Chapter 1

Story by shippouyaoi on SoFurry

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#1 of Just A Blanket

The back room of the store was isolated and dark. It was locked, and accessable only by the shop's owner. It had to be that way, because he couldn't have just anyone stumbling upon the room or its inhabitant. It was still early morning, the sun had yet to rise, and in the corner of the dark room, a young cat slept on a simple bed in the silence of the room. He'd only been there a few weeks, having come in shortly after the last occupant was taken away, and he'd been the owner's favorite thus far. the locks clicked, the door knob turned, and the door opened with a beam of light that landed across the cat's midsection and brightened the room. A pair of feet entered slowly, not causiously, but not too excitedly. "Oh, Raaii?" A bear's voice spoke loudly and cheerfully as he stood between the boy and the light from outside the room. "Rai, kitten? Time to wake up." He cooed to the cat.

Rai slowly stirred awake, opening his eyes to see the owner, sitting up and backing towards the wall a little, putting his legs up to cover himself, his hands tied behind his back to the harness that was around his chest, and his mouth was kept shut with a muzzle, refrained from talking or screaming out. He looked up at the owner, wondering if the bear would set him free yet.

The bear grinned down at his captive kitten; he was much bigger than the boy in every way, and was dressed very nicely, especially in comparison to the cat who was nude except for hiis muzzle and harness. "Did you sleep well last night, boy?"

Rai nodded slowly, not wanting to anger the bear again, after a few encounters with him, he had learned to try and not make him mad. He looked up at the bear as if he was pleading for his release, or at least to have the bonds taken off, but the effort seemed void, as the bear had proven to be perverted and dominating. His jaw strained a little at the muzzle as he tried to form some words, but stopped the effort, his tail traveling into his waist so he didn't sit on it.

"That's good. I came in early today just to see you." The bear replied as he pulled his jacket off and tossed it off to the side without much care. "Store won't be open for a while still." he paused, and stepped on the heels of his shoes and pulled his feet out of them as he approached the cat and his bed. "I just couldn't wait for lunch to see you today." He sat on the bed's edge.

Rai's body tensed hesitantly as he looks up at the bear still, not wanting another day of having his ass owned, and he backs up into the corner further, letting out a soft whimper, the muzzle refraining him from making a loud noise.

"Oh...come on now, you know that won't do." The bear said as he patted the bed closer to him and moved his head as if calling the boy closer. "You know it's only worse if you fight."

Rai paused, looking down at his hand, then up at him, and decided it was best not to resist, to make his 'punishment' less severe, and he inched over to the bear, looking up at him, his ears flattened.

"Good boy..." The bear said, lightly petted the teenager's head, and leaned close, planting a small kiss on his forehead. "I'm really gonna' miss you when you get bought." He added, kissing him again.

Rai simply sat there, not knowing exactly if he agreed with the owner; He might recieve a better owner, or, from the rumors he had heard, get purchased by someone who's sole intent is to free him. He kept looking up at the bear, not having had enough light in the room to see much else, and his legs curled up to his chest, the air cold, and his kitty cock in his sheath, but still feeling uncomfortable as he was nude.

The bear stood up and slowly began to unbutton his shirt as he spoke, "No no, now...put your legs back down. Until someone shows up and buys you, you're mine...and I expect to see all of you." He pulled his shirt out of his pants' waist and unbuttoned the last few before tossing it to the floor with his jacket.

Rai whimpered a little as his lips barely moved, trying to form some words, and his legs moved down a bit, but not all the way, and he tried looking around for a blanket, but being unsuccessful, and he had been forced to sleep without one, as well. So far, though, he had been obedient, and he hoped it was enough to let him at least be given a blanket at all. He looked back up at the bear, who had finished unbuttoning his shirt, and his hands struggled against the bonds as well, trying to move, to get away, to escape the reality of the situation he was in.

"I said down!" The bear repeated gruffly, leaning in, grabbing the cat's ankles and pulling them down roughly, so his knees bent over the bed's edge. He put his nose by the cat's ear as he growled, his paws holding the boy's knees down. "You remember what happens if you don't do what I say, right?"

Rai whimpered loudly as he nodded slowly, his eyes screwing shut as he began breathing rapidly, scared of what might happen to him, on the verge of crying.

"Good boy." He said, and forced the cat's legs apart. "I'll ignore it just this once...but don't you move again." He stood up and looked down at Rai, sitting with his legs spread and hanging off of the bed's edge, nothing at all to hide his groin. He groped his own sheath through his trousers as he let out a soft, perverse murr, then finally began to remove his pants as well.

Rai looked up at the bear again, a pitiful look on his face as he begged for him to stop, unable to form it through words, his own cock still hidden in its sheath, and he stretched his legs out a little, the muscles not yet awake.

The bear unzipped and unbuttoned, his pants fell to the floor, leaving him nude, not having had underwear to remove. "Good boy," He said, and stepped forward and knealed before the cat without another word and lowered his head into the boy's groin, simply smelling of him there at first, before turning his head to lightly lick the kitten's thigh.

Rai let out a soft moan, feeling the bear's tongue slowly licking his thigh, his legs involuntarily spreading even more, his cock already beginning to poke out of his sheath as he tried to move a little bit away, but failed, his arms being restrained, leaving him unmovable, and he sat there, moaning softly, trying to shape his lips, to beg the bear to stop.

The bear licked more and more forcefully, closer and closer to the boy's groin, but, inches away from touching his kitten's nuts, opened his mouth and bit down sharply, not enough to break the skin -- but enough to sting.

Rai let out a groan of pain as he threw his head back onto the bed, his cock stopping its growth out of his sheath, and he breathed deeply, forcing himself not to move his legs back together, not wanting more punishment, but he wondered what he did to deserve the bite there, and he looked down at the bear, on the verge of crying again.

The ursine licked lightly at the spot he bit, giving no indication, not even a glance at the cat, that might hint as to why he felt the need to bite the boy. Out of sight of Rai, below the bed's edge, though, the bear's cock had grown and was twitching as it's tip formed a crystal drop of pre, spurred on, certainly, by what little roughness he'd shown against his cat. Finally turning his head, the bear's nose brushed against the boy's sack, where he licked firmly, lifiting and rolling the furry balls it contained.

Rai groaned out in ecstasy, pushing his hips upwards a little, his cock finally growing out again, almost out of his sheath all the way, and he continued to breath deeply, grunting between breaths.

The bear continued his licking there, enjoying the scent of the boy's rising cock but ignoring it, as his target lied lower. Not worrying with startling the boy, as he'd long since grown used to the ordeal, the owner's paws gripped the under side of his knees and began lifting them as his licking probed lower still.

Rai only continued to moan as he felt the tongue go lower and lower, and he clenched his eyes shut, grunting softly as he strained against his grip, knowing what the bear's target was.

Feeling the boy strain, the bear, feeling justified this time, turned his head sharply and quickly snapped his jaws, biting the boy's other thigh.

Rai let out another loud groan, a scream, and his body tensed up even more, his lips barely opening as he tried to form a few words. "Oy... didn't..." He managed, trying to say he didn't do anything.

The ursine growled disaprovingly, and pushed the boy's legs higher. "No more fighting!" He yelled, his eyes glowing in fury.

Rai clenched his eyes shut as he fought at the muzzle even more, feeling the threads of the cheap cloth muzzle break, allowing him to open his mouth a little more. "I didn't!" He screamed out, his body lying limp, and he looked down at the bear, still breathing deeply, his cock fully grown, his chest rapidly expanding and deflating.

The bear then let go of one of his legs to backhand him. "You scream at me like that again...and you'll really be hurt."

Rai let out a small whimper as he opened his jaw all the way, the muzzle finally falling off, and he tried to come up with an excuse, but came up with a blank slate, turning his head away, closing his eyes.

"Do you still wanna' be lubed? Or should I do this dry?" The bear asked, and took a hold of the boy's leg again and lifted it.

"L-lubed..." Rai pleaded out, not yet used to the movement of his mouth again, having had the muzzle on for a few weeks, a bit surprised the bear wasn't angry for it being torn off, and the bear would have been angry in any other circumstance, but was too horny righty now to care about much other than his goal, or anything standing in his way of it. Without another word, his head lowered back to the boy's groin, where his tailhole was now in full view. After licking his lips lightly and wetting his mouth he pressed his nose below Rai's balls and began to lick just below there, running his tongue firmly across and generously wetting his cat's hole.

Rai let out a few soft moans, his mouth open now, and he relaxed the muscles in his ass, knowing that if he didn't, the bear wouldn't be able to lubricate him enough, and it would hurt.

The bear pressed his tongue hard enough to push its tip just inside of the cat's hole, drew his tongue back in, licked lightly around it's edge, and repeated the process, pleased that the boy was being more cooperative now.

Rai threw his head back, fully turned on now, and his fists clenched as he breathed deeply, moving his hips up, panting as his ass was wetted so fully, and he moaned out, unsure of what he should do now, and the bar climbed ontop of the bed and over the boy, pushing the boy's legs up and back father and farther until he was on his shoulders and his ass was in the air. "You haven't been a very good boy today..." He said softly, not wanting to startle the kitten.

Rai let his ass be lifted into the air, and he looked up at the bear in confusion, his cock throbbing for attention. "B-but.. I don't know what I'm supposed to do..."

The bear let out a sigh. "This isn't your first know not to fight back, you know not to hide yourself, and you deffinately know you don't yell at your masters." He replied, and positioned himself ontop of the boy, so his dick was rubbing against the wet hole. "You have a LOT of punishment a head of you if you can't learn how to obey better..." He added as he grinded his cock against the hole a little.

Rai let out a soft grunt, and he looks up at the bear, wishing his hands weren't tied up. "I-I'm sorry, master... I-I didn't mean to yell..." He replied, looking away in shame, his ears flattened against his head.

"That's a good're learning. Too bad a simple apology can't fix it all..." He moved his hips back and thrust forward, pushing his cock into the kitten with almost no warning.

Rai let out a small shriek of pain, and he tried to relax his ass a little more, the bear still being too large for his ass, and he panted heavily, clenching his eyes shut. "H-ha... M-master... it hurts..."

"If you could just apologize without punishment..." He grinded himself against the cat and flexed his cock, making it as ridgid as he could and forcing it in as deep as it would go. " would you ever learn your lessons?"

Rai's high pitched whines resonated through the room as he bit his lip, still breathing heavily. "I-I'm sorry... master... I-I won't do it again..."

"I bet you won't." He replied as he held onto the cat's knees as he lifted his hips up slowly and then let his weight sink him back into the boy all at once with a loud moan, his weight keeping the cat folded and on his shoulders.

Rai let out a loud moan, more of a scream, as he clenched his eyes shut, tears escaping the sockets as he strained to relax his ass, but it only seemed to become tighter, trying to force the ursine cock out. "Nyha... M-master... i-it's too big..." He whined out, his head thrown back onto the bed as he breathed heavily, almost gasping for air, and the bear just murred lustfully in responce at first, rising again and rolling his hips into the boy once, twice, soon five times and more, each one stiff and steady in pace.

"Just wait 'til I speed up, kitten..." He said as he licked his lips. "Any luck...and I'll have made it hard for you to walk straight." He added, and suddenly pounded harder into him.

Rai moaned out in pain and pleasure, and his body seemed to jerk at the rough pound, and he tried to spread his legs wider to spread his ass as well, grunting as he tried to endure the pain, his face flushed red under his black fur, the fluff of white fur on his chest rapidly going up and down as he breathed heavily, moaning out, "Master..."

"That's right... it's not too big, is it?" The bear asked rhetorically as he leaned far in, pressing his shoulders against the backs of the pet's knees as he put his muzzle against Rai's cheek. "You can take it, can't you?" He added as he licked the kitten's cheek as he wrapped his arms around, pulling Rai harder and harder into each thrust.

Rai simply murred out a grunted response as he felt his master's muzzle suddenly against his cheek, licking it softly, and he whimpered slightly, wishing his arms were untied so that he would have something to hold onto--His arms had been tied up for a few weeks, and they were beginning to hurt, being in that position. Rai began moving his hips in unison with the bear's, hoping that if he behaved well and pleased him, he might get a reward.

"That's it..." The bear replied approvingly, and he thrusted harder and faster, using the kitten as he pleased and loving every minute of it. He loved this part of the job; he loved his toys, and this one was one of his favorites ever. He could only hope the next would be as good when this one sold. The bear growled as he hammered into his pet, using his little hole for all it was worth.

Rai's ears flattened as he clenched his eyes tighter, tears rolling down his cheek continuously as he felt his cock become rigid, filled with fluids, begging for attention. "G-gah... M-master... I'm about t-to come..." He moaned out as he leaned forward into the bear's arms, begging for attention, begging for comfort.

The bear let out a loud moan, loving hearing his pet moan and carry on. "Do it, cum for me before I fill you up." He taunted, continuing his thrusts into the small feline.

Rai could only moan out as he arched his back up, rubbing his feline cock against the bear, his underdeveloped barbs scratching against the brown fur, and he let out long moans, pushing his hips toward the bear's huge cock, his ears flattening even more as pre leaked out of his cock, and the bear dug his fingers into the boy and folded him up even more as his muzzle found Rai's neck. With a short growl, his jaws opened and he took the young feline neck in, biting down hard as his balls tightened up against his body. He'd be unloading in Rai soon enough, and had already completely forgotten waiting to see the cat cum.

Rai let out another loud moan of pain as his cock throbbed again, making his ass throb as well, milking the bear's huge cock, his small ass barely holding him, and he forced himself to lay still, not wanting to anger the bear and make him bite down harder, and the ursine pounded in only a few more times, rapid fire, before his cock expanded inside Rai's tailhole, and twitched, shooting out rope after rope of cum, and making the bear bite down unintentionally harder.

Rai let out a long moan of pain and pleasure, his cock finally throbbing and releasing its own load of seed, spraying it over his own chest and the bear's, emitting a large amount. His breaths soon calmed down as his eyes relaxed, his furry cheeks matted down by the tears that had flowed down them, and his body relaxed, tired from his master's administrations.

The ursine slowly let his pet's neck go, and uncerimoniously pulled out, his slick, spent, sensitive cock falling out and flopping down against his thighs, already softening. Without another word, he rolled the used and equally spent boy onto his side and very lazily stood up from the bed.

"M-master?" Rai asked as his eyes opened slightly, cum leaking from his ass as his tail moved to cover it, hurting from his master's gigantic ursine cock.

"Yes Rai?" He replied as he looked back casually as he bent over to grab his pants.

"C-can I... H-have a blanket?" Rai begged as he looked up at the bear, hoping that letting the bear rape him would be enough for at least that much. "I-I'm cold..." He stuttered as he refrained from curling his legs up, not wanting to anger the bear again.

"It's not cold..." He replied as he pulled his pants on. "You've been sleeping just fine like this the whole time you've been here." He added, and walked to and picked up his shirt and jacket too.

"Y-you're wearing clothes... A-and I could never ask for one because of the muzzle..." He replied, stating the facts as he looked up at him with pouting eyes, his ears flattened against his head, pleading for some kind of reward.

The ursine looked at him coldly. "You'll be fine." He replied simply, and turned and went to the door. "Go back to sleep look tired." He chuckled, and closed the door, carrying his clothes out and leaving the room in darkness again.

Rai simply lied there as he saw the door shut, tears streaming down his face as he found he would not be rewarded, even after all that he had done, and he shifted a bit, curling his legs up to his chest as he slowly cried himself to sleep, having to endure the torture of being the bear's pet.