Is it Right?

Story by SinisterTree on SoFurry

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It was a blank, cold, and wet day today; but then again every day in this war was cold, cold despicable and lonely. See this was a war being fought between furs, happening well into the future; it is a war between a unorganized mass of renegades and a goverment fighting to keep their planet in check. The renagades saw no reason as to why they should be stifled and shut away so one day their leader gathered some friends, rallied and gained some support. He started by taking the little villages on the rims of the goverened states, we thought nothing of it, but now, now it has grown to be a problem.

Thursday, May 17, 2742

Omega Sector, Planet # 5, Elsentia

I am James R. Huxley, and I have been a part of this war for the past 14 years it has been going on. Ever since being forced from my fami.. well I guess being by yourself isn't really a family, but what counts counts. I've really been a loner my entire life almost, it kinda' makes me feel hollow inside ya'know? Just writing about it in here doesn't make me feel any better, I mean I've been looking for a good mate for awhile, I mean I don't look horrible and I have had quite a few hits from the ladies; but I just feel, uncomfortable, around them. I've been around my friends a lot and they make me feel safe and...

My Friend, Justin Krayer, had come rushing down into the sleeping quarters. He spun around the corner and popped his otter head out, "Huxley! Topside now! Sgt. Seff wants to see you now in lookout point Zulu! Make sure to gear up it sounds like he wants you on watch.". I moaned and closed my journal, stashed it in my pillow then rolled off my bunk. I had got up and was already on my way to the equipment locker, I noticed Justin was following me but I didn't mind it. I began to fit on my Mark VI DCSG helmet and leggings when Dawson grabbed hold of my shoulder. "Hey buddy, watch it up there, sitting on your ass all day ain't always what is it cut out to sound like...and I don't wanna' see you lose your head up there." I nodded at him as I was squeezing on my boots, and when I raised my head I was looking him in the face. We were both staring at each other, and I quickly shook my head, "Better get going, before I get in trouble" I said akwardly. "Yeah, that you should" Jordan squeezed out akwardly.

I had began to rush up the stairs and run through the complex's hallways, making a left turn here and a right turn there. "Why do we have to make these bases so difficult to navigate in, always makes getting somewhere a annoyance." I thought to myself. Eventually I came to the exit to Zulu, I had grabbed a standard-issue battle-rifle on the way out making sure to rest it carefully on my back. I got to the door and slowly opened it to see Sgt. Seff standing right there staring at me, I gulped.

"Well welcome to the party tea-cozy, it's nice to see you've finally arrived! Finally stopped dreaming about humping your boy-toys eh Hux?!" Seff pressed his dog snout into my muzzle, making me quite uncomfortable

"Sir! No Sir!" I yelled, trying not to show any emotion. He continued his evil glare into my face

"Do you think I have time to wait for you here Huxley? This is war! The enemy won't simply excuse your tardiness and say sorry! They'll blow your fucking brains out! I am sorry, but I do not do cleanup! Now I want you to go and make that goddamn gun usefull and stand watch in Zulu tower!" He dug his snout out of my muzzle and pointed up to the tall tower beside us.

"What the hell are you waiting for Corporal?! Your grand-mother? Get the hell up there!" he slapped my back and pushed me into the ladder, instantly winding me due to this strength, "Sir. Yes Sir!" I whimpered, begining to climb the ladder at a fast pace, trying to avoid any more tussles. He grinned and turned around, flinging open the door and descending into the base.

"Just my luck" I quietly said to myself tapping my feet and wiggling my tail around slowly.

"Yeah, just your luck" a familiar voice replied with a hint of cheeryness added. I sat still for a moment thinking, "Is'at? you Justin", a soldier was just coming up the ladder, and he looked at me for a moment and reached towards the back of his neck, he pressed a switch and a distinctive 'FFFFSSSHHHHH' sound came from his suit, he popped off his helmet and there was my old friend's familiar silky-long whiskered face. "Hey Justin! Thought you were gunna' leave me up here by myself all day you ass" I stuck my tongue out.

"Nah", he replied, "It was this or clean up the latrines, and there's a bad case of the flu going through the guys"

I slightly cringed and let out a shudder.

I don't know what it is but being with Justin just helped my day go by easier, I felt safe around him, and he was a good guy to talk to. We sat there for about seven hours until it was dark. Sometimes I swear he'd shoot me a seductive look, or a quick wink, although for an odd reason, I didn't really care. Eventually we heard the door to the entrance to Zulu open and a rabbit was standing there. "Seff wants me to tell you two that it's time to head in for some shut-eye, I'll take watch" We nodded in unison and began our descent down the ladder. Justin and I both had went in to the base and left our guns on the racks; we then proceeded back down to the equipment room where we were going to take off our suits. I was stark naked save my muscle-shirt and socks, when I had began to make my way to my locker, I began to store my armor on the hooks when I turned around to see Justin staring in my direction "Oh!" he said, covering his eyes and turning red. I quickly took both my paws and made sure to cover my manhood, which was embarrisingly beginning to come out of my sheathe. I quickly slid on my boxers and my pants and without looking at Justin headed to my bunk. Really ignoring him wouldn't do me much good seeing as we shared a bunk, but I had to make my exit.

I was sitting in my bunk, staring at the ceiling. I was thinking, why were these things happening to me, why was I having feelings for Justin? Do I love him, am I bad for it? Why is this so troubling and why now? Life was becoming to hard for me, so many things were happening and now they were taking toll. Eventually my eyes became heavy and I could not remember anything beyond that point.

4 Hours later

My eyes suddenly shot open and I was staring at the wall, I must've fallen asleep, I checked my wristwatch and, yup, it was 11 PM. I suddenly turned over because that familiar voice was calling me. "James... James! James!" I realized again I was staring at Justin. Whose eyes were now, somewhat more shiny and majestic in the dark. "Huh, what, what do you want?". Justin blushed for a moment, trying to squeeze out the words.

"Well... I, uh, want to", he strained for a moment, "Need to talk to you..." I stared at him long and hard for a moment considering what he really wanted. Part of me wanted to go and part of me didn't, after awhile (and a quick punch in the gut to bring me back to reality) I had decided to go with him.

We went down a bit from the bunk-rooms and took a left into the men's washrooms, I gulped. We went into a shower stall (which were actually quite spacious, and quite good at not letting a noise in or out).

"Well" Justin had started, looking at me funnily. "Well what?" I said half anxiously/ half scared.

"Shit man! I just want you, it's fucking lonely in this post and I need someone!" Justin yelled. (Yet again I was lucky these showers kept the noise in) I sat there staring for a moment. Then out of nowhere Justin dove towards me and began his assault on my mouth with his own. Me and him were entwined for what felt like to me me a hellishly good eternity. Then Justin slipped off his pants and I could clearly see his member was at a full erect seven and a half inches. He began to stroke his, playfully carresing his shaft with his furry paws; he was so worked up by the activity that he reached into my pants, and grabbed my now erect member, causing me to yelp. He then began to slowly rub my member, playing with the tip and letting his little furry paws explore which made me begin to moan in ecstasy. He then ripped off my pants as well and stared at my seven inch pole with a devilsh smile, he then lifted up a finger as to quiet me and looked down, slowly lowering himself to my member; but when he did I kind of looked at him, mostly afraid.

"Don't be afraid, just feel" he said soothingly, he then slipped my manhood into his mouth and began to suck at it like he had gone without food or drink for years; which instantly drove me crazy. He then took his mouth off and looked at me smugly, "If I'm going to make this pleasurable, you gotta' make an effort too boyo!"

So almost reluctantly, I reached for his 7 and a halfer and began to give him a good tug job, which immediately put a big smile on his face, but then his tail started to thrash and he quickly grabbed my hand, "H...hold on...a..a..second, m-mat...match my sp..speed! I wan..want this to perfect" he let out a soft rumble. So I did as he said and eased up a bit, which was hard as the feeling in my balls was intensifying, sending me to an uncontrollable state of heavenly goodness. We were there for about 3 more minutes until eventually Justin began to moan and groan, "I c-can't....hol...hold it m-m-much lon...GER!" all of a sudden his hot juices were all over my hand and in the shower; seeing him climax all over me had been the final push for me as I sprayed my creamy juices all over his face causing him to collapse into my hands and look up at me and smile.

I had spoken for the first time in awhile, "You know, this'll probably get our coats all sticky, Justin", he let out a weak smile.

We sat there for about 10 minutes in each others hands, enjoying each other's company and feeling comfortable. After that long period of time we both decided to get up and have a shower, to clean off all of our wonderful activity. While Justin was lathering his fur I went up to his ear and whispered, "I think I made the right decision...", I paused, "...I love you". He kissed me on the cheek, "I love you too, James". For once in my life I had felt like I did the right thing and was accepted for it. After our showers we headed back to the bunks and drifted off to sleep, together.

7:02 AM, Friday 18th

"GET THE HELL UP!" I shot up from my covers. My ears hurt because of an alarm going off nearby and the people yelling. "THE RENEGADES! They are attacking! Get suited up and get ready for a fight!". I immediately jumped out of bed and looked for Justin, he was nowhere nearby, so I assumed he was already at the equipment room. When I had hurried over to there, there was no one in sight except for a few people just leaving the room. "Justin?! Justin?!" I kept calling. There was no answer. "Damn" I thought, "He must be topside". So I immediately grabbed a rifle and headed up into the warfare. I was with my old familiar post of Zulu again, I don't remember how many of those renegades I picked off but eventually they faltered, giving us the chance to push then and make them lose their step. As we were scaring the last of them off from their self-made foxholes I had taken the oppurtunity to go up to Sgt. Seffer and ask if he knew about the whereabouts of Justin. "I have no idea solider, go ask some of the other troops!" I sighed, "Sir, yes sir".

No matter who I asked no one knew where he was, so I decided to head back in and see if he was helping in the kitchen or handling something else, anything that was safe! I had scoured almost every floor and he was not there, where could he be, he'd never chicken out, and he couldn't be killed if they say he wasn't in the fight. I heard a sudden creak and a scream, it chilled my bone to hear it, but then I realized it as a possibility of Justin being here; maybe he tripped and passed out, or something conked him on the head! I recognized the sound from the basement, so I went off, fetched the custodians keys, and unlocked the door and ran like a bat-out-of-hell down the stairs, turning over every object, peeking in any corner. Eventually I saw a chunk of the ceiling crushing a pair of long, silky looking hair; I prayed with all my might that it wasn't Sam or he wasn't hurt badily.

J-james is'at y-you?" a voice questioned weakly, I quickly was overcome with joy and began to throw off the pieces of metal, I probably couldn't make it on my on but I could try! I had tried to heave the ceiling piece, but it would not budge, "I have to do this! For Justin, I don't want him to end now!" the words roared in my head. I felt a fire awaken within myself, I pushed the chunk of metal off of Justin, allowing him to breathe.

Justin's eyes were teary and he was a little scratched up. "Thank you, so much man, I love you". We enjoyed a quick kiss when all of a sudden a voice rang out. "Look out! The complex is giving in!"

My eyes shot wide open, I quickly spun around to the door, we both nodded bolting towards it Justin flying up the steps but then a large creaking noise resounded through the ceiling; I had looked up, trying to see what it was when suddenly a large steel beam had cracked off the ceiling and crashed into the stairs destroying my only exit.

My leg was pinned under some debris and I could see Justin in the doorway looking down, "Go! Run!" I yelled "Save yourself!". Justin was beginning to get tears in his eyes, he then shook his head "No, not this way James, not this way". He looked down and then dropped down to the floor. "Are you fucking nuts?!" I yelled. He nodded, "We're gunna' either come out of this dead or alive, but either way, we will be together". He grabbed my paw and squeezed it tightly, I returned the squeeze. We then came together to kiss, when the entire building began to rumble, and fall; but we did not care. We had been locked like that, and that's how it would end, us, together. A large piece of ceiling had come loose and was coming right for us... we knew it was going to end, and this was how. Me and him, I had finally found my true love. Justin. M. Krayer.