Into the Deep

Story by Elanna on SoFurry

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Anawyn flew along the coast, scanning the water for a quick meal. The osprey often did his hunting in lakes and rivers, but there were some tasty fish that only showed up along the ocean shore. The deeper waters could be a bit dangerous for a lone bird, especially one not well-liked by fish, but this close to the beach was generally safe enough.

The raptor was wearing his usual hunting gear: a light, waterproof vest and a pair of swim trunks. His winged arms rarely beat as he soared over the water, spread to take in the updrafts and thermals. His golden eyes scanned for any hint of fish, and his talons flexed in anticipation of a nice meal.

Something moved, a shadow under the water. Anawyn grinned and banked over, dropping down. He swung his legs under, wings spreading wide and catching the wind to flip himself around so that he was pretty much falling, talons first. He spread his clawed toes, wingfeathers turning to adjust his aim.

The dive looked right on target, the osprey eager for what looked like a nice, big fish, when suddenly a second shape appeared. This one was even bigger, much too big. Anawyn let out a worried squawk, quickly trying to readjust his descent, regain some height. It was too late though.

The first thing he saw rise from the water was teeth, seemingly endless grinning teeth. Then the rest of the shark appeared, an anthro lemon shark with cruel black eyes and yellowish back.

Before Anawyn could do anything, the shark reached out an arm and grabbed hold of the bird's left wing. The grip was strong, almost painful, "Welcome, birdy. You're just what I wanted," he grinned, then, as the osprey was just opening his beak to protest, the sea creature turned about with a splash of his legless tail and dove under the water, dragging the poor bird along with him.

Anawyn quickly went into panic mode once he was under the water. He thrashed about, swinging wings, swiping with his talons. The shark was clearly stronger though, and all it really succeeded in doing was getting his captor to pull him closer and hold him tighter.

Anawyn's struggles slowed as he began to feel light-headed. He'd been using up air quickly with his movements, and was regretting it now. It was getting darker, he could only faintly see his captor as they went deeper and deeper. It occurred to him, dimly, that even if he pulled free, it was a long way to the surface, and the shark was a far better swimmer. He slumped and closed his eyes. He probably couldn't make it all the way up anyway. He was doomed.

The dying bird felt a jolt, his attention brought back to his fishy captor. The shark's teeth loomed before him. . . And then a clawed hand lifted up to his beak. He felt it get pried open, and he didn't bother resisting. He was caught off guard though when he felt something slippery and wriggling get pushed in. He gacked and coughed, taking in water, and felt it wriggle down his throat. He coughed again, and felt a shudder run through him, something shifting, squirming through his muscles and veins. It was strange, but it was hard to care too much, his vision was fading, water getting in his lungs. . .

And then the world became clear. He could see through the dark water, and then he could breathe. His eyes felt strange, and he could feel, after a moment, gills open on his neck. Sounds were different too, everything more alive, no longer just murky nothing. They were close to the ocean floor now, a sandy expanse stretching all around. They must have been going out as well as down, as the shore was no where to be seen. Nearby was some sort of ruins, a broken archway, some columns, and the remains of a small schooner. Fish swam all about, small ones mostly, and crustaceans skittered across the sand. Anawyn gasped, pulling more water through his new gills, amazed he wasn't dead. It took him a moment to realize that the shark had released him, and was watching him from a few feet away.

"Surprised? I could have killed you of course, but I wouldn't do that by drowning. No self-respecting shark would use anything but their teeth." His tail gave a casual flick, "You may call me Gareth, bird."

Anawyn could hear him perfectly, a deep, gravely voice. He focused again, finding his voice, "Why'd you bring me down here then? What's going on?" He couldn't keep the fear from his tone. He might seem safe, but it wouldn't take much for the situation to turn around again. Ospreys were horrible swimmers.

Gareth chuckled, and began swimming in a slow circle around Anawyn, "Mmm, I'm mostly just going to show you. A little something I've been working on for some time, for the next fishing bird I got a hold of. Something to remove one fish killer from the world, and replace them with something far better."

The shark slipped up behind, and grabbed the bird's vest. Anawyn tried to wriggle free, but Gareth just removed the garment, letting it float down as he went back to his swimming.

Anawyn drifted back, putting some distance between them, his worry growing, "Remove?" Replace was weirder, what did that mean? Remove sounded bad though. . . Then he latched onto something else, "Wait, fish killer? Sharks eat fish all the time."

The shark's already beady eyes seemed to grow darker, "Yes, I eat fish. But that is part of this world. We hunt and eat beneath the water, but that's all as it should be, there's a pattern to it. You come from above, you dive down, snatch an unsuspecting fish, and drag it into the harsh air, to die away from the comforting deep." The shark kept up his slow, menacing circles as he spoke. Anawyn felt. . . Well, not too guilty, but a little. And his uneasiness was growing.

The shark stopped, tail swishing slowly as he floated in front of the bird. His grin exposed again, "But I can fix this. Starting with you. The magic to make you breathe here isn't the only spell I've designed for surface dwellers. Rrrr, this won't be pleasant at first, but you'll thank me when it's over."

Anawyn wasn't sure what to make of this sudden shift. It still sounded threatening, but not fatal like he'd expected. Magic? "What do you mean? What are you going to do to me? I can leave and stop fishing in the ocean, I mostly fish in lakes anyways, ospreys are barely even sea birds. You don't need to do this!"

The shark laughed at that. Once again, he moved before Anawyn realized it, his claws hooking into the osprey's shorts. He tugged them down, then pulled away again. Anawyn watched them go down, tempted to swim after them. He was just starting to wonder why the shark wanted him naked when the next words caught his attention. "No, I don't really have to. But I very much want to." He slowly raised up his clawed hands. Anawyn began to back away as they started to glow. The bird tried to swim, kicking with poorly designed talons and heavy, difficult wings, "You can't run away, not now. I just have to direct the spell. . ."

The osprey kicked his legs, struggling to get some speed going.

As he thrashed in the water, he noticed some sort of black fluid forming and swirling around him. It moved with him, keeping an even distance away even as he moved farther from Gareth. More of it was developing too, thick blackness moving through the water. Anawyn's eyes snapped to the shark, whose glowing hands were gesturing, apparently directing whatever this was.

Anawyn was starting to get the hang of swimming, but it was doing little good. Gareth followed along with easy movements of his tail while the blackness grew, then began to tighten. The bird cheeped worriedly, trying to draw away from it as it closed in on his legs, but it was coming from all sides. He gave up on the swimming and brought his legs down tight together, buying himself a few more moments before it touched him, "You can't escape it, though I don't mind watching you try."

The fluid was thick, almost solid, and very slick. It clung to his feathers and scales, sticky, wrapping itself around in bands that squeezed his limbs together. He felt panic rising more, "What is this stuff?" he asked, breathing harder, even though his gills were doing the real work. He watched and felt the bands as they obscured his talons and legs in a sort of cocoon, still more growing and thickening, until his body up to his knees was no longer visible. He wriggled in the bindings, trying to pull free, but he wouldn't budge.

"It's a rubber material, basically latex," Gareth said, clearly enjoying the bird's discomfort. Anawyn hadn't actually expected an answer, but realized it wasn't really helpful. He was still trapped, and now it was moving farther up, bands wrapping around his thighs, squeezing them together. At first he didn't notice what else it was doing, but then he spotted a change down below, where his talons were squeezed painfully. There was a little bump that began to grow into a fin shape, more and more like Gareth's own.

Anawyn tried to process what he was seeing, "You're making me. . . A shark costume?" he asked. His fear was at least briefly muffled by confusion.

Gareth grinned in return, and lifted his arms, "No, osprey, I'm making you into a shark." His fingers clenched, and Anawyn felt the latex tighten down more. It squeezed his legs and talons tighter, tighter, and then the squeezing suddenly stopped. He felt it oozing into him, melding and becoming his flesh.

The bird tried to move his legs, but they felt like one. He couldn't move his toes at all, trying to just made the growing fin move and wriggle. He squawked, reaching down, trying to peel off the latex, but his claws couldn't find any sort of purchase. It had made it mostly up his thighs now, approaching his genital slit. He did his best to clench down, but it flowed in anyway, and unwanted pleasure came with it.

"It will feel good too. Better and better." Gareth slowly worked the spell. The osprey's lower half was increasingly smoothed out and shark-like. Smaller fins were developing too, anal and secondary dorsal, and he could feel each one of them, move them. All made from living black latex. And he could feel his cock getting a coating too, throbbing as the tightness caressed it, "You're going to slowly loose the desire to be a bird, become a creature of the sea like me. No more bird, one new shark for me. . ." He said in a low growl.

Anawyn realized the shark was approaching again, "I don't want to be a shark-" he began, but cut himself off. He let out a soft moan, that pleasure inside his slit rising. He gave a few swishes of his new tail to get some distance from Gareth then, feeling embarrassed about it, but unable to stop, reached his fingers into his latex slit. Already the material was moving on, pelvic fins forming before it moved across his belly and back.

Inside his slit, the bird could feel his rubbery shaft. His touch brought another squirm of pleasure, but then the realization that it was diminishing, shrinking. It felt good, better with each moment, but horrifying too. His beak worked as he felt his cock melt away inside him. . . Then saw his hips round out a little. During his distraction, Gareth had been moving, and now suddenly popped up right next to the half-shark, "Yesss, you're going to be my shark girl, bird."

Anawyn withdrew his fingers quickly. His belly was completely covered, smooth and slender now, and he could feel the beginnings of another fin, obvious from the sudden new sense of control in it, forming behind him. The shark rubbed against him slowly, curling his tail to rub fins. Anawyn shook his head, though his fear felt strange now, mixed with the constant, building pleasure in his rubbery new opening, "I- I don't want to- please, just-"

Gareth smirked, then pressed his claspers up against Anawyn's cloaca. The touch felt good, need growing unbidden in the changing bird. The shark reached down his claws, sliding them inside, rubbing slowly and then stretching the latex opening. It was simpler than a normal female, really just a smooth, stretchy slit, but it felt wonderful. Anawyn gasped, panting and pushing back against his captor. His protests started turning to moans, "Yes, that's my girl. It's hard to resist, isn't it?"

The osprey shut his beak, forcing it closed just to stop the sounds he was making. It was true though, it felt good, and even more than that, it felt. .. enticing. He couldn't pick up how much was him and how much was the magic. Was turning into a female rubber shark innately sexy? It. . . It seemed like it was, or was that more magic? He could no longer tell. Resistance was fading more and more, so quickly turned from fear to what was almost excitement. His insides were shifting too, he could feel the latex overtaking and replacing muscle and bones, sinking through what was once his flesh.

The lemon shark pressed his claspers against the spread opening. The two stiff shafts slid in, then he let go with his fingers. The snap around the shark's dual cocks squeezed them together, and both shark and bird hissed in pleasure. Gareth brought his hands up, kneading Anawyn's chest as the latex flowed over it. It felt good too, and the osprey spread his wings in a less hesitant croon of pleasure, "Mmm, you'll be such a pretty shark. And loyal, once your mind is mine. Already you want to be one don't you? Feel my magic take your wings away. . ."

The bird knew it was wrong, but he couldn't stop nodding and gasping. His dorsal fin had grown in, and now with every knead, his chest pushed out. Slowly, but consistently, black latex rounding into the shark's eager hands. He knew what was coming, and he found he welcomed it. Changes flowing inside, up into his chest, heart and lungs, then pushing out, beginning to round. It felt so nice as her breasts formed, rubber nipples poking up and getting teased. She fluttered her wings in the water, "Oh, yessss, please. . ."

Gareth pinched her nipples, getting another squeak and wriggle of her tail-length. He pushed his claspers in deeper, shivering a little himself, "Mmm, need to keep my concentration still. . ." He lamented, gazing down lustfully at the blackened portion of her body. He moved his hands away, rubbing tailfins as he did, and she almost protested before catching herself. Was she that far gone already? Fear flashed again, realization that she really was losing himself. Gareth spoke again, "I'll take away every bit of the sky from you. Melt it away, make you serve me instead. And you'll enjoy it, mmm, and I'll love hearing my former bird beg for me to fill her." He moved his hands, glowing again, swirling his fingers. The latex drew out around the bird's wings, starting to wrap the long primary feathers, bending them and covering them. It should have felt uncomfortable, but it didn't. The latex was feeling so sensual, Anawyn felt herself slipping again. She should care about her wings going, losing flight. . . But Gareth's words encouraged her, "No more wings, no more feathers. And only a little voice in the back of your head minding anymore." He spoke as he wound the blackness around. She felt her wings bound down, then melded away, arms reforming as smooth and feminine, with long rubbery claws.

"Almost gone, soon you'll just be shark." He slid inside her once more, pressed close so her breasts squeezed against his chest. The pleasure brought in another rush of need to give in. She wanted him around her, in her, her Master filling her. Master? The word just popped in, it shouldn't be right, but. . . She shook her head, trying to grab onto that spark of who she was, even as latex crawled up over and into her gills, slicked down her crest. She was fading, she shouldn't fade, she should. . .

"And now your pretty new face, then you're all mine." That brought a moment of struggle, some instinct inside her protesting. . . But only for a moment. She wanted this, she wanted it so deeply. It couldn't just be the spell, it had to be her desire. She nodded and dipped her head down, tongue out as the fluid glowed down, covering her head, her eyes. Briefly, all went truly black as her golden eyes were covered. She could still feel her Master, and she clutched him, trusting him to reform and improve her, to make her his. She moved, feeling his cocks inside her as the latex took her beak. It flowed, covered, then began to change. She felt it grow, face and snout forming a smooth line, eyes pushing forward. Teeth, a few at first, then more and more, sharp and jagged, if still rubber, filled her maw. Everything was shifting and moving, until nothing remained of the bird. She could feel her lovely snout, so much smoother, more pure, her whole body improved and perfected. Her eyes slowly opened again, fully black now, and staring at the grinning teeth of her master, "Mmm, and now I take you," he hissed.

She shivered through her whole shiny body. There wasn't even a hint of protest, no cry from what she was in her head. She just wanted this now, "Mmmm, yesss, I need you, Master," she responded, pushing her chest against him, arms slipping around, their tails rubbing and stroking. She tilted her head to bite his throat tenderly with softer teeth, something which he responded to by hissing in approval, then finally thrusting into her properly, his squeezed claspers pushing in deep, making her feel whole.

She writhed on his spires, crooning and rubbing all over him, They moved and thrashed together in the water as his cocks pulled back, then pushed in, humping, filling, testing her stretchy depths. His claws squeaked down her sides and along her fins, feeling every inch as she cried for more, "Mmm, even more willing than I expected. Maybe you weren't really so resistant to begin with. Or maybe shark is just much stronger than bird," he laughed, voice husky as he thrust again. He lowered his head and bit her shoulder in return, her rubbery body taking the multitude of teeth with only minor damage. And it felt wonderful to have them in her, so strong and possessive.

Her fingers rubbed under his dorsal as she urged him along, "Yesss, this feels so much better. I will always be yours Master, always serve and love. . ." She trailed off as her words became moans again. He wasn't speaking any more, he was too focused on mating now, drifting into almost feral instincts, teeth still in her. Each thrash, each thrust was harder than the last, her durable body stretched but holding. She gasped in water, lifting her snout, feeling him, feeling herself. She clenched her fingers, breathing in, holding, squeezing, letting him take her. This was what she needed, this filling, this wonderful feeling sinking into her again and again, the tightening of him against her as he grew closer, so close, so very close. . . And then the hot rush releasing inside.

Anawyn joined Gareth's muffled hiss with a loud moan, letting out all her pent up pleasure, releasing her old life, letting it drift off to the forbidden sky. As her owner pumped seed from both his shafts, she shuddered, then relaxed, gazing up towards the light far above. She didn't need it any longer, she didn't need the air, the clouds, the sun. She was a shark, and she belonged here. She gazed down again, averting her eyes from the light to look at Gareth. Her master raised his gaze, showed that wicked grin again, and she felt a thrill as she knew she'd always be his.