Truth and Pain (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 6)

Story by Xello on SoFurry

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Chapter 6 is up again. Things go from bad, to good, to worse...

Xello was still crying when the police came into the door. 'Why won't Drake believe me?' he thought. He felt a strong paw on his should, and looked up and a smiled grey wolf in a police outfit. He looked oddly familiar.

"Its ok son," Said the wolf. "I just need you to tell me what happened."

Xello nodded. He began to tell about everything. He told him about how he had to stay after school, and how Sean offered to bring him home afterward. He told him about how Sean brought him to a barn outside of town, and how Ceres was waiting there for them. He told him everything in great detail about how he was raped.

The wolf frowned. "Ceres?" he asked. "Ceres has been home all day."

Xello gasped. "Y-y-your Ceres' father?" he asked, as he jumped back.

"Yes, and Ceres has been home all day."

Xello looked at the ground. 'This can't be happening.' He backed further away. "Ceres raped me, I'm not lying."

The wolf stared at Xello and sighed. "Come with me to the hospital, we are going to have you examined."

"Not with you," Xello said, panicked. "I'll have my mother bring me."

The wolf sighed again. "Listen, just come with me. I'm not going to hurt you."

Xello looked at his mother. He had no choice. He followed the wolf out to his car. He got in, and they slowly made their way to the hospital.

Drake was lying on Xello's bed, crying. He looked at the picture that Ceres had sent him off Xello being yiffed by Sean. 'Why would Xello do this? Why would Sean have sex with him?'

He heard the front door open. He listened to the story the best he could. "Ceres father?" he muttered. 'Xello's story just became meaningless.'

He thought about Sean. Sean had come out to him a year ago, just after he had told Ceres. 'Sean wouldn't rape someone because they were gay.' He thought.

Drake curled up into a ball on the bed, and cried softly as he drifted into a nightmare filled sleep.

When they arrived at the hospital, Xello was led in by Ceres father. They walked up to the front desk, and he talked with a young female tiger that sat there. She gasped as she heard why they were here. She sent a page over the intercom. "Dr. Trelway, report to room 650."

Xello was led by the wolf cop to the elevator, and they went to the 6th floor. The ride was painfully slow. 'Hurry up, I just want this day to end' Xello thought to himself.

The elevator doors opened, and they made their way down the hallway. They walked into room 650. Xello sat on the bed in there.

"I'll wait outside." said the wolf cop.

Xello nodded, and sat there, staring at the wall. The door open a few minutes later, with a familiar looking bear walking in. He stared at Xello for second.

"Wasn't expecting to see you again so soon," Said Dr. Trelway.

Xello smiled weakly at him.

"So, what's the problem tonight?" He asked calmly.

Xello choked back some tears. "I-I was raped," He choked out. "T-they want me examined for proof."

Dr. Trelway frowned. "I need you to pull down you pants and bend over." He said and he slipped on some gloves.

Xello nodded, and did at he was told. He spent what felt like hours there, with the doctor using various tools and methods to check him. Finally, the doctor said, "I'm done; you can pull your pants back up."

Xello quickly pulled his pants up, and stared blankly at Dr. Trelway for a minute. He finally said, "Did you get what you needed?"

Dr. Trelway nodded. "If you want to stay here for the night, you can."

Xello shook his head. "I have to get back home, can I go?"

The doctor smiled. "Yes. And don't worry, everything will be ok."

Xello slowly walked out the door, where his mother and the cop were talking. He looks at both and smiles weakly. "The doctor says I can go home."

Renee nodded, and turned to the cop. "Thank you."

The cop nodded and left Xello and Renee there. They looked at each other, before heading to the elevator. The trip back down seemed to take even long than going up. "Drake didn't come with you?" Xello finally asked.

Renee shook her head. "I went to get him form upstairs, but he was already asleep." She hugged her son. "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Xello looked at the ground. He felt alone. Drake didn't trust him, but he couldn't figure out why. 'I'm not lying,' He thought. 'I would never lie to him.'

Drake lay awake in bed. 'Ceres hates gays, why would he rape another guy?' he thought. 'And Sean is my friend.' Nothing was adding up in his head.

Drake rolled over. Xello's scent was making him cry. He reached for his phone, and looked at the image that Ceres had sent to him of Sean yiffing Xello. He looked closely, and saw tears in the wolf's eyes.

Drake dialed Lein's number. It rang twice, before a tired voice said, "Hello?"

"Lein? It's Drake."

"What do you want? I was trying to sleep."

"I was hoping we could talk." Drake said.


"Xello and I."

"What happened?" Lein said fully awake.

"I'm not sure. I think Sean wants to take him away from me." Drake said, trying to choke back tears.

Lein sighed over the phone. An awkward silence followed. After a few minutes of silence, he finally said, "Come over."

"Ok, see you in a few minutes." Drake said as he hung up. He jumped out of bed and pulled on his clothes from the day.

Drake ran outside and saw Xello and Renee driving up. He stared at them for a second, before walking over to Xello. "I'll back in a little while."

Xello stared and Drake. All he could do was nod.

Renee looked at Drake as he got into his car and drove off. She walked over and hugged Xello. "Don't worry," She whispered in his ear. "He's just in shock, and needs to figure some stuff out."

Xello had tears falling from his eyes and he walked inside. He went up to his room and lay on the bed. 'What isn't Drake telling me?' He thought as he fell asleep.

The drive to Lein's house was very quick. Drake pulled into the driveway, and walked up to the front door. Lein was standing outside with nothing on but his boxers. He looked at Drake for a moment before opening the door to lead Drake inside.

They sat on the couch in silence for several minutes. Lein stared at Drake, who was looking at nothing in particular.

"What's wrong?" Lein asked.

Drake opened up his phone and showed Lein the picture. He gasped at the sight. He took the phone and studied the picture.

"Xello says he was raped." Drake said. "But why would the rapist send this picture to his lover?"

Lein was speechless, still staring at the sight. He let out a large sigh. "It doesn't look like Xello's enjoying it," he said. "Why don't you believe him?"

"Because, he claims that Sean and Ceres raped him because he's gay." He said as he cried slightly. "Sean's gay also, so that doesn't make sense."

Lein frowned. He turned and hit Drake on the back of the head. "You're an idiot." He said angrily. "You know why they did it, don't you?"

Drake shook his head, completely confused.

"Ceres hates the fact that his best friend was gay. He did it to get at you, and brought Sean along to ruin your relationship. I may not know Xello very well, but I know Ceres and Sean. Sean is tight with Ceres, and will do whatever he tells him to do."

Drake stared at the ground. "But why?" he said, no longer able to hold back his tears.

Lein pulled Drake into a hug. "You made him look like a fag for being around you so much," he said. "He doesn't have problems with gays, just you. This was the only way he could get back at you. Don't let him get to you or Xello. Xello needs you more than anything right now. You should go comfort him."

Drake stood up. 'Lein is right,' he thought. He turned back to the lion. "Thank you Lein. I better head home."

Lein nodded and said, "I wouldn't worry about Sean," he said. "I would protect Xello from Ceres though. He's going to hurt you by using him."

Drake nodded and walked out the door. He couldn't believe how stupid he was, and how horrible he had treated Xello when he needed him the most.

The drive back to the house was slow. He didn't know what he would say to Xello. He slowly pulled into the drive way, and turned off his car. He sat there for a few minutes before Renee came outside.

"Drake, come talk with me for a minute."

Drake nodded, and followed her inside. He turned and looked at her. "I'm sorry about taking off, Renee," he said. "I just needed to clear my head."

Renee smiled at him. "I'm not worried about that," she said. "You know Xello's going to being going through a rough time. He believes in you."

Drake nodded as tears formed in his eyes. "After what I said to him, I wouldn't be surprised he never wanted to talk to me again."

Renee chuckled. "He's not mad at you. He's just confused. You know you're a part of this family now."

Drake nodded. He stared at the ground for a few minutes.

"Go to Xello. And stop calling me Renee. It's mom to you."

Drake smiled. "Thank you, mom" he said as he stood up to go upstairs to Xello.

"You're welcome," she said.

Drake made his way upstairs. He walked into the Xello's room and saw him asleep on the bed. He was tossing and turning, as if stuck in a nightmare. He kept muttering "Save me Drake, please save me."

Drake smiled and walked over to the bed. He gently shook Xello. "Wake up, Xello," he said softly.

Xello eyes slowly opened. He stared at the fox standing over him. He looked away. "I'm sorry Drake. I didn't mean to hurt you," He whimpered out.

Drake smiled, and stoked Xello's tail. "You don't have to be sorry. I should have just believed you." He began to explain why he had trouble believing Xello. He told him about how Sean was gay, and about Ceres.

Xello stared at Drake. Not sure what to say, and hugged him. "Drake, I love you, and I would never hurt you."

Drake returned the hug and gently rubbed Xello's back. The wolf let out a murr.

Xello stared into to Drake's eyes. He leaned in and kissed Drake passionately on the muzzle. His tongue quickly went into the fox's maw.

Drake closed his eyes, and suckled on Xello's tongue lovingly. The wolf let out a slightly moan and pushed his tongue further in. The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity. When the kiss ended, they looked into each others eye. Drake whispered, "I promise I'll protect you from now on."

Xello blushed. He wrapped his paws around Drake. He nuzzled the fox's cheek and smiled. "Thank you Drake."

Drake scratched Xello's ears. "We should get some sleep," He said, smiling at the wolf.

"You mean just sleep?" Xello chuckled.

Drake pulled off his shirt and pants quickly, leaving him standing in front of Xello with his boxers. "Just sleep tonight. You look exhausted."

Xello yawn and striped down to his boxers. He leaned in and kissed Drake on the muzzle softly. "Good night, my love."

Drake crawled into bed, and whispered in Xello's ear, "Good night." He wrapped his paws around the wolf. They both drifted into sleep.


The alarm was going off like it does every morning. It was Friday. Xello hit the alarm and rolled over. His fox lover wasn't in bed. He panicked that everything that happened last night was a dream. He looked around the room and saw the clothes that Drake wore last night were on the floor, along with a new pair of boxers. He listened down the hall and heard the shower going. He peeked down stairs and saw his mother drinking her usual cup of coffee.

Xello ran back to his room and grabbed a pair of black jeans, and a red shirt. He looked for boxers, but he was still out. He frowned. Xello still needed to do laundry, but wasn't able to yesterday.

He made his way into the bathroom, clothes in hand. He slowly opened the door and saw Drake standing outside the shower. He didn't notice Xello come in. He was waiting on the water to get perfect.

Xello quietly crept up on the fox. He wrapped his arms around Drake, who jumped. He turned and looked at Xello.

"Morning," Xello said, wagging his tail.

"Good morning." Drake said. "Trying to scare me?"

"You scared me when you weren't in bed when I woke up."

Drake chuckled. "I couldn't sleep anymore, so I was coming to take a shower. I didn't even notice that it was almost time to get up."

Xello licked Drake on the nose, causing the fox to murr. He pulled off his boxers, exposing himself to his lover. He singled for Drake to get into the shower with him.

Drake giggled and got in, his cock was slowly awakening from it sheath. He blushed when he saw Xello lick his lips and stare at the tip of his cock. "What can I say? I have a sexy wolf in front of me."

Xello blushed bright red. "Your just saying that so I'll suck you off." He joked.

"And what if I am? You would suck me off anyways."

They both laughed. Xello got down and started licking the tip of the cock. He looked back up. "Of course I would." He began to gently suckle on the tip of Drake's foxhood. He swirled his tongue around it, trying to coax the cock completely out.

It only took a little bit of work before Drake's full foxhood stood before Xello's eager maw. He licked in to the balls all the way to the tip.

Drake moaned. "Quit being a tease," he said.

Xello took to fox cock into his muzzle. His tongue rolled around the shaft as he bobbed his head up and down.

Drake moaned. He began to thrust into Xello's maw. His cock shot out some pre.

Xello murred as he tasted the pre. He began to bob faster. He took Drake's balls into his paw and squeezed them gently.

Drake let out another moan. His knot began to form. "I-I can't hold back any longer," he panted out.

Xello gently grabbed Drake's knot and squeezed it. He felt the fox cock began to shake and shoot cum into his eager maw. He milked as much cum as he could, savoring every drop.

Drake panted as he came. He rubbed Xello's head fur a smiled.

"Hurry up you two, you need to get to school!" Renee shouted.

Both chuckled as the realized they didn't get cleaned. Xello quickly grabbed the shampoo and put some on both of them. "Lets at least clean up quickly."

They quickly lathered up and rinsed off. They jumped out and dried off. They were running down the stairs, throwing on their clothes as they did and ran out the door.

Drake drove very fast. They spent way too much time in the shower and had little time to get to school. They ran to their first class, and made it there just in time. They had the same substitute from yesterday.

Drake stared at the blackboard. There wasn't an assignment. It just said have a good weekend. He whispered to Xello, "What are you going to do in band? Sean's your section leader."

Xello gulped. He had forgotten about that. He looked at Drake and said, "Maybe skip it for today. Or go drop the class altogether."

Drake sighed heavily. "You can't drop the class without the teacher's approval. And Mr. Allen doesn't usually let students drop band until after marching season is over."

Xello frowned. He couldn't go to band and see Sean. And he can't drop the class. He thought long and hard. The bell rang and he slowly made his way out of class. "Can I be alone for a minute Drake?" he asked.

Drake nodded and started heading towards the next class. He walked in and saw the teacher, Mrs. Mouton, writing notes on the board. He had no clue what they were pertaining to.

She looked over at Drake and smiled. "How you doing today Drake?" she asked.

Drake simply smiled. And walked to his desk and waited for Xello. Mrs. Mouton went back to putting notes on the board.

Xello wandered into the bathroom and splashed some water on his face. 'What am I going to do?' he thought.

Xello turned to leave when he saw what he feared most. Sean was standing there. 'No." he thought.

Sean looked at Xello. He avoided staring and muttered something.

Xello perked up his ears. "What did you say?" he asked.

"I'm sorry." Sean muttered a little louder. "I shouldn't have done that to you."

Xello stared at him coldly. "Sorry?" he asked. "You're sorry for raping me? Your fucking right you're sorry. How could you do that to someone?"

Sean just sat there and listened. He couldn't look at Xello. He sat there speechless.

Xello went on, "I hate you Sean. I hate both you and Ceres. You almost ruined my relationship with Drake. I wish you both would just DROP DEAD! GO TO FUCKING HELL!" he was screaming and crying.

Sean just sat there. He couldn't say anything.

Xello was breathing heavily. The tardy bell ran, but the both just stood in the bathroom.

Sean looked at Xello. "I know what I did to you was horrible. I know you can't forgive me. It was Ceres idea. He wanted to hurt Drake by hurting you."

Xello stood there listening.

"He thought that by hurting Drake, he would be able to finally get rid of him. Ceres doesn't know that I'm gay. And I wanted to be close to you, so I went along with it."

Xello froze. 'Sean's gay?' he thought.

"Please, can we put this behind us? You can hate my guts, and I have to accept that."

"Why didn't you stop Ceres?" Xello asked.

"Because, Ceres is my best friend, just like he was Drake's. Drake knows I'm gay, but never told anyone. We had no interest in each other. Then I saw you getting close to Drake and want you to be mine, but I knew it would never happen."

Xello couldn't move. His body was frozen. He didn't know what to do or say.

"When Ceres came up with the idea of raping you, I went along with it for the one and only chance I would have. I..." Sean stopped.

Xello stood there. "I already told the police what happened."

Sean nodded. "Ceres told me. His father was the one who came to get the report. He questioned Ceres, and is going to question me today after school. Ceres denied everything."

Xello stared at Sean. "Tell him what happened. Tell him everything."

Sean nodded and hugged Xello.

Xello panicked. He didn't what Sean to touch him, but he didn't push him away. He stood there and started to hug back.

Sean finally said, "I'm going to admit to everything." He looked at his watch. Class was almost over.

Xello still didn't know what to say. He was just hugged by the same guy who raped him just yesterday. He almost felt sorry for him.

The bell rang. It was time for their next class. "I'm going to class." Xello said coldly and walked out of the bathroom.

Drake sat at his desk and heard the tardy bell. Still no sign Xello. 'Where's he at?' he thought.

Mrs. Mouton began teaching about Boyle's law. It bored Drake to tears. Several of the students fell asleep in class. He forced himself to stay awake.

Half-way through class, and Xello still hasn't shown up. 'I hope he's ok.' Drake thought. He raised his hand. "Mrs. Mouton, can I go to the bathroom?" he asked.

"Class is almost over, you just have to wait." She said, and continued teaching

He sat there. The class was almost over, and still no Xello. He began worry. 'He should have been here by now. Something must have happened.' He thought.

The bell rang, and Drake ran out the classroom. He ran down the hall, nearly bumping into several students. He saw Xello walk out of the bathroom. He walked over and saw Sean come out just after him. He froze 'What's Sean doing.' He thought.

He stood there and watched for a second and saw Sean hug Xello and whisper something in his ear and took off towards the office. 'Xello lied to us all, after all.' He thought, and started to walk towards his next class.

Xello got out and saw Sean come out behind him. He stopped for a second. Sean came up and gave him a hug. "I'm going to check out and go admit everything now." He whispered in his ear and took off for the office.

Xello stood still for a second. He turned to head to his next class. He saw Drake ahead of him, but wasn't able to catch up. He made it to class and sat next to Drake. He whispered to Drake as the tardy bell rang, 'Sorry about missing last class.'

Drake ignored Xello. He didn't want to talk to him at all. The teacher, an old boar named Mr. Reve began to talk about the story of Beowulf. Drake pretended to enjoy what the boar was saying.

After the bell rang, Xello grabbed Drake. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I saw you hugging Sean." He said coldly. "If you wanted to be with him, he should have just told me instead of lying about being raped. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you." With that, Drake walked off.

Xello stood there. He shouted, "Wait!"

Drake heard Xello, but ignored him. He kept walking, trying to choke back tears.

Xello caught up to Drake and grabbed him. He spun him around, and kissed him in front of everyone.

Drake stood there for a second, before he pushed Xello off. "I don't want to have anything to do with a slut."

Xello quickly grabbed Drake again. "Sean hugged me because he was going to admit what he did to the police, and I told him I might forgive him. He isn't the one I want to be with. I was raped by him. You're the one I want Drake. No one else but you."

Drake froze. He looked at Xello. "I can't believe you," he said. "Sean's also gay, and from what you're saying, he raped you because you're gay. It doesn't make sense. Yet, I chose to believe you once. Then you skip class, and stay in the bathroom with him the entire time? It doesn't add up Xello. You know it doesn't make sense. You should just go be with your little dragon lover, because right now, I wish you were dead."

Xello stood there. He told Drake the truth. Tears started to form. "If that's the way you feel Drake, then fine."

Drake turned around, tears streaming down his face. He went to his next class just in time for the tardy bell. The teacher wasn't there, so he just sat down and cried.

Xello stood in the hall. He couldn't believe what just happened. He started to walk towards the front of the school. He walked outside and sat on a bench. There he cried. 'Why won't Drake listen?' he thought. 'I love Drake, but apparently he doesn't love me.'

Just then, He felt a paw on him. He looked up and nearly fell over.

Ceres had a wicked grin on his face. "So, your fox lover dumped you."

Xello tried to get away, but Ceres held him still.

"Where do you think your going?" Ceres asked in an evil tone. "Your fox isn't here to protect you." He punched Xello hard in the gut, causing him to fall over on to the ground.

"Mr. Paws isn't here to stop me." He said and kicked Xello in the face. "Nobody is here for you, you fucking fag." He said as he kicked Xello in the throat.

Xello gasped for air, but none came. He felt blood running down his face as Ceres kicked him again and again. Xello finally gave up. He just lay there as the strong wolf beat him up. Everything began to go dark. He started to feel warm. He no longer felt the pain from his injuries. He closed his eyes and thought, 'Maybe I'll finally be at peace.'

The bell rang and Drake woke up. He didn't realize that he had fallen asleep. The rest of the class seemed to be waking up as well. He looked over and saw that Xello wasn't there. He sighed and walked to the cafeteria. He wasn't really hungry, but he was going to sit with Lein. He walked in and didn't see the lion anywhere. 'He might just be sick today.' He thought as he walked back out.

Drake saw an ambulance outside. He couldn't tell who was being put inside, but noticed Lein standing close by. He walked outside as the ambulance drove off. "Hey Lein, what happened?"

Lein looked at Drake. "Ceres almost killed Xello." He said. "Its lucky I walked by and stopped him."

Drake just sat there stunned. He knew Ceres hated gays but to go that far. He looked at Lein. "Well, Xello's not with me anymore, so I don't care." He said coldly.

Lein punched Drake in the jaw. "I just spoke with Sean. He told me what happened between him and Xello. He's going to the police now to tell them everything. Ceres is on the run now. If you don't believe Xello, then you're a moron. He might not make it, and you should be there for him."

Lein was pissed. He looked at Drake with a look that could kill. Drake gulped. "Sean really raped him?"

Lein said angrily, "Yes, he did. Now, go to Xello. He needs you there."

Drake took off for his car, and sped off after the ambulance. He didn't know what he would say to Xello, if he even lived. All he knew was he was wrong. He hoped that Xello would forgive him for being so stupid.