Sara's Story - Chapter 2

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#2 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 1: Past

Chapter 2 - ...and we will do our uttermost to make your stay a long and painful one.

© 2003 Nameless

I wake up. I'm in my master's bed, he is lying next to me, barely touching me. He still sleeps. I don't dare to move at all. I have been punished severely by some of my previous masters when I woke them up. Since I am blindfolded I cannot see if the sun is up already. Judging by the noises from outside, it must be near dawn. Stuck in my personal night, I wait and drift between sleep and waking.

Some time later I feel him stirring. Then he wakes up and turns around. He puts a paw on my shoulder and shakes me gently "Wake up, girl."

I force myself to smile "I'm awake, Master."

He pulls the covers away and runs his paw over my body. I can hear the grin in his voice "Enough time for some fun before I have to get up." He has his fun with me, I am glad he does not hurt me. He gets up and has me kneel on the bed. I can almost feel his gaze on me as he goes about his business, getting ready for the day. I still do not know what he looks like. When he is finished, he paws my body again and tells me "When I'm out of the room, you can take off the blindfold. Take care of your needs. Then go out of the room, to the end of the corridor, down the stairs then left to the kitchen. The house mistress will give you your duties. Any questions?"

I shake my head "No, Master." Then I wait for him to leave the room.

I take off the blindfolds and the sun stabs into my eyes so painfully that I have to squeeze them shut. When I can finally see, I take care of my needs quickly, then I walk to the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen, I see several female slaves preparing food while an older badger femme is watching over them. I kneel and address her "Mistress, I was told to report to you for my duties."

She turns and looks at me. "So you are the new slave, girl?" She looks me over and all the others in the room look at me as well. Suddenly I feel myself blushing. She steps into a side room for a few moments, then she returns and gives a short smock to me "Get up and put this on."

The smock barely reaches a pawspan below my crotch and it has no hole for my tail, just a slit in the back, but it is more clothing than I have worn in some time "Thank you, Mistress."

"So what is your name, girl?"

"Sara, Mistress."

"What shall we do with you?" she muses and turns around. The other slaves are still looking at us, when they notice her looking at them, they quickly return to their tasks. She points at a lynx femme sitting at a side table, peeling potatoes "Go help her with the potatoes."

"Yes, Mistress." I scurry to the table and start my day of kitchen work.

# # #

It is now evening, I finish the food I have been given, it is enough that I am not hungry. The mistress calls me and commands "The master wants you today. Go to his room and take care of your needs. Then take off your clothes and await his pleasure in front of his chair."

I bow my head "Yes, Mistress." When she does not say anything else, I turn around and leave the kitchen.

Someone put an old rag on the floor in front of my master's chair. I kneel on it in the required position. Then I wait for my master.

He comes in after perhaps half an hour. He sits down and looks at me for some time. Then he commands "Go on with your tale."

"Yes, Master. Thank you for the rug." I answer and turn my thoughts back to my first full day as a slave.

# # #

I was woken up early, a little before daybreak. The soldiers hobbled me, then they sent me off to take care of my needs and help the cook with the breakfast. As I built up the fire, two soldiers half carried half dragged the vixen over. They had to pour a lot of cold water on her head before she was awake enough to help with the cooking. We were given only a little food. When the camp had been struck, we were tied up again and leashed to the back of the wagon. Although my whole body hurt, I stumbled only once on the march that morning. But the vixen had a very rough day, she stumbled often and by midday she was bruised and bloody.

Sometime around noon we came to a large village. While the Representative went to talk with the headman, several soldiers took me and the vixen to the smith. The officer held up two metal rings, laughed and told us "Girls, we are going to make you pretty!" He touched one of the rings to my nose. I shivered and mewled in fear when I realized what they were going to do to me. I had to watch as the smith put two bolts, two awls and the rings to heat in the fire. The officer grinned and showed us two ring gags "So that you girls can properly express how much you like our gifts." We struggled but several soldiers held us fast and we were gagged. The vixen was led to the anvil, the pin from her collar was removed and it was bolted shut. Then it was my turn. I wept to the ringing of the hammer as my collar was bolted shut.

After a little while the vixen was again led to the anvil and several soldiers held her so that she could not move her head. Then the smith took one of the glowing awls and pierced her nose. I had to watch helplessly as she thrashed and howled in pain. The stink of burned flesh and piss filled the room. Then her body went limp as she fainted. The ring was threaded through her nose and hammered shut. My knees went weak and I would have fallen if the soldiers holding me had not held me fast. She was carried away and dropped on the floor like a sack of grain. Then it was my turn. I struggled but the soldiers holding me were too strong. They forced my head down on the anvil. The smith approached me and thrust the awl through my nose. The pain and the stench were incredible. I gagged and wept and screamed and thrashed around, then I passed out.

When I came to I was lying on the floor and my nose was throbbing. I looked up and saw a soldier standing next to me. He held out his hand and I saw that he was holding a cord. Before I realized what was happening with me, he commanded " Get up, slut!" and jerked on the cord. My nose exploded with pain and I nearly fainted again. Even though I was bound and hobbled I managed to get up quickly. Then I saw the vixen standing next to another soldier who held the cord attached to her nose ring. She was sobbing and the fur on her muzzle was drenched. My eyes filled with tears and I howled when the soldier jerked the cord again. Then he turned around and started walking. I could hardly see where I was going as I struggled to follow him.

We were tied to the wagon with the cords and left alone. When the Representative had finished his business some time later, we were given a little water. The cords were untied and we were leashed to the wagon again. Then we set off. We stumbled after the wagon. The vixen was at the end of her strength. She stumbled often and was dragged behind the wagon. After perhaps the fifth time she could not get up again. She lay on the road bleeding and broken. After a little discussion she was put in the wagon. As I struggled to keep up, I prayed that I would not find out what they had done to her, but I feared that my prayers would not be answered.

When we stopped for the night, I had to help with the cooking again. The vixen was revived with cold water, but she was hardly able to do any work. We were given only a little food, and I was still very hungry. Then I was sent to the Representative's tent to serve his pleasure.

I begin to shudder as I remember what happened that night.

I had to sit on his lap and as he pawed my body he grinned at me and told me "You are going to love what we have planned for you tonight, sweety." I started to shiver. " I'll lend you to the soldier whom your friend wounded, so that he can entertain you. I think he has something special planned for you. He said he wanted to show you how much he appreciated what your late friend did to him." I barely managed not to wet myself as I thought about what would happen to me. Then he used me, much as he had the night before. When he was done with me, he sent me to entertain this soldier.

I shiver and shudder so badly that I can barely hold my position. Finally I ask in a small voice "Do I have to tell you about that, Master?" When he does not answer I fear that I have angered him.

But after some time he tells me "No, you can skip that."

I am very grateful for that. I bow my head even lower "Thank you, Master." Then I take a few deep breaths to calm myself and continue.

I don't really remember what happened the next day. They must have carried me to the wagon. I drifted in and out of consciousness, whenever I woke up, my whole body hurt like hell. In the evening I was partially revived with a lot of cold water. Wet and shivering from cold, I struggled to help the cook. Afterwards I was given to another group of soldiers to entertain them. I think they did not try to be particularly cruel with me, but every touch hurt. One of them let me share his bedroll. I fell asleep almost instantly. Or maybe I passed out, I don't really know.

The journey lasted several more days. I had to walk behind the wagon and whenever we stopped the soldiers used me for their entertainment, they particularly enjoyed pulling on my nose ring. I also had to eat Kasher Nuts every day. I was beaten often, whenever one of them was not satisfied with my performance. My whole body hurt and I was tired, hungry and cold nearly all the time. The vixen did not fare any better. We walked beside each other most of the time, but we never could speak a single word to each other. When we arrived at the Governor's mansion, we were separated and I never saw her again.

I was taken to a cellar room. In it there were about a dozen small cages, most of them filled with other female slaves. I was gagged and my paws were bound behind my back. Then I was put in one of the cages. It was less than a yard square. The gag was only removed when I was fed. Several times I was taken out of the cage to serve the pleasure of some of the guards. Once I was given to a group of perhaps twenty male slaves who worked the fields. When they were finished with me, I had to be carried back to my cage.

It was perhaps a week later. After our paltry breakfast we were taken to the yard. We had to stand with our legs spread widely, while two richly dressed furs examined us and talked about our merits. One was apparently a slave trader, the other was an officer in the service of the Governor. The slave trader also ran his paws over my body and I had to move around so he could see me from all sides. When they were finished, they disappeared into the mansion. He returned perhaps half an hour later. My paws were bound behind my back, my feet were hobbled together and I was gagged. Our collars were tied together, with about a yard of rope between one and the next, forming a coffle. Then the slave trader and his guards mounted their horses and we were led away. We had to walk for about an hour. Several times one of the slaves stumbled and fell, dragging down all the others as well. The guards laughed at us as we tried to stand up again. Then we reached the city and were marched directly to the slave market.

The coffle was broken up and my bonds were removed. Two female slaves quickly brushed my fur. Then I was led to a low platform and my collar was tied to a stake. I had to kneel in this position. Several times some fur was interested in me and I had to get up, so that he could examine me. I was poked and prodded and pawed inside and out. But none of them bought me that day.

# # #

My master commands "Enough for today, girl."

I stop and wait.

"I will join you later. Prepare yourself for my pleasure. You know what I like. Any questions?"

"No, Master."

After he leaves me, I take care of my needs, put on the blindfold and lie down on the bed. And wait for my master to return.

End of Chapter 2