Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 8

Story by KateTheMarten on SoFurry

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#9 of Love at Twin Oaks

Sorry this took so long, February has just not worked out for me. I hope you'll find it worth the wait! ;)

"Take me...." he moaned.

Florien heard the creaking of the barn floor boards as the heavier male slowly approached him. His own breath was ragged, and the pounding of his heart throbbed in his ears. He was finally going to act on the desires that had been tormenting him for all these years.

Ever since his antlers had come in, Florien had known he wasn't like all the other boys. While they were all chasing after skirts he had joined in, but it had never felt right. To prove to himself that he was as good as anyone else Florien had set his sights high and began courting the lovely Therese Jacobson. Surely the most beautiful doe in the county would stir some desire in him?

Then one day, when picking up Therese for their weekly picnic, Florien had caught sight of Twin Oaks' head groom. In an instant he was lost, infatuated with the tall strong buck who walked with such assurance yet was gentle with even the most skittish beast. From that point on Therese was just an excuse to go to Twin Oaks and look at Dirk. Florien had even gone to approach the object of his desire once, but at the last moment had lost his nerve and ended up buying a carriage horse instead of having a conversation.

Finally Florien had realized that no girl, regardless of how pretty and sweet she was, could hold his heart and stir his lust. He knew that the people of his small county would never accept him as he was, nor would he be likely to meet anyone who shared his inclinations. Thus his excuse and escape was devised.

One thing still remained: to go to the capital as an innocent just wouldn't do and, after all, he HAD been lusting after that sexy buck for a long time.

So here he was, leaned over a dusty tack chest, pants at his ankles, and throat aching from giving his first blow job; prepared to let the very aroused groom behind him take his virginity. And he couldn't wait.

The footfalls got closer and closer, and then Florien felt a great weight on his back as Dirk leaned over and placed his lips near the small buck's ear. Florien felt the warmth of the groom's breath as he whispered, "Get ready, little slut, I'm going to give you exactly what you've always wanted...."

A visible shiver ran down Florien's body has the big male leaned back and positioned his hips. He let out a startled squeak when Dirk grabbed his tail and pulled it up and out of the way. With the thumb of the same hand he pressed against the pucker nestled between Florien's cheeks. The inexperience little hole tightened at the intrusion and Florien pulled back slightly.

"Not having second thoughts, are you? Because you've got me all worked up and I don't think I'm going to let you get away that easy."

Florien forced himself to relax as the digit slowly entered him. The feeling of being entered was causing tingles of excitement to shoot from his anus right down his growing shaft. As Dirk's thumb worked deeper and began stroking the insides of his passage, the submissive buck couldn't help but release some of the moans that had been trapped in his throat. The work-roughened skin of the grooms hands rubbed pleasurably against Florien's skin and he pushed back into the invasion with delight. Slowly the pain faded and, just when Florien was getting warmed up, the finger pulled away. He keened with its loss, but before he could move, a presence was back and pressing insistently against the entrance. The smooth wetness of it left no doubt in the young buck's mind as to what it was.

Florien forced himself to relax as the tip of Dirk's cock pierced his ass, the slender tip easing its entry into the tiny opening. The young male swallowed convulsively as he remembered how the same penetration felt in his throat, how wide his mouth was stretched with the big buck's girth and length. As that thought entered his mind his own smaller member flexed with pleasure, tightening his anus around the head of his lover's cock.

Dirk groaned with frustration and bliss when the tight passage became even more snug, the need to thrust into the male below him becoming almost unbearable. But he knew that if he did so the damage from his size would pain the young buck greatly and, despite his earlier claims, he didn't want to cause any harm to the boy. Slowly he eased his hips forward, bit by bit sinking his nine inch length into the willing male below him. At last the weight of his balls rested against the other buck's behind, and his cock was being massaged along its entirety by the flexing muscles of Florien's rump.

If Florien had thought that being penetrated was enjoyable, then the feeling of being full of hot, throbbing cock was unimaginable ecstasy. The two males paused and allowed each other to get accustomed to the new sensations, balanced on the precipice of what they both knew was something they wouldn't soon forget.

Dirk inhaled deeply and laboriously pulled his hips back, dragging his dick out of the hot tight ass until only the tip remained inside. He tightened his grip on the white tail in front of him, and grabbed Florien by the hip with the other.

"Ready or not..." he growled, and thrust forward with all his might.

Nothing in his life could have prepared Florien for the onslaught of pleasure as the big buck ploughed into his rear, slamming against his prostate with every lunge. He was forced to breath in time as Dirk's thrusts squeezed him up against the tack chest. Against closed lids he saw starbursts of color, like fireworks in his mind. His own cock, rigid almost to the point of pain, pressed against the dusty, crusted burlap sack underneath him.

Unable to bear any more indirect stimulation, Florien reached down and grasped his shaft. Enough pre had leaked down its length that no further lubrication was required, and he began stroking himself leisurely, enjoying every brush of his finger-tips along the head and every nudge of his sack with his wrist. Though he tried, Florien could not maintain that measured pace for long. Pleasure caused his hips to buck forward on every down-stroke and soon he was pumping as furiously in the front as he was being fucked in the back.

Dirk knew the second that Florien began touching himself. The slender male tensed up all over, including every inch of his already tight rear end, then began thrusting back into his crotch with the speed of a buck possessed. Dirk knew he couldn't keep up this pace for long, especially after having fucked down this little slut's throat earlier. He increased his speed, causing the younger buck to howl with bliss.

"Oh God, Dirk! I can't take it anymore, I'm going to cum!" Florien cried as he frantically stroked his rod. Mere moments later he jerked back and began spurting thin streams of semen onto the front of the tack chest. They trailed down the dusty surface, leaving dark trails, before pooling on the equally dirty floor.

As Florien came, his ass clamped down on Dirk's cock like a vice, providing more pressure than the big male had ever felt. He lost control. Doubling his speed, he growled and slammed Florien's hips toward himself. He had never been more desperate to come.

Still lost in the ecstasy of his own orgasm Florien hardly heard Dirk's growl, but when the hot gushes of cum began flooding into his rear the young male writhed with pleasure, his already spent dick straining to produce nothing but a few dribbles. Florien sighed with contentment as he relaxed into the cup of Dirk's lap.

Before he could get comfortable however, Dirk stood up abruptly and pulled away, leaving the smaller male staggering for balance. With a sharp slap to an exposed butt cheek, Twin Oak's head groom chided, "Now git' you little piece of ass!"

Florien rushed to pull his breeches up from his ankles and tottered his way out the barn door into the darkness of the night.