Swim Meet : Issue 007

Story by hunterwolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Swim Meet

Swim Meet : Issue 7Characters copyright 2007 by their author, Hunter...

Swim Meet : Issue 7

_Characters copyright 2007 by their author, Hunterwolf.

Any resemblance to persons or events, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

A storm is brewing, one which has the potential to devour and destroy. Can Roan outwit or outplay forces which are beyond his control?_

NAKED and writhing sensually against one another, wolf and stallion strove to feel as much of the other's body as possible with their own. Paws slid over firm rumps and swollen cocks, lips brushed over muzzles and nipples, thighs rubbed against thighs and tongues tasted of one another.

In heat, each fur lapped and touched and humped the other, muzzled murmurs of delight and wanton need escaping their lips. Cocks pressed against navels, prodded at ripe sacs filled with eager seed and twitched as warm, moist tongue gave homage to their meaty majesty.

Gan shuddered and his handpaws became claws, gripping the bedsheets as his full, furry balls were swallowed by a hungry muzzle, tongue warm against them, the suckling driving the stallion crazy. His cock twitched and shuddered, demanding attention, and the stallion's paw grasped it and stroked it firmly.

Then that warm tongue was licking its way up the equine's fleshy shaft, pausing to lap hungrily, urgently, at the tip, and continued up along his firm stomach and chest, small kisses making their way to the stallion's lips, lips that accepted the proffered kiss enthusiastically.

Roan moved his muzzle from lips to neck, and nibbled lightly. He felt the erotic shudders rolling through the stallion's muscles, and his voice was soft and sensual in the horse's ear.

"Want to fuck me, stud? Want to prove you're a steed and not a pony?" His paw flickered across the stallion's quivering cock.

Gan smirked and clenched his fingers around Roan's rump. "I'd love to, bitch, but I think my load may be too much for your ass. It's not like we can just jump into the shower afterwards!"

Roan ran a paw down the inside of Gan's thigh, caressing the tip of the equine's cock. "So, fuck me till you're about to cum and then I'll suck you off the rest of the way!"

"You're a horny little bastard tonight!" the horse exclaimed.

"Well look at what I've got in bed with me!" Roan replied.

Gan pulled the wolf against him and kissed him hard. "I'd love to fuck you, wuff, but I think we need to take that slowly. After all, I'm pretty big, and I don't want your father or Richard kicking down the door in response to your squeals!"

Roan grinned in the darkness. Yeah, Gan was big, bigger than Coach Madson, but the bear had been large in girth as well, and he'd ploughed Roan's tailhole raw. If he could handle the bear, he was sure he could handle the horse.

"I wanna rim you," Roan said suddenly, his mind smirking as devilishly illicit thoughts flashed through it.

Gan turned over, his handpaws under the pillow, his head resting on his forearms. "What the...?" the horse began, pulling out a jockstrap. "Oh, you kinky little bitch! Sniffing at my jocks, eh?"

In the process of spreading the horse's rumpcheeks, the wolf got himself into the real position, one paw holding him up, the other angling his wolfhood, bringing his muzzle down to the equine's ears. "You've got a gorgeous scent, stud. I like sniffing your crotch sweat as much as I enjoy screwing your fine, fine ass!" This time, he wasn't at all startled by his words. Rather, he reveled in being able to say them!

And he slammed his hips into the horse's rump, his cock plunging past the equine's ring, forcing the muscles aside, delving deep inside equine ass, forcing its way into tight, slick warmth!

Gan's back arched and he whinnied in surprise and momentary pain. "F...fuck, Roan!"

"That's the idea," the wolf grunted, pumping his friend's ass repeatedly. "Want me to stop?"

Gan buried his muzzle in the pillow as he relaxed himself, got himself used to being fucked. He raised his head, glanced back over his shoulder. "Not at all, bitch!" he grinned.

"Hey, it's the mare's role to service her stud. I'll only be a bitch when you make me so!" Roan grinned, grinding his hips against the stallion's warm rump.

The wolf reached out for the horse's balls, paw sliding between Gan's legs and his hips, grasping the fleshy globes and fondling them, using thumb and forefinger to massage the base of Gan's thickened phallus.

The horse bucked backwards in time to Roan's thrusts, grunting softly as wolf cock pierced his ring and plundered his tailhole. Precum leaked from the swollen tip of his cock, the sheet beneath his stomach and chest becoming cold and wet against the heat of his shuddering body.

As though by some silent cosmic agreement, the clouds floating high above avoided drifting in front of the full white orb gazing down, shedding luminescence on the two rutting furs, bathing them in a soft glow that accentuated their physiques, threw shadows of them against the wall in a silent mimicry of their sex!

Roan nuzzled at the base of the stallion's neck, nibbling at the flesh beneath as he continued to fuck the ripe equine ass, continued to fondle and caress balls and cock that jerked and quivered in his grasp.

Hilting himself in the horse, Roan grunted lustfully. "Turn over, slut!"

The wolf helped the horse do so, lifting the equine's one leg up and over his body, so that he now had the horse on his back, legs splayed wide, wolf cock buried deep, stallion cock rigid and glistening against shadowed fur in the moonlight.

Slowly, tenderly, Roan continued his penetrations, slowing it down so that he could savour the feel of tight flesh pulling at his shaft. Gan reached out with both arms to grasp the wolf's rump, kneading them gently as he pulled the wolf towards him.

Roan bent forward, wolf and horse lips brushing, tongues flicking out to kiss the other. Their breathing was slow and even now, their eyes locked. What had begun as fucking turned into tender lovemaking. They kissed, not passionately, not out of lust, but out of a mutual need to share a moment of union, both of body and soul.

Gan wrapped his legs around the wolf's waist, his arms around his friend's shoulders. The gentle rutting continued as they kissed, eyes closed in rapturous bliss.

The scent of their sex assailed their nostrils, Gan's ass pulled at Roan's cock, and the wolf reached under himself to slowly tend to the horse's full slab of phallic meat.

Gan whinnied softly into Roan's muzzle as his cock was played with, and the flicking of his tongue increased, delving deeper into the wolf's mouth, brushing the roof and sides and gliding over teeth.

Roan, in turn, thrust harder, faster, and from lovemaking they fell back into wanton sex. Gan pulled the wolf hard against him, his cock jerking in Roan's skillful paws. The horse clenched his tailring tight, muscles clamping down on Roan's questing shaft. The sudden pressure urged the wolf to plough harder, and eager and rampant sensations surged along the canine's cock.

"Gan...baby...I'm...ungh...gonna...unff..." The eruption of seed shook Roan's body, and he grappled at the stallion beneath him, his frantic and vocal exhalations of release swallowed by Gan's eager muzzle.

As the last tremor left his body, the wolf slumped against his friend, his lover, and panted heavily. The horse nuzzled at the top of his friend's head, caressing his back with feathery brushes of his fingertips.

"Give me my briefs, wuff. I might leak, and I don't want to stain your bedsheets!"

Roan lifted his head, then himself, his cock slipping wetly from slick tailhole. He knelt between the horse's legs and grasped the thick equine cock in both paws, squeezing the base of the shaft as his other tended to the rest of it.

The horse grunted, eagerly, and automatically humped into the wolf's paw. "My...briefs...Roan," he panted.

The wolf sighed playfully and slid out of bed, groping in the darkness for Gan's shed clothing, finding at first jeans and then the horse's briefs. The wolf turned and slid the briefs onto the horse as though caring for an invalid. Cock head and a few inches of equine meat still jutted from the waistband, and Roan's paws swiftly found their positions, squeezing, caressing, fondling.

"Shirt," the horse moaned eagerly, and began panting. "For when I come!"

One of Roan's paws released its prize and snatched up the cloth the wolf used for his own clean ups. He felt the stallion's body tense, the horse humping the paws in frantic desperation. Gan's moans came faster, his breathing more ragged.

Roan wrapped his cloth around the tip of Gan's cock, then continued to massage the shaft firmly. Gritting his teeth, eager moans escaping his lips, the stallion came, flooding the cloth, his body jerking and shuddering with each spurt.

A heady mixture of sweat, sex and cum filled Roan's nostrils as finally the horse lay back, breathing heavily, eyes closed. Swiftly the wolf cleaned up, using a rather cum soaked cloth to wipe dry his own penis. Then, tossing the cloth to the floor, the wolf sank down next to his friend, laying one arm across his waist, his head nestled between equine neck and shoulder.

I love you.

The words were on the tip of Roan's tongue, but he did not utter them. He should be uttering them, though, but that thought just brought a spasm of pain. They weren't mated. These were not Roan's words to say. Nor Gan's words to receive. At least, not from him.

If this were some yiff tale he'd downloaded, if the world were perfect, then yes, these words would have been voiced and the wolf would have fallen asleep blissfully. But things were not as such, and the wolf found himself wondering why these thoughts laid him so low.

He'd had sex with Coach Madson; wild, rough sex. He cared about the bear, sure, but if he truly loved Gan, he wouldn't have offered himself to the ursine stud. Nor would he have allowed the liger to fuck his muzzle in the taxi.

So why now did these words haunt him? He breathed in heavily, taken Gan's scent and sweat, and finding them to his liking. Gan's paw came up to caress his backfur gently, and Roan murred in contentment.

"G'night, Roan," the horse murmured in the wolf's ears.

"Good night, Gan," Roan replied, and he gave himself over to sleep.

Soon Gan's paw fell still, and from the steady beat of equine heart and regular and shallow breathing, Roan knew his friend was asleep. But sleep was to be denied its hold on the wolf, if only for now. Roan found his mind to be a maelstrom of thoughts, all focused around Gan. And around the words that he should be able to speak.

Gan was warm beneath him, and Roan felt safe, despite being naked in bed with another male while his father slept a couple of rooms down, unaware, ignorant.


Roan's eyes shot open. That's why his thoughts were troubled. All of this was a safety mechanism! Roan wanted to be loved, held, wanted, needed! He wanted to be mated. He wanted Gan! But he couldn't have the horse, so he substituted Coach Madson and the liger, Feral, in place of the horse! He coupled with them so that it would mask his desire for Gan, take his mind off the horse!

The wolf swallowed, feeling ill. Was he that shallow? That pathetic? To seek comfort and belonging in any arms, or between any legs, that would have him? Was his caring for Coach Madson really caring? Or was it an excuse? Or a way to escape loneliness, to patch the hole that Gan's rejection of mateship with him had wrought?

Then again, maybe he didn't love Gan as much as he thought! Maybe, just maybe, he wanted so badly for someone to love him that he allowed himself to be sexual with other furs! The more guys he was with, the more chance of finding what he yearned for. Not lust, not sex, not exploring his homosexuality, but simply...love.

He'd been holding out for a hero, a lover, a mate. And when Gan had come to him, given himself to him, he had thought he'd found that lover, that mate. When his desires had not come to fruition, he'd sought that dream, that fervent wish, elsewhere, emboldened by the courage he'd drawn from being able to share his sexuality with others, allowing him to roam and test the waters with Coach Madson and Feral.

This was not a time for this train of thought, he growled silently. Gan was in his bed, sleeping with him. When might this happen again? Forcing his thoughts to some dark recesses of his mind, Roan closed his eyes and concentrated on what he felt physically. Warmth. Gan's fur. Gan's body. Gan's arm around his waist.

It felt good. It felt right. Nothing else was important. The young wolf sighed blissfully. Those thoughts could wait for light of day. For now, the most important thing was to make the most of having the equine stud in his bed. And so, serenely at last, the wolf fell into slumber, where dreams did not come to disturb him, and a full white eye gazed down in silent watchfulness, bathing the two furs in a blanket of soft light.

ROAN awoke slowly, and he felt firm warmth beneath him. One of his legs was draped over the horse's, one arm flung across muscled equine chest, his crotch pressing hard against stallion thigh, his muzzle just below Gan's, resting between shoulder and neck. Gan's arm was still wrapped around his waist. He smiled, cuddling closer to the horse, nuzzling at black fur. It felt good to wake up alongside somefur, especially somefur male and mostly naked.

"Good morning, puppy."

"Good morning, stud," Roan kept his eyes closed, afraid that opening them would shatter the dream.

An equine paw batted at a lock of fur that hung over one of Roan's eyes. "You ok, puppy?" the stallion asked, his voice soft.

Roan murred and pressed his body closer to Gan's. "Yeah, I'm good. Really good." He sighed happily. "Let's ditch school today, spend it in bed, like this."

The horse pulled the wolf close and planted a kiss on the canine's head. "That does sound good, wuff. But...what's the time, anyway?"

"Don't know. Don't care. And I can't get up."

"Why not, puppy?" The endearment sent warm shivers down Roan's spine.

"Cos then I'd have to leave your warmth," Roan whined, and clutched the horse tighter. "Besides, my alarm clock hasn't gone off yet, so we're still good."

They lay there, silent, eyes closed, enjoying long minutes of peace and warmth and loving embrace. Pale white light was replaced by warm golden glow as the moon retreated, handing lordship over to its sibling.

"Feels...great!" Roan breathed at last.

"Waking up next to somefur?"

"Yeah!" Roan chuckled suddenly. "I guess it's something you're used to. Me, its my first time."

The horse snuffled in Roan's headfur, and his voice was tender. "I've slept over with guys before, its true. But it's not all the same. Most of the time we'd fall asleep and it would be, while in the same bed, separate. There's only been a couple that I've slept with as I've slept with you, Gan."

"As in holding each other?"


"With Todd?" Roan held his breath.

"Yeah, with Todd," the horse replied, and jealousy reared its head to strike, but Roan shoved it aside before it could sink its fangs home. "But only once. With him, with the others, its just sex. With you..." the horse paused.

Roan's eyes jumped open, and he stared at the black fur before his eyes, ears perked. "With me, what?"

"Todd and I only woke as you and I did today once. And even then, it was simply accidental. Turning over in sleep and coming to rest against one another. With you, with us, it was...it was deliberate."

Roan raised his head, gazed into Gan's eyes, seeing a flicker of doubt, of apprehension. Gan blinked, and then there was simply joy, and the wolf's reflection.

"I wanted to feel how it would be to fall asleep with...with someone who loved me. Loved me, not just wanting to fuck me. It felt...it felt... Thank you, puppy," Gan smiled lovingly. He kissed the wolf on the nose. "It felt amazing. I felt at peace, calm, serene."

Roan's heart jumped. Was the horse going to change his mind? Ask him to be mated? A large part of him leaped for joy at the notion, but, deep within, a darker part snarled unhappily. He was just starting to get used to the fact that Gan was a free spirit, and he, Roan, was on his way to becoming one as well. Would he give up sex with Coach Madson or other furs for this one young stallion?

Part of this turmoil must have shown in his eyes, for Gan looked at him strangely, then a little sadly. "This...this doesn't mean I...um..." The horse seemed uncomfortable.

Roan nodded and lay his head against the horse's chest, closing his eyes and forcing his heart to steady. "That's ok, stud. I understand." And he murred softly and nuzzled the black fur.

Gan stared at the top of his friend's head, trying to pierce the fur and flesh and bone and see into the wolf's mind. Either Roan was incredibly understanding, or was putting on a brave face for his friend. Either way, the horse gazed at the wolf with deep affection and respect.

A loud buzzing startled both of them, and both Gan's and Roan's paws shot out to silence the brazen interruption to their blissful cuddling. The alarm clock fell before their assault, brooding but at least still.

They lay for long minutes, neither wanting to rise. The warmth of the sheets, the warmth of their bodies, clutched at them, whispered promises of rest and peace and joy. With deep sighs, both furs rose slowly, shedding the warmth.

"Ack!" Gan grunted.

"What?" Roan shot a concerned glance his friend's way.

"Can I borrow one of your briefs? Mine are..." the stallion blushed and fell silent.

"Leaked, did ya?"

Gan nodded.

"Maybe I should get you a diaper!"

Gan chuckled. "Maybe I should get you a chew toy to play with at night. Teach you to poke fun at me!"

Roan slid alongside the horse and patted the equine's bulge. "That's my chew toy, pony!"

The horse shook his head in exasperation. "Maybe I should deny you my services!" he chuckled.

Roan shrugged. "That would suck. But I do have others who can service my needs," he grinned.

"Ah yes, your imaginary lovers," the horse smirked, pulling off his briefs. "When am I gonna meet them?"

Roan glanced away for a moment. He seemed a little abashed when he turned back. "Well, the one was a stranger. I don't think we'll meet again. The other. I dunno. I...I have to ask."

"Does this other know about me?"

Roan nodded, and suddenly was pulled into a warm, fierce embrace, equine muzzle kissing his! The wolf responded, in more ways than one, and he ground his hips against Gan's.

"Save it for later, wuff. I want you primed and ready for me!"

Roan grinned. "Yes, sir, Mr Stallion, sir."

The horse chuckled and cast a glance at the door. "Do you think we can make the shower without your dad or Richard finding out?'

"Let me look." Roan pulled on a pair of shorts and opened the door slowly, padding out, closing it silently. A minute or so later he returned, grinning. "They're both asleep. Their doors are closed. Come on, but let's be quiet"

Quietly they snuck into the bathroom, shutting the door. Roan started up the shower, waiting till the water was warm before stepping in, Gan following suit. Under the warm caress of the shower nozzle they stood, naked, erect, and they fell into each other's arms and kissed deeply, hands roving, stroking, clutching.

Horse and wolf grinned and soaped each other up, and the soothing water and their tender ministrations kept them in the shower longer than they should have stayed, but they paid no heed to time, just each other.

They were still hard when Roan pawed off the stream of water and they stepped out to towel off and use the fur dryer. Their eyes danced between faces and cocks, and the smiles on their faces could not be denied, nor wiped away.

Once dry, Roan opened the bathroom door slowly, peeking out. He padded out, pausing to glance up and down the passage, perking his ears to seek any sound out of the ordinary. All was still.

He reached his door and gestured for Gan to come across, mouthing the words "Hurry up!"

Gan smirked and slung his towel over his shoulder. He stepped casually into the middle of the passage, stopped and grasped his thick equine shaft, sliding his paw up and down, grinning and winking at the wolf who stared, dumbfounded, at the sight, which, despite the danger and impulsiveness, sent aroused shivers through his groin and forced a grin onto his muzzle.

Regaining composure, Roan shook his head and gestured again, this time whispering the words loud enough for the stallion to hear. "Enough horsing around. Come on!"

Gan smiled broadly and stretched languorously, his cock saluting the wolf eagerly. Roan rolled his eyes and stepped out, intent on grasping the stallion's arm and pulling him forcefully into the room.

But as Roan took hold of his friend's arm, the horse spun him effortlessly around and pulled him close, kissing him deeply, both paws clutching at canine rump through the towel the wolf had wrapped around his waist.

Roan surrendered to the kiss, to the embrace, and returned it in kind. Despite the danger of being suddenly found out, he found himself thrilled by Gan's actions. Besides, the doors to his father's and Richard's rooms had to be opened first, which would give them just enough time to dart into Roan's room and shut the door.

When Gan's body suddenly tensed and his muzzle pulled away from Roan's in a startled exhalation of breath, Roan's heart fell, devoured by a heavy, dark pit that formed abruptly in his gut. He opened his eyes slowly, but instead of finding Gan's eyes on his own, found them fixed on something behind him.

His skin went cold and he pulled away from the horse and spun around, inadvertently revealing the horse's full nakedness to the fur who stood, mug of coffee in paw, gaping at them from the passage just outside the doorway to the kitchen!

Hope rose briefly when Roan recognized Richard, who stood wearing boxers and a dazed expression. Behind Roan, Gan regained his senses and darted towards Roan's room, blushing furiously, trying to cover up his nakedness, his erection, by tugging down the towel from his neck and in his haste dropping it. He bent to snatch it up, fumbled, then gave up and leapt into Roan's room.

Roan just stood, staring, fear binding him in place, freezing his limbs. He whimpered softly and opened his muzzle to speak, but only muttered gibberish emerged as he hastily flung words from him, garbling them in the process.

Richard regained his composure and strode forward, eyes on the young wolf shivering before him. He placed a paw on the younger wolf's shoulder and kept it there despite the startled jerk that shook Roan's body. Gently but firmly he turned the young wolf around and guided him into his room.

Gan sat on the bed, eyes wide, looking nervous and afraid, and when Richard crossed the threshold of Roan's room the horse automatically moved his paws to cover his now limp malehood.

Richard cast a swift glance the horse's way, then smiled and shook his head. His paw left Roan's shoulder to ruffle the younger wolf's headfur. He turned and walked out, pulling the door after him but pausing a moment before shutting it completely and turning his head to say, loud enough for only the two young furs to hear; "That's three times now I've come to your aid!" There was laughter in the voice. "I might need to start charging you if this continues!" The older wolf chuckled and winked and shut the door.

Both furs stared at the door in stunned fascination. Then they looked at each other and let out deep sighs of relief. They didn't burst out laughing, they simply sat on the bed, shut their eyes, and tried to calm their frantically beating hearts.

"What...why..." Gan started. "Will he tell?"

Roan shook his head. "I...I don't think so. He covered up for me about the condoms last night and..."

"The what?" Gan gasped.

Roan blushed. "Um...let's...let's talk about this on the way to school, ok? One close call is enough for the day and my heart can't take another one!"

Gan nodded and they dressed swiftly, Roan handing over a pair of his briefs that fit snugly on the horse.

"Are they comfortable?" Roan asked.

Gan nodded and smiled. "Yeah, don't worry."

As Roan picked up his backpack, he cast a worried glance at his friend.

"What about your backpack? Your books?"

Gan grinned. "There are only a couple of books I need for today that aren't in my locker. I'll just borrow a copy of any textbooks from the teachers."

Once they were fully clothed the furs snuck quietly into the passage, padding softly to the front door. They were not challenged, no voices called for Roan, but only when they were out the door and walking down the street did they breath a sigh of relief!

Roan's mind raced. Richard had had his back on three occasions now. Why? Did Richard want to spend a week with them without discord, and so he'd keep Roan's secrets? Or was he just that open minded?

Of course, walking in on two guys kissing would require one hell of a lot of understanding and open mindedness! Either that or Richard was gay and didn't mind Roan kissing another guy.

Or was it simply that the older wolf wanted something from him? That he'd keep Roan's secrets so as to get...what? Roan had nothing to offer.

"HEY!" A paw slapped Roan on the back and he jumped.

"Earth to Roan, come in!" Gan laughed.

"Sorry, Gan. Thinking," Roan blushed.

"About Richard?"

"Yeah. About why he'd cover up for me," Roan replied. "For us"," he added suddenly.

"You ok?"

Roan nodded slowly. "Yeah...just...surprised. Still in shock." He glared at the stallion suddenly. "Dammit, Gan. Why'd you do that? It could have gone bad, especially with my dad being..." Roan fell silent.

Gan's ears drooped. "I'm sorry, Roan. I...I forgot. I...I thought it would be fun, daring. He's not going to tell, is he?"

Roan's ears perked as he heard fear lacing the horse's voice. He looked at his friend, saw fear in his eyes. "No, I don't think so. Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Gan nodded, and they walked a block before the horse said; "So...um, about these condoms?"

"One track mind," Roan snorted, his muzzle curling upwards. He grimaced and immediately glanced over at Gan, who turned his head. Still, Roan had seen the glimmer of hurt in those eyes, and he swallowed as guilt rose from within. "I'm sorry, Gan. That was...that was me being a jerk."

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna pry. Just...forget about the condoms. Doesn't matter."

Roan's heart fell. His soul ached with every pain laden word that struck and tore open ragged wounds inside him. He reached out unconsciously, laying a paw on the horse's shoulder, but Gan shrugged it off and stared ahead.

"Gan, I'm sorry. Really."

"Forget about it." The words were tinged with anger.

"Please, let me..."

"I said forget it, ok?" the horse snarled.

Roan faltered, slowing down as he stared at the stallion walking resolutely ahead of him. Why had the horse responded like that? Where had that anger come from? Surely not from a hastily uttered statement, one which Roan didn't really mean, and indeed, had meant half in jest anyways! The horse continued walking, heedless of the fact that Roan was not at his side.

Thunder rumbled ominously in the distance, and for the first time Roan realized the sky was overcast. So ensconced was he in what had happened, in being caught out, he'd paid no attention to his surroundings. It looked like rain, smelled like it too, now that he stood and focused on the weather.

Gan was still walking, and Roan growled and ran after him, catching up to the horse as he was crossing a road.

"Hey, come on! I said I was sorry!"

Gan cast an angry glance the wolf's way. "And I said forget it, ok?"

"How can I forget if you keep acting so pissy?" Roan grumbled, immediately regretting his choice of the final word.

"Pissy?" the horse stopped and glared at Roan. "Pissy? Well, Mr Perfect. It took me a long, long time to explore my sexuality with other guys. You, you get it on with me the one day, then the next your fucking some other fur, possibly another as well. And buying condoms on top of it! So two or three beddings in as many days, the condoms giving options for even more! Who's the fucking one track mind slut now?"

Gan turned and stormed off, leaving Gan standing in the street, stunned, muzzle open in a retort that he failed to find the words to fill. He stared at the horse's retreating back, and a fierce anger flooded him. He growled and started after the stallion.

How dare Gan speak to him as such? Sure, he'd made a mistake, said something that had come out wrong, that the horse had taken undue offence to. He saw Gan glance over his shoulder and Roan picked up the pace. Immediatley the horse cut across the street, calling out to a group of furs on the other side, waving his paw in greeting. The horse cast one final victorious glower Roan's way as he crossed the street.

The screeching of tires on asphalt tore through the morning silence. Roan froze in fear at the sound, saw the bright blue station wagon skid as it bore down on the horse. Gan, too, froze, startled, but jumped backwards as martial training came to the forefront.

As it was, the car would have missed him anyways, coming to a halt a meter or so away from where Gan had been standing when first the brakes were hit. The driver, a bespectacled leopard, snarled and stuck his head out the window and yelled at Gan.

"Watch where you're fucking going!"

Gan raised a paw in apology, looking shocked. The driver snorted and drove on, glaring at the horse, and when the car had passed, before Roan had a chance to run forward, the horse had darted across the road, joining up with the other furs.

Roan cursed. He didn't dare make a scene with those furs around. Gan knew it, too. Coward, Roan snarled mentally. What the fuck was wrong with the horse?

The wolf found his heart beat returning to normal and he leaned heavily against a tree, the fright of the screeching tires and the terror of what could have happened collapsing in on him in one fell swoop. He shivered, and it took a while before he could rally his senses and continue walking.

By this time, Gan had vanished from sight.

Gan had never treated him like this before. Sure, they'd only really started to get to know each other recently. Very recently. But still, it wasn't like the horse to react like he did. Something must be going on, and Roan was determined to find out what.

The sullen clouds above rumbled their displeasure, and the scent of rain swept across the shadowed land below. Roan hurried down the road, hoping to make the school before the heavens shed their tears upon the earth.

IT BECAME apparent that Roan would not get a chance to speak with Gan before recess. The first class of the day was not one that he and the horse shared, and while they did share the second, Gan had already taken his seat by the time Roan arrived.

The wolf had barely made the school building before the ground became speckled and the hiss of falling rain filled the air. A grumble, low and deep, was cast down by the roiling clouds above, and cordite was borne on the backs of those falling drops of water.

He'd run to Gan's locker, but the horse was not there. He'd scoured the halls, the boy's toilets, but the horse eluded him. He'd even tried waiting at Gan's first class of the day, but he'd had to give it up and leave before the horse arrived else he'd have been late for his own class.

Anger battled with guilt as he sat staring out a rain streaked window, barely hearing the droning words of the teacher. On top of that, he felt ill, worry eating at him, and he kept glancing at his the clock above the door, the minutes inching by with torturous sluggishness.

He looked back at Gan, who was jotting down notes in his workbook. He raised his head to pay attention to the diagrams the teacher was writing on the blackboard, but not once did his eyes roam to seek the wolf. It was as though Roan didn't exist.

The wolf sighed and turned his attention back to the window. The weather would make speaking to Gan in private difficult, if not impossible. The horse would remain indoors, as most furs would, and that would provide precious few opportunities for Roan to get Gan alone.

He thought back to Gan's words, pondering them, trying to find rhyme or reason to their being voiced. Surely the horse didn't think that he, Roan, thought of him as a slut? Maybe Gan and Todd had had a falling out. Maybe Gan had been on his way to Todd's place, planned on spending the night at Todd's, and something had happened. Instead of going home, he'd come to Roan's.

The wolf shook his head. No, that didn't make sense. Todd wouldn't have covered for the horse if they'd had a fight! Then again, both Todd and Gan shared a secret, one that neither would want the world, or their parents, finding out about! So Todd probably would cover for Gan, if only to keep his secret safe. For if he gave up Gan, he would be implicated as well.

Or was it simpler. Jealousy. Maybe Gan was jealous that the wolf had begun finding other bed partners. But no, Gan was a free spirit. To deny Roan his own free spiritness in sleeping with whomever he wished would be hypocritical, and Gan didn't seem the type.

So what had sparked Gan's sudden anger? A simple jest could not aggravate him so, could it? Roan's brow creased. Perhaps something he'd said had struck a nerve, a painful nerve, within the stallion. But...what? And why? He'd joked with the horse about being a slut before, used words like hussy and whore.

It didn't make sense!

Roan was still pondering things when the bell rang for recess. As the teacher shouted out assignments for the weekend, for today was Friday, Roan gathered his things and tried to hang back to speak to Gan, but the horse shouldered by him without a sideways glance and joined the throng of furs hemorrhaging the classroom.

The wolf groaned, but slung his backpack and followed the horse, easy enough despite the furs milling about. It seemed the horse was making his way to the cafeteria, and Roan increased speed, hoping to catch the horse before they reached that crowded room!

Halfway there the horse met up with the collie, Todd, and they shared a laugh and walked together. The horse didn't seem at all upset or angry, and as the two furs chuckled at some or other joke, Roan snarled under his breath, jealousy sinking its fangs deep.

The double doors of the cafeteria loomed ahead, and Roan threw caution to the wind and sprinted forward, grabbing hold of Gan's arm several meters from those doors.

"Hold up, Gan."

The horse turned around slowly, casting an annoyed glance at the paw on his arm. "What?" he grunted.

Roan looked at the horse, then the collie, was standing, looking curious. "I just wanted a word with you."

"I think you've shared enough words with me, thank you very much!" The horse shrugged Roan's paw from him and made to turn away.

"Just a minute, please!" and Roan winced as he heard the desperation in that plea.

Gan sighed, a heavy and aggravated sound. "I don't have a minute, Roan."

The wolf opened his muzzle to reply, but a young hare came bounding up to them and poked at Roan's arm. Annoyed, the wolf turned to look at the newcomer, who seemed out of breath.

"Yeah?" he snapped.

"Um...P...Principal Hargraves wants to see you."

The words brought with them a sudden fear, a sudden anxiety. "What?" Roan gulped.

"Principal Hargraves wants to see you. Um...now."

Roan looked back at Gan, who had a quizzical look in his eyes, his body language still defensive and aggressive at the same time.

"Fuck!" the wolf snarled loudly and stalked away. What the fuck now?

As he strode away his ears caught the hare's next words, and his heart shattered, and the dark pit from earlier was back, devouring all joy, all hope, replacing them with abject and unreasoning fear.

"I think he's in trouble," the hare said. "There's a couple of cops with the Principal."

...couple of cops...!

Roan's flesh turned to ice, and he trembled, the sensation of wanting to be violently sick almost overwhelming him. He stared at his sneakers as he walked, playing various scenarios through his tortured mind.

Why would cops be here? Unless... He swallowed hard and bit back a whimper. What if he and Coach Madson had been seen? Or heard? They hadn't been very subtle in their rutting! Somefur could have walked by and overheard, looked through the keyhole!

Oh shit! The dreadful certainty flooded him, seeped into his very essence, and he knew, he knew that this was why the police were here! Principal Hargrave had tried to talk to him yesterday, about Roan and Coach Madson. He'd found out, somehow. And now he'd called the police. They'd fire the Coach for sure, arrest him, and the school would know that...that...

Roan shook his head. No. There was another reason! This was just one possibility! But the more he thought, the surer he became, a sixth sense that spoke to the core of his being.

Ahead, the offices appeared, and their appearance was foreboding. He stopped, trying to regain composure. He took in a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tried to calm his heart, certain it would burst from his chest, so fast did it beat.

It didn't work!

Gritting his teeth, he walked forward, and the secretary, a female tiger, looked up with curious concern. Roan opened his mouth to speak, but the tigress gestured to the Principal's office.

The door was an ominous sign, and the closer he got, the deep the pit within became, the more ill he felt, the more he shook, the colder his skin felt. His mouth was dry and he swallowed awkwardly, reaching out with a trembling paw to grasp the door handle and turn it.

The door swung open, revealing the Principal, his back to Roan, staring out his window as rain hurled themselves uncaringly, unthinkingly, at the pane of glass. To Roan's left, two police officers stood, stern and rigid, both male, a cheetah and a lion. To Roan's right...dear God, no! No! It...it couldn't...no...this was a dream...a bad, bad dream.

Coach Madson sat, and as the bear shifted in the chair to look back at the sound of the opening door, the expression on his face was too terrible to behold. A haunted look filled his eyes, his muzzle clenched, his entire body seeming to be a pale shadow of its former self! He looked haggard, shocked, afraid. He looked Roan in the eyes and immediately looked away, and down, staring at the floor, and his paws became fists.

The Principal turned as Roan stepped into the office, the door swinging shut of its own accord. The young wolf's ears were flat against his skull and he trembled despite his best efforts to control his own body.

"Roa...Mr Matthews, please have a seat. This..." the bovine stopped, and his eyes became momentarily unfocused, haunted even. He coughed, cleared his throat, and tried to begin again, but words seemed to fail him.

The lion police officer stepped forward. "I'll handle this, Principal Hargraves." He faced Roan and his muzzle became a smile, a forced smile, one that was intended to win over another, but in this case, it failed. "Please, have a seat, son."

Roan sat, his backpack still hanging from his shoulder, and he glanced over at the bear, who continued to stare at the floor, his body tense.

The lion went on one knee to Roan's side. "Roan, son, you're not in any trouble, ok?"

No, Roan thought. Not me. But Coach is. And its my fault. Mine! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Please, please let this be a dream. A nightmare. Please!

But if nightmare this was, then a waking nightmare it would be, for the words that followed were as a death knoll!

"Son, there's been an accident. Your father..."

THUNDER roared its anger, split the brooding sky with vivid sheets of brilliant white light. The dour clouds, swollen with unshed tears, hovered, silent and watchful.

Pain slashed through his brain and he whimpered, opening his eyes and shutting them again as such a simple action seared his nerves with renewed waves of agony. He cried out, soft and feeble, tried to move, but found himself held in place by unseen paws.

He struggled, in vain, for the grips holding him down were iron, and he lacked the strength to force them aside. Panic blossomed and exploded and he writhed and twisted, flailing weakly, and sharp pain sliced across his paw and he pulled it to his chest, whimpering loudly, tears spilling across his cheeks.

Eyes, blue and unwavering, appeared before him, through the pain, through the tears.

"Why don't your eyes shine anymore?" he sniveled. "They don't shine."

PAIN exploded in his temple, and he tried to move, but paws held him down. He panicked, flailing, but voices, concerned and soothing, stilled him, forced their way through a dazed mind.

His eyes opened, and he saw a wall, a desk, but at an angle. He saw furs looking down at him, heard them talking, speaking, saw lips move, but could not make out the words. He moved his head sluggishly, trying to recall where he was, who he was, who these people were.

But the more he thought, the more he struggled to remember. His eyes were wide, shocked, and he felt light headed. Walls, floor...he was on the floor. Why? Who were these furs gazing down at him?

"Look into my eyes, son," a lion said, holding the wolf's head still, gazing with topaz eyes.

Roan tried to keep his eyes on the lion's, but it took too much effort, and he began to look away.

"Look into my eyes, Roan," the lion said again, more forceful.

Roan looked, kept his gaze, though it was a struggle.

The lion nodded and stood. "He's in shock. His mind is recovering. He might have low blood pressure. That, coupled with stress, would explain him fainting as he did." The lion turned away, but not before Roan registered the haunted look in the officer's eyes.

The young wolf groaned and held his forehead. He tried to sit up, but another paw, gently yet firm, held him still. Coach Madson stared down, his face creased with deep concern. "Lie still for a moment, Roan. Rest."

"What...what happened?"

A cheetah, also in police uniform, dashed into the room with a Pepsi. "Here, give him this. It will help with the shock."

Coach Madson took the soda and held it to Roan's lips, who drank a little, then turned his muzzle away. Police officers? Why? Coach Madson was... And the facts tumbled back into place and he sat upright, wincing as his head complained vehemently.

Sudden warmth flooded his eyes and his vision shimmered. His muzzle creased and he sobbed and fear slid effortlessly back into place. Roan looked from fur to fur, eyes questioning as his tears flowed as easily as those outside the window.

"M...my...dad?" He tried to fight, to stem the flood, but he couldn't. It was a force of nature that would not, could not, be denied.

"We're going to take you to the hospital, Roan," the lion said softly. "Can you walk?"

Roan's mind crashed and burned, and it took all his will to pull himself away from the threshold of pain and despair to nod his head.

Principal Hargraves, looking shaken, turned to the bear, fixing him with an indomitable gaze that brooked no argument. "Russell, since you're the wolf's...mentor...and thus the closest one to him at the moment, I want you to go with Roan. He will need your support."

Coach Madson gaped at the bovine and simply nodded, and an unspoken something passed between them, and the bear realized that the bull knew. The bull knew about him and his young charge.

The bear offered Roan his paw, pulled him up and caught him as the young wolf staggered.

The lion turned to the Principal. "Do you have a wheelchair?"

"Yes." He punched a button on the intercom system on his desk, calling for the secretary outside, but Coach Madson shook his head.

"I've got him." And he lifted Roan effortlessly, picking him up, cradling the wolf in his arms. "Let's go," he said to the officers. "The wheelchair is in storage on the other side of the school. I don't think we should delay keeping this fur from..." the words caught in this throat. Did he say hospital or father? Which would be the lesser shock to the wolf in his arms, who simply rested his head against his meaty shoulders, surrendering himself to the ursine's powerful arms.

The cheetah nodded in agreement, sensing the concern in the bear. "This way, please."

Principal Hargraves watched the officer lead the bear and the young wolf out and sighed deeply. He looked at the lion, sensed and saw the weight bearing down on the feline's shoulders. "It's never easy, is it?"

The feline shook his head, mane shaking. "You'd think it would be easier each time, but it isn't. You know the pain that's coming, you know you're the one who has to deliver it."

"I didn't expect Roan to react like this, though I guess it's logical. He only has his father, so...losing him would be a terrible blow."

The lion nodded and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Losing someone close is a pain that is almost unbearable. In some cases, compounded to be even more brutal."

Principal Hargraves stared at the lion. "You've lost someone?"

The lion seemed to ignore the bull. Then he looked up, and in his eyes there was a look that sent shivers down the bull's spine. "It was about 10 years ago that I moved here. The second day on the job I was called out to an accident. A drunk driver had slammed into another car, failing to stop at a red light. The collision was on the driver's side, and the female inside was killed, as far as forensics tell us, outright. She didn't suffer.

"Her cub was alive, and rushed to hospital. It was a wonder he didn't suffer more injuries than he did. The cub's father signed him out later the night, and the hospital sent over the outpatient forms, since this was a case of furslaughter."

The lion paused and swallowed, and an awful sense of dread overcame the bull, who sat down heavily. "No," he breathed, horrified.

The lion nodded sadly. "The father's name was Scott Matthews."

_To be continued...

Life isn't perfect, and sometimes fiction mirrors reality.

The storm has struck, and it will affect several lives in different ways. How will Roan cope? Will his father survivie? Will this tragedy be but a temporary reprieve for Coach Madson? What has Gan on the defensive? Burning questions that can only be answered...

...in Issue 8 : When Stars Collide.

I hope you enjoyed this issue._