Diluted Bloodline: Part I- Meet Tyrus Patrick

Story by Tyrunner on SoFurry

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9:00 am, an alarm clock in a small modest apartment buzzed its annoying wake-up call to its owner, who was lying in bed covered by blankets. The large lump in the covers groan and stirred, with a black and white paw peeking from the covers and droping onto the clock. After a moment of fumbling with his fingers, the figure switched off his alarm. The paw went back into the covers, and the figure remained still for a long minute before pushing the blankets away, revealing a black and white wolf, wearing only sweatpants as bed clothes. Sitting up and putting his padded feet on the floor, the wolf, Tyrus Patrick, sighed and put his head in his paws, his fingers rubbing the temples, to help clear the headache he always had in the morning, thanks to the stress that was hanging over him. After a bit of finger rubbing, the headache subsided to a gentle throb, hardly noticeable, and Tyrus streched and yawned, waking himself up to the brand new day that had dawned. After smaking his dry lips together, the wolf stood up, slightly glancing around the bedroom of his 3 room apartment. It wasn't the greatest place, but it was satisfactory. Clean enough. He picked up his clothes from the night before and tossed them into the tote that served as his laundry basket. Going to his closet, Tyrus selected his basic attire of a white t shirt, a black hooded sweater, and baggy jeans. Taking his clothes, Tyrus went to the small bathroom, which consisted of a shower in the far corner, a sink across from the door, and a toilet next to the doorway. Placing his clothes onto the sink, Tyrus went to the clear glass shower door and opened it, starting the faucet. After a moment of letting it run, Tyrus put his paw into the stream of water, feeling it very nicely warm. The shower had always been a zen place for Tyrus, helping him erase the stress of his daily life, and make things slightly easier for himself. After 10 minutes of soaking in the warm water and cleaning his fur, Tyrus stepped out, feeling much more refreshed. He took his towel off the hook and gently patted away the big drops of water. Tyrus had learned from a young age that vigorus rubbing from a towel after being soaked in water could result in huge bits of fur in the cloth, making it a pain in the tail to clean. After taking away the most of the water with the towel, Tyrus gave his body a rigorus shake, the rest of the water drops fluttered off his body, the body shake moving to his tail, taking away the final drops off of him. With his fur only slightly damp, Tyrus went to the sink, wiping away the fog on the mirror, and did the regular male get-ready cycle; brush headfur and teeth, put on deoderent, the usual. After taking care of that, Tyrus paused and looked at himself in the mirror. Looking back at him was the reflection that, at first glance, looked like a regular husky. His fur pattern, his eye shape, his tail, even his scent was similar to that of a husky. It really confused Tyrus, as he knew by his bloodline that he was a wolf. Everyone else in his family that he knew of were regular wolves, with their fur in a regular wolf pattern. Tyrus on the other hand was the odd man out. He always had been in his family because of his looks, and as a result, was almost completely spoiled by his parents. Things changed alot when Tyrus' father died of lung complications when Tyrus was 15. It had been seven years since then, but things had drastically changed. His mother had remarried just 3 years later, and with new step-siblings, Tyrus was treated more and more like an adult, something he had not been very used to. After graduating high school, and going through a year and a half of college, Tyrus went reclusive and went into the city, taking a weekday job at a electronics store, living in a small apartment not far from where he worked. Erasing the memories of his life, Tyrus looked himself over one last time. He wasn't in too bad of shape. His body had always been somewhat thin and dorky, but since he started high school track, his body got a more muscular tone, but the muscle tone was fading away, since he had no time to work out since college. With a small sigh, Tyrus got dressed and walked out to the door, pocketing his keys and wallet, and putting on his black and yellow sneakers, Tyrus picked up his skateboard, its design a swirl of the same black and yellow, his old high school colors. Tyrus wasn't an avid skateboarder, but with no money for a car or bike, it was his only mode of transportation. Locking his apartment, Tyrus stood on his board and rolled down the long hallway to the elevator. As he got near, a somewhat large cougar stood in his way. Tyrus slowed to a stop in front of the wildcat. "Patrick, you know how I feel about you boarding down this hallway," the cat said somewhat amusingly. Tyrus smirked. "Brandon, I don't think skateboards are your biggest worry right now." The big cat grinned, "Are you going to pay your rent today?" Tyrus nodded, "Yup, going to cash my paycheck today, you should get it tonight." "I won't be here tonight, so be sure to slip it under my door," Brandon said "Ok, Bran, I'll see you later," Tyrus gave a flick of his wrist with two fingers pointing out, giving his trademark wave. Brandon just nodded and went back into his room. Brandon was a good natured fellow, a little intimidating, but was decent for a cougar. He knew of Tyrus being a wolf, but was a good enough man to let Tyrus live here with a cheap rent. Going down the elevator, Tyrus walked out of the building onto the city streets. The streets were full of furries, mostly felines and other animals, but few canines, let alone wolves. Wolves in this section of town were treated horribly as a minority, and many were scared or killed out of the general area. Tyrus was lucky to have had no problems due to his husky looks, but it still saddened him to see his race be so badly mistreated. Shaking his head, the wolf walked down the steps, carrying his board. As he went onto the sidewalk, he ran into a visiting wolf family. A husband and wife with a young baby cub. The couple had a look of complete horror in their eyes, and were in a obvious hurry to the sanctuary of the nearby bus station. They looked at Tyrus with wide eyes, assuming him to be a husky, and were scared of what he could do. Tyrus simply smiled and whispered to them in the native wolf language (German). "Wir ein Rudel." We One Group; a famed quote that every wolf family had hung in their house somewhere, as a sign of wolf pride. The couple gasped at first, but then gently smiled as both of them repeated the phrase to Tyrus and hurried off. Feeling a bit of happiness, Tyrus mounted his board and skated down the street, heading towards his friend's house.

  • * * Well, there's chapter 1 and the first part of this story. I'm sooo happy! My first furry story! Please RandR and inspire me to continue this story. There will be more to come, I just wanted to get some things establish before I get into the plot more. Thank you for at least reading this, and please do review!