College Days Prequal

Story by HowlingWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of UQUA

College, what more can I say?

Well this is HowlingWolf, with his forth story to date! I've taken your advice into account and with this first prequel I'm going to try for more detail and common sense. As all of my stories seem to be rushed I will strive to keep this one longer and more logical. As I always say PLEASE comment and send advice on how to improve!

Well on with the story, ENJOY!

Mark across the campus with a hop in his step, the moon above him lighting his way. It was late and most of the campus lights were already turned off, but the young husky couldn't help but enjoy one of his late night strolls. It was fall and to cold for many furs to just be wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but Mark's thick fur made it pleasant. One of the reasons Mark had chosen this school was for its lush campus, it was large and dotted with great oak trees. The grass was still soft, even as winter approached. The husky yawned and decided it was best to head back, tomorrow was Saturday and he could sleep in. Mark began to make his way back to his dorm, his roommate, Jack, was probably already asleep.

Eventually Mark was at the old red brick dormitory, fumbling in his pocket for the key to his room. He made his way up the flight of stairs to the third floor and down the hall to the last room on it. Trying his best not to wake his roommate, Mark crept into the small room. This was actually a lot harder than it sounded, as empty cans and potato-chip bags were strewn about the floor. Mark knew that they should eventually clean up the place, but even though they always said they would the two never actually got around to it. The husky silently made it to his lofted bed, climbed the ladder above his desk and lay down on the soft mattress.

He just lay there, staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours before looking over to see Jack on the other side of the room. Jack always slept in a comical manner, and tonight was no different. Jack was laying face down in just a pair of boxers with a big red star on the ass, his rump in the air, knees holding it up high. The wolf's drooled onto his pillow, and one arm was hanging off the bed. Mark couldn't help but chuckle at his friend, once the floor had a pool going for what position he would sleep in each night of a week. Jack found out at the end of the week and was kind of pissed, but we knew he thought it was funny.

Mark was gay, he hadn't told anyone, he didn't know how. And on top of that he had a huge crush on Jack, and even if he someday told the wolf about being gay Mark just didn't see himself revealing that particular secret. The husky breathed a heavy sigh, just watching his friend peacefully sleep. Mark slowly pushed a paw down through his waistband and into his boxers, rubbing the sheath softly. Now, he just wanted to get off and go to sleep, his roommate sometimes made him hard and this was one of those occasions. Jack was pretty attractive, a tall well-built wolf with soft brown fur. Sometimes it became awkward when Mark got lost in the wolf's eyes, Jack would just laugh and make some stupid joke. But Mark didn't care, it was a joy to be with the wolf.

"I just wish you knew how much I loved you" the canine whispered.

Mark pulled his shorts down and saw the pink that had begun to poke out of the furry sheath. The dog rubbed his growing cock slowly with three fingers, moaning quietly under his breath. As it reached the full size of eight inches, Mark took it in paw and began to stroke himself wildly. His cock spurted more and more pre with every stroke, making each stroke smoother and quicker. Mark moaned again as he began to hump into his own paw, moaning louder with the rising pleasure.

The husky pulled his doghood rougher and quicker, slowly edging towards orgasm. Mark knew it'd be over soon and continued to pleasure himself, one hand gliding easily across the self-lubed organ, the other lightly playing with his balls. He rolled them in his fingers as his tongue lolled out to the side, this was great Mark couldn't remember the last time he got himself off this good. He moved his hand up to lightly squeeze his knot, moaning at his own touch.

It only took a few moments for Mark to come, he sent bursts of cum up onto his chest, a single drop landing on his chin. The husky quickly licked it away as the next wave of cum shot forth, this time hitting his arm. The waves of sticky doggy seed slowed and Mark's moans got softer. As the last drops of cum slid down to his paw Mark guided his hand up to his muzzle, licking away the creamy liquid.

'Yep that was great' Mark chuckled to himself.

He got up from the bed and climbed down the ladder and into the bathroom. The husky quietly shut the door and turned on the lights, eyes partly glazed from the remaining pleasure, it was a wonderful feeling. He turned on the sink with a sigh and plunged a cloth into the crisp pool. Mark cleaned his fur, water soaking it to the skin. Once the remaining seed had been cleaned up he grabbed another towel and started to dry himself up. Mark sighed again and walked back into the room, as he began to climb the later a voice spoke behind him.

"Do you have to have to do that when I'm in the room" The wolf spoke annoyed.

Mark froze, ears flattened to his skull and tail between his legs. Had Jack been awake the whole time? This was bad, how much did he hear?

"I mean I don't care if I'm asleep, it just isn't right to wake up to that" Jack laughed.

The husky turned around slowly, forgetting he was naked, and looked blankly back at the wolf. Jack only smiled, he was just laying there on his side, propping his head up with an elbow. He seemed very proud of catching Mark in the act, that was obviously made clear by his smirk. After a very long awkward silence past, well for Mark at least, he gathered the courage to finally say something.

"Um....what are you talking about?" Mark attempted to play dumb.

"Oh COME on!" Jack nearly yelled "I saw you pounding your meat right in front of me, you were moaning so loud I can't believe the neighbors didn't hear!"

"Are you sure that you weren't dreaming it?" the husky continued.

"Ok well then if I was dreamin' then why is your chest fur all wet?"

Even before Jack said this Mark knew he'd been caught red pawed. He just sighed and climbed the ladder and sat on the edge of the bed, legs dangling of it. He closed his eyes, wishing that they weren't having this conversation.

"Ya' know this reminds me of when I got caught by my parents pawing off my freshmen year of high school" Jack joked.

"Yeah same here" Mark chuckled.

"So does this mean you admit to it?"

"I don't see why not..." the dog answered, adverting his eyes to the floor, ears red with embarrassment.

"Here I'll make it even if your that embarrassed" Jack said.

The wolf reached down and started playing with his own sheath, apparently trying to embarrass the canine further, but only succeeding in giving the dog a stirring feeling in his groin. Mark now realized that the wolf was naked, his boxers were out of sight. Jack was getting hard and began stroking his shaft. The canine just sat there, dumbfounded and staring at the rapid pumping of Jack's wolven meat. It was one of the hottest things Mark had ever seen, the wolf just sat there, playin' with his junk. As he stated a single line of drool fell from his lips and down to his chin, and Jack only smiled.

A small bead of the drool fell to the floor and Jack's movement slowed and he looked back up to the canine a confused look on his face. But Mark only kept looking, eyes fixed on the wolf's erect cock.

"Um.... Hello up there, got a problem" Jack said.

"No!" the dog almost yelled "I was just surprised is all"

"Well to me it looked like you were enjoying the show. Was that drool?"

"N-No!" Mark stuttered. This was bad, he thought.

"Mark? Um are you know..." Jack questioned, a concerned look on his face "gay..."

The word cut like a dagger and felt like a bullet. This was Mark's worst nightmare made real, he felt like pinching himself to wake up. There was yet another long, awkward silence, both furs staring into each others eyes before Mark, yet again, adverted his gaze to the floor. The husky's silence said it all, tears beginning to form in his eyes. At the sight of this Jack decided to break the silence and comfort the dog.

"Hey Mark..... its ok man, I'm sorry" Jack apologized "I mean... I don't care if you are or not, please just don't cry"

"I-I-I....*sniff*...." Mark choked, searching for words, more tears falling to the floor.

Jack got up and climbed the ladder to Mark's loft and sat beside the canine. He sighed heavy and looked over to the fur. Jack had about as much idea of what to do as Mark did, this easily being one of the most awkward nights of his life as well.

"Look Buddy, I mean it" Jack started to say "it really doesn't matter, if your worried about us still being friends then you should know that we always will be"

"I-I know" the husky sniffled, his tears slowly starting to dry up "I just never thought that It'd come out like this"

"Hey it wasn't awkward for only you ya'know" Jack laughed.

"Yeah I'm really sorry about this" Mark said, finally cracking a smile.

"Its good to see you smile again" the wolf responded coolly "well I've got work tomorrow so no more pawing off for you, at least wait until I'm gone ok?"

"Yeah sure" Mark giggled "just put your pants back on..."

Mark put a paw on the wolf's thigh with a smirk, now it was Jack's turn to be the one embarrassed. Jack nearly fell of the bed at the touch, a bright red color coming to his ears. He jumped off the bed silently, an angry look on his face, as he strode across the room laying down on the bed and turning to the wall.

"Someone's blushing!" Mark chuckled loudly as he lay in his own bed.

"That wasn't cool Mark!" the wolf nearly yelled.

"Well I'm SORRY but you started it"

"HEY I still have work so quiet down ok?" the wolf turned his head to look at Mark "we'll talk later ok?"

"Ok *yawn* I guess your right" Mark answered his annoyed friend.

They both silently for several minutes, awake and going over what just happened. Mark was sad that it had happened like this, but felt at ease now that his secret shared with someone.

"Hey Jack?"



"No problem, you can tell me anything"

But Mark hadn't heard him, he was already asleep. Jack just laughed and eventually he too fell into sleeps warm embrace. And so they slept, for Mark it was one of the best sleeps he'd ever had.

The End?......

Well there it is, the first Prequal of Unexpected Questions, Unexpected Answer. I really hope you enjoyed one, it took me all day to write and I'm pretty pleased with the outcome. Like I said above please leave your comments and advice. And also please leave any idea's you might have for the second one, I know I need to write at least one more, but I don't quite have the best plan for it. It will either envolve the party I mentioned in the first story or how Jack freaked out at work. So like I said PLEASE post your own ideas!!!