. I will not be loyal to one who is so cruel to the same people that made him a king. Kishervia is not my rightful lord." They said and Hato was still curious about the figure. After about an hour of conversation between everyone, Hato remained silent for the entire time and simply stared out into the busy crowd of people, until the last tent in sight was set down. "Castle Fairike." The name announced a painful yelp from Hato, forcing him onto one knee. Hato's thoughts were filled with pain, and coldness. "Hato!?" Serviath yelped himself as images flooded in, Kieai, the knights, the training, the cold barren castle walls and the winter's storm later on all matched with that violin, its strings pulsing with a long sharp rugged note. Being helped up, Hato shook his hand to signal Serviath to stay. "I'm okay." "... As I was saying, we can stay at Castle Fairike until we re-supp-" "No." Hato interrupted finally tuning into the conversation; not knowing what he was talking about himself. "What?" Livrythi responded with a dominant tone. "We can't stay there." Laughter came from Livrythi. "You don't even know about the place, it's secluded; it's -" The sound began to play, a sad little tune that began. "An abandon castle within the mountains once owned by King Larive, Lord Shakshira's father." Dumbstruck, Livrythi stared at Hato and he looked back with the same. "We can't stay there." "Why not?" Goris spoke. Feeling the heat of embarrassment blaze into him, the notes became a quicker, and the room began to flash from reality towards the blood-reddened claws of his asylum. "They know where we are." "We are being tracked they know nothing of our position besides, we've thrown them off the scent before." "I -It's logical that we'd be there" A rough voice, it didn't sound like Hato's to himself. "During my entire time of being Lord Galiril's leader of the royal guard, I have never known of such a place." "I- well-" Within pain and confusion, Hato pointed towards the solider standing next to Goris. "He is going to tell them." My voice? It came to Hato, it sounded demonic and his paws, his finger and claw looked bloody to him. Twisted and dark, muscle and bone seemed to shatter out as if ready to reach out to all of them and tear out their throats. "Foolishness, He has no reason to." "It would be the same reason you would!" Silence arose quickly as sudden flashes of Goris's life clawed at Hato's thoughts. "I noticed your woven necklace. Your child made that for you and the only reason why you left was because Kisherviria ordered you and your family to be killed!" Hato might as well have struck down him, his face was bare from expression and pain and the room was as silent as the night beforehand. Goris stormed out afterwards any more conversation; he would have been ready to strike back. Hato stared cold and hard at the solider before he left following Goris shortly after. Hato knew that Serviath watched as all of them disappeared into the cold; the snow and wind biting down harder than ever before as howls spiraled through the mountainside. Violently, the sound clasped against his ears as thunder was heard from above. Echoing through the mountain, a screech lightly arose through the storms edge so far away swooping down with a shadows flight. A falcon hovered above Hato, a rugged as wrinkled flyer within its talons. Taking it, it simply stated the execution of traitors within the town of Giria at sunset today. The sun still burned bright within the sky above, the signal that midday has almost arrived. He dropped the notice, and soon he went back to the tent, after talking to some of the rangers beforehand. None agreed with leaving the camp and it never left Hato's mind that he was just going to end up making a foolish choice. Serviath, Kieai, and Jivera were nowhere; Livrythi said they left a while after he did; he then went to critic Karisif who was busy studying and practicing quite the rare and fascinating art; summoning. Time was running short, that was when he ran back to his tent, surprised that it was still up. That's odd, it echoed through but it didn't stop him from stepping inside. Everything was gone except a small folded green tunic with a note on the top. It sat upon a wooden board in the middle of the room. 'I've been sending letters to Shakshira about any news regarding your father nothing has arose except his tunic and his bow which you will find at the other end of the tent. From Kieai' Quickly Hato decided to change; the cloak's hood hung a bit low, pointed at the end with a golden tip inscribed with a word in an unknown language. Surprisingly the tunic was warm enough to fight the mountain and it was lighter than ever expected. Everything fit perfectly as if made for him (Though he hated the feeling of the chainmail, which only covered his arms with its tight, small loops.) He grabbed the bow and quiver and stepped outside the camp. How am I going to deal with this? Feeling around the tunic, it felt as if something folded was within it. Checking inside the tunic, it indeed had a pouch which held an old map of the world. Kalini was the name of the land that spanned fourth, the Kingdom of Hovishira was much further north than Tishkia and at the bottom was the start of the Deserts of Merciataea; England was across the land border of Hovishira and England. Where he was at was between the open borders of all three Kingdoms. The town of Giria was the closest towards the border, only a few hours away. As Hato pressed fourth he realized that the mountain wasn't his only problem. Memories came more swiftly than the wind, and soon Hato couldn't feel as he moved forward and was lost within thought.

A faint note touched the wind yet it was not that of the violin. A note played from the silence, a simple note beated as simply as a heart. Lightly, a piano that began playing an all too familiar tune; a childish and calm sound that lulled Hato over. Too faint to hear within the lost vision, a flame burned from a fireplace within a wooden cottage. The airy forest's wind howled as the snow blinded the world in white. Glass windows (a rarity to see he knew) were keeping the cold at bay, and the fire made his home just right. Things seemed different though, a third eye shone down to himself alone and asleep by the fire. Seeing the rested and young youth gave a chilling feeling. A childhood's tune arose within the silence of the night and familiar sound marked footsteps. A form walked in. The tunic was all that was visible within the darkness. Hato shivered to the thought that the digitigrade creature was his father, smiling down to him. The night seemed too quiet and when he just heard a wing beat swirl the winds around, that violin screeched tearing and shredding every thought so painfully that Hato was almost dragging his legs when the large wooden gates stood right in front of him. Gold rings began to turn amber, the color made him realize that the afternoon indeed had arrived. Oddly enough the gate already had a breach within a fair corner. Smashed in was a hole, just big enough for someone smaller than him to fit comfortably through, and the only person he knew who would arrive here was Jivera. He thought scolding himself; Hato realized that he should have known that she would do something as stupid as this. Yet he never would have thought that he would. Something abnormal was here he realized as it felt like something was watching him with every step. A platform stood looming over the crowd of people. Every little yell out was one of anger, yet it didn't seem as if those slung across the ropes were being yelled at. Getting closer now the yells started to get more and more upsetting, even as the creature stood up front reading out a paper as to why they were being executed on this day. Finally able to see those upon the ropes, Hato indeed saw another Fisher his teeth were bared at the executioner, who without regret snarled back. As Hato stared beyond the crowd of weary and enraged eyes, he studied the sheer size of the creature that was standing, face covered by a mask no brighter than the sounds of the crowd. It had begun the final testimony of the announcer "And those who shall defile this land, that these traitors be killed on this day, is only the kindness and care that our lord has descended upon his people." He froze staring into the crowd of people with the looks of a suppressed grief before quietly speaking almost in sadness. "May Geshia let their soul's forever burn within the depths of hell." Time froze in those next few seconds, being far from the crowd Hato noticed a stairway leading onto the wooden wall and bolted up to get a better shot. In sight now the ropes were all that he could see, not the people, not the world around him, just the ropes that tightened around the necks of the innocent. The bow in paw he retrieved an arrow from his quiver slinging it upon the rope and drew back, his form felt perfect and the winds were dead. In the final second before he let the arrow fly, Hato could've sworn he saw those markings rise through his fur. The shot startled the crowd, and Hato bolted to his left getting a better shot at the other two ropes. Passing by, his shot was open, one in front of the other, and he hit both ropes clean. Drawing his sword the executioner jumped off the stand bolting with his axe, rolling to suppress the fall, Hato drew his blade on the rise, repelling the axe that slammed down to go high. With quick hands, Hato back-stabbed his opponent, driving through their thigh clean; ripping it out put them on one knee, and Hato drove the sword's hilt forward. Before hitting him however Hato thought he saw a light blaze of blue that came from him. With his strike, Hato had sent the executioner in the air, and sent him back a couple feet. Fortunately the masked creature was unconscious with the next sudden uproar. A guard took a swing at the fisher who had picked up another soldiers sword. He was powerful with the blade, a rapier of nobility. Quick skilled hands made short work of his attackers, and through the midst of the fighting, the yelling came for someone to shut the gates which had opened even though they were closed beforehand. A spark of confusion arose in Hato, but those thoughts were suppressed when a guard took another strike at him, he threw them off and bolted for the gate. The others already escaped the town when sounds of loud footfalls shook the earth. Being cut off, Hato had run dead into the alley between the gate, the staircase, and a home when a Sand-like figure loomed devilishly above him. A lance was held within its stone gauntlet, and it thrusted forwards the very second Hato's instinct told him to jump. He cleared the lance, his heart racing as his feet landed a few steps upon hit, pushed off and pressed upon the wall, turned and jumped just to grasp the ledge of the wooden platform above. Hato wasted no time and jumped of the gate, just missing the sharp wooden stakes that the wall was built from. With a poor landing, his blade fell in front of the feet of a figure, which pushed it to the earth. Face down, it was enough of a fight to look up because of the sun, the instant thought of a threat being there was held deep within his heart before his eyes met the tip of a rapier. "We have to move, get up before they send horses out." No more words were needed as they all disappeared into the snowy grips of frozen trees and ensnared paths, and nothing was said until the fisher broke up the silence. "Who the hell are you?" "A friend." "Doubt it." They held their eyes sharply, as if accusing Hato. "Come on, we have a long way to go." Hato looked back to see a younger one and a girl struggle through the snow. After a few hours of walking and the moon beginning to grip the skies, he was surprised they had been so quiet through all this. "What, you think that this child and mother can make it this? Anyways what kind of solider are you? You don't look like any of Kishervira's men. What household are you from?" "Household? I'm not from a household." "You must be of noble blood I sure as hell have never seen a peasant fight and shoot the way you do." He still held that look, an ominous sharp stare. "If you're trying to intimidate me, it's not going to work mate." Hato passed a small smile, looking up to the airy moon as the colder winds scattered through his ragged fur pelt. If he hadn't known better, Hato swore he could smell the faint scent of smoke from up ahead. "Do you know who I am?" "Nope, but I know Jivera though." He went silent, stopping for a second of time. "What's wrong?" Hato had stopped, and the two following them had a moment to catch up. Within the silence he heard the young one saying their cold, his mother simply said to try and make the best of it. "No one escapes Kishervira, I'm assuming you're that Hato everyone's been speaking of." "I reckon so, now why is everyone so interested in me anyways?" "I don't know myself, something about you being valuable to some person Kishervira's been speaking with." Hato's ears twitched to the sound of that, his gaze held curiosity though his heart suddenly burned with the instance of rage. Fylakas, the name still came to mind yet even then he didn't know if the bastard existed or not. "Do you know this person?" "No, even though the feasts my family has been invited to, the only person I overheard talking to him in private was some older figure... A badger or a racoon or someone. They called out a name though." Hato stopped for a second more; the child in the back was still speaking about how cold he was his mother was shivering badly herself. The winds had picked up and that didn't help either of them. "What name?" "Ah. A Valkyrie. Odd name in my opinion, I figured they were speaking about the daughter of King Haliquill, Valkyrie Haliquill. The only heir to the kingdom further outside of Kalini, far to the west of Hovishira." 'Valkyrie?' It wanted to echo, again and again. The sight of her face back in his dreams almost sent shivers through him; maybe she was part of this? Or maybe that cursed violin was playing more tricks on him. Either way his heart almost stopped when the child had collapsed. He spent no more time and picked the child up. The scent of smoke was stronger here even though there wasn't a single light in the forest, in fact there was no forest in front of him. "How in the hell?" A faint almost water-like quiver arose from in front of him, as if a wall had blocked his way ahead. "What's wrong?" "I don't know it's like there's a wall here." Pressing a claw upon it, it wavered some more allowing the faint sound of voices to rise within the depths of the shadows. One he recognized, and that one brought warmth to his wet and frigid pelt. 'Serviath.' The name just made his thoughts heat everything up. "Follow me, through here." Stepping into the wall, it felt as if Hato was sucked inwards, warmth surrounding him immediately as all the forms were around a large fire, every ranger almost stood to see him, and he almost dropped when he could see the outside world from within here. "Hato? Where in the hell did you go?" After Serviath's words of concern, the other two walked in riling some of them up and making more questions. Within the crowd that solider from earlier stepped up, Goris in the background. His eyes fell to the child Hato held and for a second, a simple warming second, Hato noticed the resemblance. "Son? H-how did you fi-" "He was going to be executed today, along with his mother and this figure. I couldn't just let them die." His next movements almost made Hato jumped, but when he turned around and wrapped his arms around him, almost tears in his eyes, Hato almost knew that he'd always known this would happen; but just that they wouldn't make it through that day. It appeared that they had set up a small camp for this night and had already travelled pretty far off. Their destination hadn't changed and that concerned Hato than it tried to put him at ease. Even as the fires began to dim down and the moon quivered through the barrier that hid them, Hato couldn't stop thinking about Castle Fairike.

Voices arose within the silence, Jivera being one of them further off to the end of the barrier. She sounded as if she had been in tears the whole day and this single moment, the sound of her calling his name brought a smile to Hato's face. He stared off watching the two of them hold each other close, not ever wanting to be separated again. Two lovers star-crossed and held at bay from fate and reality, just to try and break free and hold onto that single romance of any moment; It felt as if Hato had cheated death as he stared off to watch the two of them for a moment longer before watching the moon noting that it looked as if he was looking into a calm lake at night. Sighing, the slightest bit of content broke free and he finally felt a moment of true peace. The night's breeze still came through; it explained how he could catch onto their scent. In the next few seconds he realized that he wasn't the only one watching Jivera. Further off, almost invisible in the night, knowing the sight of the black and dark blue pelt stood Karisif, he was looking up to the sky himself almost a bit lost. Stepping away from where Hato had been sitting previously he decided to walk over, just to say hi. "I'm doing fine." He spoke normally, but there was something in his tone that Hato had to push on. After Karisif sighed, staring back at him. "Well... I just can't do this, I- I mean the wizardry and castings and summoning. I can't." "I saw you earlier I thought you were doing great." He sighed again, looking back up to the stars. "My grandfather, my bloodline all the way back before kingdoms used magic's. They all did great things, all of them were... Heroes I guess. They all were pure. I'm seven-eighths anything else... I'm one-eighth of them. I don't have their power, and I just can't do what Livrythi is asking- well demanding me to be." Hato sighed himself, looking up to the small shining dots that were brimming with lights in the sky. One shot across reaching and spanning towards the horizon. "Well Karisif, sometimes it's not about being the hero. Sometimes it about simply doing the right thing; I was eager myself once, in fact, I still am. I have never been able to remember much, especially with everything that has happened so far, but I remember wanting to be brave, wanting to be noble like my father was. One time I wanted to show him, so I went out into the woods." A small shock hit him; a memory arose silently and without pain or threat. "I walked out to try and venture and act like the hero when I saw this child, older than I was. I was unaware that a wild cat had been hunting me for the past little while, and when I came up to him, the cougar went for the kill." "What happened?" Karisif was all ears, intent on hearing about the story. "It tried to pin me down, but missed running passed and took him to the ground. I froze in those seconds scared beyond anything I've ever been before. My father came out and saved the boy's life. He hurt himself in that time and- well demanded why I was out in the woods. I told him that I was trying to be brave, trying to be a hero like he was and he calmed down and told me these words. Being brave, being a hero doesn't mean that you go out looking for trouble, it doesn't mean that you live without fear. Being brave is simply where that you're scared, frightened, but you still do the right thing, being a hero is no different. Sometimes it's just where you know you've lost, but you don't stop trying. And that's what he told me, and I've held onto those words ever since." 'What happened to your father?" Hato sighed once more, the memory of flame flooding his mind. "My mother and father died in a fire years ago and I was left for anyone. I remember meeting Kiyoko later on whose father let me stay with their travelling group for a while. Later I went to England with all of them and was forced to join in with the parish when they were leaving. Later I learned of my gift and Serviath met me halfway when I was leaving England, he brought me here I guess from there. He showed me some things with the sword, my father had already taught me quite a bit when I was younger." "Wow. My parents passed away before I was five, I was raised off in an orphanage around in the less common places in England and was caught kind of spell casting with some basic things I found. Livrythi found me from there and brought me in to be his apprentice." Karisif smiled, and then perked to the sound of his name being called. "I have to go... And thanks." He spoke brightly and that brought a warmer feeling to Hato. He was by himself again, Jivera and her lover had gone back to the main group and everything was beginning to quiet down when somebody had wrapped their arms around Hato. "Gah!" Hato yelped the feeling of cold, wet paws made him freeze. "Why hello to you too pup." Serviath teased, passing a lick to the back of Hato's neck. "Serviath." Hato sounded a bit annoyed and a bit satisfied from his surprising appearance. "Sorry pup." Serviath let him go and passed a small smile. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm okay. What brings you out here?" "What? Am I not allowed to say hi to my companion?" "Not when you scaring me like that." "Oh yeah?" A sudden bolted movement came along and before Hato knew it, Serviath had pushed him to the ground. Serviath passed a small laugh and Hato gave a nervous smile back. "You got to be careful out here, predators live in these forests." "Really? Now what kinds of predators are there?" "Oh just the normal. Bears, wolves, cougars, and one dog looking for some fun." "Serviath." Hato felt a small blush forming on him as Serviath had pushed Hato further down onto the snow. "I- uh- well." "What? You feeling okay?" "I- I'm fine I'm just a little- well." "Tired?" "Yeah." Hato yawned, staring into Serviath's brown eyes as his paws held Hato down to the earth. "You seem a bit more frisky than normal." He got off, helping Hato up shortly after. "I've been worrying about you for a long time now. First, you being put asleep for a couple days, and now you went off and saved these people. I don't want you to get hurt or even killed. I've just been a bit pent up about it." "Ooh. So you're simply looking to play tonight?" "That and try to make sure you don't sneak off again, Kieai and Livrythi both want me to keep a closer eye on you. Come on; let's get back to the main group." As Serviath began to walk away, Hato came over to him, pulling him a bit close just so he could feel both their hearts beat. He didn't know why the offer before still sounded so intriguing, but his thoughts didn't stop him from pressing his lips onto his, slipping the tongue and wrapping it around Serviath's. Hato held the kiss for at least a minute, urging it in a bit deeper every couple seconds, making it more and more intense as they both held together for a moment. Hato could almost already feel the heat, blazing enough to melt the snow between them. He almost wanted Serviath to have him right there, but restrained until they at least got back to the group. Everyone was still asleep as Serviath pushed Hato's head down to his groin, and in reply Hato gave a cute pup-like whine, almost pawing at the leather belt like some anxious bitch. "Oh puppy does want to play tonight." The words made Hato blush deeper as Serviath untied his belt letting his thick sheath be revealed. Hato noticed how the tip was already revealed; an anxious little thrust came as he waited for his next move. Serviath put his hand on the back of Hato's head, his member already starting to expose itself as Hato felt Serviath push his piece onto Hato's lips. Eagerly Hato took the slightly exposed dick to the sheath, allowing his tongue to wrap around and already taste the pre-covered shaft. "It took me a lot to try not to blow this load today." Hato felt his face blaze more as pre had already wanted to leak out, the growing and hardening shaft reminded Hato how large Serviath was as he became more and more full. Letting himself suck on the tip, Hato felt the leather straps on his tunic come undone, revealing his chest as the tunic and chainmail came off. Tasting the hot, throbbing piece become larger, Hato felt Serviath push a digit on his hole, a tight nervous spike hit him, and Hato started to relax and pick up the rhythm. Letting his mouth take the full length, Hato felt Serviath's hand once more, pushing down and knotting him as more and more pre came and letting Hato roll his tongue around the base of the knot. Letting himself back up a bit and sucking down some more his paws got in on the action. Feeling his own piece throb, his face became a rose, blazing as he closed his eyes bringing in the musky, strong scent that arose from his companion. "Ooh." Serviath gasped out, the throbbing became more intense, and some shuffles occurred from the sleeping group, which made both their hearts stop. 'I think we should start with the real thing, before I go off." Serviath panted out, and Hato put his knees into the snow, shaking his tail-end like any good bitch would. "Alright, why don't you show this pup what a dog your size can do." Hato teased, his quiet words were enough to drive Serviath to blush and position himself behind him. "Now that's the pup I know." He softly speaks as he licks into Hato's backside. A small gasp arose from him with the slick feeling of Serviath's long warm tongue in him, but it made Hato feel great. His face became red from it as Serviath pressed his muzzle on further, making Hato's tight entrance slicker. After rimming him for a few moments, Serviath positions himself once more, his muzzle falling right past Hato's shoulder and passing him a soft tender lick on his cheek before he inches himself in. Blushing deeper, Hato felt that heat just slip into him as Serviath grew larger inside him, throbbing and thrusting in his full length. Hato felt himself becoming exposed; soon he grabbed onto his shaft and started thrusting himself as Serviath brought himself further into Hato. Almost to the knot, Hato moaned quietly as his pre began to soak his paw, Serviath's dick heated his insides and his pre began to coat deep within Hato. More moans of pleasure came from Hato, along with shuffles deep in the sleeping group, Serviath sped up a bit more his thrusts almost beginning to slap against Hato's backside and Hato had to do all he could not to moan out again. Feeling Serviath's knot push up against him, it popped in so easily and Hato felt the shots of seed beginning to fill him up. His face became a blaze of red as every shot, every throb of Serviaths large dick brought Hato further onto his climax, giving a short feral thrust into him, Hato felt his knot throb and with a small cry, he came himself. He could still feel Serviath's dick throb, the last of his seed coming out inside him. Being tied there for the next little while, Hato passed a yawn, happy about how the day had gone and soon had finally the chance to rest after all of it, the moon still burning within the night skies and the stars still seen by the millions before he fell asleep, Serviath cuddling up against him once more. The night was slow and quiet as darkness flooded Hato's mind, no dreams, no sounds, just the cold, deathly grasps of darkness for the remainder of the night.