Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 11

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#12 of Seeds of a Glowing Ember

At last ... it is the first big sex scene that you have all been waiting for! Read cautiously for there are many details for your viewing enjoyment.

Below the life baring surface of the world dwelt an ancient tomb encased in unholy stone. Within labored a determined pair who drew symbols upon the floor with livestock blood. When the night was finally upon them, they rested for a time, and then they began to chant an incantation. Well trained voices reverbed off the stone causing their circles to glow. First blue and then crimson and finally a steady violet, until all was bright enough to see all they had done.

Hours of labor ... hundreds of intricate symbols ... and all from a pair who were currently violating their oath to never speak of these things again. Cloaks of poorly dyed black fabric draped over their human forms. Shapes in the dark without markings of status, barely held together by the work they had done.

Four surrounding circles erupted with fiery imps who were captured in ritual prisons. The scouts were designed to activate such precautions so that the master could come through where he willed. But this master was not dealing with amateurs and when his Neither World gate opened, he found himself bound in their circle.

"Who dares?" roared the devil from the prison, his muscles rippling angrily under rough gray skin.

"Sabbarab," called the woman, "it is I." Pulling back her hood, the countess revealed herself, and the devil's handsome face glared at her through narrowed yellow eyes.

"I know you, Valarie Miller," Sabbarab's voice echoed in a more controlled tone, his body settling as he realized the mastery of the work which now imprisoned him. The heat of his gaze traveled until it fell upon the other figure in the room. "What other human lingers here?"

"You will address me as Countess Cunningham," she told the devil, amused that such a powerful creature was only a little larger than a man, "and on this evening you are to deal directly with me."

"Our dealings are finished, Valarie Miller," Sabbarab said with a sneer. "You have nothing more which I wish to possess."

"There are always things to be traded, Sabbarab," the countess said in a steady tone, her insides seething at the disrespect which the creature showed her.

"What more could you want, Valarie Miller?" the devil asked in his mocking tone. "Are your servants not good enough or your son too lacking in soul?"

"You know full well my son has been murdered," the countess snapped in a tone more fit for scolding peasants, "and that my husband did not last five days once the curse began to infect him!"

"Their safety was never part of our bargain, Valarie Miller," the devil mocked her. "I will still claim your soul when your time is finished."

"And yet I still walk this Earth and you cannot leave your Hell!" The sound of her voice echoed and the silence which followed was punctuated by the low level crackle of flames from the intruder's entrance.

"What do you offer?" the devil asked with a slight inclination in his head, and a curious tone to his voice.

"I offer the use of my body," the countess told the devil lord. "You may not possess me ... but you may know me as mate, mother, and as the vessel of your birth into this world."

"Impressive that you know of this, Valarie Miller," the devil lord said as one clawed hand stroked his chin, "But such an offer is too much ... what terrible deed do you ask in return?"

"I want you to kill the Duchess Grandshire, and when her husband, Duke Geoff Grandshire is in mourning, I want him to soften toward me and then fall into my bed. I can then emerge with you in my belly, and when he marries me, I shall be the Duchess Valarie Grandshire, and then you can be the son of a Duke ... that will bring you the foothold you seek ... I am certain you can gain more than I have foreseen with this plan." Her voice fell silent and the devil lord contemplated this offer.

"What else?"

"Make this body twenty years younger," the countess added, "that I might live longer and seduce more effectively with it."

"What else?"

"When this body finally fails me, I do not wish to be one of your damned victims."

"That is not on up for negotiation, Valarie Miller," Sabbarab told her. "You are damned. Even if I released you, the weight of your soul would still send you to me."

"Of course it is," she said with an arrogant sniff which raised the monstrous brow. "Our bargain for my soul cannot be broken and when I am dead I will be with you, but the capacity of that deal can still be altered. I am much too valuable to be a mere victim, Lord Sabbarab."

"The value of your soul is the same as any human," the devil lord rumbled.

"Only if I am damned in the same way as all others."

"Name your scheme."

"I want to be a demon in your court. I want to be your concubine, who can pleasure your lust and add the strategic value of my mind and ambition to your house."

From the seal there was a rumbling and then the devil lord began laughing, and the intensity of it seemed to shake the chamber. "Such a cleaver mind you have, Valarie Miller, but you ask too many things for such a price. I will take what you offer, but if you wish to be in my court, with the honor of sating my royal lust, then you must give to me your only daughter."

"NO!" shouted the man from the other side of the circle and the devil lord flashed him a menacing grin.

"Father Harold, a pleasure to see you again. Did you think that I did not know?" ** The devil lord laughed once more and then took a great breath which caused all of his mirth to go sour at once. **"My spy says she is free at this moment, awaiting her gift and her knight. I can send her both, and if she joins me, then you both can please me at court. It is a rare honor to receive both a willing mother and her willing daughter at the same time. Such a decadent sin is a worthy offer."

"The answer is, no!" Father Harold said as he drew forth holy water, but the Countess was on him in a moment. "No, Valarie!"

"Get back, Harold!" the countess seethed. "You won't take this from me!"

Together they struggled, a father and mother fighting over the right of their child, each screaming indignant remarks at the other. Rounds of violence passed between them, but though the man was combat trained, his age and his wounds had caught up with him, and the countess had been made younger than he by her first unholy deal.

A terrible sound suddenly stiffened the old priest's body, as a deadly blade thrust through his body and protruded from his back. "No ... Valarie," he gasped, then with a vicious cry she withdrew the blade and shoved him into the circle.

"Such a gift," the devil lord rumbled, and his handsome face suddenly gave way to a maw of terrible fangs which fell upon the human form. An agony filled scream echoed from the old priest as his blood sprayed onto the laborious symbols, which glowed brighter from the nature of his sacrifice.

The countess tried to close her eyes but could not shy away from the horror which followed. The tearing of limbs and the cracking of bones caused her to shutter ... it was all her fault ... she had passed too far ... there was no turning back.

When it was finally over, the devil lord absorbed the last remnants to flesh, bone, and blood, consuming every bit of Father Harold until none remained. "This is a glorious gift you have provided," the devil lord said in an almost gentle tone, his appearance becoming handsome once more. "The corpus of he who once stood in the way of my ambitions has been rent to pieces. Now, I shall allow his soul to wallow in agony as I take both his mate and his child. I am willing to accept this bargain if you are still able to bear it."

"Wait," the countess whispered.

"Wait?" the devil lord intoned with a raised brow. "You have gone too far to turn back now."

"I don't want Lana to be taken by force," she said to him. "Do not rape her ... that is something I could not bear."

"Few women come to my service willingly," the devil lord intoned in a dark manner. "But fear not, your daughter will submit to my champion and be mine by her own free will."

"And if she refuses," the countess said a little louder, and then she moved forward to seize the advantage, "then I will still be honored in your court!"

"A wager?" the devil lord said in amusement. "It has been a long time indeed since I have wagered on a soul in this manner. Very well, Valarie Miller, you have an accord. Your daughter shall be given a choice. But no matter her choice, you shall be an honored servant of my court."

"An honored concubine and courtesan," the countess corrected him. "A crafty noble lady such as myself does not serve the way others might."

"Very well, Valarie Miller," the devil lord said with an amused expression. "I shall give you the respect you deserve ... but you must respect my wishes first."

"Respect in exchange for respect," the countess said with a nod. "I can live with that."

"Good," the devil lord rumbled. "Now cast aside that horrible bit of metal, then step into my circle and receive me. My champion shall then travel forth and you shall be united with your daughter by the morning's light."

The countess had forgotten all about the long dagger in her hand until Lord Sabbarab had mentioned it, and as she eyed it, she realized it was carved with angelic runes. It was the last bit of power which she held and she would need to discard it before the hellish creature could touch her, but there was still a sizable danger. Though the devil lord stood with his bloody palm opened toward her in kindness, she knew he was still a beast who might kill her once she stepped past the glowing violet lines. Still, she had come this far, and if she wanted her bounty then she needed to trust in the devil lord's greed. Greed ... lust ... wrath ... lust ... lust ...

A plan formed, but this would only work if she aroused his desire, and to do that she would need to be like them. "To begin," the countess said harshly, "you shall call me either Countess or Lady Cunningham." The devil lord bared his fangs at her and then his prehensile tongue licked his lips.

*"In a moment you shall be Valarie Sabbarab, and that foolish title shall be washed away. Now step forward and demonstrate your fabled skills to me." * A rush of excitement suddenly flooded through the countess's body, and she knew it had to be his magic which was affecting her. Though he could not physically reach through to her, the aura of his presence could still work its way to her through the connection of her life-force and the ritual energy which kept the barriers strong.

Avarice, wrath, and lust, I can feel them ... he will overpower me if I do not move quickly. For a moment, she had to close her eyes and stabilize herself with quenching breaths. Then her hands worked at the clasp around her neck, and the cloak slid open and fell to the floor. The pulsing purple lights illuminated her pale curves in a show of glowing magnificence. One hand rested on her hip and she slowly swayed as she began to touch herself.

The affect was immediate, as a black, serpentine, appendage emerged from the powerful gray body and began to sway back and forth in anticipation of what she had to offer. "Step ... forward!" The devil lord bellowed and his voice nearly knocked her to the floor.

That's it, she told herself as her plan took effect. You will not cow me so easily ... you have only the authority which I allow you to have. This is still a business deal, after all.

One lithe hand caressed her highlights while the other dragged the holy blade along her delicate skin. Playfully, she moved around the circle, just outside of his reach. From within she heard his voice rumble, but the flickering appendage would not settle its thrashing, so she continued. After moving in a half circle, she leaned toward the devil but then displayed her backside to one of the caged imps. The annoying creature let forth a shrill of excitement and proceeded to pleasure itself, with foul little grunts as it stared.

The countess held Lord Sabbarab in her gaze as she ignored the smaller creature's vulgar racket. Like any common man, he shifted in longing, his toe-claws grinding into the ground with desire. Cupping her breasts, the countess caressed herself and let forth teasing little moans. Then she leaned back and dropped her hands to her lower half and was careful to touch only the outer lips of her sex.

The pulse of the devil lord was rising and she whimpered breathily as she slowly turned. "Do you like what you see, Lord Sabbarab?" With deliberate leisure, she dragged her tongue along the flat steel of the blade, tasting the life blood of a former lover. "Can you use talent such as mine?" The devil lord grunted, but she needed more of an edge.

With a deep breath, she backed herself into the circle which contained the horny imp. The moment she crossed the line, he lunged at her back, cupping clawed fingers around her breasts and thrusting his wretched boner at her bottom. Clenched muscles prevented him from gaining entrance, but he was still free to pump forward and back along the moist skin of her inner thigh.

The devil lord roared in indignation, but the imp was too frenzied to stop. Then the countess shifted her hips with his movement, and let forth a calculated whimper of false delight. The imp bit her neck, and she gasped as if she enjoyed it, all the time staring into the eyes of her future lord. It was apparent that he was losing himself to this lust ... jealous of the imp which was sullying her ... burning with the need to conquer her like he had so many others.

But she knew that if the conquest was easy then the Lord Sabbarab would not respect her, so she pressed onward, caressing the pint-size prick until at last he peaked and spurt his lust into the air. The milky refuse spattered onto the ground between them but did not reach the circle. As the imp shuttered and convulsed, the countess took the dagger in her hand and slit the creature's throat. The power of the holy weapon destroyed the Earthbound form and dissipated bloodlessly into the Neither.

Sabbarab never allowed his gaze to falter. Even now as the countess played with the softly glowing dagger, they exchanged their sinister looks and played their game of dominating lust. From where she stood, the countess could see his hardness, and how it now pointed straight at her, like a well-endowed human, no longer under his control.

Strutting up to the circle caused him to lean close to the edge of his cage and stare with an exciting intensity. This was the sign she was waiting for, and for the second time since she formed this plan, she found her own excitement burning with the desire to possess him. She wanted his power. She wanted to feel him filling her with his unholy might. She wanted to dominate the devil lord with such ferocity that he could only beg her to give him more of what he desired. She would not be a simple succubus ... a disposable concubine who was little more than an animated doll for his pleasure ... of that she would be certain.

With a smug look of desire, ran the tip of the holy blade over her skin. "Mmm," she moaned, "you don't respect me ... what else will you give me?"

"Honor ..."


"Glory ... at the right side of my throne," the devil lord rumbled lustily.

The blade of the holy dagger was now resonating with holy light and moving gently along her heated folds. The glowing yellow gaze was fixed steadily upon attentions ... he was unfocused on her words. "What else do you offer?" she asked in a mockery of the devil lord's own words.

"Riches in both worlds ... the power of my court from which you can rule!"

The blade twisted sideways, opening her ... allowing the nectar of her desire to drip upon the metal and mix with the blood of its last victim. "And what of the future?"

"EVERYTHING!" he bellowed, clearly out of control. "My kingdom is your kingdom! Now come be my queen!"

The blade left her body and was dangled between them. The following silence allowed the devil lord to realize what he had just said. In a binding circle, Devil Lord Sabbarab had just promised this mortal everything which he found lordship over. The countess recognized the look on his face ... it was the look of many men whom she had twisted around her body. But before he could speak to amend his words, there was a metallic clatter as the weapon fell to the floor. Then, the seductress stepped into the circle, and stared longingly into his fiery yellow eyes.

For a moment she studied his gaze, delighting in the respect emanating from him. The devil lord had not expected this mere mortal to play him this way. Though he had lost much to her, defeat at the hands of a worthy foe was something he could admire.

Feeling secure in her status, the lady knelt before her new lord and took his formidable girth in her hands. He needed little coaxing, and the countess had only just gotten her mouth around him when she was startled by a jet of hot desire which splashed down her throat and then onto her breasts when she reflexively pulled away.

"Oohhh ... my lord," she said in a teasing tone as she felt the thick warmth ooze down her stomach on its way to the floor, "you really need a woman of my ... talents." The smug look of satisfaction seemed frozen in place as she took up the head of his lust and began licking his salty tip. As she swallowed more of the fluid into her stomach, she began to feel a strange tingling sensation from within. It suddenly occurred to her that this was not the seed of a human ... or any creature from her world. Who could say what would happen next? Devil seed might light her on fire, or poison her, or ... absolutely anything.

A deep crimson glow emanated from the devil lord's body, and he snatched her up and pressed her tight against his chest. The rough texture of his muscles slid alluringly over her well-lubricated body, and Valarie was suddenly stunned to realize that what she had just consumed was the greatest aphrodisiac she would ever know.

It was a strange thing to lose control of these liaisons. Always for her it was control. Control of the noble ... control of his lust ... control of his decisions ... but now her own desire was welling up inside of her body, causing her to sweat and squirm as she lost control of herself. A series of primal yowls emitted from her lungs and as her body drenched itself in her own fluids. With flush realization, she knew she was now little more than a bitch in heat.

Wrapping her legs around her lord, Valarie began to grind against him, pleasuring herself with his jagged frame. The scent of her lord was smoky and it filled her nostrils like an exotic spice. It took only moments for his hardness to return to him and soon his prehensile member was slithering up into her body. Like a feral beast she cried out and his pleasure spread up into every inch of where she generally trapped men. A latent thought occurred to her that he had made himself just her size as if he had expected something like this to occur.

It is not possible! Her mind screamed as his animalistic thrusts caused her to cry out vulgar obscenities. He ... he could not know my thoughts! He could not know ... he could not know ... know ... no ...

The protest of this impossibility began to diminish with every lunge. There was no fighting this primal passion, and she realized it had been vain of her to think she could out scheme a devil lord. Had he been a demon of any sort then she might have stood a chance, but the Devil Lords were the Kings of Hell, and they had ruled for longer than humans had reasoned the need for clothing and tools.

Now as Sabbarab ravaged her, Valarie was self-aware of her shattering will. The need for imperial power was fading. The want of the Duke was smashed to pieces. Then an idea flared to life in her mind ... an eager desire for darkness and forgotten horrors began growing inside of her. Did he decide not to wait? Was I too successful in my seduction? Is he making me his demonic concubine NOW?

Then he release into her core and every bit of her filled with the painful bliss of his hellfire. Orgasmic agony almost rendered her unconscious, but the darkness refused to take her. Suddenly he slipped from her body and dropped her into a pool of the fluids which gushed from her womb.

"On your knees," he ordered, and without hesitation, Countess Valarie Cunningham rolled over onto her hands and knees. "Turn," he ordered and she presented her gapping backside to him. The might of his lust spread her apart once more. More glistening magma poured into her core. It was trapped inside her womb, boiling her blood, and infecting her body. The mass which filled her then drew back, and her insides cried out for his return.

IN... the glory of his power fills her with joyful wanting.

OUT... the loss his presence draws out the lust from her veins.

IN... the return of his might causes her to cry out his glory.

OUT... a gasping want for his power saturates her mind.

IN... she is a bitch ... his bitch ... an object for him to abuse ... the vessel for his coming.

Every drive forward ended with a wet slap to her bottom, resulting in growing cries of her desire. The world became a blur, but she did not fade away from the moment. For all of its unrelenting intensity, her lord made certain she was present for it. As she sailed along the abyss of desire, a deafening roar filled her and their connection burned beyond its already impetuous conflagration.

Though she was barely aware of it, her abdomen began to stretch. The impossible girth of her lord pressed forward, entering her body and pushing up into her cervix. Tears streamed down her cheeks ... but somehow she was shuttering in ecstasy again ... and again ... over and over as she convulsed and spread wider. Then a great weight dragged her to the ground, and she fell onto the hot stone. The violet lights slowly faded and she was surrounded in darkness.

Now, I am with you, Mother, came the voice from inside of her. Now and forever we are one. Never forget that you are mine for eternity. Conserve your powers and place well your pawns, and we shall make an empire in this world.

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