TIROM jerks 2

Story by Bombafur on SoFurry

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second part of my story :D

check it out and tell me what you guys think??first part is here

next part will include all the nasty extreme things that you all creep on me about :p

TIROM Jerks-2 Neil's relationship

Neil padded down the hallway to the door, grumbling. He was already in a bad mood that Richard wasn't home yet due to his work, but now he got woken up on a perfectly fine Saturday morning by the damn door. "At least it better be some eye candy," the rabbit thought as he opened the door, looking around and seeing nothing. "Hello?" he said to no one as he checked around. "Fucking little..." he grumbled. He was about to turn around to head back in when he saw a blur of motion in front of him and heard a rock hit the ground in front of him.

A giant paw stomped right next to the jar, shaking awake the groggy husky. Last thing he knew, he was getting used and then deposited into the jar to sleep. How he got into this situation, he didn't know, but he just had to figure this out. Wait, there's a giant paw right next to him. Marcus looked up and could not believe his eyes. A giant lapin was right there, towering features looming over him as he looked left and right for something. Each way he leaned Marcus could see the muscles in the leg and ankle of the rabbit shift with his weight. Those powerful legs were complimented by the huge, god-like figure towering over him, oblivious as the rabbit stood there loudly muttering to himself. Marcus noticed the same gecko's face beyond the rabbit as the lizard dropped a rock and scurried back over the top of the house.

The massive rabbit looked down at the familiar husky in the glass jar. "So I thought Allen would give you that pill, you look so cute!" Neil squealed a bit as he picked up the jar, looking in at the wide eyed husky in the jar. "I'm glad that that lizard guy got you from Allen and brought you to me, the person that did all the work to get such a gift. Let's get you cleaned up so we can get you fully integrated into the relationship," the bunny said as he reached in, wrapping his hands around Marcus. He thrashed against the paw, unable to escape as Neil brought him up to his face to give a little peck; the rabbit's lips pushed against most of the husky's head and upper torso, giving a little smooch. "Oh I guess Allen had a little fun with you didn't he? Lucky little guy, I've been ogling him for a bit, but we should get you cleaned up, can't have our new boyfriend scummy," he said, leading the husky back into the house and closing the door behind him.

Taking him to the sink and pulling on the little lever behind the sink to close the drain, Neil dropped the husky into the sink and smiled down at him. Marcus tried to hide his tiny sheath behind his hands. "Aw aren't you the cutest little thing ever, I could just eat you up," Neil said as he poked the husky again, causing him to fall down. He turned on the faucet just a bit to get a good stream of lukewarm water flowing, which just enough force that it wouldn't knock down the tiny figure if he were to get under it. The rabbit giggled as he grabbed the hand soap and squeezed a glob onto the husky.

"Better wash yourself. I want you fresh for when your other boyfriend gets here," the rabbit said, looking down at the shocked husky.

"I'm not your little fuck toy fag, I'm not going to..." the husky started but couldn't finish, coughing up some of the liquid hand soap from his mouth. "You can't do this to me; let me go, please... just let me go..." The tiny husky sank to his knees with the water up to his waist in that position, looking up at the massive rabbit.

"Aw the poor little guy is too tired to wash himself. I'll help you little guy," Neil chuckled at the tiny husky as he turned on more water pressure to fill up the sink faster. Then, grabbing the husky in one hand and the hand soap bottle in the other, he squirted it along Marcus's torso, gripping the husky as he struggled and yelled at Neil to stop. "Aw hey, be still little guy. I know what you'll like," he said with a grin, putting the soap bottle down to take care of the little Marcus.

The husky stopped fighting, panting as he realized just how helpless he was right now, just as he was with that chubby panda. This weak rabbit dominating him made him feel less than dirt. Once he stopped fighting, the rabbit cooed down to him like he was some sort pet; he moved his hands around Marcus, wrapping both his thick thumbs around the legs to keep them pinned down by the base of his thumbs. Neil put the rest of his hands underneath him, cupping him with those massive hands.

Looking up with an angry scowl and feeling the heavy soap over his torso and head, Marcus yelled, "Now what? You have me, just get on with it already, I..." But Marcus stammered as a thumb pressed down on his junk, carefully rubbing up and down on his sheath.

Leaning down to hear the little husky moan as he toyed with his junk, Neil could tell that Marcus was really enjoying this predicament; the tiny husky squirmed and gripped his thumb with his little cute hands, unable to stop it if he wanted. Then when the rabbit withdrew his thumb, the husky gave a tiny whimper that only Neil's rabbit hearing could pick up at the close range. The husky's swollen man hood hung out for the world to see.

"Oh I knew you were a big boy, that's why I set this all up so I could have you. Plus Richard was getting a little bored and we do want to try new things," Neil said, ruining the little huskies moment as he submerged Marcus, getting him all wet and then taking him back out to rub all over his well-toned body. The rabbit soaped his little cute rump, making sure to get his tail and curling it with his finger as the canine became a soapy doll completely covered in soap from head to toe. The little soapy figure struggled until he was submerged to remove the soap; Neil put him on the side of the sink and his tiny form breathed deeply.

Nearly suffocating and drowning from this experience, all Marcus thought about doing was breathing while blocking the bright light above him from the light in the bathroom. He got up to finally see just the condition of where he was. Old, dirty clothes were everywhere; he would have thought that as a gay guy, Neil would be cleaner. Still, most of his view was blocked out by the massive, furred landmass in front of him. Neil finally blocked out the light as his massive face moved down with a pretty weird face. That's when Marcus realized his face was puckered up and going in for a kiss. He tried to get away and put his arms and feet up as the lapin pressed his fuzzy lips against the tiny body; his whiskers were prime gripping tools as Marcus tried to do anything to stop the bunny from kissing him. Finally pulling back and grabbing the husky to keep him close, letting the tiny husky use his thumb as something to grab onto, Neil walked into the bed room.

Sitting down in a lazy chair, the rabbit used his free hand to pull a plastic, no-ceilinged, tiny house close to the chair. "So, Richard works at a plastic plant," the rabbit said putting the husky in a room in the middle of the house. "And he makes some stuff while there. We have been planning this for a little bit now as you can see. Go on, try and find your way out of those two rooms," Neil said. He smirked down at the house with two circular rooms padded on the ground and the walls, both facing the chair, and the rest of the little building which was about as tall as someone shins.

The house was like a square, with a circular chamber in the middle made into two rooms by a wall that cut through the middle with a single door; those two rooms weren't connected to the rest of the tiny house though, they just took up most of the space. The rest of the house was made of small triangular rooms and the hallways around the bigger circular room. The smaller rooms had things like plates, bedding, and other furniture. Marcus was in the circular room, already finding he couldn't see a way into the other rooms, but he could see outside through the ceiling to the rest of the messy room.

"He is really good at making things that we need out of the left over plastic, they melt that stuff down anyway. So we made this little place for you," Neil said as he put one of his paws in the empty room and lifted his other paw to put down in Marcus's room. "And I know how big our paws are, so I figured why not show us, your boyfriends, some love?" The rabbit wiggled his toes and saw the husky back up, yelling about not doing this, and other nonsense that Neil really wasn't listening to. He was more concerned about getting a massage while he waited for his big ole roo to come home and see their new lover.

"Can you hear me fag?" Marcus yelled. "Get your fucking foot out of my view, you turn me back to normal... you..." Marcus stopped yelling as he backed up to edge of the room he was in and the massive heel slammed down on the mat. The rest of the paw stayed in the air over top of the husky.

"I think you need to calm down and return the favor for getting you so clean, little lover," the rabbit cooed down to his boyfriend, wiggling his toes as the massive lapin paw lowered down on top of Marcus.

"No! You're too big for this, I can't handle this," the little husky said as he put up his hands on the paw, trying to keep up it from going over top of him. The aroma of the paw wafted over him and the heat radiated on him as he put his hands onto of the rough pad, struggling to keep the semi musky paw from covering him up.

At first Marcus was making progress, keeping the paw up with his muscles. But then the rabbit smiled and decided he had to show his lover just how much he should be giving the paw a massage. Instead of letting him hold it up, the rabbit raised it up and pushed him down with the side of his paw. After that, wiggling over top of the husky, he could hear muffled yells as he set the paw over top of tiny Marcus. He rubbed back and forth on him until he spread his toes and positioned his paw so that Marcus's head was between two toes.

"Are you going to give me a massage, or am I going to have to play a little bit longer?" Neil asked before closing his toes, trapping the husky where he was with his muzzle in-between the toes. Giving a little sigh, the rabbit lifted up his paw just enough for his tiny husky to crawl out. Not really paying attention to his paws, Neil rubbed against his crotch, all the time thinking of how hot Marcus was; his body and muscles were really a turn on. It was why he and Richard really had a lot of fun together. Being able to subdue such a hotty pinned down by his paws was giving him a raging boner as he used his weak rabbit body to dominate the muscular husky. Neil was really tall and overly skinny, and the only thing that was abnormal about him were his paws; just like a kangaroo's paws, they were long and thick. Just another thing that he had in common with Richard. Except that his rabbit paws were abnormally sensitive, so Marcus's struggles were making him just a little too happy.

Lifting his paw up from the house, Neil looked down at the little husky panting a bit. "Are you ready to appreciate what I have done for you today?" the rabbit said as he put his heel down again, wiggling his toes and waiting for Marcus to get with the program. He couldn't wait to finally have his three way with his roo and husky lovers. "I wonder if Richard wants to..." he thought but was cut off when the husky started rubbing on the ball of his foot, reaching up and putting an arm in-between his toes so he could hang there as the rabbits foot shivered in delight. The paw's toes clenched and unclenched, even though the husky wasn't doing anything at that point; the husky's touch alone was making the rabbit shiver.

Holding on for dear life, Marcus's arm was clenched and released many times, hurting his arm, but it was either this or getting thrown around and possibly hurt more. Gripping at any fur he could get on alongside of the paw pad, he did whatever he could to stay on, digging his face and body against the warm, smelly paw. Suddenly his world slipped upside down and he was smashed against the ground again, getting pushed by tremendous force forward as the bunny stretched his paw forward, until it was lifted off of him. He was greeted again by the ceiling light as the foot and its looming shadow left him. He panted, still a little dazed by what just happened and a little hurt as the foot thundered down nearby.

"You did great my love, but there is still another one left. I know how much you love me so you should rush for the opportunity," Neil said to the smaller being by his massive feet, wiggling all his toes. Chuckling down at the husky, he could see Marcus's frustration as he stared up at the rabbit's huge face with angry intent. "Well? Am I going to have to push you to do it?" the rabbit said, reaching down to pick up the husky who started to scramble when the hand began reaching down.

Marcus was too slow getting up as massive fingers gripped around his body, wrapping from his feet up to his head with both his arms and one of his legs in between those fingers. Next thing he knew, momentum pushed back on him until he suddenly stopped. Then he was in free fall until the familiar scent of the rabbit's foot came back into nostrils. He was dropped on top of the foot. "Heh, just think, once you get acquainted to them, you can give me a pedicure and I can relax for hours," the rabbit said, spreading his toes and leaning back in his chair. "Well? Please show me how much you care about me." The husky didn't move, so the rabbit said, "Oh? Is that so? I guess someone needs to stop teasing." Shifting his foot, the husky rolled onto the matted ground and gripped onto the matt as the whole ground shifted. The house moved out the way and the foot was removed. A second later, the whole ground shook as the bunny sat on the floor. Marcus looked upon the giant ass as it came down and formed against the floor. A million tons of Neil slammed down into the ground as he pushed the house away again to make room for himself.

Actually worried now, Marcus wished that he had suffered through the demeaning task of rubbing the rabbit's foot. Now he was scared that Neil was going to do something far worse to him than just feet. Scooting back toward the wall and getting into a ball as far away as he could, Marcus saw the giant, fuzzy hand descend down over top of him as it gasped him surprisingly gently. When he opened his eyes, the husky saw the plastic prison he was in previously get pushed away, and crossed legged feet enter where the house once was.

A couple seconds later, the shrunken husky felt those giant fuzzy lips cover his back, getting him a little wet and feeling the suction as Neil gave a little kiss to him. "It's okay, you will learn to love what you have," the rabbit said, trying to get Marcus to enjoy it. The loud words from the rabbit still stung his ears as the momentum shifted again. The familiar scent came back from those massive feet to the husky's nose, this time stronger. After finally getting his senses back, he looked up at the rabbit as Neil looked down at him, smirking evilly as a foot came in on his right bumping him and pushing him toward the left paw. "He is going to crush me in-between his paw," Marcus thought as he went sideways, trying to scoot out as the two paws closed in around him. Their warmth rolling off onto him from everywhere, and that aroma covered him as the two giant paws grinded against each other.

Getting battered against the paw pads, Marcus could do nothing, completely at the mercy of the rabbit. The beating went on for what seemed like hours before the rabbit moved his foot and the husky fell flat on the ground. Neil picked up the husky like a lifeless doll, bruised, and humiliated doll, and put him on the awaiting rabbit dick.

"I should wait for Richard, but this is way too hot to not get any right now. Besides we can all have our time together some other time," Neil said as he covered Marcus and his dick up with his hand to give it a couple sensual strokes, until the door came open.

A sweat covered kangaroo came in with a couple bags in his hands. "Oh? Seems like I'm missing all the fun now? Jeeze I see how it is," the muscular roo said with a chuckle as he closed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry hun I got worked up a bit playing with our new boyfriend," the rabbit said as he puckered up, craning his head up as the kangaroo squatted down just enough to give a passionate kiss to his loving rabbit.

It was quite a sight to see, an even more massive being leaning down to lock lips with the other titan before him. The long muzzle of the kangaroo enveloped the other titan's mouth, and Marcus could see the bulging cheeks as the roo thrust his tongue into the bunny's maw, until it ended and the rabbit fell back, relaxing blissfully. Marcus felt the weight being lifted off of him as the hand slid away. He was splattered with pre and had the massive lapin organ underneath him as he slid down, until Richard looked down at the husky.

"Aw you must be Marcus. I'm so glad to meet you, and I can't wait to see how this relationship plays out," said the roo. Marcus could see the muscles ripple as the muscular roo leaned down again, putting his face right next to the husky and giving a little devious smile as he opened his maw. At that sign Marcus tried to run, but he was so tired and beat down that he couldn't get up in time as Richard put a finger on the husky's back and licked underneath the rabbit's massive dick. Then he slopped up on top of the dick getting everything wet, slobbering over the pinned down husky. The roo set the dick straight up, keeping the husky pinned as he put his maw overtop of the dick, inserted it into his mouth and slowly went down almost reaching the husky's position. But Richard went back up before going fully down on the dick, only to decide instead to go all the way down again any way, deep throating the dick with the husky still on it.

Richard rolled his tongue, making sure to toy with the little husky around the dick, hearing Neil moan and twitch in pleasure before sucking up and removing himself and the husky from the rabbit's loins. Neil sighed, "Really? You're such an asshole. First you tease me and please me, and then you let go in the middle of it?"

"Oh don't be so angry I got us some stuff," Richard said, spitting the husky out into his hand he continued talking to Neil. "And even though you don't really find it hot, or you're not really into it, I thought you could do something for me. You do own me you know?"

Again the rabbit sighed just a bit getting up. "Okay, what do you have in mind? I'm kind of worked up in case you couldn't tell," the rabbit said.

At that the roo pulled out a plastic ball gag with a dick hole in it. "I thought we could do something for me? Involving this, and this," Richard said as he pulled out a dildo, only it was plastic, hallow, and from the looks of it see through.

The rabbit's eyes lit up as eyed it, grabbing it and undoing the little cap at the end. It flared up a bit like a butt plug. "Oh my gawd Richard!" the rabbit shouted a little more flamboyantly than usual. "Now we can definitely involve Marcus without hurting him, oh hunny you out did yourself!" He gave it back to the muscled roo, and once Richard had it back in his possession, he put Marcus inside of it.

"Oh god I'm in a dildo with a bunch of gays!" Marcus thought as he moved around trying to get situated and looking at the top of cap above his head. He thanked god that there was at least an air hole, but he saw nothing because of the hand acting as a shield from the outside world, until they put him down on a stand with a bottle of lube and a condom. The shrunken husky shivered; he was about to be used. The kangaroo got strapped up on top of the bed, his hands and legs tied up as he kissed the rabbit and put in the gag that would allow Neil to hump into his lover's face.

Just as the rabbit grabbed the dildo with Marcus in it and put it on top of Richards's stomach, he reached for the lube and noticed there was a stir in the air. Suddenly there stood the hooded figure, watching the whole thing in the chair that Neil had been sitting in earlier.

"Who the? Wait hey, what the fuck are you doing in here? Get the fuck out, what do you want? I already paid you for..." Neil said but was cut short as hooded figure stuck his tongue out and lunged forward. In a blink of an eye he hit the rabbit square in the chest, pushing him against the wall with his forearm against Neil's throat and quickly pushed a rag against the rabbits face. The bunny immediately slumped down, not fighting as the gecko let him drop and grabbed a bottle from his pocket. Opening it up, he took a pill, put it in the rabbit's mouth, and forced Neil to swallow it whole.

The whole time this was going on, the roo struggled to try to get free. His efforts were futile, but terrible for the tiny husky in the dildo on top of the thrashing kangaroo. The dido rolled off of the kangaroo, and as he thrashed the dildo went under his tight, massive rump. The titanic ass smashed down on the dildo, with Marcus completely safe but awed. If it was any other situation he would have been a smear, but instead it was an earthquake. Suddenly all went limp and quiet, until the roo was rolled over and his restraints undone as a dark hand gripped the plastic prison of the husky.

The hooded figure dropped a pill into the roo's gag, and the pill went into the thrashing kangaroo's mouth. Then, gripping the mouth gag, the lizard grabbed some water and poured it in, putting a hand over the hole so Richard couldn't spit anything out. He was forced to swallow, and after that the figure grabbed the cloth and used it on Richard. Rolling the kangaroo, he grabbed the dildo and put it in his pocket. He dropped his hood and got the gag out of the roo's mouth, untying him before anything happened as he went out of the room. A moment later, he came back with a little hamster cage. Inside was a small, black and white fuzzy thing, along with a couple other shapes. Pulling back his hood and showing his grey and blue scales, he gave a little flick of the tongue.

"Nothing to do now but wait to see just which one is going to have the most fun tomorrow," he chuckled, shaking the cage a bit to cause everyone in there to fall down. Taking out the dildo and dropping it in the cage, he sat on the chair. Keeping the cage lifted so everyone could see his face, he flicked his tongue again, and a couple of the furs stepped back cringing in fear. "Tomorrow?" he asked breaking out into laughter as he shook the cage again.

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