Changing for love!

Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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#1 of Changing for love

Here we go again, with another experimental story, heh! A gender shifting theme this time!

A dark evening with the promise of rain as a leopard morph stood outside of a house, arguing with a pretty female wolf. "I-I'm sorry Hunter, I don't love you anymore" a female wolf anthro said dressed in the fashion in their version of middle Earth.

A male leopard anthro stood just outside of his girlfriends, now ex- girlfriends door, clad in a vest and hide trousers "but...why? Anything you want me to be, anything you want me to change Enya, and I will. Just tell me what to do, I can't bear the thought of losing you!" the Leopard called hunter cried out to her.

Just then, another pair of arms appeared around the wolf, Enya's shoulders as a female cheetah appeared behind her "I'm sorry Hunter is hard to explain but I no longer find you sexually attractive".

Hunter was a strong male leopard and had always been considered quite handsome, so when the beautiful grey wolf said this it came as a bit of a shock to him "I don't understand what you want me to look like. I thought you liked felines?" he begged of her as he tried to reason why she had suddenly gone off of him and what this pretty cheetah was doing with her?

"It isn't you physically but...sexually. I can't quite explain it but please don't go telling anyone" she begged of him as he hung with his jaw slack, looking as if he had just been shot by an arrow.

A female loving another female? Such things were almost unheard of and those that fell into that usually had their lives ruined by been mocked and called sinful in this age. "Don't worry...I won't tell anyone" hunter said in a flat voice as the door started to close.

"I really, really am sorry Hunter. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me?" Enya said as she closed the door shut with a sob that tore at his heart.

Almost as if on cue, the sky began to darken and the clouds grew heavier until they unleashed their load as the rain poured down on him as he just stood there, unsure of what to do and heartbroken.

Almost as if in a trance, he stumbled off in any random direction, ignoring the freezing rain that soaked through his clothes and fur as he sought out a place to either curl up and die or drown his misery at having lost his girlfriend, to another woman as well. The irony couldn't be any more acute if it tried to.

Winding up at a little village a few hours later, smeared in mud and rain and looking a complete mess he blundered into a pub that had mostly ones of the canine variety in it along with a few others mixed in, including a feline morph that sat in the corner, absent of any others it seemed for some reason.

Ordering the strongest ale they had there, he wandered over to her corner, wanting to be somewhere quiet and alone with his misery as a tear slid down his whisker and into his drink. "Why Enya, and to another girl too?" he whispered aloud.

The mysterious felines ears flicked beneath her hood before she spoke in a deep, sensuous voice "are you okay there dear? I could lend an ear if you want, I'm a good listener when people give me the chance".

Ignoring her and sipping his drink before gasping as he winced at the strong alcohol, he gasped "just how much alcohol is in this stuff?"

"About 70% actually so best go easy on that stuff" the mysterious feline said with a laugh in her voice at his reaction.

Shaking his head, he asked her "so why are you way over here in this corner then?" Hunter asked her before sipping his drink again.

The females smile soon vanished as he asked and just said in a low tone "because I'm...different to the rest" she said as she slipped her hood back and revealed that she had purple fur which was very unusual but not a reason that Hunter could see people wanting to keep their distance from her.

None of that mattered though now as his thoughts drifted back to Enya, why did it have to be like this. He always sensed that she was hiding something but still, to find out it was that she liked other girls better then guys? He looked up with a start as he felt the strange females had on his "what's the matter hun? Maybe I can help?" she said with a calm smile on her white muzzle which was the only part that wasn't purple.

"I'd back away from her if I was you!" a skunk morph said as he approached him in a group of his friends "she'll mess you up otherwise" they laughed as they swaggered off, leaving the strange feline looking hurt and her ears drooping.

"What do they mean by that?" Hunter said as he eyed her up wearily now, as if she could suddenly turn into a monster.

"I, ah, am not what people like to think of as normal" she said with a sigh before sipping her own drink. "They don't like what they can't understand it seems, but yes. I was an experimental creation by a wizard and now...I have the ability to manipulate other people's looks" she said in way of explanation.

Hunter remained perfectly quiet and still after this revelation, his mind racing at what she had just told him "what do you mean by alter other peoples appearance?" Hunter asked her in as even a voice as possible.

"Well, I can alter the look or shape of another's body, but in turn I take on part of which I altered. I am sure you have noticed that I am an unusual colour, that is because I used my abilities to alter a purple lizard who wanted to be a better colour. It was only afterwards that I realised what I had taken on and he spread the word about me around. Some payment hm?" she said sarcastically, only a slight flattening of her ears betraying how she truly felt.

"Could something like alter someone's...gender?" Hunter asked nervously to his strange companion.

"Well, I suppose it is possible but...why on earth would anyone want to do that?" she said, her ears perked in curiosity now.

Hunter swished his tail in anxiety through the hole in the back of his chair "um, I don't feel comfortable talking about it here, perhaps is there somewhere private we can talk about this?" he said as he felt for sure that eyes were trained on them.

"I understand, my house lays just outside of the village so we can talk about this there" she said with a soft smile on her muzzle at him.

As they left the tavern, Hunter was glad to do so as he felt the numerous stares on him as he left with her "I'm called Tia by the way, what is yours?" she said as they made their way out of the village, towards a shack in the distance.

"Er, Hunter. Very nice to meet you Ms Tia" Hunter said nervously as they made their way to the run old place.

Entering, he noticed how the interior was a lot nicer then the outside looked as he noted the number of expensive furnishings. Upon seeing the leopards inquisitive stare Tia spoke up "they was what I stole from my ex-master when he was killed. He left me for dead as a failed experiment and after I let the locals know, they stormed his place with the local militia and killed him. I took what I could that wasn't on fire as they burnt his home down".

Hunter gave her a long stare before saying "he must have been a very cruel wizard for such hate then" he said with a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.

Smiling and giving his hand a squeeze, she stepped on in and closed the door before taking her cloak off and hanging it up on a clothes stand.

Hunter took a step back at what he saw, because as he found out just now that she didn't wear a bra, but that wasn't what startled him. Protruding from her back was six long, thin tendrils "w-what the hell!?" he stammered in shock.

Turning round at his outburst she simply said "this is the result of his 'experiments', I can't but anything too confining on as it causes me pain from them. These are what I use to...alter another's body with" she said in a tone that convinced Hunter she expected him to run away.

Instead, he walked up to her and put his arms round her in a hug, surprising her before she did so in return "I'm sorry you had to suffer so much" he said as he felt one tendril gently wrap round his arm, making him pull quickly away.

"There aren't many like you" Tia said with a smile "so I'll do what you want me to, what did you want doing Hunter?"

Hunter seemed to lose his words for a bit before he managed to find his tongue "um...well I need to know if you could make me a...female" he said as his blush showed even through his fur.

For the first time, Tia seemed shocked at his request before asking "why would you want such a thing doing? You are a handsome leopard so what would you want to become female for?" she asked him quizzically.

"Please don't tell anyone else but I...have a girl that used to be my partner, until that is she seemed to fall for the female side. She wanted to love me but just couldn't seem to connect any more with my male side. I can't bear to be without her and will even give up my male side in order to be with her".

"Hmm, a female loving another one, yes I have heard of such a thing before, even considered it myself just once I must admit. If she means that much then I will help you" she said with a sympathetic look at him.

"Thank you, very much Ms Tia" he said as he felt his heart hammer, wondering what would it feel like and how she would go about changing him with those things. "What...must I do to start?" he asked her.

" have to strip down first of all" she said as Hunter looked taken aback before nodding and doing so, somewhat awkwardly in front of her.

Tia gave a small gasp and Hunter looked to where she was looking, only to see his erect member "uh, s-sorry um..." he stammered before he tried to make it go down.

"Stop, we'll need that erect in order for part of the change" Tia said a she stroked his shaft back up, a slight moan escaping Hunter's muzzle. "It does seem like such a waste though" she said, admiring his cock with a lusty swish of her purple tail.

Hunter thought the same but...he didn't want to be without Enya, didn't want to be without his wolf goddess "what next?" he said as he swung his tail in an abashed sort of way.

"Now...hold on tight" Tia said as her tendrils shot around Hunter, one shooting down his mouth, another through his bellybutton whilst the third shot up his furred butt and the forth managed to coax its way into his large cock, Hunter moaning the whole time.

Tia held onto him for the entire process as he bucked and moaned with each invasion into his body before he opened his eyes again to see the clear tendrils inside him "w-what was that about?" he gasped out loud around the tendril in his mouth.

" what's in order to change your body. Now, hold on for the ride" she moaned as an almost clear fluid started to flood into him through the tendrils and into his body, causing him to jerk in her hold as he started to moan aloud.

"Gasp, wh-what?" he gurgled as he felt her last two start suckling on his hidden male nipples hidden beneath his fur, feeling them tingle as if they was loosening.

"Shh, don't worry, it will be alright" Tia said as her tendrils finished suckling and then pulled off before closing up to pierce his nipples with a powerful buck from him of shock and pleasure. The fluid was in fact designed to help his body cope with the changes as his body was slowly filled by the substance.

Slowly, Tia worked her tendrils into his butt, cock, nipples and throat, deeper with her pausing just once in a while to let his body adjust to the intruding, strange appendages.

"Are you ready Hunter? it's not too late to change your mind yet" Tia said to him, knowing it would be permanent for him and not wanting to tell him directly that she couldn't change him back. That flaw she was too ashamed of to openly admit.

Hunter seemed to think a bit, but no. If this was the only way to get his girl back, then so be it. Nodding his head, he gave the go ahead to start as a fluid travelled into his cock. His eyes went large as he saw the clear fluid slowly travel down and let out a low moan as it entered him, his nerves going on fire as soon as it entered through his cock. The same fluid was starting to be pumped into his chest, throat and butt, the numerous sensations making him almost bite down on the fragile looking tendril in his mouth at the pleasure this invoked.

All of his nerves seemed to be coming alive as he felt a sudden weight in his balls. Dashing a hand towards them, he let out a startled moan as he realised that the fluid was going into them, making them bigger and heavier.

He whipped his head up with a choked gasp as she grasped hold of his pulsing member "what, did you expect me to just miss out on a bit of fun. May as well before you lose it!" she purred sensually, seeming to share in his building tension and lust. "You wonder about the fluid? It is to help your body with the change, loosens it and makes it more adaptable" she said, stroking his cock as she spoke.

Withdrawing the tendril from his mouth, he sputtered a little as the fluid came dribbling out, but didn't taste all that foul to his surprise, it tasted rather good actually "oh...this feels just good" he gasped as his face fur fluffed in a blush.

"If you think that's good, just wait until we get to the main part" Tia purred as Hunter gave a gasp and growl of surprise as his fur started to get softer "it's starting" she whispered as he felt a sudden number of shifting's in his body.

The first noticeable change was his chest which started to slowly push outwards, "Oh!" he gasped as he whipped a hand to his almost non-existent bust but could feel it. He could feel the flesh rippling and expanding slowly as his nipples suddenly became overly sensitive to the thin, fleshy tubes working their magic inside him.

"Is that feeling good?" she purred as she traced a claw tip round an open nipple, making Hunter growl in pleasure. It came out slightly higher than usual though as a tightening could be felt in his vocals and neck.

" does" he said softly as he next felt his hips start to shift, starting to become a little softer and rounder along with his body starting to become more feminine defined and his legs slimming. Hunter had to hold onto Tia for support as his legs started to shake from the building pleasure in his groin. "Tia I-I'm going to...shit!" he exclaimed as his cock pulsed around her fingers before he came. Breathing and panting raggedly from his orgasm but been kept on the peak constantly from the tendrils in him, he slowly opened an eye to see with a bit of shock that her tendril in his cock was taking his cum into herself. "What..." he gasped in confusion before she stopped him.

"Shh, now the best part begins" she said as his hands shot to his 7 inch shaft, meeting her own hands roaming his cock. Squeezing his eyes shut to a sudden burst of pleasure, his cock started slowly shrinking, the sight terrified him but for some reason also greatly aroused him as he felt it slowly shrink into him at about an inch a minute. "Does seem a bit of a waste, hope you have no second thoughts because it is too late now" Tia breathed heavily, her moderate sized chest heaving and falling with each breath she took.

"No, n-none. This is...such an incredible feeling...God" he cried out and wrapped his arms round her, not caring if she wasn't his lover. He was so caught up in the feelings that assaulted his body that he didn't care at that point.

His breathing started coming out faster and more laboured as his butt became more rounded, along with his hips. He looked down in a pleasure filled daze at his chest and noticed they was well on their way now, as the flesh started pushing against his spotted fur becoming distinguished mounds. Beyond that he could see his cock slowly slipping away as a heat flamed through all of his sensitive areas.

Tia grasped hold of his slowly shrinking balls and massaged them brining a cry of joy from him as he came a second time, this time though the tendrils didn't suck it up but just let his seed spill over them and drip onto the floor as his dick was only at three inches now. His balls started to recede into what was becoming his vagina, the sight alone making what was left of his cock give another weak pulse of cum over her tendrils as they slid deeper still within his body.

"T-this feels, oh Tia I" he stopped as he heard his voice, it was definitely more feminine now and he was surprised that he was excited at the thought of becoming a female.

Tia ran her purple furred hands through his spotted fur "mmh, so soft now" she murmured into his perked ear as the colouring became slightly lighter also. "Looks like we are almost there now, just a little more. Blame your dick for been long" she said in a sultry tone as her body started to heat up.

Hunter was intoxicated by the feeling, he wanted this feeling to carry on endlessly as his chest started approaching a good size now, the nipples poking through the fur as he grasped them. Just the sensation of doing so and feeling the last inch of his maleness slip inside of him made the head of his cock pulse one last time as his balls was just left as they shrunk and vanished, been drawn up into him with a last final squeeze from Tia.

He lashed his tail about as he came again, this time from his newly formed vagina as his cum washed all over her hands "Aaaahhhhh, GOD!!" he, rather she now screamed out in a unmistakable feminine voice.

"Don't you look pretty now?" Tia said with a lusty lick, Hunter had been that caught up in her pleasure that she never noticed her face reshaping into something of beauty as she ran her hands over her face...her hand? She looked at them in bewilderment, they was still strong but seemed to have a certain delicate look to them as well now.

He was distracted by a loud yowl of pleasure from Tia as she saw in shock as a small nub of flesh started to form above her slit. With her mind slowly adapting and those wonderful tendrils working on her body, still causing crashes of pleasure to rip through her, Hunter bent down and realised what was happening. It was a cock that was starting to grow on her groin.

Without thinking, Hunter placed her mouth over the little nub and sucked hard, making Tia a give a sharp intake of breath. Running her tongue over the slowly growing organ, she began to suckle on it, feeling very hot as she did so. "Ah, Hunter, that feels just...that is so wonderful" Tia growled, throwing her, rapidly becoming hir, head back in sheer bliss at feeling her growing penis sucked on, feeling it slowly slide up Hunters throat until she had hir first male orgasm.

Hunter began gulping back the jets of cum that shot down her throat, almost painfully with Tia cumming so hard. Tia's orgasm seemed to help speed hir growth along it seemed as Hunter felt the cock grow to its full length, rapidly sliding up her muzzle causing Hunter to growl sensually at the feeling. It finally stopped at six inches long.

"That was...a lot more different then I was expecting" she said before stopping at the sound of her new voice. It had quite a sensual tone to it that she found she enjoyed. Hunter grasped at a breast, feeling the flesh ripple and expand beneath her hand through her fur as the flesh started to outgrow the fur at around a D-cup and felt her butt finish shifting, along with her legs and body. "I...could get addicted to this" she growled in a high tone as she felt her pussy have a small orgasm before the tendrils withdrew, the last ones slowly withdrawing from her bust that was now an D+.

"That was...quite a rush for me" Tia said as she eyed up Hunter in admiration "I must say, that if your Enya loves females, then she would be a fool to turn you down" Tia moaned slightly as her new cock throbbed gently, expelling more pre.

"I'm afraid that I don't have much to pay you with, but there is one thing I think I can give you" Hunter said as she wrapped her arms round Tia's shoulders.

"There is nothing you have to give me, just go and find your girl and make yourselves happy, that is what will be my pay..." Tia gasped as her speech was interrupted when shi felt Hunter's pussy press around hir cock as shi orgasmed almost instantly inside of her "of course...I don't mind that sort...of payment" Tia gasped as shi filled Hunters virgin pussy and new womb fill up with her seed as they moaned in post orgasmic bliss.

Holding onto each other as they both calmed down, Tia looked at Hunter with a happy smile "that was a most welcome payment girl" Tia said as shi ran hir hands down her spine now and Hunter had to stop herself from kissing Tia. She had become a female for Enya, not to fall in love with mustn't think of her as a mysterious sex goddess, uh, too late.

Holding Tia, Hunters mind began to calm down though it still raced with new feelings. Shi had just given Tia a blow job And mated with hir. Hunter didn't know what to think about this as she was in the mind state of a male mostly still.

"Uh, I...I've got to go" Hunter said hurriedly as she got dressed in clothes that no longer properly fitted her in her new state.

"I think that would be best" Tia agreed as she herself was becoming attached to her new form now, a result of the new male hormones that pulsed through her mind now. You are quite beautiful looking though" Tia said as Hunter returned the compliment nervously before hurrying away.

Going almost at a run away from Tia's house, Hunter headed in the direction of the next town where her ex-girlfriend lived. A fair few people she passed gave her a curious look as she was a beautiful leopard fem now in males clothing. Keeping her tail in between her legs as she entered the town proper, she sought out her girlfriend's house.

However, upon knocking on the door, she was surprised to find the Cheetah and...a male puma? "Yes, can we help you?" he said in a voice as menacing as he looked with his bulging muscles and height.

"Where is the wolf that lived here?" Hunter said unable to keep a growl from escaping as a bad feeling settled into his gut "WHERE IS ENYA?" she roared at them, attracting a few onlookers before they quickly departed and the Cheetah gave a smug smile.

"Oh, you mean the floozy that lived here? Hm, hm, hm. She is probably out on the streets or in some tavern working just to keep a roof over her head now. And if I was you, whoever you are, I wouldn't get involved" she said nastily as her thug of a mate cracked his knuckles together menacingly before they slammed the door shut in her face.

Hunter stood there crestfallen, she had no idea where she was or even if Enya was in town as she slumped to her knees, weeping quietly. She had become a female for nothing then she thought miserably. "No, I can't give up. She must be around still, she must" Hunter said in panic as she got on up and ran off to where she knew all the pubs to be. All the while wondering what went so wrong and what happened.

After looking around nearly all of the pubs and asking around, she staggered into the last one, slumping on a bar stool exhausted. "Yes, what can I get you" a female voice said flatly as she waited impatiently for her order.

Pricking her ears up at the sound of the voice, hunter lifted her head up to stare at her, and almost fell off of her stool. It was Enya "E...Enya!" Hunter gasped as she struggled for words.

"Do I...know you?" she said before she got another customer calling her name for service "wait a minute" she growled in an irritated fashion as she sped off, leaving Hunter by herself.

Arriving back behind the bar, she said "now what did you want, otherwise go away. There are plenty more assholes who also want to ogle at me without female admirers too" she said as her tail hung limp at that last statement.

Just before she turned to leave, Hunter spoke up "I thought you liked girls" she said as Enya froze in her tracks before turning round and lashing out at her with bared claws and a snarl.

"DON'T talk to ME about that" she snarled "and how the hell did you know about that?".

Ignoring the jeers from the rest of the customers she said "because you used to be my partner" she said, putting a paw to her bleeding face.

Staring at her, Enya whispered "Hunter?" before the manager came along and asked if there was trouble.

"No, none at all. Um, she just had an accident so could I take her to my room to clean up?" she asked him in a pleading tone.

"Take too long and it comes out of your pay" he grunted as he nodded for her to go ahead.

As Hunter let Enya lead her upstairs, the wolf snatched her hand away from her face and handed her, her tail to use "it will be better than using those rough pads of yours on your hands" she said in a low voice.

Whispering a thank you, they entered a room that had barely enough space for the one bed in it and a basic wardrobe as Enya closed the door. "Who are you?" Enya asked her once again "you can't be Hunter, he...he left me and was a male, not a female" she said in an uncertain voice.

Knowing that she could be stubborn, Hunter knew that talk would probably be wasted on her in a situation like this. Instead, she turned her blood stained palm to her face and even through the mess, could be made out a scar Hunter got before when she had defended Enya from a bandit that had tried to claim her, a lizard morph with some nasty claws.

Enya's eyes went into orbs as she saw the exact scar on his pads "H...Hunter? God, it really is you? How...why? I just don't understand how or why you became a female" Enya said in a confused whine as she stared into Hunters eyes, noticing they was the exact same as before, just a little more gentler looking.

"I know, I am sorry to have to surprise you like this but...I had a little magical help from a kind feline" she said with a weak smile as the bleeding In the side of her cheek subsided. "As for why I did this, I did it so we could be together again silly" he said to her with a smile before he noticed Enya's troubled face.

" did you get like this?" Enya said confused as to how a guy could wind up a girl. Hunter described to Enya the events after he had left her, wandering around as an emotional wrek only to happen upon Tia.

"Oh silly bastard you...I only loved her because of a charm amulet she had on. I don't love females really" she said as tears started to form in her brown eyes.

Hunter could feel her own eyes start leaking, and her heart suddenly froze up as a knot formed in her throat "so...I didn't have to..." Hunter collapsed on the floor in a broken heap as she broke down crying.

"Hunter, I am so, so sorry. Is there a way to change you back?" she asked but just got nothing back from her but an endless stream of tears.

Enya hung her head, her silvery vile of hair hanging over her eyes as she did so before looking up at Hunter. Tilting Hunter's head back, she began asking what she was doing when Enya captured Hunter's mouth in a strong kiss. A look of surprise on Hunters face that quickly melted into passion, her mouth really hot and wet from crying as they kissed. "Enya...?" Hunter gasped as she let go of her muzzle.

Looking sheepishly, Enya said "I...thought I would give it a go when not under the influence of that amulet and...maybe it could still work" she said with a blush almost visible through her silvery grey fur.

Hunter practically fell on top of her in joy, wrapping arms round her and locking muzzles together in a fiery embrace. But she had a look of puzzlement on her face as she was pushed back "not here, the door doesn't lock and it would be bad for both of us if he came up upon us two now.

Nodding meekly, Hunter helped Enya up as they made their way down and out the pub.

They had to quickly vacate the pub as the boss grew enraged at Enya ditching her job and sent a pair of burly Bears after them. Luckily they were faster and soon outpaced them as they stopped panting for breath. "That was...scary" Hunter gasped as she bent doubled over before making to remove her top, feeling hot and sweaty after the run.

Some travelling the road stopped to gawk at her and one even whistled as Enya quickly pulled her top back over her again. "You can't do that anymore in public, remember?" Enya said as she glared at onlookers before tugging her along.

"I hope she can turn me back" Hunter grumbled at the inconvenience, though part of her not wanting to do though strangely enough.

"I'll be honest, I think that pendant the Cheetah had unlocked something inside of me, I...I think I like you as female" Enya said with her head dipped in shame.

"Enya...would you still take me if I got turned back to a guy?" Hunter asked, holding Enya's hands in her own, making her meet Hunter's gaze.

Locking muzzles with a soft growl of surprise from Hunter, Enya said "I would...I feel we are part of each other's lives and wouldn't be without you anymore" she whispered to Hunter.

"Why didn't you tell the local guards about them thugs takin over your house?" Hunter said as the thought hit her about the lack of response.

"You know why, they would laugh at such a situation" Enya said miserably before Hunter ran her paw over the side of her muzzle and locked eyes that told her she was safe now. Holding hands, they headed off the road to Tia's shack.

"So you...can't turn me back then?" Hunter said with a lot less shock and dismay then she thought she would feel.

"I'm sorry Hunter, its why I asked you if you was sure about your decision before I began the process, I...suppose you hate me for it though" Tia said, looking away from them.

"No...I am not. The choice and fault lay with me so you are not to blame, truth be told I do not mind" Hunter said with a slight twist of her muzzle.

"So you are Tia? It's very nice to meet you" Enya said as she reached a padded hand out to clasp Tia's.

"The pleasure is all mine and I must admit that Hunter has good taste you are very beautiful looking" the fem turned herm said with a slight purring.

Enya had a startled look when she scented a males scent coming from Tia until Hunter lay a reassuring hand on her shoulder "don't worry, she just got an added part from me is all" making Tia chuckle at the term she used.

"Wait...a female with a...?" Enya shook her head at the thought of having both sexes, yes she would be an interesting friend for both of them in the future. "But for now, we'll have to head back. We are quite tired" Enya said, making a small whine as she yawned.

"Please, stay the night" Tia said as shi beckoned to hir room.

"You only have one bedroom though, where will you sleep?" Hunter asked in concern.

"No need to worry about me, I'll be fine okay?" Tia said as shi ushered them into hir small bedroom.

Looking around the small room, there was again, an assortment of things that had been rescued from the wizard's castle as Hunter lay down on the bed.

"Your new friend seems very nice doesn't she, er shi" Enya smiled slightly as she made her way to the bed.

"Yes shi is, for all Tia went through shi is a good feline" Hunter said before she arched her head forward as Enya started pulling her trousers off. "Enya?" Hunter said as her heart beat seemed to pick up a little bit.

"Shush, we have had a trying day and I'm going to show you how a female is pleasured properly" Enya said as she jumped on the bed and straddled her chest, pulling the hide vest off of her. Hunter actually helped and once she had it off, Enya could only look down at her body in lust with a tinge of jealousy "I'll have to see if she could do these sometime, your breasts are bigger and more beautiful than mine" Enya said as she gently reached down to grasp a big bust causing Hunter to moan slightly at the touch. "You like that then pussycat? You like the feeling it gives you hmm?" Enya teased her "well let's see how you like this then" Enya said with a slight show of fangs before rubbing a nipple with a padded finger

"Oh...Oh Enya, that feels good. AH!" Hunter cried out as Enya did the same to her other nipple, feeling her folds starting to moisten from the play on her nipples.

"Ooh, so soft and sensitive" Enya said huskily, maybe she had always been attracted to the same sex and that pendant story she was given was just a lie to confuse her further.

Feeling Hunter worm her hands up her own shirt and play with her breasts, Hunter said "yours aren't too bad...either" She said before making to remove her shirt and skirt, dropping them to the floor with a playful growl from both of them as they both played with each other's breasts, the scent from their exposed pussies heated pussies growing stronger as the minutes went by as they fondled and kissed each other.

"Let's try this then" Enya whispered as she took a one of Hunters nipples in her mouth and sucked hard, making Hunter gasp and her body jolt as pleasure ripped through her body.

"Is that...what it feels like when I do It to you?" Hunter gasped as she arched and moaned into the suckling on her breasts.

"Mmh, hmm" Enya just mumbled round the nipple as she sucked, seeming as taken as Hunter was with it before Hunter pulled back with something glistening on her muzzle. "And guess what?" she said as she leaned in to kiss Hunter, her eyes flying wide as she tasted milk on her muzzle. "Probably a side effect of the changes she made to your body, they'll probably stop in a while" Enya said, unable to stifle a laugh at her concerned look.

Reaching down, Hunter cupped Enya's pussy in her hand and rubbed the glistening folds, purring into the kiss as she did so. Enya's chest started coming out more harsh through her nose as she panted into the kiss, Hunter's pleasuring her seemed heightened and more erotic now Hunter was a female for some reason "oh this f-feels so good Hunter, don't stop!" she growled as she pressed her pussy into her palm and wrapped her arms round her spotted head, delving her tongue in lustfully as Hunter sped up her pace of rubbing.

Making a loud whine, Enya came all over Hunter's hand as her body sagged against her own "feel better?" Hunter said with a happy smile at her as she rested a head on one of her busts, twining tails with each other's.

"Yes...much better thank you love" she said as she propped herself up "you are definitely more passionate and I have to say quite pretty Hunter. Now let me show you something else you wouldn't have experienced as a guy" Enya said as she slipped down Hunter.

Enya had Hunter's pussy to her face as she breathed her scent in, the scent was Hunters but the underlying female bite made it feel more naughty and erotic before her fingers parted her folds. "Even here your fur is much more softer, just like the rest of you girl" Enya said the girl part with emphasis causing Hunter to blush and her pussy flexed as a little bit of cum dribbled out. "let's see how you taste" she said with a lap of her outer folds at the moisture.

"E-Enya, that felt good, please do it again!" Hunter growled out as her pussy lips rippled, wanting something in them.

"I'll go one better" she said, slipping her long canine tongue into her pussy slowly, making Hunter cry out in lust and wrapping her legs round her head in reflex as her new, inexperienced pussy was plundered.

Enya was rewarded by a squirt of cum as she plunged her long, wide tongue down into her depths as she wriggled it about and slowly kept on pushing until it was deep within her. Her light grey tail wafting in enjoyment. Hunters mind was a whirlwind of feelings, the tentacles she had in her before was good but this...this was something else entirely as she gritted her fangs and flexed her claws as the tongue slowly moved in and out of her. Each outward thrust and inward bringing soft gasps and moans from her and each outward movement would bring Hunters sexual juices to Enya's waiting maw.

Hunter gave a cry of ecstasy when Enya grabbed hold of her buttocks for better leverage and tightened her legs round Enya's head. Hunter ran her claws through Enyas head fur and silvery mane and over her ears as she kept moaning her name, that wonderful tongue touching every fresh, new, sensitive part within her until it hit the right note.

Giving a loud roar as she came, her folds let loose a torrent of cum that splashed Enya's grey furred face and in or around her muzzle as her tongue was squeezed, massaged and drawn repeatedly into her gushing depths.

The experience was a lot more intense through such intimacy and still been very fresh and pleasurable, with Hunter lying slumped and exhausted. "Mmh, still sorry you are a female are you?" Enya murmured as she crawled up her body for their pussies to squash together.

"No I...think I'm rather glad, I could never...have experienced that" Hunter panted as they pressed against each other, falling asleep in a passionate embrace with their soft bodies matted in cum and pressed to each other. Both making low whining and growling sounds as they slept, not been able to remember feeling so happy with each other.

The door creaked open, as Tia peered on in to look at them, the scent of their mating hitting hir like a slap in the face as hir purple fur stood on end. Hir cock went erect at the scents and a sob tore itself from hir throat. Shi missed hir lover before shi was turned into a freak and vowed one day that shi would have them both. But for now, despite hir aching loneliness, shi couldn't help a smile at how peaceful and happy they were. "It might be fate for the three of us, for I can't think of anyone else who has accepted me" shi whispered as shi closed the door to.