Journey Into Madness Chapter 4

Story by cooldragon1990 on SoFurry

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creepy song in my opinion

This next chapter is chronicling a very violent nightmare that Star has. It is slightly based on one of my nightmares as a kid. The nightmare game as I call it is a violent "Sport" ... well you will see what I mean. This doesn't advance the plot but rather focuses on the character of Star. Despite the events of last chapter, I hope you still continue to support Star, as she is the "heroine" of this bizarre tale of horror. This will contain a lot of blood but not nearly as bad as the last chapter. I hope you are still with me as this story is only just beginning. This will be the start of things to come. Ohh mysterious! Italics are the nightmare. This chapter might scare you a little. DO NOT READ IT IN THE DARK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! You have been warned. Contains one of the creepiest (in my opinion) songs to date. It contains the creepy parts not the full song.

Chapter 4: The Nightmare Game

When Latias appeared in front of the house, she was relieved that Charmander was still asleep, if he had been outside and waiting for them, she would not have known what to say to the worried Pokémon. But fortunately for her, he was asleep and unaware. She didn't know how long she could keep him in the dark as to what happened to Star, but she intended for no one else to find out.

She used psychic on the sleeping Star and being of an age to do it carefully "carried" her to the mat right next to the sleeping Charmander. She hoped that the sight of her friend would reassure her that she was loved and despite the certain "attentions" of some Pokémon, there were good ones just as much as the bad ones. She hoped that Star would get a lot of sleep.

She was walking down a long corridor that seemed to never end. She wanted it to end to lead somewhere. The walls "bled" everywhere leaking scarlet everywhere leaving a twisted path for her to follow and she wondered where it was taking her. She thought to look around her hoping to get a clue as to where she was. She was in a house's corridor with old and rustic walls. Other than that, it was hard to tell where she was. In this dream for she definitely wasn't awake. Or was she? She looked some more and realized with a sort of sick satisfaction that this was too vivid for a dream but at the same time it had to be a dream.

Finally after some more walking she came to a branch in the road. She sensed that the left side would take her to her doom. But at the same time she didn't know how she knew that. She ordered her legs to take her to the right and to her relief, they obeyed. A singing was heard just like that. She listened to the lyrics and felt a sort of chill, especially seeing as how she was alone and in the dark. She could see but could tell that it was dark.

_ There is someone walking behind you, _ _ turn around, look at me _

She turned and noticed that there was no one there. She shuddered and continued walking. Hoping that "whoever" was following her would stay invisible. She would lose it completely if they were visible.

There is someone watching your footsteps, turn around, look at me

Growing slightly irritated she turned and her blood ran cold. Eyes were seen looking at her and she gulped standing still. But to her relief they were only just staring. She realized after a while that the "eyes" were just lights. Briefly, her eyes had played tricks on her and showed what looked like eyes. She grinned nervously and turned back around to continue on her way to a destination that she had no idea of.

There's someone who'll stand beside you. Turn around, look at me.

She stopped sharply and her breath leaked out in torrents. Again she looked behind her and noticed the same lights. Only was it her imagination or were they closer than before. She shuddered and that was when she panicked. Without warning her legs began to run and that was when she lost it. She had no control of her legs, they just picked up speed. She tried to get her legs working again but they refused to listen to her. She had no choice but to see where they were taking her.

She ran for what seemed hours and still she tried to think of where her stubborn legs were taking her. As she ran she saw what looked to be pictures on the wall of a horrible creature that when she looked closer at seemed to resemble her. But that wasn't right was it? She couldn't be that creature. She was a Chikorita, not a monster.

As her legs continued to pump furiously she realized another strange fact, she wasn't getting tired. She should have been but wasn't for some odd reason. She continued to watch the paintings which turned considerably worse the longer she ran. The monster that resembled her was standing over..... No it couldn't be not him. Anyone but him.... But yes it resembled him so well. She shrieked and the pictures vanished, there job done. Now she was freaked. Now she wanted out of this place. Now she wanted what she had seen to not torture her needlessly.

She thanked whoever was causing her legs to run seemingly beyond her control for it allowed the memory of what she had seen to vanish the further she ran. Finally after what seemed like hours, when it was really only a few minutes she arrived at a dome. A dome that was sitting right smack dab in the middle of the room.

Control came back to her legs and she came to a screeching halt. She did not know what the dome was but she Knew that it was bad. Something sinister happens in that dome. To her horror her legs were back to their mindless pull forward. A door appeared in the middle of the dome and she knew that what awaited her on the other side was not good but still her legs pushed her ever onward.

As she got closer she struggled furiously but to no avail. She then tried the tricks that we use to "wake up" but those didn't work. This was a horrible, horrible nightmare and she was trapped in hell. That's what this had to be, right? When she got up to the door, she heard shouting and screams from inside the door and that was when the tears came. When she looked over there were figures outlined in shadow and they beckoned to her, and she reached over with her mouth and clamped her teeth on the edge of the door. To her utmost relief, her legs did not force her onward.

She then saw something that stopped her heart dead. Charmander was walking towards the door as well as Latias and Mudkip. She struggled to shout to them to get away, but her voice wouldn't work. She then realized that she had a choice, a horrible, horrible choice. She could either let go and go to her friend's rescue therefore eliminating herself (she didn't know how she knew this, she just did) or she could watch helplessly as her friends entered the abyss. Her eyes closed in panic as she stayed right where she was. She hated her cowardice but the fate that would have awaited her had she "saved" them would have been much worse. She opened her eyes, again and watches as her friends vanished. No blood just vanishing into thin air and she knew that they weren't coming back.

The force that had been pulling her stopped and she knew it was safe to get down. When her feet touched the floor, horrible bloodcurdling laughter echoed throughout the room she found herself and the monster from earlier appeared in front of her a cold grin on its face. It went on hind legs putting its blood stained claws on her shoulders and leaned closer, horrible fetid breath hitting her.

"You don't belong in this world my pet, you belong in hell where you were born. I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. You can stay in this world if you bring me blood. Kill 5 Pokémon each will be known to you at the right time. Once you kill them, I will let you stay in your precious world. Further details will be known when they are ready. If you don't, I will make you. If you let it be known what you have to do, you lose them in a worse way. To prove that what I say is the truth, you will find a "sign" when you wake up."

Laughing the monster vanished into thin air leaving the smell of its breath behind. Star shuddered violently and that was when she woke screaming.

She awoke to someone holding her. She looked up and felt an insane amount of relief as she glimpsed Charmander holding her. She squealed and shuddered against him crying violently. He looked slightly confused but didn't have the heart to push her away. This went beyond simple nightmare. She must have been scared shitless in order to have that reaction. As Star was crying she looked past him and her blood ran cold at what she saw. On the mirror in blood like writing were the following words.

_ Remember, not a word _

Okay that is the end of the really violent dream. Many of you if you have read a certain South Park Fanfic will get the reference to it. I loved it to pieces and decided to mirror it but it will have a darker ending then that one did. I hope you aren't too freaked by this chapter. I think my writing is getting better as I started to get freaked out a little. This whole chapter was written while listening to Dimmu Borgir, their In Sorte Diaboli album so listen to it if you want maximum scares. Also the song in this chapter is Turn Around, Look at me and it is done by multiple people so just know that I don't own it