Female Run Gentleman's Club

Story by Marcius on SoFurry

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Contains fun with strap ons hanging sex harness and multiple girls toying with a cute fox, and a twist at the end that some might not enjoy. So if your sqwemish about any of the above or any of the key words used describing this story please dont pester me about it bothering you. If you loved all of it and want more, pester all you like.


Danny wasn't a big business fox and he wasn't a famous artist, he wasn't really anyone important at all. But there was one place that he went every week that, that didn't matter, Sexy Fur's. If you were someone, you didn't brag about it in the strip club, if you weren't anyone it didn't matter. He'd been going to the strip club for almost a year and most of the girls there knew him by sight, but none knew his name. He was just like everyone else there, he just kinda melted into the blur of the music and the juicy bits that danced to it. At the end of one long Friday at work Danny knew that he couldn't face going home and being alone until nightfall before he went out to the club. So even though it was against his usual routine, sneaking in from

the parking lot across the street after dark, Danny headed for the strip club right after work.

He parked and quickly made his way to the front door, where he paused for a moment before going in. He thought about it and decided to get inside before anyone he knew passed by and saw him standing outside the strip joint. Inside was lighter than usual, as the bright sun outside forced its way in through the heavily tinted windows, and the music wasn't so loud as he

remembered it from before. Still for some reason he felt better once he saw the beautiful blue furred ocelot waiting for him at the bar with a smile on her lush red lips.

"Hello cutie." She said, but it seemed a little more friendly than the normal greeting she gave.

Maybe it was his lucky day. "Do you know what today is?"

"Its Friday." Danny said as he flipped his tail out of the way and took a seat on one of the bar


"Yes, but do you know what's special about it?"

"Not really..." He trailed off.

"Well you're the first guy in here today."

Danny nodded.

"So that mean's we're gonna play with you for free."

Suddenly Danny became very aware of the three girls that had come up behind him, and the glint in the bar tender's eyes.

"What's the catch?" Danny asked trying not to sound frightened.

"You'll see." The ocelot said as she lunged across the bar and knocked him out of his seat into the waiting arms of the three girls behind him.

Danny struggled briefly, the feminine hands never could have restrained him if they'd been on their own, but together he couldn't get free.

"Don't fight, we're not going to hurt you." A luscious voice came over the music and the girls turned Danny towards the stage, where all the lights were trained in on a gorgeous blond bunny wearing a deep red dom outfit. Danny hadn't ever seen her before.

"I own this club, and I know what your thinking why would a girl run a gentleman's club, right?" Danny nodded. "Well this is a special club, girl run and girl operated. So as you might suspect we like our jobs. Once a year we pick one guy and we make him ours for the whole year." Danny's ears perked.

"What do you mean... Yours?" He ask, but he got no answer.

"Bring him up here." The bunny demanded and the girls slowly moved him up on stage as a harness descended from the ceiling rafters.

After that the talking came to an end and was replaced by girly giggling and moans of 'that's so cute', every time he made a face the girls liked as they manipulated him into their harness. He was strapped into a swing, a muzzle was put over his mouth, his legs were lashed to the swing's ropes so his crotch was exposed, his arms were tied behind his back and a collar was put around his neck with a leash was attached first to it then to a hook in the ceiling. Then came the scissors, which tore through his work uniform without hesitation. His eyes darted around as best they could to try and keep up with what the dozen hands were up to but it just wasn't possible. Suddenly they all stopped, and it didn't take him long to see why. Standing between his legs was the owner of the club holding a small pair of precision scissors at the band of his underwear. The girls were all staring intently at the bulge pushing at the fabric with every beat of his heart. He flipped his tail up quickly to cover himself, only to have it pulled away and cuffed to the ring on the back of his new collar.

"Lets see what he's packing shall we girls?"



The elastic in his last shred of clothing snapped and with a few more cuts his foxy member was standing up out of its sheath for all of them to see. It bounced in the air a few times as Danny wished it would go back into hiding so they couldn't get at it, but he didn't have long to think about be before the owner bent down and took the head of his penis in her mouth.

She sucked on it as hard as she could and then pulled back until it burst out of her mouth with a pop. Danny yipped with excitement even through his muzzle, all of his want to be somewhere else disappeared, and his hips thrust at the empty air. The ocelot leap on him next and began licking at his balls while a gray wolf girl sucked at one of his nipples and the other was taken by lizard with the biggest breast in the whole place.

"Girls." The owner said calmly and they all paused, but did not move. "Remember, he's not allowed to cum." Danny groaned, but was immediately silenced when they went back to work on his exposed body.

It only took a matter of moments before he was on the edge of exploding in orgasmic exhilaration. So much attention was being paid to parts of him that were so rarely touched, he couldn't take it. He strained in his bonds and his whole body began to shutter, but then as one they all knew he could take no more, and as one they backed away.

"You were so hopeful, I could see it in your eyes, and your toes and your paws. Your whole body longs for it." The bunny said as she walked up looming over him. "Well we can keep youhere all night, not quite able to make it over the edge."

She slumped something thick and heavy onto his shoulder, and then pulled it away slowly as she turned to walk around him. As she did Danny saw the huge equine strap on that was attached to her.

"Ever played with one of these?" She asked as she came to stand at the base of his swing. He tried to hide it, but somehow she knew.

"Really now, anything this big." He shook his head.

"You'll love it, you'll be so yiffy you can't think straight. Of course, I know, without someone touching your cute little cock you wont be able to cum."

From his previous experience he knew she was right, and he could tell she wasn't going to fool around either. "Oh and... my little foxy, I can tell by the look in your eyes you know I'm right."

Two of the girls proceeded to clean him out with a bulb, then another pair took their time stretching his tail end with a bottle of yiffy lube and a pair of vibrators, before the bunny mercilessly pushed her huge tool into him. He huffed and moaned and groaned as she slammed into his small frame over and over again, but he didn't cum and without someone playing with his member he knew he never would. With every pump of her huge tool his cock pulsed and dribbled out more precum. Finally after what felt like forever she pulled back one final time before ramming home and leaving him to roll in the afterglow of her assault.

His breathing was short and rampant, the music was drowned out by the sound of his own heartbeat, and all the girls seemed to be just the background to the massive hormone rush going on inside him. He didn't notice as they clamped a tight ring around his now soft member, which was longing for release so much that a pool of his precum was lying in his soft white belly fur. Having been untouched for so long, his soft cock was no longer the focus of his sexual energy. He didn't feel it as he was lubed up for the dozenth time and his shaft was slipped into a tight little cage. He didn't even hear the sound of the clasp on the lock as it clicked shut. Then he was offered a drink through a small straw, which he gladly took, and it put him to sleep almost instantly.

Danny woke up the next morning with a raging hard on. He rolled over lazily not thinking much of it, wondering about the rush of half remembered things in his head, they felt like memories of a dream, but there was more to it than that. They felt so real he just lie there with his member throbbing, while he reveled in the yiffy feelings coursing through him. He couldn't wait to get up take a shower and get himself off. He reached down to touch himself, and yipped in horror, before throwing the covers off as quick as he could. Looking at himself he felt a rush of unexplained excitement as his eyes washed over the unforgiving metal cage which held his cock prisoner. It wouldn't let his cock retract back into its sheath, no wonder his dreams were so sex filled. He reached around to his tail, and felt the slimy lube covering most of his rear. He looked around wondering if maybe the girls from the club were still watching him, but there was no one in his room. All he found was his collar from the night before with a note, anytime he came to the club he was to be wearing his collar, and he'd be lucky if he got to cum again in the next year. But there was a ray of hope at the end.

"That's not to say you wont feel what its like to have each of us inside you.


The Horrible Beginning to a Happy Ending

Only read on if your yiffy 18+. Reading under that can seriously alter your sexuality against your will. I know it did mine. Go talk to your friends or parents about this sort of stuff before you get to far into it, cause alot of it is imaginary and...

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Mage with a Twist

This here is my second attempt at perhaps making something that might be rewarded with your adoration. young 'un ye be warned that this story's got more yiff in than the last one 'cause everyone complained about my shortness. There, amongst the...

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Even before the boring stuff, this is a story of yiff, implied yiff, and fur. Little children will no doubt read it, but you should wait until your older cause then it makes more sense. The boring stuff is at the bottom if you care. I...

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