My Cousin's Roommate

Story by Nitemare Blackwolf on SoFurry

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** To anyone who read this story under Nightmare Blackwolf. My WONDERFUL mate tryed to post this for me and she spelled my name wrong. Instead of Nitemare she typed Nightmare. They are both me and this is the same story. So dont think im copying and I'll make sure this doesn't happen again.**

WARNING: This an adult furry story that contains sexual content. If you are under 18 or do not like to read sex stories or you dont like M/F or anything like that, then please leave now. If you choose to stay and you are upset or get in trouble because of my story, its all your fault. To everyone else, Enjoy!

My Cousin's Roommate

By Nitemare Blackwolf

I looked up at the large apartment building. I'm 19 and my parents finally got tired of me. They did all they could to keep me out of trouble and away from our old neighborhood. They thought that they were above that life i guess, but you know what they say. "You can take the wolf out the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out the wolf." At least i wasn't in a gang anymore. But i'm still the same Tank i was before. I walked into the building and got onto the elevator to go up to the 5th floor.

I hadn't seen my cousin Tasha in about three years. She was always my favorite cousin, more like a sister. We even ran with the same crew back when i lived in our old neighborhood. I was glad to be able to get a place with her. I stept off the elevator and went down to her door and knocked. Tasha opened the door and jumped and hugged me. "What's up cuz! I haven't seen you in a minute! How have you been?!" She was a very attractive wolf. She had grey fur and she was about 5 feet 5 inches. Her red hair was a bit of a contrast to her fur, but she liked it. I walked inside with her still hanging on my neck.

"So this is where you live? Nice." I look around and see a full kitchen, living room and three rooms. One looks to be Tasha's room from the mess of panties clothes and CDs on the floor. I see a closed door and another open one. "Is that my room?"

Tasha nods as she finally lets go. "Yup. 100 a month and you get your room and access to the fridge." She laughs and goes to her room. "Well I'll see you tommorow. I have a date." After she left I decided to take a shower. Since she was gone when I was done I didn't bother to put a towel on and when i stept out the bathroom I saw a cute cat girl standing there infront of me.

Now I didn't mind standing there, but the kitty started to blush. She had tan fur and red hair and blue eyes. She looked to be about 5 feet tall and she had a long furry tail. She was wearing a red dress and a white blouse and she turned and looked at the wall. "Ummm..... who are you??"

"My name is Tank. Can I help you?" I had completely forgotten that I was naked at this time. My fur and my cornrow braids were still dripping.

She keeps looking away and I can still notice that she is blushing a lot. I think that that is kind of cute. "My name is Ginger... and I live here... what are you doing in my apartment?"

"I live here now. I just moved in. My cousin Tasha.."

She cut me off before I could finish. "Oh... you're Tasha's cousin. She.. she didn't say you were a guy." She went into her room and closed the door and i just went into my room and got dried off. I threw on some shorts and a wife beater and went out to the livingroom. I saw her sitting down on the couch watching a movie. I decided to go relax a bit and so I sat down next to her.

"So what brought you to live with Tasha? I mean, are you crazy like her?" I sat back in the couch and spread my legs some. I was kind of hoping that she wasn't like my cousin. I prefer the quiet girls more. They are a lot more freaky when you get them undressed. That is a major turn on for me. I just opposites do attract.

"Umm.. well i needed a place to stay for college and I saw her ad for a roommate. But I am not like her at all. She is never really home and she is always with a boy." I laugh a bit because my cousin is like that. This girl is perfect. Now i want her even more.

"So I'm guessing someone as quiet as you is a virgin right?" She nods. My luck just seems to get better and better. Who wouldn't want to be a nice cat's first? I have to get her turned on some how. I touch her cheek softly. "Is that by choice or..."

"Well i really didn't do much when I was home. My mother wouldn't let me wear anything that showed a lot of body, so I kinda stuck that way." She purred softly as I stroked her cheek. I moved over and put my arms around her body.

"You look great. You know, now that you aren't with mommy you don't have to stay that way. You can dress however you want. Do what you want." I kiss her cheek. "You can even sleep with whoever you want." She kisses my lips and to my surprise she forces her tongue in my mouth. I return her kiss and wrap my arms around her. As she breaks the kiss I look at her and smile

She smiles back and blushes. "I have wanted to do that for years now. It felt great. I never knew that kissing could feel so good."

I moved my hand down between her legs and started to reach in her panties. "I know something that will feel a lot better." I slide my fingers down to her clit and i start to rub it a bit. She starts to moan so i move my fingers down further and slides them over her pussy which is already dripping wet. "Wow. You must have really liked that kiss. You're already wet down here." She closes her eyes and starts to purr and moan. I Stop and she looks at me as if she is disappointed.

"Please don't stop now. I want to.... I want you to please keep going." She stands and takes her dress off along with her panties. "Please I want to know what sex feels like. All of my friends talk about it. I want to feel it for myself. Please can you do it for me? Please." That's all i needed to hear. I took my shorts off to release my ten inch cock. She sat on my lap and looked into my eyes. "Be gentle with me. I know that it will probably hurt but... I don't want to wait anymore."

I lift her up and i place my cock at the entrance of her untouched cunny. "I promise." I start to slide in, making sure to be gentle and slow. I feel the wall of her unbroken hymen. She grabs onto my sholders and closes her eyes as i break into her, removing the last of her innocence and bringing her into womanhood. She bites down onto my sholder enough to draw a bit of blood as I start to slowly slide into her. After a few moments I slide the last inch in and I sit and let her adjust to the large size inside of her.

After she lets go of my sholder with her teeth I start to slowly lift her up and down my cock. Her cunt feels tight and warm around my cock and everytime she moans, it gets tighter. I kiss her lips and start to speed up. "Ohh... this feels .... ahhh better than I thought it would!" She moans and to my surprise she starts to go up and down my cock basically on her own. I moan as well and I lift her up and lay her on her back on the couch. I slide my cock back inside her warm pussy and starts to fuck her faster and harder.

I can feel myself growing closer. My knot has formed and is pushing against her pussy. I have never had a pussy this tight before. I star to speed up and go harder, practically forgetting that Ginger was just a virgin a little while ago. I hold her hands and she squeezes mine tight as she has a hard orgasm on my cock. I soon follow as slam my cock all the way inside her, my knot lodging itself into Ginger's pussy. I shoot my load into her cunt, coating her pussy with thick blasts of cum. Ginger stops moaning and starts to pant heavily. I look down into her eyes and i wrap my arms around her and i lay back and let her rest on top of me. As we both fall asleep Tasha comes inside and giggles to herself. "I guess they met already."

Well There is my second story. This one was inspired by my good friend and roleplay partner Lady. I LOVE U LADY!! If anyone has any ideas or comments, good or bad, please email me at [email protected] Til Next Time!