A Night Out

Story by DewtheDew on SoFurry

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This story is adult-rated and contains some incest.

Cristina sighed as she got home, opening the door and dropping her backpack off in the corner. She saw her father sitting on his usual spot after a day's work - sitting on the couch reading the newspaper.

Cristina managed her way towards him, grinning as she plopped herself onto his lap. "Hello!" she would greet him with a wide, cute grin. Cristina and her father lived alone after her mother had passed away. Only fourteen, she and her father have managed their way just fine so far.

Her father would quirk a grin, tilting his nose down to peek at her passed his reading glasses. "Hey angel.. I have some fun planned for tonight." At this, Cristina would tilt her head, eagerly awaiting his idea and plans. Her father continued, "Since it's Friday.. let's go to the movies to help you relaxe.. and then later this weekend we'll help decorate your room.. what do you say to this, princess?". Of course, his daughter was enthusiastic, grinning widely and nodding her head excitedly. Her father would pat her on the back and told her to go get ready.

Upstairs, Cristina kept on her school uniform which consisted of a tight white blouse and a rather short pleated skirt; the only thing she did was readjust her makeup and add some perfume. Once she was done, she rushed downstairs to her father who was already waiting by the door. "Let's go!" he said, and she would hurriedly make her way out the door.

On the way to the theatre, her father had his hand on her thigh, massaging and caressing it. Sure, this might seem strange to most people, but the lion and his little kitten were close.

"Get out and wait for me.. I'll go park the car, sweetie." he said. His daughter climbed out and waited on the curb. When he returned, he came up to her, scooping her dainty frame within his strong hold and walked up to the ticket counter. "Two tickets, please." the lion requested. The ticket holder gave both of them a weird look, but the two of them payed nothing of it.

Once situated in the movie theatre, Cristina would watch the movie intently while her father would occassionally offer a nuzzle to the back of her neck which would draw out a purr from Cristina. Both of them were shot uneasy glances by the other viewers, which the lion threatingly growled at them. His daughter quickly hushed him, saying it was alright.

The movie ended, and both of them stood up.

"Damn.." remarked the lion, glancing over his daughter with a grin. "I was hoping to plan a long kiss at the end of this date too." This kind of nonsense humor would drive a soft, cute giggle out of his daughter.

On the way home, he had once again settled his large paw onto her milky thighs, kneeding and massaging it as he drove them home. The lion and his daughter got out of the car and walked into the house.

The father found his comfortable spot on the sofa while his daughter glanced at pictures of her mother at the other side of his room. The lion saw this, and he quirked a frown knowing how upset Tina was to have grown up without a mother for the majority of the life. "Come here, baby.." the lion beckoned his daughter forward to a spot on his large lap. His daughter would make her way forward, her flared hips swaying side to side with each graceful step she took. "Wow.." the lion thought, "she has a sexier stride than her mothers."

Once the girl was situated on his lap, he would tilt his large head to the side. "Sweetie.. you know I love you and I'd do anything for you, right?" he asked. Thoughts of his wife began racing through his head, of all the good times the two had. He then looked over her daughter.. her perfect, developing chest pressed against the restraints of her blouse while he could only imagine what was beneath that skirt. His daughter had nodded, and remained looking at him until he came back to reality. "Good.. I'll be sure to take good care of you." he said with a reassuring grin. His daughter would smile, lean in and peck his nose with a kiss.

Thoughts continued to race through his mind, his large malehood, deprived of a female's touch peeked through its sheath as he looked over his daughters sexy frame once more. "You know what?" the lion asked rhetorically before he quickly went on without giving her time to answer. "I have a great idea.. I think you'll enjoy it."

With that, the lion scopped his daughter up within his arms and made his way to the bedroom. Laying her down on his bed, he would gently nuzzle his way along her neck, offering licks along her neck to groom that soft fur. He was continuing to become aroused, and at this pace he was unable to stop himself. Soon enough, he found that his large paw had managed its way to find a resting spot at his daughters perfectly sized breast. This would quickly catch her attention. "Daddy.." she said quietly, but the lion would move his muzzle to press against hers to shush her. Soon enough, his large muzzlelips were working against her own lush ones. Lust and interest was clearly seen in his daughters optics before they shut and she herself returned the kiss. The large lion's paws worked at the buttons to her blouse, growling in frusteration at how long this was taking and made a clean, precise swipe to quickly rid her chest of the blouse. Once her chest was free, the lion would move downwards, taking in one of her plump nipples and suckling on it with some strength. Her nipple would stiffen within his warm, welcoming maw.

This would drive a rather soft moan out of his daughter, glad that he was also pleasing her. As he continued to suckle on that supple tit, his paws made their way to her smooth legs, managing their way upwards to find her panties, which he quickly brought down. He then hiked up the hem of her skirt, revealing her glistening virginal folds. He licked his lips as he had caught her aroused scent. Gaze would slowly travel back up to his daughter, her innocent hues locked into his own, questioning his actions. He would give her the same, comforted grin that a father would make to reassure her that everything was going to be alright. She nodded as the lion had managed its way between her legs.

The lion's shaft was fully unsheathed, aroused at the thought of tearing his daughter's virginity away. He would slowly position himself, his tapered end pressed against her slit till his lust took over. With one, powerful thrust, her slit would gradually spread as the lion quickly fed her more of his large cock, not stopping at her maidenhead and instead driving right through out. Her daughter would gasp, her eyes wincing shut as tears began to trickle down the cheeks from being deflowered and spread so wide. He would only give her a second to recover before he slowly slid himself back only to drive powerful thighs crashing against her own. He would grip her hips, crushing that pelvis between powerful digits as he worked his hips back and forth, causing his rock hard shaft to pierce into his daughter everytime.

Cristina would moan aloud, her back arching as she was in dire need to have her fathers cock fill her. "Daddy... nngh!" she emitted.

Finding this a rather difficult position to fully take her daughter, he would pull himself out, flip her around and bring her up to allow her to settle her frame on all fours. He would hike up her tail, lowering his hips to meet hers before he once more impaled his daughter's small frame upon that large cock.

Cristina would cry out, her slit spread painfully wide and bleading from the tearing of her hymen. The lion was amazed at how tight his daughter was, and he was definitely proud to have the pleasure of taking such a beauty.

The lion leant over his daughters back as he continued to drive powerful thrusts into the girl's cunt, a constant slurping noise being emitted as he continued to fill Cristina's velvety smooth and sleek tresspasses.

The lion roared, moving his large paws from her hips to grip her breasts, squeezing them a bit harder than he should as he neared his climax. Cristina began to whimper from the mixture of feelings her twat had endured, pain from being spread so wide, so full and torn open, and from the pleasurable experience of her clit being tweaked along with her fathers thrusting.

The lion would continue to violate his daughters cunt till he had reached his climax. The lion roared once more, the room full with his sounds as he fired gout after gout of his liquid heat into his daughters reddening cunt. She herself cried out, letting out her own orgasm. The lion would rest against his daughters back a bit before he slowly pulled out after giving a somewhat strong slap to her curvaceous rump cheek. As he pulled out, the mixture of their cum would slowly trickle down his daughers slit in an almost sluttish way.

Cristina collapsed onto the bed, her bountiful chest heaving up and down as she struggled to regrain her breath. The lion would rest behind her, his large chest pressed against her back as he moved a large arm to hold her close to him. "Mm.. relax, princess..", but soon enough, his daughter was fast asleep, a rather faint grin spread across his daughters muzzle.
