Sara's Story - Chapter 3

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#3 of Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Act 1: Past

Chapter 3 - It is our pain to serve you!

© 2003 Nameless

The fingers exploring in my slit wake me up. Startled, I give a little yelp. Then I force myself to smile and relax. I have learned that most masters are less rough with me if they think that I enjoy their attention.

He runs his paws over my body and greets me "Hello, my horny little slave." then he lightly squeezes my breasts and plays with my nipples "You like that, don't you?"

"Good morning, Master." The answer I give is not the one I would like to give, but it is the one least likely to get me punished "Yes, Master." I am still blindfolded. I have to pretend to enjoy his attention for several minutes. He commands me to crawl over and lick him until he is hard. Then I have to turn around and he takes me from behind.

When he is finished, I have to kneel on the bed. He takes care of his morning business and occasionally fondles my body. He commands "When you are finished report to the kitchen." With that he leaves.

After taking care of my basic needs, I put on the short smock and head towards the kitchen.

After breakfast I am paired with a cat femme and we are sent to clean the house. We are sweeping the floor and dusting the furniture in one of the guest bedrooms when a guard comes by. When he sees us, he grins widely, steps into the room and closes the door behind him. We stop sweeping and turn to face the rabbit. He looks us over, then he motions to me "Put down your broom and come here, slave." As I lean the broom against the wall and walk to him, the cat resumes her work. When I stand before him, he commands "Spread your legs, raise your tail straight up and cross your wrists behind your neck."

I can only say "Yes, Master." as I comply. He puts his paws on my thighs and then slowly moves them up, along my body. Grinning widely as he does this, he lifts up my smock, slowly exposing my body to his view. He only stops when his paws have reached my elbows. I am now blinded by my smock and my body is fully exposed to his view. He taps the inside of my ankles and I spread my legs even further. He commands "Don't move." Then he starts exploring my body. He takes his time, paying special attention to my crotch. My muzzle burns as I feel my body respond to his touch. After some time he walks around me, I have to bend forward and he takes me from behind. He pulls my smock a little further up, so my muzzle pokes out under it, then I have to kneel and lick him clean. He lifts my muzzle so I have to look at him. He grins at me "That was good! You have such a hot and wet snatch, my little slave." and asks "Did you enjoy this?"

My muzzle burns furiously as I force out the answer he wants to hear "Yes, Master." He laughs at me and tussles my headfur. Then I have to get up and finish cleaning the room while his paws explore the slit of my fellow slave.

# # #

It is now evening, again I am sent to my master's room, to await his pleasure. I have been kneeling in front of his chair for about half an hour when he comes in and sits on his chair.

He commands "Continue with your story."

"Yes, Master."

# # #

The next morning I was released from the kennel in which I had spent the night, then I was fed and taken back to the sales platform at the market. After a short time I was bought by a middle-aged cat. He paid, bound my paws behind my back, tied a leash to my collar and led me to his carriage. He tied the leash to a bar next to the seat and we set off at a brisk pace. I had to walk the whole day, except for a short rest at midday, when he fed me and I had to suck him off. We arrived at my master's inn only a little while before nightfall. My legs hurt, I was very tired and ready to drop.

I was given a little food, then another slave, a rabbit doe, quickly brushed my fur and I was put to work. I had to serve the customers wearing only the collar. After a short while a lynx paid for my use until the next morning. I had to dance on the table in front of him. Then I had to crawl under the table and lick his cock while he drank and joked with the other patrons. At the last moment he pushed my head away and spurted his load all over my face and breasts. I was not allowed to clean it off, I had to serve him and the other customers like this. They found that very funny, my muzzle was burning brightly, I was so ashamed. I also had to serve the pleasure of several of his friends. Eventually he went to his room, where I had to serve his pleasure again. At least I was not cold that night because he let me share his bed.

That became my life for the next year and half. I was together with two other slaves, a rabbit doe and a vixen. My master's wife and one of his daughters did most of the cooking, while we had to serve the patrons. He also used us to make some extra money. We were allowed to wear a short smock, but if a customer paid a few coppers we had to take our clothes off and continue serving in the fur. For a little more money, one of us would have to serve a patron's pleasure for the night. My master did not take advantage of us very often, because his wife did not approve of him doing this. They both enjoyed being cruel to us, however. When no customer paid for our services, we slept in a small cage in the kitchen, bound and gagged.

They did what they could to make sure that we slaves did not like one another. While we got enough food, mostly leftovers from the day before, only two of us got to eat on any given day. Whichever one of us had done something to anger my master did not get to eat, sometimes for a few days, until his anger fell on another one of us. Sometimes he just selected one of us by tossing a die. The choice was always for all the meals of the day. Then the only possibility of getting anything to eat would be to beg something off a patron. When our master was especially angry, we were gagged while we served his customers, so that we did not have a chance to beg for food.

We were sat down at a small table, the two who were to be fed had their paws bound behind them, the other one was gagged. Then she had to feed the other two. The ones who were fed did everything they could to make the other one feel bad, smacking their lips and showing how much they enjoyed the food. If one of us did not show how much she enjoyed the food, she would not get to eat the next day. In my second week there, I dropped a mug of ale and splashed it all over a patron. In addition to being beaten and given to the customer for the night, I had to feed the other two for four days before the vixen did something to anger our master and I got to eat again. We always had to eat our Kasher nut however and always as the last food of the meal, so that the taste lingered as long as possible.

My master asks "Did you have any especially interesting events there?"

"If you mean interesting as in hurting me a lot, then yes, Master." I answer.

He commands "Do tell." I can hear him smile.

I sigh "Yes, Master."

As I said, Master, they were cruel and never passed up a chance to hurt us. When I was there for about two weeks, they caught one of the feral squirrels that lived in the trees around the inn. They put her in a tiny cage, it was so small that she could hardly move, less than a foot by half a foot which they put on a shelf. It hurt to have to look at her covering there, shivering in fear, but there was nothing I could do for her. That evening they sat me down at the big table in the kitchen and put a plate and knife in front of me. My master told me "Today we have something special for you to eat." Then he fetched the caged squirrel and put it on the table in front of me. When I did not move he grinned and told me "You will not get any other food until you have eaten it. If you let it escape, you will starve. You may leave the bones and the fur, you have to eat everything else. Is that clear, slave?"

"Yes, Master." I managed to say. I could not bring myself to kill and eat her that day, after some time she was put back on the shelf, and I had to serve the customers. I could not bring myself to kill her when they gave her to me for breakfast or lunch the next day, but in the evening, I broke down and killed and then ate her. They had not fed her or given her any water and I could see that she would die soon anyway.

My eyes are burning and wet, and I sniff to clear my nose.

After a little while my master asks "Anything else?"

"Yes, Master."

It was on Thanksgiving day, I had not eaten that day. After the celebration in the common room, I had to serve the pleasure of a rabbit in his room. He had drunken quite a lot. I sucked his cock for some time, but he did not get hard. Disgusted he made me stop. When I looked up, the expression on his face was so funny that I laughed.

"Ouch." my master comments.

"Yes, Master."

He looked at me in disbelief, then he screamed " You are going to pay for this, slut." He pulled up his trousers, grabbed his purse and ran out of the room, the piece of rawhide tied to my nose ring in his paw. I could barely follow fast enough to keep him from ripping the ring out of my nose. As I struggled to follow him down the stairs, I stumbled and fell down the stairs. Trying to break my fall, I broke my left wrist. He caught my master as he was closing for the night and asked "How much does this slut cost?"

My master looked at us and asked "Why do you want to know?"

He jerked on the cord, causing me to yelp in pain "She insulted me and I'm going to teach her a lesson. If she does not learn fast enough it just might kill her."

The pain in my wrist was terrible, I could not suppress the occasional whimper and started shivering. My master for the night started laughing when he smelled my fear.

My master named a price and the rabbit paid it without batting an eye "Do you need any teaching implements, can I lend some to you?"

"Yes, let me have a look." They went to the kitchen where we were kept and the rabbit picked up some knives, ropes and a whip. From her place in the cage the vixen looked at me with pity in her eyes.

The innkeeper pawed him a gag "Have fun but do not wake up all the other guests."

I had to carry everything except the knives back to his room.

When he saw how I held my left paw, he asked me "What happened to your paw?"

"I think I broke it when I fell down the stairs, Master."

He grinned and gagged me. Then he took my left paw and asked "Does this hurt?" as he slowly twisted it. I screamed into the gag, then I fainted.

He woke me up by splashing cold water on my face. He grinned at me and rubbed his paws "We are going to have a lot of fun tonight, my little slut. This is going to be a long night." I groaned, which made him laugh. He pointed at the chamber pot "Take care of your business, if you soil the floor, you will have to lick it up." I did as he commanded. When I was finished, he tied me to the table. My ankles were spread wide and tied to the table legs, my paws were tied to the far corners of the table. After he had taken care of his own needs, he picked up a switch and used it on my backside. I mewled then screamed into my gag, after some time I passed out from the pain.

After he had woken me up again, he untied me, turned me around, then tied me to the table again, facing the other way. Tied up like this, I had trouble not putting weight on my left paw. Then he used his switch on my front, paying special attention to my breasts and slit, until I passed out again. After I woke up, he let me rest a while, but tied up as I was, my left paw throbbed. He untied me and removed the gag, then he asked "Are you hungry, girl?"

I had not eaten that day and answered "Yes, Master."

He grinned at that. I had to kneel in front of the chair. He tied me up, so that I could barely move, my left arm tied behind my back, my right paw was tied to my collar with a short piece of rope, so that I could move it about a foot or so. He tied my knees to the chair legs.

He gave me a spoon and told me "I have a special soup for you." With that he put the chamber pot on the stool before me and commanded " Eat!" The smell made me gag, if my stomach had not been empty, I would have thrown up. When I could not bring myself to start eating, he picked up a knife and told me "If you don't eat fast enough for my liking, I'll cut you. And I won't stop doing it, you just might bleed to death. And don't wake up the other guests." With that he poked the tip of the knife into my left breast. I fought down the urge to scream as I felt the blood trickle down my front. Shivering with fear and disgust I brought the spoon to my lips and forced myself to swallow. He crouched beside me, the fingers of his left paw explored my slit while his other paw caressed me with the knife, running the tip through my fur and pointing out spots where he would like to use it on me.

My master commands "Stop!" then "Close your eyes and keep them shut." I can hear the clink as he opens his belt buckle. Then he commands "Suck me!" and guides my head to where he wants it, firmly but without hurting me. He is already hard and it takes only a few licks until he starts spurting his load into my mouth. After he is finished and I have licked him clean, he commands "Get back into position." When I have done this, he says "You can open your eyes and continue with your story."

"Yes, Master." I say.

I have no idea how long it took me, but by the time I had licked the pot clean, he had cut me dozens of times and my fur was caked with blood. I had trouble focusing my eyes and my head was swimming from the pain and blood loss. He tied my right paw behind my back as well and gagged me. He told me "Time to go to bed, my little slut. Sleep well!" and pulled and twisted my left paw until I stopped howling into the gag and passed out. I spent the rest of the night kneeling there, barely conscious, drifting in and out of sleep.

In the morning the rabbit got up, took care of his needs and left the room without so much as looking at me. I was so weak I could barely lift my head. Some time later my master came to check on me, his only comment was " Yuck!" then he left again.

Some time later the other two slaves came, untied me and tried to revive me with cold water. When that did not help me very much, they half dragged, half carried me to the kitchen. My master and his wife looked me over, then they argued about whether to try to heal me or just cut my throat and buy a new slave with the money the rabbit had paid. I think the vixen saved my life, when she asked "Are you going to let her take the easy way out?" She got a beating out of it for speaking without being asked but they decided that the slaves should try to keep me alive. They washed my wounds, set my wrist, put it in a splint and fed me some soup, then they wrapped me in a blanket and put me next to the stove, to keep me warm. For more than a week I could only lie there, and it took me a long time to recover fully. My left wrist still hurts sometimes.

In late May or June somefur got me with child. When my master learned of this, he increased my the amount of Kasher nuts I had to eat. He also beat me much more often than he had before, concentrating on my slit and belly. I lost the kit in late September.

I was there until late April the following year.

# # #

"Enough for today." my master commands. He stands up and starts walking away "Prepare yourself. I will be back in a little while."

I barely have time to answer "Yes, Master." before he is out of the door.

I get up, brush my fur and take care of my other needs. As I get ready to lie down on the bed, I cannot find the blindfold. I search for it, but it is not there. I do not dare to look into the closets however. I am scared. I hope that my master has decided that am to be allowed to see his face. But if it was misplaced and I see his face without his approval. I shudder when I think about how I might be punished. Finally I lie down, cover my face with my smock and wait for my master.

End of Chapter 3