Author's Update: Need Some Time Alone

Story by TripleX on SoFurry

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Hey guys it's me again. Been a while I must say.

I know I that I didn't fulfill what I said on my last 'Author's Update' post, but I was busy and I do apologize for that. I'm gonna feel even more sorry after I say this...

There's somethings that I found out from a friend, and that I made a mistake and was going at it blindly. It was a good thing my friend helped me realize that and helped me open my eyes, but it still hurts me very much on the situation that I'm going to be in later on from what he told me. 

I unfortunately will have to be off SF for a while (and just when SF 2.0 was running as well)... just so I can be alone for a while and let my wounds heal. Don't worry, I'll still be around to write my stories and talk to my friends here (later on). I'm just dealing part of life where something that will get you hurt eventually as the years go by.

But yeah... I'm sorry to everyone that's been waiting for my updates and sorry, with all my heart, to someone that means so much to me.

Hopefully I'll see you all soon.

  • TX

"It's unfortunate that people with a pure heart gets hurt the most..."