Grumbling beneath his breath, Danny strode towards the parking lot, hands still balled into fists as the security guard followed close behind, one hand close to his club in case the youth became rowdy. At 17 years of age, the young man had become what so many young males become at that age: easily angered and ready to prove himself. This particular day found him being ejected from his favorite hangout, Valleywood Mall, because he'd found himself embroiled in a fight. He could no longer remember what it was about - someone had insulted someone's mother, someone else had talked about how much of a pussy the other was, and it turned into a three-person brouhaha severe enough for security to have been called. A quiet sigh passed the young man's lips. The management had been clear; all three of them were to stay away from the mall for a week, or be arrested and dragged to juvenile hall on sight.
"The hell am I supposed to do now?!" he growled, rage still boiling over inside him - he'd managed to gain control over his actions, but his emotions still ran hotly within him. As he approached the bicycle rack where he'd parked, something caught his eye: across the street from the mall, near one of the slower stores in the shopping center across the street but mostly hidden from view, a dirty-looking gentleman seemed to be selling something. Danny unlocked his bike and climbed onto it, slowly pedaling towards the salesman.
The setup was very simple, a fold-out table set up behind one of the stores, where he would be unlikely to be found. Noticing Danny's attentions, the man beckoned him over, and he casually rode his bike towards the temporary shopfront. Upon further inspection, the man's goods were more varied. A closer look revealed that there was a second small shelf below the tabletop, in which pendants and medallions could be found; this one depicting a flexed bicep, that a ring with male and female symbols intertwined, another depicting an indistinguishable bird in flight. Danny frowned as he surveyed the goods strewn before him...they were all of excellent make, but not a one called out to him. He was about to turn and leave when a voice snapped him out of his reverie.
"Having troubles, kid?" came a gruff voice, and he looked up to notice the shopkeeper's gaze upon him, a broad smile on the older man's bearded face. An uncomfortable pause followed as Danny examined his new acquaintance, followed by an apathetic shrug.
"Just a fight." Danny murmured, turning his gaze back to the goods at hand. The older man chuckled softly to himself, and shook his head.
"I remember what that's like." the salesman replied, his voice speaking of memories drawn to the fore. "Young, angry...nothing seems right with the world, and you just want to lash out...but you don't know what to do, right?" This second sentence interrupted the beginnings of rolled eyes from the youth - many adults claim to remember what it was to be young, but this one actually seemed to mean it.
"Yeah, well..." began the non-commital answer, but the man interrupted him in mid-sentence.
"Girl troubles, right?" the man asked, coaxing a shocked stare from the young man. Who did this old man think he was?! "It's okay. You don't have to say it." he continued. "I know how it is. You do everything you can to make 'em happy, and it's just never enough, huh?" Danny's expression shifted from shocked to slightly wounded - the salesman had struck a chord, and he knew it. That sort of thing must be what keeps him in business, Danny mused. Knowing how your customers felt was a big boon in the sales world. The older man paused, and shot him another broad smile. "Here. I got something special I've been saving just for a guy like you." Reaching into his pocket, the man produced a small golden necklace, with a fox head at the end. "Put this on, and you won't be hurting for action on a Saturday night, know what I mean?"
The young man shrugged once was obviously superior work, even though closer examination revealed that it was probably a low grade of gold. Still, the vulpine head was finely crafted, as if it were about to come to life at any moment. And the accessory might make for a boost to his personal style, maybe enough that the girls might pay more attention to him. Danny contemplated the medallion and the chain to which it was attached, and mentally began to tally up how much the older gentleman would likely ask for...fourty dollars? Fifty? "How much...?" Danny asked, his tone speaking clearly of the fact that he expected to have to pay through the nose for something like this. The merchant considered the question for a long moment, a second pause passing between the two.
Finally, the reply came: "Five bucks." The young man shook his head briefly, sure he'd mis-heard.
"Say again?"
"Five bucks." came the repeated reply. No sooner did the sibilance from the final letter fade than a $5 bill was in Danny's outstretched hand. The gold alone was worth more than that!
The older man accepted the payment and patted the young man on the shoulder. "Get good use out of it, kid."
Mercifully, the trip home was brief, no longer than five or ten minutes. Upon finding his way into his apartment - his parents had insisted he move out as soon as he was able - he laid his bike against the nearby wall and lifted the medallion, half-expecting it to be far too small or large upon closer examination. His suspicions were proven incorrect, however, when the chain fit nicely around his neck, and the pendant laid against his chest. Danny smiled and decided to call it a day, heading for his bedroom to kick back and relax...the touch of the cool metal against his chest was eliciting other, more intimate feelings. Stripping his shirt from his body and casting it aside, he reclined on his bed, idly stroking a thigh. As the metal tingled nicely against his skin, he opted to remove his pants and underwear as well, leaning back against the headboard of the bed wearing only his new prize.
Finding himself in need of release, his hand found its way to his shaft and began to stroke in slow, easy motions, his eyes drifting shut so he could focus on the pleasure radiating from within him. He began to pant more loudly than usual as his fingers explored the rigid flesh jutting forth into the open air, his mouth hanging open as if breathing were becoming more difficult...indeed, he hadn't even managed to work up a sweat within several minutes of self-gratification, only summoned forth quiet, pleased moans and an occasional whimper of needful desire. With one hand planted against the bed, he began to truly work towards an attempt at climax, the subtle glow radiating from his new accessory going unnoticed thanks to the haze of pleasure that coaxed him to keep his eyes shut. Continuing to stroke himself, he failed to notice the curious popping sensation in his ears as they slowly began to draw up to a point and tingling sensation as short whiskers appeared at his upper lip.
After several long moments of losing himself to the quiet repose of self-service, Danny opened his eyes half-way to gaze down at himself, feeling something brushing lightly to his balls, and a gasp of surprise left his lips. Not only was his nose a little further away from the rest of his face than he remembered and a little darker, but that gentle touch to his balls appeared to be coated in soft red fur and capped with a white tip: a tail! As his eyes continued to survey his condition in shocked silence, a dense pelt of white began to creep like a fast-growing kudzu along his thighs and towards his belly, the fur becoming a luxuriant crimson sheen at his sides and over the majority of his thighs. As his hand drew away from his shaft, he could see that it was subtly different as well, more angular and pointed at the tip. "Wh...what's going on..." he stammered, his voice sounding distinctly different from its usual timbre, carrying a growling quality to it. A low rumble built within his chest as well, a quiet 'rrrrr' of pleasure elicited from the recent talented caresses of Danny's own hand vibrating his ribcage.
Danny paused and prepared to rise, to see to himself in the mirror, but something beckoned him to remain seated, to witness the changes that were taking place within and without. Within a few moments, his new fur had crept up to his chest, his nipples darkening several shades as the crimson pelt flowed along his skin like wildfire, tinting the reflection that gazed back at him. A swift glance at the tail poking from beneath him suggested that it had grown in length as well, and his face ached slightly with the dull sensation of growth as his nose darkened, becoming an oddly canine pad. "The medallion!" he gasped for a moment, the spark of realization flickering within his mind before something flexible unfurled from his open lips and distracted him from his train of thought...his tongue, he realized, longer and broader than before. As if on cue, his medallion gleamed once more, and his eyes widened yet further from a popping sensation in his back, heralding new flexibility. Danny found himself bending lower as if to get a better view of his transforming body, his new tail flicking agitatedly from side to side as fingernails and toenails sharpened into abbreviated claws and granted his grip upon the bed a heretofore unfelt level of traction.
Feeling his new pointed ears turning back slightly, the young man discovered that he was leaning forward little by little, one knee lifting into the air. His muzzle was growing longer and more angular by the second, rapidly approaching what was described by the handiwork of the pendant, and he could smell the scent of his arousal. Somehow, he could tell that the aroma was more fox than human, and a gentle shiver passed through him as he realized that he could smell the results of recent sessions with himself and tell the difference between that aroma and this. As he watched, his tail grew longer and longer, then finally stopped when it reached to mid-calf. Almost immediately, something dark caught his attention, and the sight of new, tough pads on his feet made him groan.
Gathering his thoughts, he began to focus again on how this was happening and how it could be stopped when he felt something smooth and damp glide gently along the tip of his foxhood and shatter his concentration. As his new species's needs came to the fore, all Danny could do was close his eyes and enjoy the sensations of his tongue lapping slowly along his own rigid flesh, tonguetip flickering over the tip to sample the warm, clear fluid that beaded there. His rational mind screamed for him to stop - he certainly wasn't gay, and he could really hurt himself like this - but the pleasure so long denied to him drowned it out, and he found himself losing the battle for masculine dignity and simply enjoying the feeling of his longer, supple tongue flowing gently along his ragingly erect flesh for several long, pleasant moments.
A gentle brush against his thighs reminded him of his new tail, and he opened his eyes briefly to notice that it was wagging briskly, making his ears burn in a dark blush as it semaphored his feelings: not only was he lapping sensually along his own shaft, but he was really beginning to enjoy it. A new sensation at his face suddenly made itself known...or rather, the lack thereof, as the dull ache ceased with the final development of his new muzzle. By this point, his pelt had finished growing in, blotting out the cool evening air and summoning forth a baritone, gentle murring that echoed within his chest as his tail brushed back and forth against the bedsheets. Several long moments passed as he continued to lap slowly over rigid vulpine flesh, his lean frame trembling slightly with restrained pleasure at the exquisite sensation, until he realized that something was awry: something was pressing lightly to his lips
The occasional pulses of wetness confused him for a brief moment, until something clicked in Danny's mind and brought forth a notion both thrilling and intimidating. A fox's muzzle is long and angular, and if he could lick before...a soft canid whine echoed within his throat as he moaned, "Ohhh, god..." at the thought of what he was now capable of, even as he felt his new needs asserting themselves once more. His tail began to flick more rapidly as his hands found their way to his bottom, claws pricking at the flesh there as he felt his head gradually beginning to descend of its own accord. He strained to resist this slow descent, but his attempts proved fruitless, almost as if his vulpine side had decided to satisfy unspoken needs regardless of whether or not Danny was coming along for the ride.
As he groaned, ears burning in humiliation and desire, he felt and tasted the rigid length of vulpine flesh slipping along his tongue, vanishing into his new muzzle until his nosepad was rubbing softly to his silken-furred balls. Only once his lips were wrapped snugly around the base of his shaft, massaging a more sensitive area beneath a subtle swell near his sheath, did he finally pause to take several deep breaths through his nose. A few sparse seconds passed before his head slowly began to lift...then lower again, making Danny whimper helplessly. He lay upon his bed, tail wagging furiously as he began to slowly and sensually suck himself off, his lips slipping up and down the gently pulsing flesh as his claws dug gently into his bottom. The man-turned-fox panted loudly through his nose as he leaked slickness onto his tongue, and his new paws began to knead firmly his bottom as if possessed, making his tail flick upwards and his cheeks color at the implied notion as new instincts continued to have their way with him.
As seconds passed, his eyes began to open, the fog slowly beginning to clear as he realized how wonderful it felt to be suckled upon, even if he had to do it himself...and how close he was coming to climax from doing so! Feeling his muscles began to tense, he started to draw off of his shaft, fully intending to finish himself with a hand - the intense new experience was wonderful, but he wasn't sure he wanted to go this far. Only an inch of his cock remained within his muzzle when he suddenly plunged forward once more, a soft whine echoing in his throat as he realized that whatever was making him pleasure himself like this was going to insist that he finish in the same way. Instincts demanded that he hold in place as his knot swelled past his jaw, locking him securely in place as rich, gooey vulpine seed began to splatter onto his tongue and down his throat. A muffled, lustful groan sounded from the fox at the realization that his taste wasn't bad...and he immediately found his lips kneading gently at his cock, milking him for more. It was as if these new vulpine urges left no room for impulse control, thought becoming action...and his thoughts at the time were erotic indeed. Danny's belly filled with the potent, musky fluid for almost a full minute until he finally began to relax, panting through his nose as his mind swam.
Eyelids fluttering half-closed, Danny leaned back against the headboard of his bed once more, groaning as his hips followed - curled up into that position, he moved to lay upon his side, simply relaxing and waiting for the swell at the base of his cock to relax. He drew off of his length as soon as he was able, long tongue slipped out over his lips, cleaning them of the warm, gooey cream. Sated and relaxed, given the release he'd needed for so long, a hand moved to reach for the medallion...then paused. His tail was still wagging madly from side to side, twitching against his thighs, proof of how much he'd enjoyed his little adventure...and the delicious flavor of fox cum was still upon his tongue, and probably would be for some time. His hand lowered once more, drifting along the soft plume of his new tail as he focused on simply relaxing and enjoying the release of tension within his entire body. A long moment passed as he gazed down at the rigid, tapered length of foxflesh, then slowly bowed his head to swirl his tongue in easy, tender patterns along the plump shaft. He'd remove the medallion, sure...maybe a little later. The night was still young...