Journey Into Madness Chapter 3

Story by cooldragon1990 on SoFurry

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Ok this chapter contains really violent Sexual gore. You will know what I mean. I am positive that the situations in this chapter can't happen but if you can then you are strong. Anyway this is incredibly violent so make sure you can handle your basic gore. I don't want to be sued by your parents/you for upsetting you're virgin mind. And I am really sorry about the shortness of the last chapter. This one will have gore to make up for it.

Chapter 3: Park part 2

The night passed slowly for Star who couldn't sleep even on the best of days and with the threat of the writer she couldn't even sleep if she tried. Charmander and Latias were worried sick about Star. Mudkip who was the youngest didn't know but that was not out of spite. He was ignorant of others feelings. Latias hadn't told Charmander about the note that must have been on Star's mind because she didn't want him to follow her and possibly get hurt.

Charmander on the other hand was dead worried. Being the closest to her he was able to pick up on potential threats but Star in this case was hiding her feeling very well. Only the psychic type could actually guess full on what was bothering her but even the power goes so far. She knew because of the note and that was only because it fell out from Star's possession.

Charmander finally got sleepy and headed off to the area where he and she slept. Mudkip had his own room to give them some privacy from him. He may be young but even he and the rest of the world knew that they had a thing for each other. Charmander was always with the mute Star and Mudkip was alright with that. Star liked each of them equally. She just liked Charmander more because he made sure to be the nicest to her.

Latias knew that Star was waiting for everyone to go to bed so she could humiliate herself to those bastards and she knew that she couldn't outlast a worried Chikorita. She was about to go up when a plan formed in her head. A plan that maybe she could still keep Star safe. She would follow the grass-type from a very safe distance and when Star looked to be in danger, she could run in and save her before anything bad happened.

She made as if to turn in, yawning (which wasn't hard to fake) and teleported to her room making extra sure to use her sensitive hearing so she would hear when Star made her way out. It didn't take long for the small pitter-patter of feet (they were so clumsy that she didn't have to strain) on the floor. She heard the door open and when it shut counted to 100. She knew that Star would be walking slowly because of fear and dread at what was to come.

Once she reached 100 she teleported outside and could barely make out Star in the distance. She floated for a few inches dread inching its way into her heart. Something bad was going to happen tonight. Star was indeed walking slowly and it took all of her control not to rush in and grab Star.

Soon though a hazy fog began to shroud the land and Latias had a hard time seeing the outline of Star and that worried her. This fog just appeared and she was positive Chikoritas couldn't do a move like this. Could someone know she was following her young charge? She didn't think so, she floated so she couldn't make any sound, could she?

Suddenly she realized that Star had vanished. Deciding to be risky, she teleported to where she last saw Star. No good, she just vanished. Now worry etched in her soul and began to eat at her paranoia. Star was going to be eaten alive by the monsters. She had to find her before it was too late but it was futile. Star just up and disappeared leaving no trace of herself behind. Latias gave a whine of frustration and fear. Was Star going to die before her life even started? They had given her a new life when they rescued her but now that was going to be taken away from the frightened soul.

Star herself had no idea that she was being followed she was lost in a haze of fear and isolation. She was going to die tonight and there was nothing that she could do about it. Tears came to her eyes but she swallowed those. If whoever sent that note saw her fear then they would be sure to hurt more than they did. She honestly couldn't see how that could do any more harm to her, but she imagined the worst.

The park was still no closer and an eerie fog swallowed up her last chance at escape. She only knew through some instinct that the park was just a few more miles this way. She thought of Charmander who had attached himself to her with no fear of her being mute. She didn't know if she was ever able to talk in her life but she knew only that it wasn't always like this. She loved him for being there but she didn't want him to sacrifice any sort of happiness for her, just to make her life happier.

A pain in her gut caused her to double over and roaring the feeling made tears of pain and misery fall down her cheek. It seemed to want something this terrible feeling. She didn't know what it was but she tried soothing it. Taking a deep breath and counting to 100 she slowly managed to tame the savage feeling inside her.

After several more minutes of slow fear laden walking, the sign welcoming her to the Poketown National Park loomed forebodingly ahead of her and sighing with a twisted sort of happiness she allowed herself a small victory break.

Sighing, she resumed what to her seemed like a death march. She felt like a prisoner being marched to her execution. She wondered again if she was going to die tonight. Making her way past the sign she sped up, might as well get this over with, she thought with a gloomy sense of humor. It wasn't long before she came to a clearing. A feeling told her that this was where they wanted her to be for this meeting of theirs. Like Latias, she knew there was more than one of them.

She sat on her haunches once she arrived in the middle, again the feeling telling her that was where to sit. She wondered how long they would make her wait. Not that she was in a hurry to go to her potential death but she just didn't want to be here all night. She thought of the warm bed that she had sacrificed to be here on a sick sense of time.

Suddenly through the fog three figures emerged and Star knew that the "party" was about to start. She gulped and rose to her feet. As she waited for the figures to reveal themselves, she thought of her life and the holes in her memory. She honestly couldn't think of anything about her past and she wondered if she would have a future to even find out.

"Welcome Star, so glad you could make it on such short time." The voice was hard and cold and there was something else there that she couldn't quite name. It did not send a happy feeling inside her. The feeling though was another matter. It seemed to want something. Was this feeling....alive? She couldn't quite tell but whatever she was here she might as well go down fighting instead of huddling in fear at her own shadow.

Finally the three figures came into the light so to speak and Star knew the Pokémon she was looking at. Not personally but the types. Nidoking, Seviper, and Ekans. They all had lusty grins on their faces. Though Star did not know it, they and she would be changed in the next moment.

Tears came unbidden to her face and she fought them fiercely down but alas more replaced the tears she managed to fight. Noticing this, they laughed and something horrible happened.

A.N: Ok the sex and gore happen here, last warning to avert your eyes. Are you still here? Well don't say I didn't warn you. THIS WILL BE GRAPHIC. But not sex wise. Well kinda but not in the way you're thinking.

Star screamed as a huge, turned on Nidoking grabbed Star, his dick unbelievably leaking even before anything happened. Noticing this, his companions snickered and Ekans said, "Fuck King you're already leaking before the party started? Damn!" Star saw Ekans reveal his twin penises to the world and she knew that they intended to rape her. Seviper also extremely turned on revealed himself as well.

Her mouth was forced down and she gave a moan of absolute fear. Noticing this Nidoking gave his own grunt and prepared to enter her ass. Star was freaking out and when he was close to her waiting hole, the feeling from earlier erupted and unbeknownst to her "admirers" her appearance slowly changed from green to a dark purple. Her vines made their way out from their place where all Chikoritas kept theirs. Thinking that she intended to jerk him off, Nidoking allowed this. Blades of sharp needles slowly formed all along them.

Nidoking expecting pure bliss never saw her transformation. Sharp fangs slid out from her gums and her eyes turned scarlet. Wings of a blood red sprouted from her back and screamed their freedom. Star was gone and in her place a monster from the deepest pits of hell. Finally noticing that something had changed in Star, Ekans and Seviper snapped out of their lust to gape in pure fear as Nidoking still had his eyes closed expecting at any moment to fuck Star till they both screamed their release.

What he did not expect was a blinding and infuriating extreme pain in his dick. Finally opening his eyes, the sight that met his eyes scared the living shit out of him. Extremely large, fat vines that had sort of razor sharp "teeth" and a grinning mouth were indeed masturbating him but instead of pleasure a sharp agonistic pain shot all over. Star's vines were alive and mutilating his dick. Thorns pierced the sensitive organ, holding him in place and all he could do was watch in fear as the monster that was Star ate his flesh. Blood and bits of flesh from his penis pooled underneath and he continued to scream in uncontrollable agony. Star meanwhile was a monster who had claws and slashed him to pieces revealing hiding organs. Ekans and his companion were rooted to the spot. There dicks were gone as any would after viewing something like this. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't move. Blood sprayed everywhere as a feeling slowly crept up and after realizing horribly what it was, Nidoking realized that he indeed was going to "cum" But why did this hurt to even think about. Star was on her feet still slashing her claws at her victim.

Organs fell to the ground as she opened him up. When he was about to release himself, She impaled his insides with her claws so that they were lodged deep. Giving a moaning shriek she yanked upwards at the same time he "came" Blood from the mutilated penis erupted spraying Star all over. Nidoking's upper half meanwhile exploded spraying more organs and gore all over Star and his by now white companions.

At this, their trance broke and they made out of there like the devil himself was chasing them. Star gave a savage shriek of lust dropping the upper half and the blood that was on her faded into her skin, where blood once was turned green as she absorbed the blood into her skin.

When she was the normal color of Chikoritas again she came back to herself. Her fangs went back into her gums; her wings shrank back into hiding while her eyes turned normal. She moaned but not in lust this time. Her eyes were closed and she had no idea how she had gotten where she was.

But the time for delaying opening her eyes was over and she knew that she had to meet her tormentors sooner or later. When she opened her eyes, she was not expecting the sight before her and she screamed as the body of a Nidoking lay at her feet in two separate sections. Tears of fear and isolation sprung to her eyes and in the next moment she fainted. As she sank to the ground, she never questioned why she did not get covered in gore.

The fog was finally gone and Latias was about to celebrate the small victory when a piercing shriek echoed throughout the night and dread inched its way into her heart. She knew that scream anywhere. Star! Was she being tortured? Raped? What the hell was happening? She flew at high speed over to where she heard the sound. What greeted her when she arrived was not what she was expecting. A fainted Star surrounded by gore and the two halves of a very dead Nidoking. But oddly there was no gore on Star.

She should have been covered in it but she wasn't. Did she do this? Did her Star, the scared of her own shadow Star do this to a Pokémon? She shook her head. No Star would ever do something like this. But still the doubt lingered. She floated over to where the unconscious Star lay and deciding that to get her home was an immediate priority. She hoped that whatever transpired here was taken care of and Star would be left alone.

With Star in her paws, she teleported her way back to the house in the frame of mind that everything would turn out alright.

That sure was graphic huh. Please don't hate me for any of this. I told you the next chapter (this one) would be longer and gorier to make up for it. I hope the wait was worth it and something about future updates. My parents are divorced and I spend some days with them, Monday thru Friday for my mom and Friday thru Monday for my Dad. Unless I get begged to update there is no easy way to update at my mom's so I have to wait till next Friday where I don't have to sneak my mom's computer. It is possible but I don't want to risk her wrath. The computer is old and in "danger" of breaking. But this is bullshit because I am sometimes on it and it works fine for me. Depending on how well this is received I may update sooner. This is the first line of gore chapters but nowhere near as severe as this one. The reason for demonic Star may be explained as the story progresses. Depending on my mood I guess. Please review this and I might also update sooner. Also the content is supposed to be a parody of sex. It is not supposed to be graphic. It is only really violent if you have a vivid imagination.