Halcyon Days

Story by BadlandsDaemon on SoFurry

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Another story featuring the mysterious shopkeeper.

Halcyon Days

"I don't think this is the right place," the wolf woman said aloud, voice echoing despite the cramp and clutter. Stacked stone floor to ceiling in places, eldritch tomes and moldering volumes of inscrutable origin sat, balanced to perfection, yet looking as though ready to tumble at a second's notice. Flickering candlelight cast conspicuous shadows and molten wax's slight scent spiced the air like a perfume. The wolf's wet, black nose twitched, as did her ears, spinning from facing front to facing the side and back again.

"Hello?" she called, stepping deeper into the strange shop. "Is there someone here?" she took another step forward, tight fabric of her cut-off denim shorts rubbing against her legs, tail hanging instinctively low to the ground. Her belly and chest were covered in lighter fur than her back and limbs, a light grey compared to the darker grey. Other than a pair of faded and well-worn flip-flops, a dark blue bikini top was the only other scrap of clothing she wore. Her fur was wet, dripping and the faint smell of salt and surf carried in on her. The wavering orange light quit as a bright overhead florescent bulbs burst to life, casting down any maverick shadow that dared dart.

"Moisture is very bad for the merchandise," a deep voice groaned from deeper inside. "You smell of salt, and of wet dog. I won't ask you to leave, but, please, be mindful where you step and drip."

"There is someone here," the wolf breathed a sigh of relief. "Where are you? I don't see anything but shelves."

"Navigate through the shelving corridors, there is a way," the shopkeeper instructed. "Or turn around and leave, either way."

'I didn't come this far to turn back now," she thought to herself. She took a step forward, then another, and the angles of the place seemed to bend. She turned right down the path, followed it a short distance, turned right a second time, a third time, a fourth time, and was standing in front of a junk littered counter.

"But? How did?" she asked, turning around, trying to get a glimpse of the alien geometries behind her. "I was just, then, but, I should be back at the door, shouldn't I?"

"Best not to think about it," the proprietor warned. In lieu of his suit, he had on a dark, custom tailored sports jacket and worn dark blue jeans. He stood a good three feet taller than her, not counting the long, dark brown almost black horns that sprouted from the back of his draconic head and pointed up and back. A powerful tail, covered half in healthy and half in sickly green scales rested on the floor behind the counter. She took one look at him and stammered.

"Wow, oh, oh, just wow. You're a lot better looking than they said you were." Her blue eyes seemed greedy for the dragon, ogling first his face, then moving down to stare at his chest, then farther 'south' to the visible bulge in his pants.

"What?" the dragon demanded, razor taloned fist clenching in the beginnings of rage. "I own the shop, I decide the dress codes. Today is casual Tuesday. You have a problem?"

"No, no," the wolf girl assured, reluctantly breaking her gaze. "They, they told me you were ugly, but...well, you're not." She looked at her feet, embarrassed.

"Flattery will get you nothing. Now, what is it that you want? Wait, let me guess. Hmm..." the dragon's nostrils flared imperceptibly. "You smell neither of love nor money, so I doubt an artifact or an erasure. Hmm..."

"Um, can I just tell you?" she interrupted. Glass vials filled with amazing technicolored fluids sat on back shelves, contents appearing to shift and bubble. A sword, curved, but not as much as a scimitar, and with serration on the inside blade, sat on the counter. Gleaming and shining like the Moon in the night sky, a milky white gemstone, rough, was set into the pommel. Elaborate Sanskrit characters graced the blade, and were painted on in a now-rust brown mixture on the leather wrappings of the grip.

"That would make this whole transaction go much faster, now wouldn't it?" the dragon asked, placing the sword under the counter. Candles of all shapes, sizes, and colors, some lit, other wicks still smoking from where they had been recently put out decorated the counter.

"Well, um," the wolf started, shyly, seductively holding her tail with her right paw. "I've really liked dragons, but I've never been able to find one. When I overheard someone mention you, I had to find out. So I was wondering," under her fur, the pale skin of her cheeks bloomed red with embarrassment, red as though cuts on her face were bleeding. "I'd really like to go out with you, maybe more." Instantly, the dragon began to cackle. Soon, he progressed to full on maniac laughing. The wolf girl stepped back, eyes showing shock, rejection, and a little bit of fear.

"You're not the first woman to come in here wanting a ride!" the dragon boomed. "Why do you think it was that so many princesses let themselves be kidnapped without even so much as screaming?" After a few moments and nearly shattering the counter by slamming his fist on it, he regained control of his sanity. "Anything else you'd like to ask for? Because that is just out of the question." The wolf fought back tears.

"No, no, I understand. It was stupid for me to come in here, and just ask you, right out of the blue." She turned to leave, tail hanging lower in shame and sorrow than it had been in nervous fear when she first walked in.

"Aw, dammit I'm a sucker for emotion. Probably because I don't have any," the dragon mused under his breath. He walked around the counter. "Wait. If you really want to, I'll indulge you this once. But you can't tell anyone." The wolf turned around, former emotions replaced with hope in her eyes.

"You really mean it?" the dragon nodded. She nearly ran to him. "Thank you. You don't know how long I've waited for someone like you." The dragon said nothing, merely took her by the hand and lead her behind the counter. Pushing aside a yellowed bundle of newspapers, the newest date at the top reading October 8th 1843, he opened a door they were blocking, revealing a small, for the dragon, bedroom.

"I'm afraid I might lose control and accidentally hurt you if I was leading," he said, ushering her inside. He stepped in after her, and pulled closed the door. "So if it's alright with you, I'll just lay back." Her eyes lit up as she pushed him down on the bed. He had already removed his own shirt as she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. The same bifurcation line ran down the dragon's chest; healthy scales on one side, unhealthy on the other. Both scales, however, were lighter color on his midsection than the ones on the rest of his body.

"Are you already hard?" she asked and giggled, running her paw over the substantial six-inch bump in the crouch of his jeans. With one hand, she pushed down her shorts and pulled off her top with the other. The cooler, shaded air of the bedroom caused her nipples to erect immediately.

"No," the dragon answered, helping her pull off his pants and undershorts.

"So...oh, wow," she said, staring at his shaft. The head was pointy, almost like a spearhead and rotated it around a central line 360 degrees. About three inches long, the rest of his flaccid member was a dark green color, lacking the separation line. Nubs ringed the shaft. "Let's get you ready then," she said, and licked her lips. With one hand, she began to trace delicate shapes up and down his dick with a finger, teasing and stroking. With the other, she began to explore his member, running up and down, gently squeezing the base.

"Um, where are your balls?" she asked, one hand venturing underneath his growing meat, now closer to eight inches long. Blood began to well in the tip, making it look almost purple.

"Oh...." The dragon crooned under her efforts. "Dragons are oh that's good. A superior race. Yessss....oh, when we get closer to mating, my sac will drop, but, oh keep doing that, until then, they're safe from being kicked or anything like...oh..." She looked a little disappointed, but quickly focused at the job at hand. He was now ten inches long, still growing, two and a half inches wide. She brought her second hand up from teasing underneath to stroke his dick. With both hands squeezing pleasurably up and down, she leaned forward and lapped at his head. She froze, and pulled back. A terrible expression washed over her face.

"I'm sorry, but, you don't taste anything like I imagined. You're all bitter and...gross." She swallowed just to get the taste off her tongue. She went back to jerking him off, careful to keep her mouth and nose away from his tip.

"If you were in heat," he said and groaned. "Or if you were a dragoness, that'd be the best taste in the world to you. Here," he closed his eyes and flexed all his muscles at once, pumping blood into his member. Eight inches of length and two more of width materialized as if summoned by magic. "There. Should be hard enough for you take comfortably." Her eyes widened at the sight of his equipment, and she stopped working with her hands.

"How much bigger are you?" she asked, mind already entertaining ideas of how she was going to take the monster.

"About twice that and a little more. That's why you're on top. No one but an bovine, equine, or a dragoness could take me totally, and if were mounting you, every thrust would be to the hilt, so to speak."

"Okay, just, uh, try not to get any bigger, alright?" this comment caused another outburst of laughter from the dragon. His whole body shook with paroxysms of madness.

"Asking a dragon not to have a draconic sized cock, ha that's priceless! Like asking the sun not to shine! Now, are you going to do this, or are you gonna leave us both unfulfilled?"

"Gimme a minute," the wolf girl replied, tail twitching ecstatically. "I'm thinking." His tail, hanging off the side of the bed, decided the time for thought had passed, and the time for action was nigh. It swept up from the floor and pushed her down onto his length. A cry of shock escaped her lips as she was impaled on his reptilian instrument.

"Do you like anal?" he asked, grinning with pleasure and excitement, though, the maniacal spark in his eyes and a maw spread wide filled with glistening, razor sharp teeth hardly read 'joy.'

"What? No!" she nearly shouted, filled with nervous, anticipatory energy.

"Your loss," the dragon said, and let his tail fall to the floor. "Sorry about, you know, but you're not supposed to tease a dragon."

"No, it's fine," she said, getting up. Keeping his tip lined up with her moist folds of flesh, she stood up, feet planted firmly on the bed on either side. Sinking down to her knees, his tower of dick was forced inside her love tunnel, stretching her wide. A pained grimace painted her face, but it soon melted into a look of joy as she stood back up, feeling the blood-swollen nubs on his dick rubbing every secret place inside her.

"You know your dick looks and feels like a sex toy? I mean your shaft, anyway." She punctuated the sentence with a moan of ecstasy.

"The latex and silicone industries know that even happily married women secretly want a dragon in the bedroom, so who do you think they go to when they're designing new products?"

"Ohhhh," she moaned. "I guess that makes sense...You could be in pornos, making all sorts of money you know. Why are you running a tiny little shop here in Miami?" She was going down on him harder and faster, taking a little bit more of his gargantuan size each time. She began to pant, eyes half-closing and staying closed longer with each blink, while the dragon appeared to be snoozing.

"That's a good question, but is this really the time for it?" he asked, fighting the urge to put his clawed hands on her shoulders and force her to take him all the way.

"Oh god, I think I'm about to..." she trailed off, eyes closed, mouth open, tongue lolling out. "Cum," she said a few minutes later, body instinctively riding the dragon despite her conscious mind's lack of input.

"Did you?" she asked, eyes still closed. "I didn't feel anything but pleasure...oh god, you're so big and good."

"Dragon seed is potent," he said, gently running the smooth backside of a claw tenderly down her face. "Even if you're on the pill, I'd still knock you up. And I don't even know you. Just keep riding until you get tired."

"Okay," she agreed, standing up to slid back down again. Not needing any guidance to keep him aiming straight for her pleasure spots, both of her hands tugged and worked at her erect pink tits, adding more pleasurable sensations to those already coming from his meat rubbing and grinding inside her.

They continued this way for nearly an hour more. The wolf slid off the dragon for the last time and collapsed in a heap beside him, too tired to continue.

"Well, did you satisfy your desire to be with a dragon?" he asked, but she was already asleep, crooked smile on her face, tail slumped contentedly over her naked form. Before he fell asleep, more from habit of taking of afternoon naps than exhaustion, he kissed the horny wolf, once, tenderly, on the cheek.