Better Than in the Dream

Story by Lucien Lerderna on SoFurry

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_Disclaimer: The views of our sexy mustelid do not necessarily reflect those of my own, anyone who's views I change and end up with in hell is totally not my fault. No cubs, kits, hatchlings, or any other word for underaged thing. Stroy is (C) DameonDrake and you can't have it, nyah.

Hello, beauty_

. It was dark out, and she was trying to sleep. He kissed her, softly and warmly, his hand wrapped in her long dark hair. Do you love the feel of someone pressed so close to you? To feel my breath on your neck? He bit her, leaving deep marks in her neck, and making her squeak a protest. Do you love me, beautiful? Do you want me to love you? She violently shook her head, and mumbled that she did not. He kissed her again, softly. So softly and nicely. His tongue pressed gently into her mouth, and she bit it hard. He started to bleed into her mouth and moaned as he tasted the coppery liquid mix with her saliva. You're beautiful, so damned beautiful... He pressed his chest to hers, slowly pushing her back onto her bed. Her bed? She didn't remember that being there.

He licked her lips and left a smear of red on them, her pretty brown fur getting stained by his intoxicatingly delicious blood. He pressed himself to her again, covering her body with his own. He was warm, so amazingly warm. She wanted to moan, or grab him and kiss him, but she couldn't move. She wanted him to do something else to her, just to make her feel like she did every second that his blood touched her taste buds, every drop of the red liquid that trickled down her throat. You want me now, don't you, beautiful? She nodded sharply and moaned his name. He slid himself down her slender form, his rough clothing hitting all of the right spots on her body. She gasped as her panties were pulled gently down her shapely legs. He slipped his head further down, letting his muzzle touch just above her moist slit. You smell heavenly, beauty. He licked her in the same spot his nose was, the bleeding tongue leaving streaks of red through her fur.

"Ahh..." She mumbled, rolling onto her back again, feeling the soft fur of her lover press against her crotch. He moved lower again, kissing directly over her tight wet slit. She stifled a cry of pleasure while the bloody tongue slipped into her, the crimson liquid on his tongue made her want to drain him dry of it. He pressed his nose harder to her, his cool nose pressed against her clit. She squirmed against him, his blood mixing with her sweet nectar and promptly being lapped out of her slit was almost too much for her to take. She felt tears start to stream down her cheeks and they were leaving thin wet streaks in her fur.

You taste so good, like the finest fruits of the land, beauty. He had stopped bleeding, and was still lapping at her soaked lips with rapturous abandon. He was building her up to climax, each lick brought her nerves closer to a violent explosion, each nibble made her whine a little louder, every whispered proclamation of love made her buck her hips against his face. It was so good and she was so close to orgasm that her eyes had rolled back in her head.

But it was over. She was awake and wanted to scream in agony, she was so close. So goddamn close to orgasm that she was starting to spasm. But then he left her, alone in the dark, with a body so on-edge that she feared she would cum if she rolled over too roughly. It was him again, that damned weasel, he had been increasingly hazardous to her sleep cycle, keeping her sleep restless and her rest sleepless. He was handsome, no doubt, but every time he uttered a word, it made her shake with rage. Whether he knew it or not, every single thing in life that she stood for, he sought to destroy, religion, morals, government, none of it was safe from his critical thinking. The strange part of it was, every day after she had one of those dreams, he seemed more right, more true. Every day, she wanted to walk up and kiss him rather than punch him, grab him by the tail and take him into the bushes, so to speak.

You're back. She was. This time she didn't bite him, in fact, this time, she pushed him back onto her bed and climbed onto his chest. And you've figured it out, too. He was suddenly naked, suddenly his beautiful cock was standing proud against her back. She leaned forward and kissed him, snaking her tongue into his mouth, in return of the favor from earlier. She lifted her hips from his stomach and moved herself down his body, just enough to get his cock in front of her. Do you like, beauty? She nodded softly, and rubbed him against her pussy. His hard length was so hot, it made her just drip while she rubbed him up and down herself.

His hand was bleeding, his palm cupped and pooling with blood. She dipped her tongue into the red nectar, feeling it stick on her mouth and lips. She made a happy coo and took more, directly followed by a shared kiss with his blood filling their mouths. Now beauty, do you want me? Do you wish that I would always be here for you, to hold you and give you all you desire? She cried her affirmative, latching on to his neck with a ferocity that seemed most unnatural. She picked up her hips, and set herself over his hot length. His hand was there, playing with her sweet little lips and pressing it into her dripping heat. You love it, don't you beauty? She moaned that she did. He pressed himself once, twice, thrice into her, and she pressed back against him rhythmically, noises escaped her mouth, and slightly bloody saliva drooled from her muzzle. She was in heaven.

And again he was gone, his hot body, his strong arms, his narcotic blood and addictive cock. All gone. She was once again near screaming in agony, near ripping the blankets from her body and fucking the nearest phallic object three feet into the ground. But she didn't, she had Religion, she didn't need to do such horrible things to her body, she could just pray to make it leave. She began, Lord, I don't know why you're doing this to me, but I really need to sleep. I have a huge day tomor- today, and I don't want to be a zombie through it. Please, take this feeling from me and make me pure, I don't want to have to break a command that you gave, but it's so intense. Please, let this... affliction be taken from my body. Amen.

Bullshit. You know you need me. You know that all you want right now is a good hard fucking. She had fallen asleep again, now he was laying on top of her, they were both fully clothed though. His muzzle was only a millimeter from her face. He was obviously aroused, pressed hard against her crotch. I_f you wanted to be 'healed', you wouldn't be rubbing yourself off as we speak._ She was, in her bed she rolled around, her fingers rubbing softly at her entrance. You wouldn't be rubbing at your tailhole to try and get off easier. She was, one hand was rubbing her pussy the other was rubbing her tight little ring. You want me and you know it, every day you want to walk over to me and throw me on the ground and screw me. Every day you want me to come over to you and cut your clothes off and fuck you absolutely senseless. She was so close, his voice was vibrating her whole body somehow, and she had found the perfect spot to rub now. So close. But you don't, because of religion. And I don't, because I'm polite. Just a few more moments, so damned close that she was dripping now. Speaking of polite, I don't think I should be raping your mind this much. Ta ta, Christy.

It was over. He was gone, her hands were half-buried in both orifices. Three fingers were in her tight sex, dangerously close to taking her virginity. Two fingers were buried in her tailhole, pressed so perfectly against her inner walls, pressing the other three against a wonderful spot that made her gasp to move from. Her lips were bleeding, split in several places by her own teeth, her mouth filled with a blood-saliva mixture that was almost as intoxicating as his. Also, her sheets were wet, where she currently rested was a moist spot that was absolutely on fire. It was so full of fresh sex that she could feel the heat radiating from it. There were a few other spots, none nearly as large as the one she was currently forming, but still substantial reminders of the worst dream yet. She had to get up for school in a few hours. She was going to school for Medicine- Infectious Disease Research specifically- but she feared she wouldn't make it today. She would have to deal with him today if she did make it, so she would have a hard decision to make. Listen to him babble incessant about the corrupt government stifling the rights of the homosexual community, or big coal and oil lobbyists trying to get their representatives into power. Or she could stay home and try to get him out of her head with a nice religious chatroom. She prayed about it. Lord, you know the question. The answer is? She didn't feel a damned thing. She decided to go anyway.

Government class. Disgusting. So full of left-wing radicals that she thought she would pass out every day. And of course, the cancer cell of the lecture hall, Artemis. The monster of her dreams and nightmares. The, possibly literally, evil inside of her. And now he was talking. Speaking on the current issue, Gay Marriage. Sin coming out the wazoo, so to speak, and he was playing it up like it was something perfectly fine, something that should be recognized as what was just as pure as a man and woman's marriage. It made her sick, just slightly less so than usual. Just that one tiny iota better about what he was saying. And he looked really good to her today as well. Long hair, silver and shiny as his fur, a long black coat with a tight T-shirt and tight pants. His eyes were a shiny gold and he looked so clean and kempt.

She felt like a mess, brown fur that was slightly tangled in places (under her clothes of course), wrinkles in her clothes, and seeming so mussed about that she well could have just dropped off a wagon from parts unknown. This would usually make her angrier at the handsome mustelid, but now she only wanted to admire him. After all, he was so brave for speaking out like that, in front of people like her, along with intolerant radicals, uncaring rednecks, and people who just hated those more informed than they. She thought she would speak, today, maybe add a differing opinion to that of his. She was going to pray about that too, but decided to dig in her pocket for a quarter. She pulled it out and it showed heads. She did it.

"...And it's been proven by several scientific studies that homosexual relationships are more stable, and end at least twenty-three percent less than heterosexual ones do.-"

"But what would it gain? A better looking marital status indicator?"

"No. That's ridiculous. It would stop alienating a huge number of people in this country that can't get married to the person that they love. Which in and of itself is much more of a problem than the actual homosexual marriages in the first place. The fact that we allow the government to tell us who we can love."

"But there's no place for it in the world, civilized society is the only evidence that it exists. Nothing in nature is-"

"Not true. There is photographic proof of almost every animal that you can imagine having sex with another of the same gender. Bestial rams are exclusively bisexual, deer are frequently spotted mounting one another and penetrating one another. One of my close childhood friends watched two male horses fully mate with each other, both of them ejaculating at the end. Proof is all around us, most things in nature are gay... -ish."

"There's no way to prove that the animals weren't just confused to the gender... or, um... um, there may have been no more available mates, so they chose, rather than to wait until next mating season, to take a less dominant member of their same sex."

"Exactly, which makes them gay by choice. I'm not necessarily saying that 'civilized society', as you put it, isn't gay by choice as well. I'm just saying that there are literally thousands of pieces of evidence stating that we aren't the only ones who do participate in homosexual and homoerotic behaviors." He smiled at her as he finished his argument. A smile that clearly stated that he had trapped her in logic and that she had no way free without asking him really nicely.

"I suppose. But that sort of seems like forcing acceptance on people who might not want it."

"True. But isn't trying to force acceptance better than trying to force intolerance? Would you rather live in a world that forced everyone to hate certain things about people? For example. Adolph Hitler, he hated the Jewish people and religion. Why? Because he got Syphilis from a little kitty prostitute who happened to be of Jewish descent. So he forced everyone under his dominion to hate and kill all Jews that they saw. For the simple reason that he got a sick dick. Charming, no?

"Now suppose that he hated mice, or reptiles, or every single other species than what he was. That would lead to millions more casualties than you could imagined, all for the sake of forced intolerance. And in a slightly roundabout way, isn't hating the prospect of gay marriage, or homosexuality in general, a slightly watered down form of forced intolerance?"

"Well, yes. But how can it better the world as a whole? How, other than to stop, as you put it, 'alienating a huge number of people in this country that can't get married to the person that they love'."

"You need more of a help for the world than making people be able to openly admit their love? I don't know about you, but I say that in this day and age, any sign that love still exists is at least a little help for society overall."

"Yes. But why not cure them?"

"Cure them! What the hell would we do that for? Would you want to be cured of your preference in music? Or how about cured of a nasty addiction to a favorite food? We, of course, can't have you wearing what you like outside of your house, now can we?" He laughed. "You have to understand, that to cure someone of that, you must begin to 'cure' everything somehow objectionable or intolerable from everyone on the planet. It's not only impossible, it's unacceptable and, and... evil!"

A few seconds passed, and a small voice spoke up. "Well, it seems to me, that there is no clear-cut answer to the problem. It also seems to me, that there's no reason for there to even be an issue, there's nothing wrong with it. Unless you're religious, but then, I'm sure that Vatican City has plenty of room for such devout people who want nothing to do with people like that."

This time it was the professor. "Very good point Mister Deilsen, what is everyone's position on religions? Any one at all, and try not to alienate the entire religious community."

Artemis had begun talking almost as soon as he opened the floor. "It's barbaric. All wars have happened because of religion, and all current problems are because of it. In fact, if religion never existed, then there very well may have been no need for any major conflict or separation, or anything of the sort." He looked to Christy, eyes smiling but a slight frown on his face. She knew that he hated to do that to her, but he said it all so matter-of-factly. So bluntly. So damn truthfully!

"But without religion how would we have gotten this country? This magnificent place that we call home?-"

"This place that almost all religions hate? This country that has fallen so far from the path of every religion that no one who believes in a god even wants it?"

"Yes... if you believe that it's that bad here."

"I don't. And to answer your question, it would have been natural curiosity to explore, and eventually someone would have done it for fun, or for necessity, due to population control and food shortages."

"B-but, there would have been no Constitution, nothing to make this country any different from England!"

"Your point being?"

"It doesn't make sense! How can someone not believe in a higher power, not believe that they've got a purpose in life other than to further the species? How can someone be so damned pretentious!" She went slightly wide-eyed that she had just yelled an obscenity in front of several hundred people. She started to blush with embarrassment, until he started to talk, at which point, it seemed more a fluster of rage.

"It's pretentious then, to believe that such monsters and myths aren't real." He sighed dejectedly. "I would really expect something more interesting to argue. I can prove, right here, right now, that there is no god- no god in any form or fashion. All I will need is this quarter and a little bit of ill-guided faith.

"I take this quarter and pray thusly, Lord God Almighty, I truly believe that you are real, and that you are omnipotent and all-seeing. Let this quarter land heads up fifty consecutive times, starting... now." He flipped it once, heads. Twice, heads. Three times, and it landed tails. He sighed again sadly, "Gosh, I guess testing God doesn't work, huh? Maybe that's because the people who invented this guy didn't want stuff like this to happen. Ordinary men trying to get any proof at all, will be, instead of being shown the truth, sent," He whistled and pointed, "Straight to hell."

"Because of faith, faith is the crux of the whole matter. You have to believe in what you say and do. And without God, you're nothing."

"Seems a little exclusionary, no?"

"No! It's not exclusionary, it's open to anyone who wants to take it."

"Not gays."

"No! That's because it's a sin to be gay!"


"It's unnatural."

"I think we've already discovered that it is natural. So natural, in fact, that you personally agreed with me."


"And also, I believe that it is said, according to your religion, that no bestial animal has any wrong, 'sin', as it's called. If they can be gay, then why not us? If animals can't sin, and they can be gay, then why can't sentient species? Why is it right for the goose, but not the gander, so to speak?"

"I can't say. Perhaps it's part of the Ineffable Plan. Perhaps it's, I don't know, different nowadays."

"So you can disregard certain parts of religion that you don't like?"


"Well, you just said that it might be different now. So that obviously means that religion can be tailor-fit to each person's whims. That means that there is no absolute for religion, so any simple belief that I have, could be considered a sanctified religion, no?"

"No. That's completely wrong. There are certain reasons why some laws aren't applicable these days."

"Really? Do tell."

"Cleanliness laws are different now because of advancements in technology and medicine, so we no longer need to worry about things like that."

"But you can't just choose what laws you personally obey, correct?"


"Then why are you talking right now? Corinthians says that women are property, that women are not allowed to speak in public, and that women must wear veils over their faces. seems a little bit like you forgot that little law. And for that matter, why not take unbelievers such as myself as slaves for your convenience? Seems to me that Romans said that it is morally acceptable to do just that."

"You don't understand! That's all outdated and useless! We don't need garbage like that anymo-" She gasped and just stood there for a moment. She wanted to cry and run out of the lecture hall and hide under her sheets at home. He had officially destroyed all she had to keep her from just killing herself now. She had just publicly denounced God, and with truth and Scripture as well. She really could just die today and not care.

"So, as you can see, there is no place for religion in this world. It serves no purpose whatsoever, except for the aforementioned forced intolerance. With logic and this deluded girl's prized Scripture, I have proven undeniably, that Christianity is totally and utterly dead and false. Sorry to have alienated anyone. It's still possible to argue if anyone wants, but I think my argument is at least a little more concrete than religion's."

After that heated argument, the rest of that class was spent discussing the original point, with the exclusion of Artemis, feeling he had done enough already for that debate. He spent what time he didn't listen to the argument, basically dead as it was, looking at Christy, still on the verge of tears. He really did hate to do that to her, but how can someone be redeemed from ignorance while still holding on to their ridiculous beliefs that have no basis in fact, and no point in modern society.

He made an innocent face to her, but she just glared at him and bared her teeth. He sighed and looked forward to find about two dozen faces glaring at him the same way Christy was. He was probably in trouble, but he didn't care. He knew that they were all going to try to beat him to death when they left the lecture hall, but he really couldn't care any less. He also knew that he was going to have to chase down the one he had destroyed and apologize. He was just glad that he had almost an hour before Finite Math. He would definitely need it.

The class had ended, and Christy had made it out of the lecture hall before the great majority of her peers. Artemis did the same, barely. He caught up to her, and said her name. She whirled around and looked like she was going to kill him. For a moment at least, she then broke into tears and ran into his arms. "How could you do that to me! To people like me! How?" She was barely standing, and her claws were dug into his shoulder blades almost enough to make him bleed.

"I had to show you the truth. I couldn't bare to see you bask in the lies that you held so dearly. That we both know you loathed deep down inside."

She whimpered a bit louder at that, and began to sob a little harder. He put his hand in her hair and patted her head softly, shushing her quietly. "But, but you were right!" She shook from the force of her sobs, and he froze up as she said that. "It's true, and I know it! But I didn't want to admit it! You always made me challenge what Christianity meant, and every question you asked, religious or not, there never seemed to be a morally acceptable answer!"

"So are you saying thank you?" She nodded just a little bit. "But you looked like you wanted me dead." She whimpered softer now, her sobs coming less frequently.

"I did. But then I realized that you weren't trying to hurt me. You're too nice to me." She dug her claws in deeper, and Artemis winced.

"This is quite a sudden change. Have you been thinking about me? Or dreaming maybe?" She whimpered again and nodded softly.

"Let's go somewhere else, please?" He nodded and put her more steadily on her feet. He pulled her claws out of his side, and walked close to her. She grabbed onto one of his hands and pressed her claws hard to him again. He took her hand and pulled her claws out, again, and placed his hand at his side with her fingers twined in-between his. She was still softly whimpering, and breathing a little more shallow than usual, but she seemed a bit better.

They made it to a cliché symbol of college life, a coffee house. Artemis sat her down and ordered coffee for them both. He went back over to her and gave her the drink. "Now, what's wrong?" He asked, sipping his coffee. "Because I'm confused as hell."

"I don't know. You're always saying things that should make me furious, and until recently they did, but since a few weeks ago, you've seemed so right, so much more so than the Bible." She sighed dejectedly, and sipped her coffee once, then continued, "And since not too terribly long ago, I realized that you had never tried to single me out, you just had your own opinion, like the rest of us.

After that little revelation, I started to romanticize you, making you out to be this beautiful darkness that had no one's best interest at heart. I made you everything that I should hate, and I wanted more of it. It was too much for me to deal with, some kind of god sitting across the room from me everyday, talking in a voice that I heard so differently from what it is, a body that didn't exist the way I saw it. And it was perfect. So, just so... intoxicating. Then the dreams came...."

"Dreams? I was right then?"

She nodded, almost imperceptibly, "Yeah, they were all about you, and me... together."

"How so? Like sex?"

"Yeah." She sighed again and drained her cup.

"Well, details then."

"Fine," She slumped even further in her seat, most of her body beneath the level of the tabletop. "Most of the time you were bleeding, and I was drinking it like sweet ambrosia, and you were so glad when I did. And, and- You kept leaving me, right before I was finished, and then the last time, you were just on top of me, fully clothed, and you were telling me that I loved what was happening, that I loved every second of it. The you said that I was masturbating myself to you, and was doing everything I could to make it end sooner, you said that I was - I don't know- double teaming my hands. And your voice, and your smell and your eyes. And then you left again, right before I finished, again, and I was doing all that you had said in real life."

"That's... odd." He wanted to lean across the table and kiss her, to take her by the hips, walk to his apartment and take her so softly that she would never want to be away from him. "The blood thing is kind of cute though," and sounds remarkably close to something I would do, he thought mirthfully. He also wanted to laugh now, seeing that Christy had started blushing enough to be seen acutely through her thick fur. Her head was down, and she was covering her face with one hand. "Hey, don't feel bad, it's happened to everyone, in some way or another."

"I just told you a sex dream, and you were the key player. What do you want me to feel, happy? Horny? Not to mention the fact that until a few minutes ago, I'd barely said fifty words to you since I first saw you."

"Heh, I suppose that there's some good reason for it then. You just need to be a little more confident about it- I'll tell you one of my dreams, if it'd make you feel better?" She nodded miserably. "Alright, unlike you, I've never had any problems dealing with my carnal needs, so it's not usually a problem with this sort of thing. Anyway, I had been at my parents' house for a week, and I was dying. I never felt safe enough to do anything there, so I bottled it up for the whole time. I got back to my apartment, and was completely exhausted. So I went to sleep, and started to dream. I was in some kind of room, and I was tied up and there was somebody standing next to me. I never saw what species or even gender it was, but it was still an awesome dream. It covered my muzzle with a silk cloth or something, and it left my field of vision, where it promptly started to mess with my crotch, just using it's mouth to make drive me insane. It went on for somewhere under an hour, and I woke up to find myself hard and drooling onto my belly. I finished myself off, and had the best orgasm of my life, and the best sleep, since I blacked out about a minute later. It was so amazing."

"It doesn't bother you that it could have been male?"

"Nope, completely bisexual. Been that way since I can remember."

"Well, I see why you're so vehemently against all the politics that surround stuff like that." He nodded, looking at his watch and giving his whiskers a flick in annoyance.

"Dah, fuck. I've got Finite Math in like four minutes. And I've got to get a degree. So that makes it rather important. See you back here afterwards maybe?" His eyes were smiling at her again, as was his perfect muzzle. She nodded and giggled a little bit. "Great, sorry about raping your mind so much, I guess." He got up and started to run to a lecture hall halfway across campus. He probably wouldn't make it, she realized, and he seemed fine with that. He was much happier with her, even with being miserable and upset through the whole thing. He was so glad that she didn't immediately try to kill him, she supposed.

Artemis had already finished most of his work for this class months ago, but he still pretended to make an effort. He sat and waited, hand hovering over his supplies, ready to be out of there quickly. Today is the most perfect day of my life, and I'm sitting here listening to numeric theory. Fucking great. He started to drum his fingers, claws making little tick sounds. He waited. And he waited. And waited, and waited, and waited, and FUCKING waited! It was taking too damned long for this day to end. He was probably fidgeting like a child, probably rolling in his seat like he had worms shoved down his pants. He was angry at the world for making the best day ever fall on a hell of a busy day, and for making him have had to listen to quite possibly the most arousing thing he'd ever heard. It was ridiculous. He was about to jump out of his seat and run screaming to where Christy was waiting, but he held it. Barely. He was taking his deep breath for the scream when he noticed that half of the lecture hall had already emptied, he was the only person sitting on his side of the room.

He couldn't have moved faster if there was a murderer chasing him, not even if the world was ending right behind him. He made it back to the exact spot they were sitting earlier. He looked around and she was gone. Then the clerk motioned for him to come to her. "You Artemis?" He nodded dumbly, "Yeah, that girl you were with earlier said to give this to you." His left arm started to twitch, his muscles were just absolutely going nuts. He grabbed it and turned around.

It read. I've got to head to my Pathophysiology class. You left before I could tell you. Sorry. Meet me outside of here at five. -Christy

He walked deliberately outside, where he furiously tore the note into shreds no bigger than a grain of rice. He growled and walked home. It was going to be a long day. He would just try to sleep or something.

Why, oh why is life such a cruel bitch? He kept repeating in his head. Even as he passed through his door and began to undress, his toned chest glittering in the shaded light. He flopped down on his bed, after setting his alarm for four-thirty. He bit his pillows until he finally did fall asleep. Which didn't help anything.

Art-em-is... It was his turn for torture. Come on Artemis, this is what you've wanted for so long. To be taken by a pretty girl, to have her ride you so softly, to moan your name. A pretty girl who'll bite you so nice, a girl who makes you burn up with pleasure. Come on. You know you want me. He rolled onto his back, and he saw a beautiful girl sitting on his naked chest. It was Christy. He moaned in his sleep, this was so unfair. She leaned forward and bit him, just hard enough to sting, just close enough to break the skin to make him whimper and moan. She wiggled her hips a little, pressing him to her soaked slit. She made a cute little coo as she pressed him into her. She released him from the bite, and took his muzzle into a deep kiss. This was so totally unfair!

Come on, Artemis, I wanna feel you cum in me. She reared back, kneeling over him, connected to him by his thick pink shaft. He groaned quietly to her, reaching up and cupping her plush breasts in his hands. She giggled at him and ground herself hard against him for a few minutes. Artemis, harder, please? That begging little cub voice shouldn't have turned him that much, but it did, and it made him dizzy. He bucked softly into the air, his hips were rolling lewdly to nothing. She was so damned sexy, her sex fluids were coating his member and sack, dripping down under his rump.

He was burning for her. And she was tensing up around him. She was oddly composed, giggling and cooing softly, while he was moaning and whimpering her name. He growled a little bit, goddamnit he was close! Surprise, bitch. And she was gone. He was awake, and he had ten seconds until his alarm was going to go off. He tried to turn it off in time; he couldn't. It screeched and he yelled, it beeped and he pulled the plug out of the wall. He had his arm swung back and was ready to smash the thing against the wall, but he didn't. He set it down and stared at his bed for a few minutes; oh how he wished he could do that for real. He needed to clean himself, and probably make sure that his little buddy was down.

He was standing outside of the closed coffee shop, waiting. And waiting. And then he got this infuriating sense of déjà vu. So he waited. And waited. And FUCKING waited still! And about a half an hour behind schedule, Christy casually walked up to him. "You waited here this whole time?" He nodded. "Sorry." He shrugged and murred. "Have you been thinking about me?" He nodded.

"Dear god, yes! And thanks to our coffee chat, I had basically the same dream you had." She giggled a little bit. "You were evil." eyebrow arched. "You were on top of me, and you bit me and kissed me and rode me, and then you just left."

"Sorry." She looked so innocent and cute. "I guess I finally had that effect on someone." She giggled at him, playfully running a paw across his chest.

"Did I make you into something completely different from only a few hours ago?" He sighed, he was doing that a lot today, actually. "Don't make me regret what I did, please, I don't need any guilt for sending anyone else to Hell." Then he was angry, he had a feeling he knew why for once, though. He had just made a decent little creature into something horrible, like him.

He felt like he had been staring at her for hours. He felt like she was getting tired of his wandering eyes, but that would never stop him. Not ever. He grabbed her right hand softly, and pulled her toward him. He took a step back and pulled her more. She got the picture and began to follow him, walking across two streets and turning a corner to his house.

"Artemis, what are we doing here?" She clasped his hand again, rubbing the back of his palm gently.

"I want to show you my world, what makes me weird." He smirked at her and squeezed his hand around hers. He ushered her up several flights of stairs, and down a long and dank hallway to his apartment. It was small, and it was bare, but damned if it wasn't home for Artemis. "And despite that my world is about the size of most people's walk-in closets bears no reflection on me personally."

"I like it. It's, er, cozy. And ergonomic." She sighed as she placed herself on a small couch, well, more of a love seat that had gotten overweight. Artemis did the same, dropping himself almost uncomfortably close to her. He turned as if he were about to say something to her, opening his mouth a little, even, before he grabbed both sides of her muzzle softly and kissed her. Just a peck at first, then he leaned more into it, pressing his lips firmly to her's.

He felt like he was in his earlier dream, the warm, beautiful body pressed softly against him, his muzzle pressed against her's, his fluffy tail curled around her's. It was perfect. He loved this, and if nothing else good ever happened to him, well, he would be OK with that. Christy broke the kiss, not seeming angry, but more confused. "Artemis, what do you want from me, exactly?"

"I only want your happiness and pleasure right now.... We can stop if you want."

"No...! No. I want to keep going, for a little while at least. I like this." He smiled at her and pressed his lips to her's again. This time he snaked his tongue out, pressing against her mouth for entrance. She cooed a little and opened her jaws a bit. He pressed his tongue to hers and they danced for a moment, just a brush at first, just like their earlier kiss, but with their pink ribbon tongues, instead of their nervous muzzles. Christy grabbed onto the neck of Artemis's T-shirt, pulling him closer to her, deepening their kiss, wrestling their short, strong tongues in his mouth. Correction. Now if nothing good ever happened to him again, he'd be alright with it.

"Do you want to move off of this little couch?" She nodded.

"Bed." He would have alright with nothing good happening before, but now he wasn't sure he deserved anything more than this one perfect moment with the beautiful otter. She was draped across his back and he wasn't sure if she was even supporting her weight right now. She was constantly making happy sounds, little coos and giggles and murrs of pleasure. He was currently in Heaven.

Artemis laid her down across his probably filthy bed, keeping his muzzle pressed to hers the whole while it took. He laid on top of her, arms pinning her to the bed by the shoulders. Still kissing her, he moved his left hand to the hem of her shirt, moving his hand up her shirt. He gripped one of her breasts softly, rubbing over the trapped globes. She moaned and broke the kiss, pulling her shirt off of herself, rolling over, and pressing Artemis's other hand to her other breast. He was still in Heaven, though slightly higher of a bliss than before. He pulled her bra off of her soft mounds, leaning in and pressing his tongue to her right nipple. She cried out softly, his warm muzzle wrapped around her pert nipple, softly rolling his tongue around it, over and over, just like he was an infant lapping milk from her.

His hands started to roam again, one resting over her clothed slit, radiating heat like fire. He rubbed softly at her through the denim, making her whine for him. His other hand moved to her pants button, plucking it open, and unzipping the fly. She leaned down and bit him gently, making little sounds while he rubbed her. He rolled on top of her and pulled down her pants and wet panties. As they slid down her legs, she remembered her dream, she knew what happened next. That tongue. That wonderful tongue of his. She tensed up, waiting for it, that hot ribbon of pink flesh that felt so good on her tender little flower.

He delivered. His short, muscular tongue lapped down her stomach, he delivered that same line, even, "You smell heavenly, beautiful." He kissed over her slit, making her squeak out in pleasure. He licked her tenderly, just like her dream, he rubbed her breasts fondly. Just like in her dream, that's all that she could think, just like in her dream. He was rubbing over her hot, pink little clit, warm mouth wrapped gently around it, sucking lightly to make her buck into his jaw. He was going to make her cum, and it was just like in her dream, except he wouldn't leave her, he wouldn't force her to stay up all night, tortured and wet, aching for his touch. Just like in her dream.

He took his hand and placed a finger over her sex and pressed it deep into her. He moved his face lower, "So you double teamed your hand, eh? Maybe I can show you some fun down here." He licked her tight little ring and she moaned loudly. She bucked hard against his face and she almost came right then and there. "I suppose you like, then. Enjoy, Christy." He continued to lick steadily at her tight tailhole and finger her sweet cunny. He continued to drive her up the wall with his little tongue and just his single finger, and it was so much more fulfilling than any church service or revival she'd ever been to. It was so much better than praying for hours a day, and it was just that tiny bit better than what Heaven was supposed to be like. This was just fucking perfect.

She was right there. Right on edge and teetering dangerously over it. He knew it, too, and was moving just a twitch slower than a moment ago, just a twitch, that is, until he began to rub her so fast, and lick her so hard that his tongue slipped into her several times. She tensed up, she was going to cum for the first time for Artemis, she was going to let him see her in her most vulnerable moment, and she loved it. He smiled at her as her walls tightly clenched, almost making his finger lose blood flow. He was going to have fun with that. She was moaning so hotly, so passionately, as her core flooded with white-hot endorphins that made her dizzy. She felt her cunny pour out her sweet nectar and she almost lost the afterglow, she was so embarrassed, she didn't piss on his bed, did she?

Obviously not, since he was cleaning off her mound and thighs in rapture. She felt better and let the warm feelings continue to course through her. "Well. I've never been with a gusher, especially not one that tasted so sweet." He slid his finger into her again and pulled it back out, licking the hot fem-cum off of the digit happily. "Care to continue, Christy?" She nodded dreamily. She had gotten her dream-come-true, now it was his turn.

He took off his shirt, showing off slight muscle tone and not an ounce of fat on him. He pulled off his pants and underwear, showing his long pink length was drooling and ready to take her. He laid down on his back and murred softly at the sight of her beside him .He pulled her on top of him, pressing his warm cock against her slit. She had never felt this good, there was a pleasant burn deep inside of her now, and she wanted it to turn into a fire. He prodded against her lightly, in preparation for what was to come. He slid the very tip into her and rubbed inside of her, making her coo in pleasure. He pressed in, inch by inch, so painstakingly slowly that he lost time.

He felt her hymen, it was his. He pressed against it once, pulled back, and slammed into her. She fell forward whimpering, he stopped and kissed her neck and muzzle, whispering soft words into her pulled back ears. She had lost all pleasure in less than a second, it hurt so badly. He was trying to tell her it wouldn't hurt for much longer, but she doubted he knew what he was talking about. He pulled out slowly, it felt better than before. He pressed softly in and she bit down on his shoulder, it still hurt to have him in there.

He continued to press in and out softly, and it really did stop hurting as much. In fact, it was starting to feel good. Artemis let her bite his shoulder, and he licked the top of her muzzle with the very tip of his tongue. She was really in Heaven now, and he knew it. He thrust a little bit faster, and aimed himself towards her stomach, hitting a spot inside of her that made her bite so hard that she almost drew blood. It was so good. He was so good. He made her insides scream for him. She started to buck hard against him, pressing her hot body against his in perfect rhythm. She started to moan softly, her insides started to heat up as well.

He loved this. He had a sexy girl on top of him, moaning for him and biting his shoulder. This was the best sex he'd ever had, and with the, possibly, most beautiful girl he'd ever met. Now, he would be OK if he died ten minutes after they were done. She squeaked softly around his flesh, he had obviously found a good spot. She let go of him and lifted her head up, displaying her neck and breasts so nicely. She was bucking hard against him and moaning quietly. He leaned forward and bit her neck, nowhere near as hard as she did his shoulder, but he loved the feeling of her throat pressed between his teeth. She gasped desperately when he did that, and whimpered softly as he bucked faster. He was getting close, and she was right there with him.

His hard length was starting to pulse, he felt that hot tingle inside of him and he knew he was close. Her insides were fluttering, and her eyes were rolled back into her head. She was constantly moaning and there was a little trail of saliva coming from the corner of her mouth. They were in pure bliss and it was about to get better. Christy groaned loudly and ground on top of him, rubbing her little clit against his rough fur. She cried his name and her inner walls began to flutter wildly, and she began to pour her sweet feminine cum on his crotch and thighs.

He bit down harder on her neck, and bucked against her twitching sex. He moaned around her throat and pressed his cock harder against her, beginning to spurt his thick hot cum into her tight body. She cried out harder as he shot it deep against her cervix several times. He growled against her neck and continued to buck into her fluttering walls. She finally came down from her climax, and was completely exhausted. Artemis was too, he picked her up off of himself, and laid her down beside him.

"Better than religion?" He asked, giving her a tender kiss, pressing his tongue into her mouth.

"Yes, oh god, yes." she whispered, sprawling herself on his chest. He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her again, letting her fall into a deep sleep. "You're too good to me, Artemis." She murred into his chest and fell promptly asleep. He kissed her forehead and did the same. He had just won the proverbial lottery. He had a sexy girl that he was going to wake up to in several hours, and probably have sex with again, either when they both woke up, or after classes tomorrow night. He had the best life ever.