The Bouncer, Chapter 3

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#3 of The Bouncer

Here is chapter 3 of "The Bouncer", I hope you guys like it!

The Bouncer. Part 3

By Wolfie Steel.

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The music is loud and the techno beat is fast paced, but it is not my kind of music, however, I can just merely tune the music out of my senses just by thinking of one image, seeing Lance's hot and very tightly packed ass in all of its glory. Suddenly I'm brought from my daydream by the sound of Piss Head calling into his radio set.

"All stations, looks like tensions are high on the dance floor, I think we have am Alkey in progress"

That was all I needed to hear, I closed the door to prevent any other guys from entering the club and I made my way towards the dance floor. As I arrive I see a sight that almost breaks me in two, Lance is sat on the front of the stage, his nose pouring with blood and a German Shepherd being held just mere feet away by The Big Guy and Craig the DJ, The Big Guy growls an order at me.

"JC, take Boss Dog out of here and get his injuries tended to, Craig and me will close the club for the night and deal with this soon to be very sore Sheppie"

I storm passed Craig and kneel before Lance, I look him over, he has been pretty badly beaten, I just want to turn around and vent all of my anger towards the Sheppie, but Lance's injuries look too severe for me not to give him my full attention, and so I turn my back to the stage and stand at Lance's side, I gently lower myself down to his level and then I wrap my paw around his waist.

With my paw now securely in place I gently stand up lifting Lance with me, I then slowly lead the injured Doberman towards the back loading area. We arrive at the rear exit door and using my right foot paw I kick it open, I gently move us over to my new transport and I lean Lance against the passenger door as I fumble for the key.

"Lance, for the love of god, keep your head back, it will help stop the bleeding"

Lance lets out a pitiful whine but manages to tilt his head back a little, I unlock the truck and then manoeuvre Lance in such a way that I can open the passenger door. With the door open, I gently lower Lance into the seat and help him with the seat belt. Now sure, helping with his seat belt puts me in close proximity to his ripped and toned body, but right now that is the last thing on my mind.

With Lance securely seated, I close the door and then run around to the driver's door, I open it and quickly drop my ass into the driver's seat, I put the key into the Maloo's ignition and fire up the super charged V8 engine, I put on my own seat belt and then close the door, I reverse out from the parking lot and then I begin the journey towards the hospital, every now and then checking on Lance's condition.

The one time that I need the streets to be quiet and I hit a mountain of traffic, shit will this night get any worse? In front of me I have a guy that is travelling at no more than 20mph, I can feel as my heckles rise again, they rise to a point where I can't take it much longer, I pull out from behind the slow guy and floor the Maloo, driving at speed on the wrong side of the road, cars coming the other way are flashing their headlights and sounding their horns, but again I pay them no mind, I then see a gap in the traffic so I pull into it.

Knowing the city as well as I do I see a short cut to the hospital coming up on the left, I make the turn and merciful heavens the road ahead is clear. Two minutes later and the truck roars into the parking area in front of the hospital, I park the truck in the nearest space that I find, it's probably not the best bit of parking that I have ever done but who cares?

I quickly shut off the engine and clamber out of the truck, I run around to the passenger side and open the door, I release the safety belt from Lance and I gently start to extricate him from the truck, an orderly from the hospital is walking across the parking area and sees me struggling to get Lance out of the truck, he quickly rushes over to me and begins to help me with Lance.

With Lance now out of the truck, the orderly helps me to walk Lance into the foyer of the hospital, we walk up to the reception desk, where a bespectacled female Poodle sits typing up some notes, as soon as she sees Lance's condition she tells the orderly to get a wheel chair so that he can be wheeled into one of the cubicles.

The orderly, a grey and white furred Husky, gently lowers Lance into the wheel chair and begins to wheel Lance into the cubicle so that he can be assessed by one of the on duty doctors, meanwhile I stay at the front desk to answer as many of the questions that the receptionist will ask as I can.

With the Spanish Inquisition now complete I take a seat in the waiting area, each minute that I wait, the anger that I feel towards the German Shepherd that caused Lance's injuries, grows and grows, I silently vow that if I ever see the guy again he will be needing much more than a hospital bed. I can't believe the feelings that seeing Lance, who up until eleven hours ago was a complete stranger, so badly beaten has stirred deep within me.

I look at the clock on the waiting room wall, I see that it is12:46am, which means that I have been waiting in the hospital now for an hour and three quarters, man what is taking them so long? Why has nobody told me anything about Lance? Are his injuries worse than I first thought? All these questions swim around in my head until suddenly I feel a gentle paw on my shoulder; I look up to see a Wolf dressed in a white doctor's coat standing next to me.

"Are you the gentle fur that brought Mr. Silver in earlier?"

"Yes doctor, my name is Jake Cooper; I am the doorman at his night club"

The doctor nods gently and continues.

"Well usually we don't give out a patient's information to anyone other than the patient's next of kin, but since Mr. Silver has told us that he has no next of kin to contact, I will tell you what is going on. Your boss has suffered a broken nose and a slightly chipped left cheek bone, he has severe swelling of his left eye and a small split in the lip of his lower muzzle, and we think that was caused by a ring or something. The cheek bone, eye swelling and split lip will all heal nicely within a few days, the injury that is causing us some concern is the broken nose; you see a fragment of bone was lodged in Mr. Silver's upper nasal passage, now we have performed an x-ray on Mr. Silver to ascertain whether or not any other splinters or fragments of bone went any further, if they had then there would be the possibility of complications, however, the x-ray did not show any such fragments so I believe that he has been very lucky"

I sit there shocked as I try to take in everything that the doctor is telling me, after a few seconds I find my voice again.

"Doctor, I know that it is against regulations, but is there any chance that I can see Lance, I mean Mr. Silver please?"

The light of a slight realisation dawns in the doctor's eyes.

"Tell me if I'm way off base here Mr. Cooper, but I'm going to start putting two and two together, I know of Silver's Night Club, it is if memory serves me correctly, a Gay Club, now the fact that you have just used the patient's Christian name, all be it as a slip of the tongue, tells me that you are closer to Mr. Silver than you are letting on, am I right?"

I begin to quiver a little and I let out a sigh, but then I quietly answer the doctor.

"Well doctor, in truth, I have only known Mr. Silver for a little over thirteen hours, but yes, both myself and Mr. Silver have strong romantic feelings for each other"

The doctor nods his head as his suspicions are confirmed.

"Well Mr. Cooper, in light of the information that you have just given me, I'm prepared to let you in to see Mr. Silver as his partner, but please try to control yourself in the room because remember, this is a hospital"

The doctor gives a slight giggle as he finishes his sentence, he then gives me Lance's room number and I head off towards the room. I stand outside the room and look through the glass pane in the door, I can clearly see Lance sat on the edge of the bed and dressed in a hospital gown, he looks up from the floor and sees me standing outside, suddenly a weak smile breaks out across his muzzle and he beckons me into the room.

I open the door and walk inside, once inside I quietly close the door behind me and I walk over to where Lance is sitting.

"Well Lance, that Sheppie certainly did a fantastic number on you, but I wouldn't worry, I will stake my life on the fact that the Sheppie will be sampling hospital food himself before long"

Lance lets out a strained giggle and then winces in pain from his freshly repaired split lip.

"I can't believe that Sheppie went for me, all I did was ask him to not have his drink with him on the dance floor, next thing I know is that his head has connected spectacularly with my nose, which put me on the deck, he then followed that with a balled up paw to my muzzle"

I give a fairly loud growl as I hear Lance's side of what went on back at the club, if I hated the Sheppie before, then now I would happily kill him, Lance sees the anger in my eyes and then motions for me to kneel before him, I do as I'm asked.

"Now Jake calm down please sweetheart, owning a night club comes packed with certain dangers, a broken nose is nothing compared to what some club owners have been through, the doctor has said that he would like me to stay in hospital for the rest of the night, but I have asked him if I can go home as long as I promise to take things easy, at first he was none too happy about that, but he has agreed. Now be a darling and hand me my clothes, and then go tell the doctor that I will be discharging myself into your care"

I blush wildly at Lance's words; in the same paragraph he has called me sweetheart and darling. Without anymore distractions I hand Lance his clothes and then I leave the room to find the doctor. I arrive back in the waiting area and I see the doctor leaning against the reception desk tiredly rubbing the bridge of his nose, I walk over to the doctor and speak.

"Well doctor, I have been to see Mr. Silver and he has told me that he is ready to discharge himself into my care"

The doctor looks at me and shakes his head slightly.

"It is against my better judgement, but okay, as long as you agree to make Mr. Silver relax and recuperate and make sure that he takes his meds on time I will allow it"

I gave the doctor my word and he told me that he would make up a bag with Lance's medication in while I went to collect the Doberman. I arrive back at Lance's room and find him sitting back on the edge of the bed now fully clothed, Lance sees me at the door and stands from the bed and walks out from the room. We head back through the waiting area collecting the medicine bag on the way, and then we head out to the parking area where I had parked the truck.

"So Jake, what do you think of the Maloo? Do you think you can tame the beast and make it your own?"

I giggle slightly as I make my reply.

"Babe, compared to taming you, the truck will be a push over"

We both laugh a little as we get back into the truck and we make our way back to Lance's home, the home which I now have the privilege of sharing with one of the hottest dogs on the planet.

The Bouncer, Chapter 4.

**The Bouncer. Part 4** _By Wolfie Steel._ _ _ With direction from Lance we arrive back at his home, which appears to be a modern three story detached town house, however, the house and the gardens do not seem as they would be owned by Lance, I...

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The Bouncer, Chapter 2

**The Bouncer. Part 2** _By Wolfie Steel._ _ _ I walk back out into the main room of the club carrying my new uniform, which consists of a light blue button down shirt, a pair of tight black jeans, a jacket for when I am working on the door in the...

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The Bouncer, Chapter 1

**The Bouncer.** _By Wolfie Steel._ _ _ I sigh as I open yet another threatening letter, this time it is from my Landlord, it seems that I am three months late with my rent, oh well I'll just add it to the growing pile of letters all threatening...

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