The Collar Chronicles: Horse Justice (Chp 4)

Story by Fifi_the_Skunk on SoFurry

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#4 of The Collar Chronicles

Sorry this chapter took so long to churn out. I have had lots of issues health wise my pet passed away after 13 glorious years. It hit me hard. Hopefully, I will be back in the swing of things.


Frank stretched as he slowly stirred from his bed, the sun just peeking through the drapes enough to shine in his eyes. Walking to the window he let the full breath of the new day enter his room. He smiled at the clear skies as they revealed his vast ranch. It was still early, the minute colors of dawn still visible. With jus the lay of the day to see, he got dressed and walked to the barn.

His stallions whinnied as they saw their master enter, moving to the front of the stalls for the breakfast. Frank preferred the stallions, much easier to care for than the mares. His stallions were no ordinary ones either; they were all champions, having won races and awards. He fed the horses and mucked out their stalls. Opening the pens so they could roam, he went inside and fixed himself a meal.

After breakfast, Frank entered his dojo to practice. He always kept in shape working out no matter how he felt. He went through his katas bringing his body into ki. Just as he was about to finish, a ring of his doorbell brought him out of his meditation. He seldom had visitors, so broke his routine to answer the door.

A messenger in brown was there with a package. "Mr. O'Hara?" The man asked.

"Yes?" Frank answered, curious as to why he was receiving a package for something he didn't order.

"Sign here please," the carrier stated plainly, not paying any attention to the tone in his customer's voice.

Slightly confused, Frank signed the electronic pad and took the plain wrapped box. As he shut the door, he saw the label 'Soytex' on the box. He knew the company. The name had been plastered over the news lately. They were just another company trying to sell its wares. He heard of the crazy stories associated with the company's most popular product. It really didn't matter to him; the money he made just off his winnings would set him for life and then some. He just never saw a need for their products. Opening the box, he found three neck halters and bits along with a letter. Curiosity getting the better of him, he placed the box on his table and began to read the letter.

"Dear Mr. O'Hara:

As you may be aware, our company makes products to assist the owner of animals. We have many supplies to do this, but none more popular than the collars we have provided a sample to you. These new collars are even easier to use, as they have been pre-programmed for your convenience.

We have noted that you only train and compete stallions. While that is a noble and lucrative investment, additional money can be gained from a 'free' source of breeding champions to continue your revenues.

With an investment of time, we have discovered the breed you have favored, and thus the collars are made to create the perfect compliment to your fine stock. What we are asking from you is a simple investment of time. Enclosed with this letter is a check to purchase three more horses, two females and a male. We ask that these horses be of standard stock. The experiment of the collars is to see if viable thoroughbreds can be created from standard stock. Once you place these devices on the horses and give the simple command 'activate', the devices will do all the work over the course of a couple months. At the end of the change, it will even arouse interest between the male and one of the females. We ask that you allow that union to occur, while letting one of your own stallions bred with the other female. As further allowance to your time, we have included a generous donation to your foundation."

Frank put the letter down and looked at the check, his eyes opening wide at the amount. Even if he were to buy three of the finest horses money could buy, the additional money included was substantial. He was considering the offer when a commotion outside drew his attention.

As he emerged outside, he noticed the stallions running from the tree line that bordered his land. Maximus, his largest stallion, came running up to him. He was bleeding from a few spots on his rear that looked like cuts from rocks. In the distance he could see smoke rising near where the horses had been spooked. Grabbing one of the other stallions, he rode towards his fence line and the smoke.

"Man, you really nailed that horse, Mark." Brad said.

"True, true, I have a gift." Mark boasted as they sat by their campfire.

"Guys, don't you think it was a tad cruel? I mean, what would the owner think?" Kevin said nervously.

"I would think," Frank started sternly, "that I would want to get my ass out of Dodge as quickly as possible, lest I irk the owner."

All three of the teenagers spun around. Mark folded his arms over his chest and looked down at Frank. At six foot four, the All-Star football player just huffed in disgust. "Maybe if the owner wasn't so tiny we would. Or, better yet, if said owner wasn't outnumbered three to one perhaps we would be considering leaving."

Kevin, the smallest of the three, pulled on Mark's arm, "Come on Mark, let's just go."

Looking down at his friend now with the same look of contempt, Brad shoved his friend hard in the chest with his palm. Kevin backpedaled trying to regain his balance only to trip over a root and slam the back of his head into a large oak knocking him out cold.

"Well, it seems there are now two of you." Frank stated coldly, folding his arms like Mark had done before he had attacked Kevin.

Brad and Mark squared off on Frank, coming up on his side. Frank turned and kicked Mark square in the groin with enough force that he sent the youth several feet back before Mark fell to his knees holding his crotch.

Brad leaned in and tried to bear hug the man he didn't know, but Frank just bent out of the way. The boy threw a punch down toward Frank's face, but Frank just leaned to the side and "dragon claw" grabbed his wrist. With a quick twist of Brad's arm, he put pressure on Brad's elbow and forced him down to the ground. While Frank had Brad pinned, he used his palm to strike the teenager at the base of his skull, knocking the youth out instantly.

Frank approached Mark who was still squirming from the kick to his groin. Leaning over, Frank pinched Mark somewhere behind the left ear. The youth winced in pain, before his eyes went up, and he blacked out.


"That is the story you want me to publish, Cathy?" The editor asked her with a surprised tone in his voice.

Cathy huffed into the phone, her fluffy collie tail whipping back and forth. "I would not have submitted it if I didn't want to have it published now would I have Mr. Ringtail."

"Very well Ms. Veit, just remember who you are working for." The man replied with a hint of anger in his voice.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Cathy replied.

"This story seems on the verge of a press release for Soytex, that's all." He replied calming down a bit.

"Well," she started pausing only for a moment to collect her thoughts, "I do have a story coming soon from them that will shake the roofs off of everything. We have exclusive rights to publish the new article first, when the time comes."

"Are you serious?' The man replied, a new found rush of anticipation in his voice. "Can you give me a hint?"

"Nope, but you will be happy, I guarantee it." She told him, hanging up the phone. Turning to the man sitting in behind the desk she continued, "I told you he wouldn't be a problem. Dangle some juicy stuff in front of his nose, and he'll be begging like a dog for more."

"Speaking of dogs," Mr. Alcort stated with a smile on his face, "how is Tim doing?"

"She is nursing her second batch of puppies as we speak, but she hasn't yet tried all the males. Should I force that issue now?" She asked him coldly and without emotion. In her heart, she loved her husband dearly, but the collar repressed those emotions.

Waving his hand in front of his face, he scoffed at her, "That is not necessary right now. We just got another order of puppies from a boutique out in California so grab Red and have your husband deliver a batch of Irish setters for us."

"As you command," she replied bowing to him. Over the course of a few months, he had allowed her to walk upright again. She felt ashamed by letting her husband take the responsibility of deliveries, but it was either him or her and she had a plan for vengeance deeply embedded in her subconscious.

Mr. Alcort watched her leave before picking up the phone. He dialed the number and waited for an answer.

A young sultry voice answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Is Cinder there please?" Mr. Alcort asked.

"He is finishing his acceptance speech right now." Carol replied.

"So he became president of the alumni for the whole country now?" He said quickly.

"Who is this please?" Carol said quizzically.

"This is Mr. Alcort from Soytex Industries." He replied proudly.

"Oh it is so good to talk to you. Cinder has told me so much about how you have helped us. I have to tell you we are going to have our first child soon!" Carol said excitedly.

"Congratulations to you both, I will have to send you a gift. When he gets home, can you have him call me please?" He asked.

"Certainly!" She said, "Talk to you soon, goodbye."

"Have a nice day," he said to her hanging up the phone. Moving to his computer, he bought a small condo for the couple, pausing a moment to verify just how well his 'drone' had done, sending along some candy for the female skunk as a minor second gift. He checked the status of contacts Cinder had made. Mr. Alcort made a slight audible noise of surprise as the numbers were staggering even to him. Returning to the condo purchase, he canceled the sale and bought a small house instead. Pushing the intercom on his desk he demanded, "Schedule our plane to fly to Denver tomorrow. Have a limousine standing by, and speed up the paperwork on the home I just purchased."

"Yes sir, consider it done," his assistant replied.

"So many plans, so little time," the president of the company boastfully said aloud as he checked a few more contacts.


Brad blinked his eyes, squinting from a killer headache that rang in his head. The first thing he noticed, however, was the taste of something metal in his mouth. It was large and smooth, pressed so deeply that it prevented him from speaking. The next thing that he noticed was the definite odor of farm animals around. He blinked a times to focus his vision and looked around.

He has seen enough stables from his uncle's farm to know he was in a box stall. The high ceilings and large fans gave credence to the fact he was in an American barn, specifically made for horses. In his particular cell, fresh hay had been strewn about, with a larger amount in the back of the pen.

That is when Brad noticed the third thing that was odd. He was on all fours and naked except for a halter around his head and neck. He tried to reach up to take it off, but his arms and legs were stiff and fully extended, not allowing him to move them normally. As he pondered the situation, he heard a noise outside the pen that drew his attention.

"Oh," Frank started, "I see that you are finally awake. I must have hit you harder than I planned. You have been out for almost a day now. The collar looks good on you."

"You bastard, what have you done to me? Get this shit off me so I can go to the bathroom before I beat the crap out of you." Brad tried gritting his teeth, forgetting about the metal for a moment, but quickly stopping.

"Well, there is some incentive for me freeing you, but as luck would have it, I just cleaned your stall so you can go in the corner like any other horse would." Frank smiled, wondering what his nonchalant commands would do to the youth.

Brad was about to say something vile, but instead he found himself waling to the back of the stall. "What the Hell?" He said aloud as he turned around and defecated into the straw. When that was done, he let a stream of urine go, hitting his hands in the process.

"Oh I am going to love this," Frank said with a chuckle. "Oh, by the way, you might want to apologize to Maximus for what you did to him. He is in the stall to your right." Frank walked to the end of the barn that led to a smaller breeding barn.

As he turned the light switch off, he heard Brad softly saying, "I am sorry, Max."

Frank closed the door and opened the door to the barn. He had originally planned to use it, but a bad experience with a mare in heat and the general health issues had made he decided only on stallions. Basically, the layout of the barn was simple. There were larger stalls to the left and right of the entrance. Directly abutted to those and across from the entrance was a stall that took up the back half of the barn. Each stall had two gates, one gate to the hall where Frank now occupied, and a gate to the larger stall in back. The designed allowed the horses to be near each other while the mare came into heat, allowing them only to be together when the time was right.

Flipping on the lights, Frank peered into Kevin's stall first. The smaller boy was still sleeping but it appeared to Frank the boy had already gained a bit of bulk. The bruise on the side of his head was all but gone and his black hair had grown to his shoulders already. He chuckled as he looked at Kevin with the hackamore.

Turning to Mark, Frank noticed similar details on the boy. He was concerned at first, considering Mark's genitals were swollen. But as he looked, Frank noticed the boy's sacs were no longer swollen, and in fact looked a bit small for a boy of his size. Like Kevin, Mark's hair had grown to his shoulders and had started to turn wispy white.

"Maybe injuries accelerate the process?" He shrugged and let the boys sleep, turning around and flipping the switch off.


Mary and the ram cuddled close together. Her belly had grown large and most the sheep in her pen were almost due as well. She was a bit sad still, over the fact her son had run away and had not been found. She thought back to her husband the senator. She was still active with most of his associates and was talking to them at length about creating provisions for Anthros and even lobbied support for Soytex.

She got out of bed and checked the Web for the latest news. Apparently, there was many companies trying to duplicate the device that had made them so popular, but no one could discover the actual reason to why they worked. Because of that, people had got some companies with 'muscle' to try force the government to step in to make Soytex to reveal how the device was created for 'health reasons'. The measure, however, failed miserably mainly from the efforts that Mary and a few other individuals had created.

Just then, the phone rang. "Hello?" Mary said with a yawn.

"Did I call too early?" Mr. Alcort asked.

"No, I just got up. In fact, I was reading about your company and how other companies are jealous of your invention." She slowly walked to her kitchen, flipping the switch to the Mr. Bean coffee maker.

"Yes, I know, they are pains. In fact one of the reasons I called was to thank you for your efforts and to ask you a favor."

"Sure, anything at all," she replied getting things ready for her drink.

"Great! Let me explain," Mr. Alcort said with enthusiasm.


A week had passed as all three boys got accustom to their new predicament. The first real development occurred in their arms and legs as they grew to equal lengths. Frank was diligent in keeping their stalls clean, mucking out each at dawn's first light, replacing it with clean straw. For the most part, Kevin and Mark were sluggish during the first week, simply eating the honey oats from their troughs and sleeping. Brad was feisty as ever, but found he couldn't do anything that he wanted to do to Frank.

Shortly after the first week in when the accelerated growth occurred. The veracious appetite of the three kept Frank busy as he struggled to keep their bins full. All three boys gained a lot of weight and bulk but for the most part still resembled themselves with minor difference. It wasn't until a month went by that the first major changes occurred.

"Mark," Kevin called out, "what do you think is going on?"

"I don't know Kev, this feels so weird." Mark answered.

Kevin stuck his face over the edge of the low four foot fence line. When Mark looked at his friend, he gasped in surprise. Kevin's face had turned grayish white with a thin covering of a fine fur. All down his body, spots of the same coloring were emerging. From the top of Kevin's nose to the bottom of his chin had pulled out slightly elongating his face.

"You are changing!" Mark exclaimed, feeling his heart starting to race.

"I know, and that isn't all," Kevin answered, turning to his side so he could lift his hind right leg. Mark stared at his friend's package. There between the youth's legs was his fourteen inch penis. It had turned slightly black and looked like it was glistening, but it was hard to tell exactly in the dim light. His sacs had grown to the size of oranges.

Mark ogled his friend. He couldn't believe how much his privates had changed. He felt his heart pound in his expanded chest and he couldn't take his eyes off his friend's unit. He sniffed the air, taking in the musky aroma and felt a warming tingling spread through his body.

"Shesh, take a picture it will last longer," Kevin finally said as he lowered his leg and faced his friend again.

Mark couldn't help just to stare at his friend's face. He started to think of his unit again and he shook his face to try to clear the image. He asked, "What about me?" He turned to his side and mimicked Kevin's actions.

Kevin strained to see his friend the light's angle in Mark's pen not favoring him. "It's hard to see with your stomach in the way but it looks like...," he paused for a moment, chuckling to himself as Mark's package was very small and it looked silly on his large frame. Still, he didn't want to hurt his friend's feelings so he corrected himself before continuing, "You haven't grown there yet. Don't worry though, mine grew overnight." As he continued to chuckle, he took in the scents of his friend. Something was definitely different about it. The aroma was sweeter, lighter and it kind of turned him on. "Put your leg down before he sees you."

"Why do I care?" He said to his friend with a snort.

"Because," a third voice started, "I care about you."

Both heads turned to see Frank standing in the door with fresh feed. Both the boys smiled and ran to their troughs in anticipation causing Frank to laugh, their actions identical to the stallions in the other barn. "My, my, my look at you Kevin. Aren't you the stud?"

Kevin smiled and threw his head back, thrusting his chest out proudly. He stood like that for a few moments when he suddenly felt a shooting pain from the center of his back to his rear. His flesh tore, trickling blood to stain the hay as his tail erupted growing in length until it was almost to the back of his knees. Kevin cried out in pain as Mark and Frank simply watched. Kevin's fingers started to turn black as they came together. He curled his fingers together forming a fist to try to fight off some of the pain, but the pain was replaced with a streak of fear as the fingers merged together to form a black lump. Kevin was filled with fear. So much so, that he couldn't move watching the actions of his body. He felt the pain in his feet as it too turned black and formed the same type of lump. After several minutes passed, the pain subsided and Kevin was left with four hooves instead of the appendages he was used to.

"Why?" He softly wept, his racing heart slowing to normal.

"You are your friend were hurt very badly, and since I live so far away from anyone I doubt you would have lived. This was the only way I could think of to repair the damage, but after it started, I was curious to see the full effect." Frank told them as he took the feed back and filled there bins.

"Where is Brad," Mark asked with genuine concern in his voice.

"Oh, he is keeping Maximus and my other stallions company. He, unlike you, wasn't hurt. I didn't want anything happening to you while you evolved..." Frank stopped, biting his lip on the slip of the tongue.

"Evolve?" They both asked at the same time.

"You will discover that in due time for now rest and eat." Frank replied.

They both had questions, but his words soothed them. They felt a wonderful calming effect ebb over them and they both slowly walked to their food and started to eat.

Frank turned and made his way for the bigger barn, leaving the lights on for them. Walking into the main stables he peered into Brad's pen. His body had fur covering every part of him. The fur was mostly white, with creamy, tan spots on his rear. He had already grown his hooves over the course of the previous few days. Standing unobserved in the shadows, Frank watched as Brad turned around in the corner. Spreading his rear legs apart he partially squatted as he peed. He shaft has already grown so small it was barely noticeable. Frank continued to watch as Maximus sniffed the air and stuck his nose over the barrier that separated the two.

"Get out of here you glue factory," Brad spat out. When Frank walked a bit closer, Brad focused his attention to the new noise. His ears had relocated on the top of his head, and his hearing had dramatically improved. Unconsciously, he sniffed the air, "Oh, it's you. What the Hell do you want?"

"Oh I don't know," Frank started, "why don't you go kiss Max on the lips?"

Brad was about to spit at him but moved toward the nose that was coming over the top of his stall. Leaning up, he pressed his lips to the horse's mouth and kissed him. Max whinnied and shoved his tongue into the boy's mouth, licking the roof of his mouth. Brad wrinkled his nose in disgust, but continued to French kiss Max until the horse broke it off, looking for a way into Brad's pen.

"Aw, he likes you." Frank said with an evil smile on his face.

"Yeah? And how do you know that?" Brad said, his voice still icy.

Frank didn't verbally answer, but simply pointed to the Clydesdale. Brad's eyes opened wider than saucers as he peered through the slats. The horse's penis had dropped and it had to be more that two feet long and four inches wide. He felt strangely drawn to the sight, leaning in low on the bottom of the stall. Max suddenly turned and let a stream of pungent urine fly, hitting Brad in the face.

"Wha...," was all he managed to say before he felt the warmth of the stream enter his mouth. He spat it out and coughed moving as far away as he could. The odor was all he could smell but it was so good to him. That is when he noticed warmth and wetness between his legs. He tried to take his mind off it but the warmth turned into an itch and he started to rock his backside on one of the wooden posts.

The barn erupted in noise as several of the horses started to get agitated. It took Frank a lot of effort to clam the horses down, but he managed to do it. By the time he had returned to Brad's pen, the 'boy' had blood dripping down his rear legs. Getting some cooling waters, Frank entered the pen.

"Be good and calm. Let me clean you up." Frank said is a soft voice that he used to calm the other horses. Frank brought a pail of warm water and a large sponge, wiping the blood from the youth. As he cleared it away, he watched in fascination as the folds of her vulva formed. She had the smallest of a nub left that was formally her penis, but it disappeared. He wiped her legs, cleaning her up until there was no trace of injury or blood. Stepping back, Frank looked over the new horse. The frame was definitely getting there, but it still had a ways to go. The neck needed to extend; the muzzle needed to grow out more; and overall bulk and muscle mass needed to be added, but there was no denying the process now.

Over the course of the next month, those changes occurred in all there of the youths. Kevin and Mark became large Arabians while Brad turned into a skewbald Tobiano mare. When Mark's "bleeding" - as Frank called it - occurred, he took Kevin to the pasture while he cleaned Mark. All three of the horses could speak in horse and in English, although talking in their formal native tongue was difficult at best. Fifty-nine days later, Frank was inspecting each of them. He had been exercising them for the last week or so, and he came to the conclusion that no one would ever be able to tell they were anything but what they now appeared to be.

On the next day, Frank went to the smaller barn to begin. He had a big grin on his face and even felt his own heart racing. He started with Mark, walking around the mare inspecting her closely. Towards her flank, he noticed a splotch of coloring that extended outwards in four directions. He chuckled and continued walking, going behind her. He saw the classic "winking" effect and knew it was time. "So," he began, "you're new name is 'X Marks the Spot'. You will respond to that when you are called and forget what your former name was." With that said he gently moved the mare into the larger pen. "Now you wait here like a good girl."

"Yes," is all 'X Marks the Spot' could say.

Moving to Kevin's stall, Frank inspected the stallion. Kevin had grown into an impressive specimen even by horse's standards. Walking up the male, Frank told him, "Did you know Kevin means lovable and gentle in Gaelic? Now I want you to live up to your namesake. Your new name is Filib which literally means "lover of horses". You will answer only to that and forget your former name. Leading Filib into the larger pen he introduced the horses to their new names, "'X Marks the Spot', this is Filib, Filib this is 'X Marks the Spot'. You will refer to each other by these new names or any pet names you might develop for as long as I allow you to speak." With that, he closed the smaller pens and walked out.

Filib walked around the mare sniffing the air, visually inspecting her up close for the first time. He walked over to her and nibbled softly on her front right bicep.

"What you doing?" X asked.

"You sexy," Filib replied, licking his muzzle.

"Snap out of it, know who I am," X said, desperately trying to form the words.

"I remember you and Brad picked on me cause I small." Filib said kissing his former friend on the lips.

X shivered at the kiss feeling something moist forming behind her as she could feel the contractions behind her. As a human, he could never understand why it was called 'winking', but now that it was her body doing it, she comprehended it fully. She closed her eyes and concentrated thinking to herself, 'Just don't let him have access.' Slowly walking forward, she gulped in air, not looking to her friend. She felt an urge and tried to hold it back, but her body defied her as she let a stream go, quickly moving forward out of the spot.

Filib watched the scene and licked his lips again. Walking over to the spot he sniffed the ground where his friend had just pissed. He whinnied at the scent of a mare in heat as he felt his own member slipping from his sheath. He pissed in the same spot, marking his acceptance of the offer, before moving over to his mare. Slowly he nosed her under the tail, licking his friend's velvety lips. He plunged his tongue deep into the crevice, dragging his tongue up as he pulled it out. He felt something slapping his chest and knew just how turned on he was from her scent.

"Please no," was all X could say, stomping the ground before turning her head back to look at him. Her eyes went wide looking at the fifth limb her friend had, but turned away when she saw Filib rear up on her back.

"You mine," Filib grunted as he aimed his shaft at her opening. After two tried his slightly enlarged head found its proper place and he pressed into her slowly. His mind was still partially human, and something in him wanted to drag this out. He strained on his hind legs as he pushed his shaft deeper into the virgin passage.

X yelped as she felt something tear in her. She didn't know how, but she knew it was her maidenhood being removed. She yelped as her muscles squeezed the massive tree trunk in her. Her muscles contracted and held onto it tightly as they coated him in her juices. She found herself rocking back and forth, building up speed slowly. She stopped, when she felt pressure against something deep inside of her.

Filib would have none of that, his mind letting the animal in him slowly take over. He pressed harder and harder in her grunting and sweating from the work. He too felt the pressure, but unlike her, he wasn't ready to stop. He pulled out and pressed into her again harder and felt a tight muscle expand over his head, but not completely let him in. She pulled out even further and slammed with all his might in her crashing his shaft's head pass her cervix. She yelped as he suddenly felt more wetness on his member and he somehow knew she had an orgasm on his member. The sensations were too much, though, and he felt his head expand as he unloaded a torrent of his virile seed into her awaiting body. When he was done empting into her, he dismounted and licked his lover's lips getting the excess fluids off her that was dripping out. When he was finished with that, he walked to her front and kisses her again saying, "Mine!"

X simply nodded and meekly replied, "I yours."

Frank grinned from the shadows, slipping out to get Brad. He led Brad out to the pasture. When he was midway he stopped and faced the mare. "You will no longer be able to speak unless you are alone with me like now, understand?"

"Yes," Brad replied.

"You fully know who you were, but you will find the mare in you calls the shots. 'Brad' is just along for the ride. In fact, your name is now 'Bride of Max' and you will respond to that name. Understand?"

"Yes," 'Bride of Max' replied.

Frank left for a moment, leaving the mare alone. The horse gently bent her head down nibbling the grass as Brad tried to stop himself. The texture and taste turned Brad's stomach subconsciously, but the mare was enjoying the taste. Her nostrils flared when Frank approached again, leading Maximus on a harness. Brad desperately tried to run away but 'Bride of Max' just turned and flicked her tail back and forth. Frank led the stallion to the mare's front, leaning into her ear to state, "Remember when you hurt Max and laughed? Well, now it's our turn."

With that he released the reins on Max and stepped back. The stallion immediately went behind the mare, licking at her swollen, wet sex. She whinnied and moved her tail aside to wink at the stud. Brad cried out, tried to move, tried to do anything that would take the horse away from here, but the mare was in heat and she wanted a good rutting. She didn't have long to wait as the towering Clydesdale jumped on the much smaller horse and rammed its rod into the mare. Back and forth, not giving her a chance to adjust to his monstrous piece, the stallion flagged his own tail and crammed every inch of his cock into her body before exploding. Both horses shuddered as they had both lost their virginity at that point. Max dismounted, taking a stream of his juices with him. The mare didn't even have time to orgasm and grunted in dissatisfaction. But the sense of emptiness didn't last long for she eyed the entire herd heading towards the only mare in the pasture, having been released by Frank.

Over the course of the next few days 'Bride of Max' had mated with every stallion a few times. Frank had noticed a decrease of their aggression already and decided it was best if she always satisfied them. The people from Soytex showed up, taking the paired horses away, Frank having already altered their ability to talk.

As the trailer pulled away, the sheriff showed up. "Howdy, Frank," Sheriff Gertah said as they both casually walked to the fenced in pasture. "We got a directive from the Marshall to talk to every citizen about his missing son."

"Missing son?" asked Frank. "When? Who?"

"About three months ago, Frank Burr and two of his buddies went missing so I was wondering if you saw anything about then."

Just then "Bride of Max" started to trot towards the two men, but was stopped when one of the stallions mounted her.

"How is the new mare working out?" the sheriff asked.

"Peachy, and I am sure she is enjoying herself, aren't you dear?" Frank said to the mare.

The mare simply whinnied in delight, as Brad screamed out in his mind to be saved.

"But to answer your question, I haven't seen anything. It's been quiet." Frank offered.

"Thanks Frank, just had to make sure. With the money the old man has and the people he knows, it's a wonder that brat of his didn't run away sooner. Well have a good one." With that the sheriff left.

Frank could only laugh out loud.


Cathy approached the podium speaking clearly into the microphone, "My fellow reporters, it give me great pleasure to be able to introduce Mr. Alcort with some news that I am certain you will all find interesting."

Mr. Alcort approached the stand in his custom made Brioni suit. "Thank you all for coming. I have asked you to come to our headquarters here in the 'mile-high city' for I think it is important to give back to the community that has given me and my company so much. I have already given an interview to the Denver Post but I wanted the initial information to be out on the wires. I will not take questions until after the article is published, but I wanted everyone to know that I am officially announcing my intension to run for President of the United States. Thank you all.