Love of convenience. Ch1

Story by Feolthenos on SoFurry

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Wrote this up in an afternoon,

think it's a good story on its own, But long term pregnancy will go through in the next chapters.

I do better ERP, then solo.

To recap, this story is from the aftermath of Roleplay done on the Secondlife Final fantasy seven sim.

If you enjoy roleplay, I commend it to you.

^ for those who are not FF savvy... came across one today -_-... Yeah.. i know..

Also, Character: Judgement Belongs to

Analyzing and correcting with special thanks to

FF fanfic

"Can you hurry up?" she cried out, her girly voice croaking somewhat. Placing a hand over her mouth as she stood there in the middle of the path.

"What!?" he growled, bouncing back into view, fiddling with the front of his brown denim pants.

Both of them stood there glancing at each other with the same odd impatient look.

On the left of the path stood the Moogle, shifting his tiny foot paw in the dirt.

His purple wings, incapable of any real flight gently peaked out of his green button up shirt.

His white fur glistening in the strong sunlight, His ear's flicked, nudging his red pom pom slightly as he continued "Well?"

He would be quite an intimidating fellow if he wasn't two feet tall, with his ears and pom pom giving him an extra foot

Opposing him stood, covered from head to toe, in a flamboyant blue robe and matching broad brim wizard hat, a Mage.

Her yellow eyes piercing through the coveted darkness that her skin and hat provided...

"I thought your bladder would be a little bigger..." she continued... "This is the forth time we have stopped in an hour.. Do I have to take you to the vet?"

"Fuck you..." he replied nonchalantly as he turned away from her, continuing down the path...

"And now it's going to take longer..." she sighed as she looked over to the dense brush from which he appeared...

"Why is that?"

"Because your going the wrong way..."

There was an awkward silence as the Moogle stopped his walk.

He sweat dropped for a moment before turning around with a coy grin...

"Haha..." he said scratching his pom pom stem with a much wider goofy grin.

"So you are awake, I thought you were gonna let me keep goin'..." he said as he ran back "You past your test..." he giggled, running past her...

"Whatever..." she sighed, shrugging as she began walking behind him.. Her firm footsteps full of meaning, the ground seemed to greet her as she walked, giving her an extra Inch on her 4 and a half foot height,

Small she was, but that's probably why she hung around the Beast Tamer Moogle.

The day turned to night as the hours were eaten up in silence...

"Where are we goin' again?" the Moogle finally perked up...

"Lamont, really... We passed the sign What, five minutes ago..." she said, placing an exhausted hand upon her head.

"I'm surprised you even saw it?" he snickered

"JACKASS!" she shouted, giving him a firm kick into a nearby tree.

He remained silent, other then the audible noise of A moogle punt, and the rustle of the tree.

"Gah... Judgment... I'm.. I think I'm" he groaned out, sounding fairly dismayed before the branch he was held on Snapped.

"Gw AHHH!! gwomph" he cried as he came hurtling to the ground, Startling a nearby bird in it's nest.

"Why aren't we... Riding chocobo's?" he queried in a fairly annoyed fashion

"Because for some reason. you can't seem to get your song right to control them long enough... And I am not paying twelve thousand Gil, just for a bird that's going to run away the second we dismount..."

Lamont sighed, righting himself as Judge walked over to him.

Despite her Rabid temperament, there was something he fancied about her... They had been near inseparable for close to two years, During this time She bore him a litter, Which at this time were currently learning the ways of the Mountain Moogle in Lamonts town of birth, it was never given a name, but it was situated between the marshes of Midgar, and the Forest's of Junon.

Lamont gave a gentle sigh as he reminisced about their times together, Judge offered her metallic hand down to him, which he took it, despite not needing help to get up...

She picked him up and cradled him in her arms, continuing down the road into the night.

"Don't you think we should make camp?" he asked as he lent into her, resting a hand on her covered breast.

"We will, not here though, the beach is only after that next hill"

He nodded, flicking his ear's and pom pom back as not to have them get in her way.

Blinking a few times, he let his mind wander as his hand began to trace around the golden patterns along her purple robe, Feeling that beneath it, the woman was barely flesh anymore, having lost her right leg from the knee down and her left eye... Along with both her arm's at the shoulder, it was all replaced with the finest of robotic's that she could manage to get her hands on.

He blamed himself for it, Scrunching his paw in anger.

"Stop it..." she stated firmly...

"Stop what?" he returned...

"What happened happened... I don't blame you, and neither should you..."

He pursed his lips to the side in annoyance..

"Have I really become that predictable?" he asked.

She nodded simply before gesturing with a head movement to their new camping ground.

The moon was large and low, reflecting generously against the water.

Judgement gently placed Lamont down on the grass, purposely so that he wasn't on his feet.

After which she sat on the sand a little further down, glowing green for a moment then releasing a charged Fire spell on a nearby tuft of grass, giving both light and warmth between the two.

Lamont rose his head from the grass, looking over as his partner still remained darkened dispite the nearby light.

He slowly crawled up, nuzzling her like a cat before popping his head between her body and the left arm she used to prop herself up with.

"Don't worry Lamont, we're nearly there..." she said, ruffling his pom pom stem with her free hand...

Lamont shuffled out of his pose, not without resistance however, Judgement clamped tightly on her arm so that Lamont had to really struggle to manage...

After he was free, seated on the grass he stated simply "Bitch..."

Judgement laughed lightly, a very rare thing before returning with "I know..."

Lamont crawled around to the front of Judge, seating himself leaning back on her and facing the fire...

He looked up and asked "Do ya miss her?"

She looked down, remaining silent for a moment before answering with a question. "Who?" she said coyly, even though she knew full well who he was referring to.

"Luna..." he said, looking back to the fire, he sighed, as she was his true love.

"Yeah..." she sighed, silently feeling exactly the same way he did about the woman in question.

"Think she's out there?" he asked...

"Why not?" she asked a question as an answer once more.

"Well, we have brought her back from the dead once, If she wasn't I'd be very surprised..." he nodded.

And then, there was silence...

Naught but the waves Gentle break upon the dimly lit sand.

After which he stood, With her laying crossways they were now face to face.

Shifting his hand up to meet her cheek before taking a step closer and giving her a loving, longing kiss. Wrapping his furry lips around her own before giving them a playful lick with his long flat tongue.

His hand reached up to remove her hat, it did little however, her skin practically absorbed the light.

Her dark blue bangs trailed over her slightly pinkened cheek's, then running his paw over the wounds that were where her horns had once been. She was an ascended mage, but this didn't worry him, truth be told he knew not the implications of it, her wings had also been forcibly removed, repeatedly.

Blinking her one true eye before revealing her white fangs, it was nothing threatening, nor was she smiling, then she spoke "Do you miss her?"

He paused, giving her another tender kiss before nodding and asking "Are you mad?"

She shook her head, "I don't know what I am anymore."

He placed a paw over her mouth as she looked like she was going to say something else.

"It's just us tonight, lets enjoy it" he said, She thought on it for a moment.

They were likely to reach corel tomorrow, and because of who they were going to meet there, they might not get another chance to be alone together.

She nodded and began to disrobe herself, there was nothing particularly sexy about it, Judgement just wasn't that particular about trying to tease or impress, she managed to care, and that's all that mattered.

Even though Judgement had no problem revealing herself, Lamont Looked away as his Facial fur began to turn a shade of light red, he also disrobed, rather carefully.

Finally his body in whole was free of it's confines, his scolded tail wiggled somewhat, the fur never seemed to grow back.

"I should really fix that" she stated, watching his furless tail wag.

"Huh?" he turned his head halfly before realizing she was talking about his tail. "Oh yeah heh... Don't worry about it.." he said turning the rest of his body.

Standing there lit up by the weak light from the tuft of burning grass, his fairly puffy clothing was misleading, the Moogle was quite lean, possibly underweight, his small furry foreskin hugging lightly a Pink head.

He held his hands behind his back, seeming rather modest before he took in her form.

Her curvy body was awe inspiring, Jet black skin accented like a fine French wine alongside an Elegant gourmet dish by her metallic arm's, One propping herself up whilst the other draped over her stomach.

She had tattoo's, he never understood why though, Nothing he recognized. Tribal lines along the front of her body, passing next to her grey nipples, standing attention in the cool breeze, ending down by her hips and the small of her back.

"Heh..." he blushed harder, "Have I ever told you... How beautiful you are?" he asked

Judgement who was always blunt at best replied simply with a "No, well... Not recently..."

"Oh..." he sighed mournfully "S... Sorry.." he looked down

"It doesn't matter to me, now come here..." she said, almost sounding sympathetic.

He nodded, a faux smile returning to his face, their love was Awkward, terribly so, and that was putting it lightly, their relationship seemed to fall into place as a convenience, both lonely as their love, who was the same person, the one whom they had even faught eachother for at one point; passed away.

He rushed over to her, throwing everything aside and jumping onto her chest, after which she rolled onto her back, wrapping her hands around his back as he began nipping, biting and kissing all seemingly in the same movement, against her neck, this brought a slight, if somewhat excited smile to her face.

After a short while, she began to guide him downward, kissing and nipping his way down, leaving a bitemark every so often, not enough to draw blood, just enough to leave a mark for a few days, In this way, if she ended up where he believed she was going to end up, The person in question would know full well that he was there last night.

Eventually finding her nipple, taking it in his mouth while he mimicked his motions on the other between a furry thumb and forefinger, licking, sucking tenderly then giving a rough bite, before returning to a gentle, loving caress with his tongue, repeating until finally Judgement could take no more and let out an muffled Moan, halfly in pain and halfly in pleasure.

Then he continued on his way down, finding that loving border to her forbidden zone, below the belly button, but above the belt... Kissing over and over, dispite her moans, her bucking, her gestures, he stayed there, inching almost microscopically lower... She begged him, pleaded with her body for him to give her what she wanted, but he teased her so... Making her body ache for him... Drenching her.

"AHH GOD JUST DO IT!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, unable to contain her animalistic need any longer. And with that, he Aptly sheathed his Moogle tool inside her, 5 inches in length, It was big for a moogle, but still small compared to the other organisms around.

She hissed out in delight, shutting her eye as she felt her aching muscles close tightly around him, what seemed like an eternity was a mere few seconds he sat still inside her loving folds, then moving his hips back inchingly, his teasing nature getting the better of him before slamming it brutally once more.

His paws trailed up to her stomach before she took notice of his predicament, arching her legs up so he had something to anchor himself against, he laughed lightly and gave out an almost inaudible thanks before restarting his arduous assailing of her needy cunt.

It went on like this for some time, her eye closed fast as her head lolled back and forth, his member curves slightly upward, with a spear like head, god knows how it worked on a mog female, but it seemed to wreck every nerve in her cave.. It wasn't even two minutes before she hit a cataclysmic Climax...

Growling violently as she clawed at the nearby sand before finally reaching beneath her moogle companion, lifting him from the ground and using him as if he were some foreign sex toy, "Www... Woah!" he cried as he suddenly had control relieved of him... She gave no response other then a rather abrupt fucking.

With that, he couldn't control his own orgasm, which snuck up on him at an accelerated rate... "Wait Judge ... I'm.. Ahh Oh no..." he flailed his arm's, to no avail, her movements simply hastened, before sheathing his member much further then he was able to do on his own, kissing her cervix before the head exploded in orgasm, flooding her Sacred womb in potent Moogle seed, this was not the end however, in one fell swoop, the feeling of hot cum inside her forced her to a surprised release of her own, Her internal muscles pulsated violently as they tried their very hardest to hold on to the moogle member, draining his balls of as much of their contents as he would allow.

She held him there for a good while until her climax completely subsided... Exhaling heavily before releasing him from her metallic grasp.

"Gwoomph..." he forced out as her sated Pussy gave one final kiss to the head of his member before releasing it from it's binds.

"Wow..." they said in unison, Panting heavily, before looking at each other and Laughing out happily... Both of them just collapsing on the ground, Strangely enough, Judgements Love didn't leak any of the moogles gift, not wasting a single drop.

Lamont sat up after a few moments, quickly crawling up onto her stomach then up between her breasts as he did after their odd affections.

They remained silent as the light flickered off his fur, but not her skin.

She reached down, placing a hand over her lower stomach as he drifted off on her, she wondered to herself if she would be producing him another litter of Mage hybrids.