western prolog part 2

Story by Tobias Woadpaw on SoFurry

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part two of the prolog any comments and suggestions are welcome and encouraged! holds out cookies and milk

Prolog part 2

The scream split the air making Brody and Devon drop wood and sprint back towards the barn.

As they cleared the stable the butt of a rifle swung out and caught Devon in the stomach

doubling him over. Brody ducks down and attempts to jump at his brothers assailant when a

arm loops around his upper body and bowie knife point digs into his neck.

"Hold on dar pup wouldn't want to kill ya just yet the boss would not be happy ! nope not at all

!" said a deep voice that reeked of tooth decay and whisky. The smell making him want to

wretch, looking up he saw Devon still clutching his stomach.

A mountain lion with a brimmed hat and a vest holding a rifle to his head. A commotion came

from the other side of the barn as Mary screamed for help. Her cry was cut short as she was

pushed forward onto the ground. A Beagle walks over to her revolver in his hand. He smiles

down sadistically as she tries to right herself awkwardly with her bound hands. The Beagle

moves to kick her when a blow to the head knocks him squarely off his feet .

He flails on the ground jumping back up snarling then stops as he comes face to face with a

large gray wolf looming over him. He looks up at the Lupine practically towering over him in a

brown duster coat his wide brim hat shadowing his face as the wind plays with the hawk

feather in its band.

"S-s-orry boss thought one of the brats got away and did it! Honest! " the wolf smiled in a way

that mixed amusement with sinister intent. The Beagle smiles moving to get up when the wolf

kicked him hard!

Once! Twice ! six times the wolf kicked him, each time ending with a growling word. "That ! Is!

No! Way! To! Treat! A Lady! " he hauled up Mary gently smiling at her like an uncle. "I

apologize for my associates manners he seems to have lost them I assure you it won't happen

again Mary."

Looking at him aghast the vixen stutters looking horrified "H-How did you know my name?!"

the wolf looks hurt at her question.

Before he can answer though he is interrupted by the sounds of a shot gun and rifle being

armed. "Get the hell away form them you bastards!!!" growls Brody's father who was aiming

the shotgun at the back of the wolfs head his wife behind him her rife pointed at the Bear

holding Brody at knife point.

The wolf seems to stiffen then relax when he spoke his voice was smooth but edged like

obsidian. He turned around slowly Brody's eyes went wide. A shiver of recondition went down his

spine as he saw the cold ice chip blue eyes of the wolf now facing his father "Now is that any

way to treat an old old friend John? " .

untitled western

Brody was cursing under his breath, he hated mucking out the chicken coop! Every Friday afternoon he found himself there cleaning up after those evil smelling birds. The young fox's nose twitched and he sneezed dropping the old used hey on himself....

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Chapter 7 part one

Chapter 7 **_ _** Tobi blinks back at Cody red paint covering his face and most of the front seat . "hun what just happened ?". He asks bewildered, Cody looks around " I think we were just shot with a paint ball, are you ok?" . The fox nods, "yeah I...

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Mystery caller Revealed, the Fall Craftsmen’s Fair and a Red Halloween! part 2

Alex and jake belong to wiiplayer1996 Crimson belongs to crimsonfangtearfall all others unless previosly stated are mine Part 2 Tobi Tobi looked around at all the trinket necklaces rings and other finely crafted items. Cody close behind him they...

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