Late Night Return

Story by Feral Dreamer on SoFurry

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The weather seemed to have chilled outside as Scott traveled his homeward route on his board, stopping every so often to grind a bus stop bench or ollie from side walk to pavement and back again. The dim streetlights lit his path and attracted swarms of hideous looking beetles and moths of the like. A soft shiver of disgust raced through him at the site and aided his hurry.

It was nearly two o'clock, and Khris had told him to be home two hours ago. Scott felt that he would be in serious trouble when he got home, but it was of no matter to him; it would pass as usual.

"What on earth...?" a small sound had made him pause in front of the house.

The curtains were drawn and the light shown a dull yellow through them; small moans could be heard inside. His curious mind egged him to see who the moans belonged to, but curiosity killed the cat as they say. It would have been humorous, you know; for in that house was Talc, and that is all that should be said on the matter.

The digits on his watch read 2:30 as he entered the driveway, kicking his board from him and into his paws. He edged toward the door slowly and opened it. Great care was taken in doing this since he didn't want to wake his companion for fear of the consequences. All of the occupants of the house were off to there rooms, leaving the hallways silent and cold. Carefully, Scott took off his shoes and opened the door to Khris's room.

The air conditioner rattled softly in the window, keeping the sterile cool as the Foxes preferred. Scott laid his shoes and board aside in their proper, out-of-the-way place in the room. He removed his beanie, his hair a mess, and tossed it aside. There, in the bed, laid a sleeping Khris, seeming to be lost in unconsciousness. Scott climbed into bed slowly and nestled himself against the sleeping figure that he is so fond of and issues soft purring noises as he does so.

"Did you honestly think that I wouldn't notice, Scott?" Khris gave soft laugh.

Startled, Scott sighed and gave his reply, "I didn't think it would; you catch me every time, but it was worth a try wasn't it?"

Khris only laughed and hugged his pup, giving a soft nuzzle before pulling him close under the sheets.

"Khris I..." Scott was cut short, he felt the warmth of bare fur on his chest and a small knot pressed tight against his leg .

"You kept me waiting, Scott..." Khris gave a small murr and removed Scott's shirt, lapping down his collar to suckle a soft pink nipple. A small squeal escaped Scott, as he was caught off guard. A whine followed as he felt Khris's paws wander his side and down to his rear to rub the base of his tail.


"Shhh.." Khris held his finger to Scotts muzzle and smiles as his free paw stretched lower to massage the rim of his tailhole. through his jeans.

"Scott, would you be a dear and get rid of those?" Khris asked with a small chuckle. Scott quickly unzipped his pants and kicked them aside, but he had no time to recover before Khris held him. Scott lapped at Khris's muzzle and was returned only with a smile as his head was forced down until the tip of Khris's member touched the pup's muzzle. Scott opened his muzzle to take in the cock, which was immediately shoved to the back of his throat. He gave a small gag and a cough, but the paw behind his head seemed to hold steady; he began to suck. As he picked up his pace he felt the strong paw leave his head and run down his back to seek other areas. Soft sucking noises filled the air and blended with the husky groans issued by the uke.

A few moments passed before Scott felt the sticky pre on his tongue. His gentle purrs had overcome Khris who seemed to tear Scott off of him and toss him to the floor, immediately pouching on him. A whimper escaped Scott, but was only offset by a screaming gasp as Khris delved his muzzle into the tight hole and began to lap. Scott squirmed but was held by Khris's strong paw and forceful growl. This continued until Scott felt his own knot tighten. Khris let Scott rest for a few seconds before positioning himself over the boy, holding him between his tip and the wall. Khris rammed himself into the boy and kept his hard and fast pace; a satisfied smile played across his lips as Scott whined and cried out loudly, the pain was obviously too much for him. On and on it continued, the pain mounting into pleasure as their loads built.

The rain fell in a small torrent outside, a fire burned in the fireplace, a dull clock struck three and the two were finished. Heated passion's flame died, doused in the seed of two lovers. Khris pulled himself out of Scott and proceeded to clean him, his eager tongue longing for the taste. Too much had been taken out of the kitten as he sat against the wall in a fit of panting. Khris smiled and picked up Scott, taking him to bed where he laid him down gently and kissed his muzzle.

"Why... why so rough..."

"I had to punish you somehow didn't I?"

Scott sighed, "I guess."

"I have something for you."

"What is it Khris?"

Khris stratled his pup and nuzzled him. Presenting a small box.

"What is it?"

Khris untied the bow and opened it to reveal a silver band and smiled as he took it and slipped it onto Scott's finger.

"I want you to be mine... I love you..." Khris said.

Tears welled in the boy's eyes, "Khris...."



Scott jumped, slightly startled and was greeted by Khris's chuckle, "I thought it was amusing that you blew a load in your sleep, but then cry? And all over my sheets too." He ruffled the pup's hair, "What was that about anyway."

A look of deep disappointment crossed Scott's muzzle, "Nothing love... nothing. Just odd fantasies as usual..." He held up his paw and sighed at the sight of the naked finger where the band had been placed, "Nothing at all."