Yearbook Memories

Story by Travluna on SoFurry

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While packing for a recent move, I uncovered my high school yearbook in the bottom of a carton of stuff under my bed. I stared at the sky blue cover with its gilded falcon in the center, letting the fond and sometimes painful memories wash through my mind. High school was not a happy time for me, being a wolf a little too much on the skinny side with a speech stutter that was made worse by my nervous nature. I shifted my gaze to the mirror across the room, looking at my reflection. Years of working out had toned my lean frame with muscle and my brown coat which had been rather drab in school had taken on interesting blond and black highlights. I blinked my big, yellow eyes. All in all, I guess I turned out OK. But even now, ten years later, some of the old pains still come back to haunt me, as they were doing right now.

I curled my long tail into my lap and fluffed it out. I took a brush from the nightstand and started a vigorous grooming routine. Somehow a good brush out always makes me feels a little better about things. I continued to leaf through the pages at random as I worked on my tail, stopping to gaze into a face here and there. There was Jerry, the sexy captain of the basketball team, member of the track squad and all around jock. The wolf's big brown eyes and thick black fur smiled out at me from the grainy photograph. For some reason, the big guy always went out of his way to be nice to me. I almost had an orgasm every time he even said hello to me. Who knows, maybe he secretly thought I was cute.

Many other faces brought memories. Some were of short infatuations; but there had been one other guy, like Jerry, that had been a near obsession. I hadn't thought of him in years. I guess I had a severe case of puppy love, and I'm still not certain if I was seduced by him or if I seduced him. All that really mattered was that he gave me the one outstanding memory of high school that has never dimmed or faded away. I don't think it ever will.

Just before my senior year my family moved from Alaska to a sleepy little southern farm. It was somewhat comparable to moving from Midtown Manhattan to Mars. I was not bad looking, but I was very shy then. That coupled with my very noticeable stutter kept me from jumping in with both paws and making friends at the new school.

For the first few months I spent most of my time alone. A few furs, like Jerry, would say hello when we passed in the halls, but more often than not I was just ignored.

One day in November our English instructor was called out of the room. The class immediately began to talk, laugh and throw paper airplanes. One of the class 'bullies', a thick set, swarthy black bear named Karl decided it was time to pick on me. He sauntered up to my desk and asked me what my name was, even though he had heard the teacher call it at roll every day since September.

I answered him, my stutter stringing out the vowels, my ears flushing a hot red as he watched me struggle. A smug sneer crept over his muzzle, anticipating the teasing he was going to give me.

After I got my name out I took a deep breath, ready for the usual onslaught of shit. He and several of his cronies gathered around my desk, flipping my books onto the floor, mussing my fur and stuttering out questions.

"Sssssaayy Steevviiee, whwhwho's yer girlfffriend? Oror do you lllike boys, hmmm?" Their slow drawls stretched the words even more grotesquely than my own frozen vocal chords could. I wasn't very big or muscular, but I knew that if I let them get away with this I would spend the rest of the year in misery.

Suddenly I felt a paw cover my right shoulder. "Don't you mind these jerks, they was just havin' some fun, and I think they are finished now. Right, Karl?" I glanced upward to see a great, hunky blonde horse staring with cold, steely blue eyes at Karl, my tormentor.

Of course, I had seen this guy every day. To me, he was the cutest male at the school next to Jerry. He had a thick, sandy brown mane and lean, muscular body. He had white socks of fur that went from his elbows to his paws and a comical little white blaze on his broad muzzle that made him look even sexier. He tapped one of his scuffed hoofs on the floor and swished his long tail. In his faded jeans and western shirt unbuttoned just far enough to show a deep V of his blonde furred chest, he seemed to tower above the three other young furs.

He didn't say anything more. The boys around me silently dispersed and my new friend gave my shoulder a squeeze before her turned and ambled back to his seat.

After class, I waited until my tormentors had gone, and I left just behind the guy who had stuck up for me. I touched his arm as we started down the hallway. "Th-thanks Rodger," I managed, blushing again.

"Don't worry about it. Call me Butch, everybody does." His big blue eyes were twinkling at me. "Man, you looked like you were getting ready to beat the shit out of all those guys back there!"

"I w-was g-gonna try," I shrugged, my nerves easing.

"They really ain't bad guys. Yer just new and they was bored. But if they give you any more shit you just com get 'ol Butchie here. Me 'n Karl tangled back in sixth grade and he's known ever since that I could whup his ass good."

"Th-thanks again," I said as he swaggered off.

Soon after that incident, Butch and I were spending a lot of time together. I think I was at my all time happiest when we'd tool down a back country road in his rusty old pickup, a country-western tune blaring from the radio with Butch howling the words along with it, a cold beer bottle tucked into his well packed crotch.

One cold January afternoon he asked me to help him study for an exam. By then he was my hands down hero and I would have tried to walk on water had he asked me to. I agreed, and he and I spent an hour in the barn pitching hay. I was hard the entire time watching Butch move fluidly around the barn in those tight jeans.

Later while we were studying, a vicious ice storm hit. It briefly knocked out the power and coated everything with an inch of ice. Butch's mother told me that I should plan on spending the night as it would not be safe for Butch to drive me home with the roads like that. I called my mother to let her know.

Later when we went to Butch's room to go to sleep, I realized for the first time that he and I would be sleeping together in his broad old bed. I hoped that I would not get hard during the night.

Casually Butch stripped down to his white cotton underwear and slipped under the pile of quilts. I sat on the edge of the bed while he undressed, trying to keep from gaping as I saw his body emerge from the clothing. Wide, hard pecs capped with tiny, nut brown nipples; a flat, hard stomach covered from just below his belly button to his upper thighs in underwear that was too small so it clung snugly to his hips, outlining his thick dick and ball sac.

"C'mon, man, s'cold! Gonna freeze your pecker off if you don't hurry!" Butch chattered from under the covers, only his white blazed nose sticking out. I quickly stripped down to my underwear and gave a tug on the thin chain hanging from the bare light bulb, plunging the room into darkness. Then I slid under the covers beside his hard body.

In the past months that we had been hanging out together, my stutter had eased up more and more around Butch. But lying beside him in the same bed, wearing nothing but our skivvies, I felt my stomach knot up. As soon as he asked me a question I felt my words choking in my throat as I tried to keep them together.

"Hey buddy, whatcha stutterin' for? You homesick or somethin'? Don't worry if yuh are," he laughed, slapping a rough paw onto my furry stomach and jiggling it.

I had to take a long slow breath to control my breathing. His paw was just above the waist band of my shorts, my hard cock long out of its sheath and beating with the same urgent thump of my heart only inches from his big digits.

I mumbled something about the storm, and being worried about my mom home alone. This seemed to satisfy Butch, so he continued to absently run his paw over my stomach as we talked. It never occurred to me that he was openly playing with me. Suddenly, he let his paw trail down over my stomach and over onto my underwear, until his fingers reached the thick length of my dick shaft pulsing hotly in my drawers.

He didn't say anything as he outlined my hardness, continuing to rub softly up and down the length of my shaft, tweaking the soft head through my underwear. I didn't waste any time in letting one of my paws ease up over his thick, strong thighs and into his crotch. There, to my delight, I found his cock like mine, hard and throbbing in anticipation of release.

Butch soon let go of my cock and shoved his jockeys down over his ass and tail, dragging his big equine dick straight down against his leg as he pulled the underwear down. His cock sprang back up, smacking his hard stomach with a dull 'thwack'. Reaching down, he gathered his underwear into a ball, tossing it out of the bed onto the floor.

I followed suit, dropping my underwear beside the bed also. I could feel the slight vibrations of the bed as Butch stroked his dick, waiting as I wriggled out of my briefs.

Finally Butch leaned over toward my ear and whispered, "You ever suck one?"

I increased the tempo of my paw, flailing at the loose skin of my sheath that still covered my knot. Taking a deep breath and not missing a stroke I whispered yes, and waited for his reaction.

As soon as the word was out of my mouth he leaned toward my ear again.

"Wanna do me?"

I didn't need to answer. Diving under the blankets I let my clawed fingers trip lightly down his muscular torso, my heart beating wildly. I was tempted to stop and lick his big tan nipples, then wash my way down his rippled stomach muscles to his crotch, but I was afraid that he might think that was just to kinky, so I went right to his steel-hard cock.

He pushed the blankets up with his knees, spreading his legs wide as he shoved his hard shaft straight up to meet my muzzle. I leaned forward and inhaled deeply of the strong, masculine scent. Wetting my trembling lips I opened my mouth around the wide head as I sucked the entire length of his shaft down into my throat in one smooth stroke.

Butch bucked wildly as he pumped himself in deeper, driving me onto his stake of horse flesh until my nostrils were plugged by his thick pubic fur, the muscles of my throat contracting like steel springs around the slick shaft of his big prick. He wrapped his rough paws around the back of my head as he rode in my maw, grinding deeply onto me with his pole as he gently moaned above the covers.

I heard him take a long, ragged breath, then begin to moan again, his breath and the noise growing higher with each stroke I took, my muzzle covering his horse cock to the base on each stroke.

"AHAHAHAHAHuhuhuhuh!" he yelped, his cock throbbing in my muzzle as he gave a strong thrust upward with his hips and he buried the head of his cock into the back of my throat.

I could feel the sperm begin to pump in long ragged spurts as it filled my mouth and throat. Greedily I sucked, not wanting to miss a drop of his fluid as he continued to ride and fill my throat. After a long while, he slowly pulled his dick out of my muzzle.

When I knew that I had drained his balls I let his prick slide free of my lips and then gave my own throbbing dick several strokes. To my surprise, Butch placed his paw over mine and gently moved it out of the way. I felt his big paw close around my cock and slowly begin to stroke it. He then turned onto his side facing me so that he could use his other paw to rub my balls and pull at my knot. I began to squirm and moan at this so he made a ring of his big fingers and placing them behind my knot, pulled and worked it free from my sheath. That was way too much and I bit my tongue to stifle a howl. He gave my rock hard cock several more strokes, pumping a thick load of cum onto my belly.

I gave one last swipe over Butch's cock with my tongue and then worked my way up from under the covers, being careful not to smear the pool of cum on my stomach onto them.

I fumbled in the darkness to find my underwear and cleaned the cream off myself. Then I lay back against the pillow, a layer of sweat coating my body.

We lay quietly for a few moments, our panting leveling off to even breathing.

"Thanks," Butch whispered softly. He leaned over and rather awkwardly placed a small kiss onto my wet nose. I stretched my neck up and gave him a lick under his stubbly chin. Then he rolled over.

It was a very long time before I fell asleep, but within five minutes I heard a soft, sensual snore coming from Butch.

He and I never talked about what happened, and we never again had sex. I suppose that it was for the best in our friendship. We did remain good buddies, and I've often wondered if he were waiting for me to make another move on him.

So, we graduated. I went away to college where I had a couple short term boyfriends, and then moved to the east coast. My parents sold the farm after two years and retired to Florida. The last I heard about Butch was that he had joined the National Guard and was working in some small factory.

I repacked the yearbook into the bottom of another box. Maybe in another ten years I'll run across it again. In the meantime, I'm getting ready to make a move to Los Angeles. Since I'm driving and have plenty of time to get there, maybe I'll drop back to that sleepy little southern town and take a look at the school where I graduated. And I think I'll give Butch a call while I'm there, and ask him if he remembers that stormy night ten years ago. It can't hurt to ask now, can it?