hidden Plateau

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First posting on this story was CubCentral in 2003 but it was written well before that. Please be reasonable with your comments I know this was not as well written as I had.

Hidden plateau


Dracofiend (Kakiro)

Imagine a small village on a plateau overlooking a grand field of wild flowers, In the distance nearly twenty miles away you can see a sliver of blue cutting across the landscape leading to a small haunted forest. This village is inhabited by shy creatures, unlike us they are animals, like us they can walk upright, think, play, build, learn, and yes they breed. A word of warning, this species can breed at very early ages, normally a female will be able to give birth around the age of eight years. They do resemble humans, but they are also part animals so they take traits from both aspects. They do mature almost three times faster than humans do. Well this is your warning; unless you like reading about Furry characters' having sex, or children partaking in the act of lovemaking please do not read any further. Thank you.

This story takes place in the village; it's a peaceful village for the most part. Most of the people living within the village are fox's, a few cats, but we focus on one family in particular. They are white rabbits. Four in all, Mary the mother an aging rabbit of forty-three years, Vasper the father a rather vigorous fellow of thirty-two, and Aria, and Bri twin daughters currently seven years of age. As with most of the families living in this village they do not wear clothing unless they travel outside the confines of their village.

I take you to their house, a good sided house of five rooms, the main entrance is the family room to the right, the kitchen, the rear of the house holds the parents bedroom, to the left a small room used for study, at the back of that room is a ladder leading upstairs where you will find the rooms of the twins. This room is filled with stuffed toys, hand carved puppets, a large chest filled with brightly colored clothing. In the center of the room along the back wall is a large cotton and feather bed where the twins sleep. Bri is currently playing with the puppets on a makeshift stage; Aria is lying in bed waiting for her mother to tell her its bedtime. Her wait was short, her mother yells up the stairs that they should blow out the candles and get into bed or else she would paddle both of their behinds. They just giggled and climbed into bed. These sisters love each other very much, and like to prove that love when they sleep. Each one kisses the other first on the cheek then sliding over to the mouth they give each other many quick kisses. They hug each other hard and close, they both play for awhile kissing and hugging each other till one or both falls asleep in the others arms.

The next morning her sister's movements awake Aria. "Bri what's wrong?" Aria asked rubbing her eyes. "I don't know but I feel kind of funny." Aria nodded and got out of bed. "How do you feel funny?" Aria asked confused. "My tummy feels strange, and I don't know why but I got to go to the outhouse real bad." Aria helped her sister downstairs and out the front door. They walked through the night around the side of the house. As they came close to the outhouse Bri suddenly stops. "Bri what's wrong now?" "I don't know but the funny feeling is gone." Aria nodded and followed her sister into the outhouse. Bri sat down over the hole pulling the outer folds of her vagina open with her hand; she releases a thin stream of urine down into the depths of the hole. She finished standing up letting her sister sit down. After both sisters finished in the outhouse they walked hand in hand back into the house. Before they could climb the stairs leading to the loft they heard a muffled cry from their parents bedroom. Both girls giggled knowing what their parents were up to. They walked over to the door and opened it just enough to peer inside. In the glow of the fireplace they could see their parents making love on the bed. Their mother sitting atop their father, grinding her hips back and forth as she moved up and down. She moves slowly down as she moans louder. Vasper grunts thrusting his hips up to meet hers, creamy semi-clear liquid flows out of her vagina sliding down his penis. Mary cries out in pleasure as she collapses on Vasper. Both girls smile at each other then walk upstairs. They embrace each other lovingly kissing each other several times before falling back asleep.

Next morning their mother yelling up at them awakes the girls. They go downstairs, Mary is cooking eggs, and there is a heavy sent of fresh baked bread in the air. The girls sit down at the table in the kitchen as their father walks in. "Good morning girls." "Morning dad." The girls spoke in unison. He walked up to Mary putting his arms around her kissing her neck. "So how are you feeling this morning dear?" She smiles and says "I am feeling better my love, but I will need more soon." With that said she laughs merrily and serves up breakfast. The family ate quickly. I need to go work the cattle today." Vasper said as he collected his supplies. "Have fun daddy!" Aria said as he walked out the door.

"Mummy Bri said she was feeling bad last night!" Aria said quickly before her sister could stop her. "Oh, what kind of feelings my little one?" Mary walks over to Bri's chair and sits down next to her. "My tummy felt a little strange last night, It went away." Mary nod's "Its about time, the season is changing, I had that same feeling last night my dear." Bri looked up at her mother in confusion. "Bri my little one, Your body is telling you that you are ready to mate." Bri's eyes lit up. "Wow, I can mate now?" Mary nod's "Yes Bri but please be careful, many males may try to mate with you, pick one if you must, but please tell me and your father before you do. I don't want anyone hurting you." Bri nods. "I will mummy." She gets up and hugs her mother. "Go outside and play, and if you get that feeling again I want you to come to me, I can help relieve it for a short time." Bri nods as she darts out the door.

Bri and Aria met their friend a young male fox. "Hello Bri, Hi Aria!" he said as he nudged his way between them. Bri nods. "Hello Toka, what are you doing today?" Aria asked. "Not much just going down to the cave and seeing if I can find anything." Bri looks straight at him her eyes on fire. "The human caves? We are not allowed to go into the caves!" Toka shrugs "So, mother said I am not allowed to go near the graveyard but I go all the time." Both girls look at each other; they huddle just out of hearing. "I think we should go." Aria said exited "I don't know." Bri replied worried. "Please Bri I swear I will do anything." Aria begged. "Oh all right but I don't want to stay there to long." Aria nodded. "OK Toka we will go with you." He acts surprised. "Why what have we here?" He mocks "Toka shut up and lets go!" Aria grabbed him by the arm dragging him down the dirt road. Bri follows quickly trying to help Toka escape from her sister's grip.

They arrived at the base of the cliff nearly two hours after they left the village. They entered the cave shivering with excitement, they did not get very far before Aria announced. "I can't see much farther. Did someone bring a light?" "Well kind of, I think I can summon a light just let me concentrate." Toka said as he sat down his legs crossed in front of him, causing both girls to giggle. He spoke a few strange choked words and a small ball of light formed in the air in front of him. He stood up. "OK got it." He grinned from ear to ear. "I have been working with the village elder, he has taught me a few tricks." "Wow, I want to know how to do that!" Bri said as she skipped up to Toka bouncing in front of him. "Please, please teach me!" Toka looked at her slightly afraid. "I don't think I can, I think the elder can teach you, why don't you ask him?" She sighed as her ears fell over her eyes. He brushed her ears away from her eyes. "What's wrong Bri?" "The elder won't teach me anything." Toka smiled "Trust me if I ask him he will show you a trick or two."

With that he walked forward, the ball of light floating above his outstretched hand. They walked deeper into the cave. They came to an odd looking cavern. A high ceiling with pillars on either side of the main path. "They say this was the meeting hall for the humans." Toka began showing the girls around. "Toka how often do you come here?" "My big brother brought me here and showed me around." He walked down the main path between the pillars. "You don't want to wander past the pillars, we encountered a trap last time." Both girls just nodded as they followed him. He took a left at a really large stone chair, what appears to be old rags padding rests in the chair now with a thick layer of dust. "He said that was the chair of the Wisest human, everyone else would bring him gifts and worship him." He walked around the back of the chair pushing on a stone on the wall. "He also showed me a secret passage. This leads to the humans treasures, but I have never been able to get it." The wall opens in front of him, he ducks in walking down a short hall. The hall let out a small balcony over looking a large collection of cold and silver coins; many gems sparkled within the sea of gold. "Wow it's so pretty, but where is the treasure?" Toka Led them left down a steed spiral staircase. "Just follow me, you will love this." At the bottom of the stairs he pulls on an old metal rod sticking out of the wall. "This used to hold a torch, but I broke it one day trying to get in, I did not mean to but I can't change that now." He smiles at the girls. And walks through the secret passage that opens, he leads them into the next chamber then brightens his ball of light sending it high into the chamber.

The chamber is two stories, the second story is a short ledge and on the walls are books stacked from the floor to ceiling. "The stairs used to be over there." He points to an old broken pile of wood and stone. "They broke long before we ever got here." We took all the books from this floor back to the village, most of them were just history, and even most of those just fell to dust after a few minutes. I am hoping someday I can get to those books, I want to learn more about the humans." He sighs heavily. "The elder told me we learned our magic from the humans, that they created our kind to serve them." Bri looks around her eyes sparkling with wonder. "Wow, I never knew there were so many books. I wish I could read them all!" Aria looks at Toka. "Toka I think we should leave soon, our parents will get worried if we stay out to long." "Oh come on Aria lets stay longer, please." He begged her. "I guess a little longer wont hurt, but I want to get back in time for dinner." He grins at her "We have more than enough time!" Bri looked at Toka confused. "Time for what?" He grins at her "Well I have shown you everything I have explored. I was thinking maybe we could go back upstairs to the shining room and try to find something for each of us." Aria nods "Sounds fun, but what would we need from that stuff?" He shrugs "Don't know till we look." They travel back to the room filled with gold and silver. They started shifting through the pile. "Look what I found." Bri exclaimed as she held up a simple silver tiara. She tried to place it on her head, but her ears kept it from sitting properly. She sighs as she tossed the tiara back onto the pile. "I don't see anything worth taking." Aria said as she sat down on the pile.

She lay back stretching across the gold and silver coins. "Kind of nice to lay in, I nice a cool." Bri lay next to her sister; Toka followed lying on the other side of Aria. "This is nice, some what hard on my back but its still nice." Toka said. Bri kept shifting around, moving her self back and forth her face showing frustration. "What is wrong Bri?" Toka asked as he leaned up on his elbows. "Nothing, I just need to get back home soon." Aria giggled softly to herself. "What is so funny?" Toka asked confused. Aria spoke before her sister had a chance to stop her. "Bri is feeling funny things in her tummy. Mummy said she is ready to mate." Toka fell back. "Oh I understand now, my cousin had that problem for once while she was staying with us. My brother mated with her that night, she was pretty." Aria just nods. "Bri who are you going to mate with?" Toka asked. "I don't know yet, I have not met anyone I like well enough." Toka sniffed. "You don't like me well enough?" Aria giggled again. "I like you Toka!" He started to cry. "Oh Toka don't cry please." She got up moving around her sister to Toka. He stopped looking up at her grinning. "Toka you hyena!" Bri exclaimed jumping at him. She pinned him down. "Ha I got you now." Toka just smiles and gives her a kiss on the nose. She blinks and rolls off of him. He glances around. "I'm sorry Bri, I don't know why I did that. Maybe we should go back now." He started to get up. "No it's fine." He sat back down. "Toka I guess I never thought of you as a mate. You have always been one of my best friends." She giggled and hugged him. "I will think about it." He stared blankly at her. "Really?" He asked in disbelief. She nodded. "Wow, thanks." He hugged her back. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Toka now that I think about it you're the first boy I really ever liked." Aria nods. "She is normally very shy around boys, but you she seems to like."

Bri leans in close to Toka, her arms still wrapped around him. She nuzzles his neck giggling softly. "Bri mom said to go back and tell her if you get that feeling remember?" Bri nodded. "Yes I remember but can't I stay here with Toka for a little while longer?" Aria sighs as she leans on her side watching her sister. Bri lays back pulling Toka on top of her. "Toka do you know how to mate?" Bri asked quietly. "I think so, my brother showed me how." "Would you mate with me now?" Aria coughed. "Bri I don't think you should, mummy wants you to tell her before you do." Bri slaps her paw down on the coins. "Aria it's to far to go, I know what I need now, please let me do this." Aria just sighs and relaxes letting her sister have her moment.

"Toka roll over onto your back, I want to try something mummy did to daddy." He rolled over his erection already showing. She crawled over top of him, bringing her head even with his groin. She stuck out her tongue licking the tip of his penis; it twitched as he let out a sharp gasp. She put her left paw around the base of his penis as she delicatly licked the top again. "That feels so good Bri." She smiles up at him. "I knew you would like it, daddy always love it when mummy does that to him." She went back to licking the tip of his penis as it lengthens in her grasp. She removed her paw, she dragged her tongue down the full length of his penis, nearly four and a half inches, once she reached the bottom she slid it around the other side and back up the other side. By now Aria had started rubbing herself, she had gotten the same funny feeling, as Bri except she did not want anyone to know. Now she was feeling it almost as strongly as her sister was.

Toka groaned loudly his penis swelling. Bri stopped her treatment and looked up at him, his eyes closed a smile on his lips. "Now its your turn, I want you to lick me here." She lays back and points to her vagina. He eagerly got up moving over her, he dipped his head between her wide spread legs. He inhaled deeply his need for release growing even more intense at the smell of her. He stuck out his tongue licking across her outer lips from bottom to top. He seemed to enjoy her taste as he dived in, his tongue scraping roughly across her outer lips. She grunted and dug her fingers into the coins. His efforts were soon rewarded as her vagina slowly opened up to him, he used his fingers to open her up even more sliding his tongue deeper into the soft folds of her flesh.

Aria's moans became louder as she started using both paws to masturbate. She dug her fingers as deep as they would go into her vagina as she watched her sister mate with her new lover. Bri pushed Toka's head away from her vagina as she tried to catch her breath. As soon as she was able to talk she said. "Toka this is the time when my parents normally mate. Are you sure you want to do this?" he just nodded as he moved his body over hers. She smiled up at him as his face came before hers. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips, she pressed her lips hard against his. He started moving his body, rubbing his penis against her vagina and belly fur. She shivered as the kiss broke. "Toka you need to put it in me not on me." He flushed and nodded. He got up on his knee's positioning himself so his penis is at her entrance. He pushed forward slowly until it started to stretch. She flinched and pulled back. He looked up at her with a confused look on his face. "It kind of hurts.' He nods "My brother said it hurts the first time, but it goes away after a while." She nodded and let him resume. He moved forward again pushing into her. She grunted and held her ground leaning forward against the pile of coins. The head of his penis popped into her causing her to cry out in pain. Aria crawled to her sister's side, rubbed Bri's tummy as she whispered. "It will be all right." She then kissed her sister on the lips. Toka pushed a little harder into Bri, she cried out once more as he felt something give way inside of her. Her body jerked sharply as he fell on top of her, his penis embedded fully into her belly. "It feels so warm and tight." He said between gasps for breath. Bri started moving her body, grinding her hips back and forth. Toka got up on his hands and knee's and started pumping his penis into her.

Aria just sat back her legs spread wide she was using her paw again, rubbing her fingers into the folds of her skin sighing deeply. Bri moaned loudly, her body tensing as Toka started moving faster pounding into her. His penis swells even larger inside of her as he gets ever closer to release. She can feel him inside of her, his flesh pulsing and moving. Her body responds by releasing its juices, they leak out over his penis spilling onto the coins beneath them. Aria screams as she falls back into the coins her paw wet and a look of pure bliss on her face. Toka's thrusts became uneven as his body got itself ready. He thrust his penis as far as he could into her, then he exploded shooting his semen deep into her belly. She could feel him inside her as he came. The strange hot warmed filled her body as she fell asleep on the pile. Toka laid down over her resting his head on her shoulder as he gave a final thrust into her. Aria crawled up next to the lovers draping an arm over them snuggling up and also falling asleep.


The next morning the children returned home, there fur dirty, unkempt, and ratted. Aria and Bri saw their mother sitting on the front porch a knife in one hand and a long slender branch in the other. The girls looked at each other and winced. Toka was walking behind them. "Hello girls, I take it you were not hurt while out playing all night?" Their mother said calmly. "No mother we are fine." Aria replied. "So Bri did you have a good time?" Bri looked at her mother. "How did you know?" Bri asked truly confused. "I can smell it on you dear. Smells like Aria was also having some fun last night." Both girls hung there heads. "So who is that behind you?" She asked. "This is Toka mother, I love him. I choose him as my mate." She only nodded. "You are growing up and I won't punish you but from now on please let us know before you go off for the night." Both girls sighed in relief. "Now Toka are you mating just Bri, or will you be mating Aria also?" Toka walked forward. "Well I have mated with Bri so far, I am not sure about Aria. I would if she would have me." He held his paw out in her direction. Aria looked at him and smiled. "If my sister thinks your good enough for her, then I guess your good enough for me. She took his paw in hers and pressed her lips to his. They kissed for a long time. "Well it looks like you three had better get cleaned up, go down to the pond and wash. I want all three of you back here when your father gets back, we are going over to Toka's house to tell his parents." All three children nodded and ran off to the pond to wash up.

After cleaning up they all walked to Toka's house. Mary knocked on the door. "Hello?" A young looking fox opened the door. "Hello I am Mary, these are my girls Bri and Aria. May we come in; we have something to discuss. "Yes please come on in. My name is Marcus, please have a seat." He looked at Toka confused. Toka just winked and shrugged. "Marcus, your boy Toka seems to be a wonderful young fox. He was propositioned by both of my girls as a mate." Marcus started looking at each of the four in turn his mouth hanging open. "Now he has accepted both of my daughters requests, and intends on taking them both as his mates. I am willing to keep them in my house till they are able to build a place of their own. Marcus only nodded and sat down. "Toka I never knew." Marcus just trailed off. "He needs only your consent to finish this. If you do give consent please note that he will be considered a adult in the village and all rules will apply to him. Marcus nodded. "If that's what my son wants to do, I will not stop him." He stood up walking to Toka. Marcus threw his arms around his son embracing him warmly. "Then it is settled, he will come live with us this very evening, they are now considered mated by village rites. After a small cup of tea and some lemon cake Mary led her daughters back home setting up for a large feast.