She Made Her Move

Story by Trim Six on SoFurry

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Zuh. This story isn't all that great in my opinion, but then again, I'm not really the best judge of my stories, because I'm so self-critical. Heh.

This is an incestual story between a mother and son. If you don't like it, you should probably go elsewhere. I know lots of people are offended/sickened by incest, so if you're one of 'em, don't read past the dotted line.

The older, black-furred, yellow-eyed feline licked her chops as she placed her paw on the doorway of the door that stood ajar, her eyes peering into the darkness of her son's room.

She was completely naked. Her tail slowly swayed back and fourth as she stood still in the doorway of her house, watching. She licked her chops again. Her son was beating himself off, of course in the darkness of his room, assuming that his mother had fallen asleep. Her husband had gone on another business trip. He works abroad, so this is normal for the whole family. They're very used to it. This was different, though. He would be abroad for a week. Maybe two. Either way, she was going to make her move tonight.

She stood at roughly five-foot eight. Her thirteen year old son stood at the same height minus eight. For his age, he was gifted. Six inches, and still growing. Most likely, when he grew up, he would be around ten inches long. Or maybe nine. It was random, as far as she knew.

She purred softly, watching that soft, furry paw roll back and fourth along a pink shaft. He was thick, too. He whimpered softly as his hips lifted off the bed every once in a while, pre dripping from his member. She always wondered what he would think about. She hoped her.

The young boy, colored exactly like his momma, panted softly as he forced his hand to beat at a furious speed, whimpering more and more as he felt so close to the edge, but just couldn't quite get there. His mother noticed the whimpering and licked her chops again, rubbing a little bit at her clitoris, biting her lip to stifle a moan. Her son was so hot, so sexy. So young and innocent. She made her move.

"Honey," she whispered softly as she came in through the door. The whole house was dark, so it wasn't like she was a silhouette when she entered the room.

The boy gasped and covered himself up. "Mom!" he cried out, but then quieted himself. They were the only two in the house, but it was a force of habit, you could say. "Mom, I thought you were asleep."

In the darkness, she was grinning. "I was... I heard you whimpering and whining and making all sorts of noise and I thought something was wrong." She slowly approached the bed and kneeled down, slowly bringing her paws out to caress at her child's head. He purred gently.

"No," he tried to breathe normally, "I'm fine, mom."

She chuckled in the back of her mind. Yes you are, her head said. Her lips spoke differently. She made her move.

Slowly, her muzzle scooted closer to her son. "Alright, if you say so, dear." She pressed her muzzle to his cheek and gave him a kiss. The kiss was different. Though it was to his cheek, he wiggled, as it felt... different. More loving than nurturing, more lustful (what?!) than caring. He shrugged it off though, and just wrapped his arm around his mom, smiling contently, his erection slowly beginning to die down, his heart slowly falling to a normal pace. His mother made her move again, slowly bringing her lips to his own, crawling up onto the bed, kissing him that much more. His eyes went a little wide, as he realized that his earlier suspicions about this odd lust were right.

"M--mom?!" he whispered, his ears perking. She placed a single digit at his lips.

"My beautiful son. Shush. I saw what you were doing--" he instantly went red "--and now I'm going to help you take care of it." With that, she pressed her muzzle hard against her blood, her child, and took him into a deep kiss, wrapping her arms around his back and pulling him oh so close. Her rough tongue slid past his lips and met the boy's, slowly licking at it. Her son was wide-eyed and confused, frozen with shock, not sure how to react. His mouth remained open, though, as his mother explored his body. Eventually, after the kiss lingered for a minute or so, his eyes lidded, and his body became a bit limp. His six-inch member was his body's polar opposite, however.

"My son, my son," she whispered hoarsly, slowly reaching back to let her thirty-three-year-old, still soft-as-silk paw curl around her child's member and start to slowly stroke it. The boy whimpered and moaned, bucking his hips up into his momma's paw. She smiled and crooned, her head craning forward to kiss him deeply again. This time, he returned. This made the mother moan out with great delight, wrapping her free paw around him and curling it into the back of his head fur as she kissed him. Oh god was she wet.

They both began panting through their noses, pink on their short muzzles, contrasting on their black fur. The fist on the boy's crotch moved faster, the boy's whimpering becoming higher in pitch as he shoved himself harder against his mother's palm. She purred deeply to him, the kiss slowly parting. The son didn't want it to end, because he was enjoying it so much, but he accepted it nonetheless. The mother licked her chops again, letting the strand of saliva that roped from their muzzles, from bottom lip to bottom lip. The mother panted softly, bringing her stroking to a pause eventually, moaning as her horniness heightened.

"I want to make love to you," she whispered to him. "I've loved you more than a son for so long, but I couldn't show you my true colors until your father went away for a long period of time." She purred softly, kissing her sons cheek as she gave his pink member a squeeze, causing the boy to whimper slightly. "And... I was wondering if you felt the same about me?" she continued to speak softly. She didn't really think so, but you never knew.

The boy gulped and simply stared at his mother. He couldn't believe it. He had always fantasized about her (seems that mother's always know) whenever he pawed off. That warm slit wrapped tightly around his member as his mother rode him, moaning his name. He whimpered softly to himself and wiggled. His mother's ears wilted, thinking this meant a no.

There was much silence in the room before he answered, however.

"Y--yes mother," he said softly. Timidly, even. His mother flinched slightly. Although she had suspected this, it did come off as a surprise. She expected a "no." But this of course made her smile and kiss her son deeply again, resuming the stroking to his member. He whimpered and whined softly from under the grasp of his mother's hand.

Just as quickly as it started, though, it stopped. This caused the son to whine softly through his mother's lips. The kiss parted again. Slowly, the mother began to straddle her son, her knees on either side of his hips, her tail lifted as high as it could go.

"My sexy, lovely little son. I want to feel you inside of me," she said seductively

"I want to be inside of you, too, momma," responded the son, shooting back that seductive tone.

She slowly lowered her hips, her wanting pussy aiming right toward her son's thick member. She licked her chops simply at the thought of it being inside of her. Her silky-soft paws found his shoulders, and slowly, she began to slide down. She closed her eyes and gasped softly, feeling her experienced twat begin to open up around her child's dick. The son moaned and slowly brought his paws to his momma's hips, wiggling and whimpering with delight. It must be a dream, he thought. This can't be real, he thought.

It was real.

His mother bottoming out on him, pressing her wet hips to his, was real. The tightness that surrounded his member, was real. His mother's moaning was real. The paws holding him down as that sexy set of hips rolled back and fourth on his tool, causing electric tingles of pleasure to shoot all over his body, causing him to wiggle and moan with delight, causing him to drool with pre, causing him to thrust back, was real. It was real.

The mother purrowled and moaned out as she started thrusting faster onto her son's dick, panting happily. She then gazed deeply into her son's eyes--the ones that were the almost-exact replica of her own--and smiled brightly. Warmly. Lovingly. She then pressed her muzzle to his and forced him into that kiss again. They both wrapped their rough tongues around each other's, panting heavily, the mother doing all the work, mostly. She drove her hips down to the hilt, then pulled out when only the head of her son's member was inside of her, only to shove herself down again.

The boy squeezed his mother's hips, driving his claws hard into her figure, causing the mother to moan with delight. She liked it rough. She then rewarded her son by tightening her older self around his dick, her juices drenching his fur as she rode him with all her might. The sound of her hips slamming down on him filled the room. The sound of their lips kissing and suckling on each other's tongues filled the room. They weren't making love so much as they were fucking, but neither of them really minded.

The son, having pumped his dick so much earlier, began to whimper even louder with great delight, starting to thrust his hips harder into his mother. He began to throb, to swell a little bit thicker than he already was. His head reeled back as he arched his body.

"Momma! I'm gonna cum!"

"Oh yes, my lovely little boy, do it! Fill your mother!" she quickly responded. The thoughts of her young child filling her body sent her over the edge, causing her to squeal slightly as she squeezed his shoulders tighter, pumping harder and harder onto him, her cunt tightening around him. This caused the boy to yelp and dig his claws deeper into his mother's hips, causing dimples to show in her black fur. They both meowled out into the house and came, almost in sync. The boy's testicles began to pump and empty themselves into his mother's body while his mother twitched and squeezed him with both her hands and her twat. They both shuddered and moaned softly, until they both fell from their orgasm. The mother fell forward and collapsed on her son.

"Can I sleep with you tonight, dear?" she said softly, giggling a little as she panted happily. The son giggled too.

"Of course, momma."